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  • #56283

    In reply to: config.php


    Sorry, I do not. WordPress is like this too with no provision AFAIK for a non-standard port.

    But, I was looking at bb-includes/db.php just now and the mysql_connect function is being used. That function can user by default according to this page:

    So, in theory, this should work:

    define('BBDB_HOST', '');

    Did you try that and it does not work?


    I’m still having that problem. I tried all solutions on this page, but had no luck getting pretty URLs. Forum is working fine, but whenever I apply .htaccess settings, either copy-pasted from this forum or from rewrite-rules.php, I get an error

    Not Acceptable

    An appropriate representation of the requested resource /forum/topic/1 could not be found on this server.

    Available variants:

    * topic.php , type application/x-httpd-php, language ru

    What could that be? I have the latest version of bbPress, it’s using wordpress database for authorization & authentication, but runs in a separate directory.


    In reply to: No ajax on replies


    They used to be ajaxed… or was that wordpress?? well ajexing this would be great to have as default!!

    Any bbpress programmer who wants to comment this?

    Also editing could be made ajaxed… :D


    I’ve been using WordPress for years so when it came to adding a forum to my site bbpress made sense to me. However I’m having some integration issue which I would appreciate some help on.

    I’ve gone through the process of integrating bbpress with wordpress following these instructions which seemed to work fine but…

    When I look at my users in bbpress I can see them all there but if I try to edit any of them (to create a modorator for example) by clicking edit (, I just get a 404

    I also have the same issue when I attempt to view any posts/forums create. The url looks like this

    Any ideas?


    I’ve just installed the last version of bbpress on last version of wordpress, its all ok but, when I click on “view your profile” or other links the result is: “Not Found The requested URL /forum/profile/1 was not found on this server.”


    Many Thanks


    I thought about having separate headers, but concluded that sweating blood and tears now is easier than having to remember later that I have near-identical info in two different places. But it is really up to your own preferences, I suppose.

    Now that I’m able to make WordPress recognize when it’s serving bbPress pages, I can also modify the sidebar and other design features accordingly on the fly, which I think is really quite nice.


    With new version of plugin, u dont need to edit the file directly anymore. U can always get the new version from

    From what i can see. SELECT * FROM topics WHERE It seem the bb table prefix is missing. Maybe u miss the setting.

    I dont know what u mean by “i still have the SMF forum that reads the forum topics” but u can find the option page inside wordpress option under “BbLD Option”


    I’m just going to add onto this post with my error about the plugin.

    I edited the php at these two lines:

    $bbpath = ‘/forum’; // Adjust the path to suit your bbpress
    $forum_slimit = ’10’; // Adjust the limit to show

    uploaded the plugin into wp-content/plugin and then added

    <?php wp_bb_get_discuss_sidebar(); ?>

    to my sidebar. activated the plugin to get the following error:

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ” at line 1]
    SELECT * FROM topics WHERE topic_status = 0 ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT

    i still have the SMF forum that reads the forum topics with the line code:

    <?php include (‘/forum1/extern.php?action=active’);?>

    so i have no clue what I did wrong… i’m thinking maybe its something I didn’t edit. Also i keep hearing about a option page for the plugin and can’t seem to find it.


    My site has a similar integration. I tossed around the idea of doing a conditional header like you describe, but in the end it was just simpler to have a second header file specific for bbpress, which is basically a copy of the WP one with some of the required bbpress stuff thrown in.


    I think the point of bbpress is to allow ultimate customizability (same as wordpress). If you want all-in-one forums, then bbpress is certainly not for you because you’ll spend 3 years installing and writing plugins to get you to that point.

    If you want a slim forum software that allows you to pick and choose what functions you want, then bbpress is really good. You don’t NEED to know php unless you want to add something specific for you.

    And, of course, as bbpress grows so does its plugin list. Plugins is what makes bbpress particularly special because if, for instance, you don’t find private messages useful, then don’t install that plugin. The base software is just enough to have forums that are easily navigated and posted to. Everything else is up to you (and plugin creators)


    I had the same epiphany as you did when I learned that bbpress existed.

