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  • #58434

    you’re putting that code as the first line of config.php and nowhere else?

    it might be the way your wp header is set up in comparison to the bbpress templates. mine was completely simple:

    1. add the ONE php require line to config.php

    2. drop Aditya’s files into a subdirectory of my-templates with a style.css with a name section

    3. add bbpress styles to my wordpress theme stylesheet

    4. change template in the presentation dashboard

    Now I wanted my wordpress sidebar so I also added a div tag and sidebar include to those template files but otherwise haven’t had to change anything else.


    Thanks for the reply but I have followed those instructions to a T numerous times and nothing works, including downloading that template. This code

    <?php require_once(‘/absolute/path/to/WordPress Parent Directory/wp-blog-header.php’) ?>

    Breaks the forums completely. I only get a white page when going to the URL….


    I’m working on this today too and followed Aditya’s instructions too and its got me in the right direction– I think what you missed is downloading his “my-template” that pulls all the wordpress header and footer info in for you automagically. It is in the last paragraph “ you can just drop this template” and the link is:

    Anyway, worked for me and only thing left is to customize the forum portions / content area.

    oh, you do need the ‘<?php require_once(‘/absolute/path/to/WordPress Parent Directory/wp-blog-header.php’) ?>’ as the very FIRST line of your bbpress config.php

    Hope that helps.


    Update: Adding this – <?php require_once(‘/absolute/path/to/WordPress Parent Directory/wp-blog-header.php’) ?> gives me the blank page when going back to my forum

    adding this – require_once( ‘/path/to/wordpress/config/file/wp-config.php’); puts this line of text on top of my forum and does nothing….

    I put both lines in the correct place in config.php with the correct absolute path and neither works…any thoughts?


    Please help. For the life of me I cant get my WP Header/Footer into BB. Ive followed the instructions here: but those seem to be old…Either way, ive gone into my template files and replaced bb_get_header() with get_header() and uploaded all of the files and a screenshot into a subfolder in my-templates. When I activate the theme, the theme activates but all i get is a blank page on my forums page…Any thoughts?

    bb .81


    I don’t know the php code. I followed what was stated above. The URI points to the right folder. When you upload an avatar using the bbpress upload avatar plugin, it renames the image you upload to your username.


    $avatar[0] is the filename I believe. Have you checked what’s wrong with the urls?


    well, this plugin names the images by username I think. It also has a default image if no avatar has been uploaded… shouldn’t there be some sort of code there to reference a person’s username?


    The URL doesn’t point to a valid image file so it just displays the alt text. Check what’s wrong with the URL (and remove the pointless reference to $bbposter->user_login).


    I’m confused… I activated that plugin and pasted what you put…but all that is there is the the word “avatar”…. :(

    I put in the url of the forum… did I do something wrong?




    Same database but not same codebase. However you can make bb load wp at the start, and you can make wp load bb at the start (that’s the other method). It’s not difficult but not guaranteed to work, because only a few people have done it. It might mean fiddling with things until they work. If you did that, you could do what you were trying.

    Plugin Name: WP Avatars

    function wp_aud( $felID ) {
    $avatar = get_usermeta( $felID, 'avatar_file' );
    $avatar = explode('|', $avatar );
    $bburl = 'Plz enter the URL of your bb install here';
    echo '<img alt="' . $bbposter->user_login . ' avatar" src="' . $bburl . '/avatars/' . $avatar[0] .'" class="avatar" />';

    Otherwise you could paste that in a new text file, save it in your plugins folder, activate it and then use this in wordpress:

    <?php wp_aud( $comment->user_ID ); ?>

    In theory.


    I wouldn’t know where or how to insert something like you posted above. I thought that since both wordpress and bbpress were using the same database that all I’d have to do is paste the code. Like this for the avatar plugin I am using in bbpress:

    <?php avatarupload_display($user->ID); ?>


    I think I’m losing the plot.. :( just checked the bbpress hot tag and it points internally … so I suppose that while the question remains, the answer is probably “You can’t” – which in turn leads me to raise an enhancement request that such a facility (like the one in wordpress where you can add links to a blogroll on a sidebar)

    In fact it would be more useful if these tags could be added on a per forum (or even per topic basis)


    Didn’t see ganzua’s post, posted at the same time. 😮

    When copy and pasting the code you have to remove any bb dependencies. For example, bb uses the $bbdb; wordpress uses the $wpdb, and for queries and the like you can just switch them. Note that $wpdb does not contain information about the names of bb tables, so $wpdb->topics or the like will not work. In other cases the function names are simply different; bb_get_option() or simply get_option() for example. This code is what I used in bbSync to integrate avatars:

    function bbreplyavatar() {
    global $bbposter, $opshuns;
    $avatar = get_usermeta( $bbposter->ID, 'avatar_file' );
    $avatar = explode('|', $avatar );
    $bburl = $opshuns['bburl'];
    echo '<img alt="' . $bbposter->user_login . ' avatar" src="' . $bburl . '/avatars/' . $avatar[0] .'" class="avatar" />';

    Note that $opshuns and $bbposter need definition (or changing). bbSync could be quite useful to you actually.

