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  • #916

    Continued from my previous memo : all of my WordPress identifiers or users names have disappeared (empty) from their posts and comments… as if they never existed. In addition, all of my WordPress posts and comments are now using my new bbPress identifier (moderator/administrator).


    Hello again Trent,

    I’ve done all the steps you’ve suggested in your previous post, including export/import. My web host help desk has provided me the support. The only problem, I can longer access existing and previous WordPress Administrator access. It’s solely bbPress Admin that has access to WordPress as a regular user. What do you suggest? My web host has made a backups, so did I on a regular basis, then don’t worry about reverting back to previous WordPress settings.




    I installed a bbpress with the wordpress integration. But when I access one topic like:


    the browser display:

    404 Not Found

    The requested URL /bbpress/topic/1?replies=1 does not exist.

    I don’t know how the bbpress front page works, so I cann’t find the real page the url above specify. Can someone give me some guids or any document about it. I browered and searched this site and found nothing about it.



    Trent Adams

    I understand what you are saying. You are getting the page that says (translated to English):

    Already Installed

    You appear to have already installed bbPress. Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade scripts instead? To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.

    Here is a question…..which database is your WordPress installed in with the wp_ prefix in the database? I would assume that just looking at your WordPress wp-config.php file would have the database information. Then I would make sure that your bbPress config.php has the same database information. If you run the install and it says the same error as above, I am 99.9% sure that the bb_ in in that database.

    Alright now…assuming I am wrong, why not change the config.php file for bbPress to see if you can install in one of your other databases to see if something else causing your installer problems. Then you can run the install for the user ‘key master’ that you want and then export the tables out of that database and then import them into your current wordpress database.

    Just a thought… least somewhere to start!



    Don’t worry.If his user_level is not enough,he can’t post on blog.

    When someone register in bbPress,WordPress is not know his user role.You need change WordPress’ code or the WordPress’ plugin synchronize bbPress registrations with WordPress.

    I do it in the former way.After that,the user who register in bbPress is Subscriber in WordPress.So the user can post in bbpress,but can’t post in WordPress.


    I’m a little confused about all this integration… If someone signs up for a account on bbpress… are they going to be able to post on my blog? My blog is only for me to post on…


    Got it! bbpress-integration.php file now displaying within WordPress Plugin section; bbPress tab has been configured to my bb_ prefix. What about the display-name.php file? It doesn’t appear within WordPress Plugin section; I suppose it’s normal?

    Thanks a million Trent.


    Thanks Trent,

    Yes, I also wish I could clean up my previous posts.

    My only main issue to resolve is that I’m no longer capable of Running the Installer in order to get new Admin access, username and password, even after new fresh FTP upload. I don’t have Admin access to bbPress. I’ve configured Config.php to integrate my existing WordPress MySQL database.

    I really don’t know how to resolve the above.

    All of my previous posted issues have been resolve.


    Trent Adams

    I had another post about the ‘key master’, but is was whatever account you used as the administrator when you installed bbPress. Actually, this plugin is installed in WordPress. It then pulls the users out of bbPress over to WordPress to sync the users. You need to install it at wordpress I believe.



    Thanks any replies.

    The bbpress-integration.php and display-name.php files where dropped within the following path: /public_html/blogue/bbpress/bb-plugins. These files are not showing within my existing WordPress Admin manager plugin area; there’s no bbPress tab.


    Trent Adams

    In your setup of bbPress, it asked who the ‘key master’ would be for the administrator. Whatever user account you used there will be the admin of the bbpress forum.

    The bbpress tables in the database will be in the ‘patrimoi_wrdp1’ database with your host with the prefix for files being bb_

    As for the problems you are getting, I am a little unclear what you have fixed and what is still wrong. Could you summarize all the above posts to see if I can help more?

    As for the ‘editing of post’, maybe a MODERATOR will see this post or your other post and can edit it for you. Suprised that we can’t edit our own posts here, but can in WordPress forums……


    In reply to: bbPress posts from WP

    Trent Adams

    I managed to change around the mySQL queries a bit and got this plugin working with my site (except a few small things I can’t fix myself) and it seems to be fine for posting the WordPress posts in bbPress and placing a link. It wouldn’t be a problem if I didn’t have an old mySQL database!


    In reply to: bbPress new Theme

    Even more updates.

    Now with topics, being pulled dynamically from wordpress to bbpress. Still need to work on layout. But it’s getting there.


    Synchronizes login on your bbPress with your WordPress. It is simple now, I will perfect it in the next edition.

    Dowload this plugin

    I’am sorry for myEnglish.


    I adapted the

    WordPress plugin Comment Quicktags + by Dan Cameron so you can add a quicktags toolbar over textarea for inserting or editing posts in the various bbPress pages.

    Te plugin already support the IMG tag to include images inside a topic. To make this tag works you need to install another plugin to support the img tag.

    The plugin page with info, instruction and download link is

    here, happy discussions :)


    If I Integrated my bbPress with WordPress MySQL database, should I get full Administrator access by using my WordPress Administrator username and password?


    In reply to: cookie timeout

    Tammy Hart

    thanks alot for having me look it back over. See, I haven’t yet pointed my site to my domain yet,, because i want to develop this before i release it, so i have to use that weird address to see the site so far. So i was using the /~wwwtamm as part of the address, and putting it there. but I moved it to the directories part: ‘/~wwwtamm/wordpress/bbPress/’

    and now it all works! thanks again.


    In reply to: cookie timeout

    Tammy Hart

    Do you think that the of not being capable Running Installer has something to do with my WordPress database MySQL? Will I have to delete my WordPress database?


    Have login my existing WordPress cPanel, the phpMyAdmin and MySQL doesnt have bbPress database installed. Hope that we are talking about the same location.

    Just checked with my provider support via ICQ, latter advise same location as above.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Have login my existing WordPress cPanel, the phpMyAdmin and MySQL doesnt have bbPress database installed. Hope that we are talking about the same location.

    Just checked with my provider support via ICQ, latter advise same location as above.

    Thanks for your patience.


    Should my current/existing WordPress administrator access level provide me same access to bbPress?


    All bbpress database will start with prefix “bb_” and wordpress database will start with prefix “wp_”. So it was easy to see the difference between both database.

Viewing 25 results - 26,451 through 26,475 (of 26,703 total)
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