    Here’s what I did:

    1. I looked at the currently registered users in WP (I only had a few) and noted their numeric ID numbers. I then went over to my phpbb database to see which users they would conflict with (i.e. which ones had the same unique numeric ID number).

    2. I used a phpbb mod which allowed me to go into these users’ profiles and change their ID (not their name) to a number that would not conflict with the WP users, or any other user in the DB.

    At this time, is having trouble with their mod downloads, so I just uploaded the mod file to my own server. You can view the complete mod here:

    It takes about 10 minutes total to make all of the changes. Basically, what it does is add a field to the user’s profile when viewed by an administrator. In this field you can change their ID number to whatever you want it to be.

    So, once the mod has been implemented, go through and change the ID number for whichever users conflict with your existing WP users.

    3. Once you have gotten rid of all user ID conflicts, download Jaime GÓMEZ OBREGÓN’s incredible phpbb to bbpress importer, which can be found here:

    You will need to edit the file so that it reflects your DB permissions for both the phpbb and the bbpress databases. Also, if you are running a WP integrated installation (as you obviously are), you will need to change the prefixes for a couple of tables further down in the code.

    Change lines 172 and 173 from:

    $bbpress_tables['users'] = DB_BBPRESS_TABLEPREFIX . 'users';
    $bbpress_tables['usermeta'] = DB_BBPRESS_TABLEPREFIX . 'usermeta';


    $bbpress_tables['users'] = 'wp_users';
    $bbpress_tables['usermeta'] = 'wp_usermeta';

    Note: be sure that you use the actual WP table prefix if it is something different than wp_. This change will make the importer put the users into your existing wp_ tables instead of in new bb_ tables, which would defeat the whole point of your import.

    Once you have modified the file, upload it and navigate your browser to it. It should run automatically, importing all of your phpbb info into your bbpress installation.

    4. At this point my memory gets a little fuzzy. In either WP or BBP (or both?), the imported users did not have a role assigned to them. Make sure you check to see what role they are assigned and that it is what you want it to be.

    Of course, before you do anything you should backup your existing WP database, and probably your phpbb database as well just in case. Then, scrap the bbpress tables that you have in the current (broken) installation so the importer has a blank canvas to work with.

    You will also need to install the bbpress integration plugin in WP, which can be found here:

    This plugin will assign the default WP new subscriber role to users who register through bbpress. However, on my blog/forum I changed things around a bit so registrations for both WP and BBP are handled through the WP registration screen. I don’t know why, but I’m just more comfortable with it that way.

    I’m sure as time goes by more plugins from both sides will be developed which will allow for even tighter integration between WP and BBP.

    Good luck!


    I saw the post at

    It seemed to get derailed into some other topic though. Here’s the scenario:

    – WordPress has been up and running with a few users (not many)

    – admin gets bright idea to convert phpbb to bbpress and integrate everything

    – bbpress conversion from phpbb goes okay, all 300+ users can login fine.

    – admin wants to merge these users with the WordPress wp_users table, so they can add comments to WP, subscribe, etc.

    The bbpress sync plugin at works the exact opposite, it merges WP users into bbpress!

    This leaves those of us who took the plunge into converting from a phpbb type platform… stranded! It’s probably just a few SQL queries away from working, right?


    Thanks for coming back and telling me :D


    Brilliant! I didn’t know that global variables like this exist in PHP (I’m a hobbyist). Thanks a bunch!

    Btw, I had to change the declaration from

    global $forumpage = true;


    global $forumpage;

    $forumpage = true;

    It gave me an error otherwise.


    I have no idea how the bb environment can be detected, but I think I know why your $forumpage hack didn’t work; the WP headers are in different files and such.

    When setting $forumpage, try something like this:

    global $forumpage = true;

    When checking if $forumpage is true, do it something like this:

    global $forumpage;
    if( $forumpage = true )

    If you tell PHP that you want the global variable $forumpage it should work.