    What’s the specific problem you want to solve right now, and what have you tried?


    the edit profile link, yes, that was resolved, but I just meant that statement as an example. There are other things from bbpress that I would like to have displayed in my wordpress sidebar.

    Well, since you mentioned that the first option can be tricky, lets start with the latter? the php code?




    Okay, but which do you want to do? I don’t feel qualified to make that decision for you. Can you make a start on either?


    “I would like to insert the “edit profile” link and some other stuff into my wordpress sidebar.”

    -> I think we have solved this question in the other topic ;-)


    I would appreciate any help. Whichever is the easiest and will work the best. I’m fairly new to coding myself, but I learn fast. is where I’m doing this. I have a lil login form in that first box in the sidebar and once you login, it has a couple links now, like logout. I would like to be able to show the user’s avatar with the “upload avatar” plugin, the private message link(s) from the “private message” plugin.

    Thanks for the help!



    It works!!!!!!

    The working whole code is;

    function wp_registro( $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>' ) {

    if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
    if ( get_option('users_can_register') )
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=register">' . __('Register') . '</a>' . $after;
    $link = '';
    } else { if( current_user_can('activate_plugins') ) {
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/">' . __('Site Admin') . '</a>' . $after;}

    else {global $current_user; $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/bbpress/profile.php?id=' . $current_user->ID . '">' . __('Profile') . '</a>' . $after;

    echo apply_filters('register', $link);

    Now when any user logs in, wordpress sidebar displays a link to his profile in bb, but when is the admin the one who logs in he get a link to wp control panel. :)

    Thanks a lot fel64!


    Sorry – no, not running this on, it is on my own server, however (unless I have not read the headers properly) the e mails don’t appear to originate from my server. I created two test accounts last night – 10 hours later the e mails still haven’t arrived!

    Thank you for details of the fix. It worked (after fixing another @ strpos problem in the functions.php script) however I see that setting is bozo to zero in the admin pages removes the table row, rather than restting it to zero (i.e. setting to one creates the table row with the value 1, resetting it to zero deletes the row, rather than just resetting the value!) which seems strange behaviour – but hey – it works! No doubt it will be swept up in future versions!


    Thank you – sorry, some other anomolies/bugs! The bozo setting is strange as the default setting in the user profile is (literally) “1” but there is no entry imn the meta table. Manually setting the setting to “1” (including quotes) then generates the row in the meta table with the value “1” (including quotes) with the user set to bozo! Perhaps the default setting in the table should be 0.

    Chosen passwords might be preferable to having to wait 48 hours or more for registration password to arrive. This mechanism seems unreliable, but I’m not sure if it is a local server issue or a issue…


    Yeah. That’s because WP doesn’t load bb and all the associated functions. You have two options: you could set up wp to always load bb, or you could recreate the functionality yourself. The first could be tricky and fiddly, the latter means coding the PHP yourself. We can help with either.


    I have a similar problem. WordPress sends notifications from my server quite happily (although it takes about 72 hours after a post/comment to appear until I get the e mail, but with BB-press, this is a significant problem. I’m still waiting after 2 days for an e mailed password. In the end I used the md5sum function to create the hashed password iof my choosing and pasted that directly into the user table.

    Could future releases allow users to choose their own passwords at the time of registration?

    I have got BB working, but a number of bugs. How do I report them?

    How do I permanently delete posts? Can I lock forums?

    If the is_bozo line appears for a user in the user_meta table, even if the value is “1” posts are marked as spam. Updating the user profile with 0 seems to fix this.

    There are several others I have found, usually fixed by editing the tables directly using phpMyadmin!

    Server is running FC6, MySql 14.12 Distrib 5.0.27, php 4.4.7 and apache 2.2.4


    Those two plugins don’t help at all. Basically if you have a lil php code that you have in your bbpress theme to display anything from display names, profile info or the avatar when using upload avatar plugin….when you paste that code on the wordpress side you get an error.

    Pravin Paratey
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