    Not too confident about this, but that should tell PHP to make them global (ie. available everywhere). Otherwise you’ll probably be calling different variables called $forumpage.


    I’m not sure if I should ask this here or over at, but perhaps this is more of a bbPress question in the end.

    I have the latest bbPress and WordPress installations, and both are running fine. The user databases are integrated, and I have also managed to get bbPress to use my WordPress theme after some poking around.

    What I actually did with the theme integration was that I made bbPress to call the WordPress header and footer files instead of the bbPress ones, having in turn modified the WordPress files in a way that everything except for the page-specific content is in those two files. This way, the forum shows up where the WordPress content (posts, pages, etc.) would otherwise go. Life is good.

    My problem now is that I would like WordPress to recognize bbPress when it is serving a bbPress page. In other words, I would like to have something like an “if” condition for example in my WordPress header that checks whether the page currently being shown is a bbPress page. If I could do that, then I could do something like “if bbPress then echo bbPress headers, else echo WordPress headers”.

    The most basic solution that I could come up with was the following: before having a bbPress page call the WordPress header, introduce a variable like “$forumpage” and set it to “true”. Then simply include a check in the WordPress header that checks whether $forumpage is “true”. For some reason, however, this doesn’t work as the variable seems to get erased.

    I also tried something like using the condition if($forums) in the WordPress header, which I saw was in bbPress, but that gave no results, either.

    There probably is a(n easy) solution to all this, so I would really appreciate it if someone could point me to the right direction. I’ve spent most of the evening working on this, and have tried just about everything that I can think of and have read about on these forums and over at, but alas without the desired results.

    Thanks for reading!


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘wetworx_wp’); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ‘*******’); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ‘*******’); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database.

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct.

    // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL.

    // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here.

    $bb->domain = ‘;; // Example: ‘;

    // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. ‘/’ is fine if the site is in root.

    $bb->path = ‘/forums/’; // Example: ‘/forums/’

    // What are you going to call me?

    $bb->name = ‘WetWorx Forums’;

    // This must be set before running the install script.

    $bb->admin_email = ‘’;

    // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks.

    $bb->mod_rewrite = false;

    // The number of topics that show on each page.

    $bb->page_topics = 30;

    // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting.

    $bb->edit_lock = 60;

    // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time.

    $bb->gmt_offset = -5;

    // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the

    // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages.

    // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to ‘de’

    // to enable German language support.

    define(‘BBLANG’, ”);

    // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage

    // of Akismet’s powerful spam blocking, you’ll need one. You can get an Akismet key at


    $bb->akismet_key = ‘**********’; // Example: ‘0123456789ab’

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave the rest as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ”; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ”; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: ‘;

    Trent Adams

    It can be daunting at first, but if you have the correct paths and database information in your config.php it really is a quick and easy install. There is a plugin for ‘quicktags’ that will put in a graphical buttons portion for those tags if you want to make that easier for visitors. It is currently working on the forums if you want to head over there and take a look.



    I admire the idea of bbpress … I really do. After several hours of work, I’ve finally got a forum up and running on my site. There is so much more work to be done to make it usable for my visitors, though, that I just don’t think I can do it. Every installation has been a struggle for me. I don’t know php. The config file took me an entire day to get right. Each and every plugin I installed required further tinkering.

    Here’s a small example that represents my large frustration:

    Allowed markup: a blockquote br code em strong ul ol li.

    Put code in between backticks.

    That’s not enough information for me. I can’t make that work. I’d have to read the forums, once again, to figure out what you mean. And I’m just too exhausted to do that, so I’m going to install another forum for now.

    I’ll keep checking back to see the improvements that you make and, when you get everything worked out and as easy to use as WordPress, I’ll try again.

    But, for now, installing bbpress requires too large a learning curve for me.

    Good luck and carry on,

    C.R. the Exhausted

    Trent Adams

    It really wouldn’t matter I don’t think! I know there are posts in the and forums closing in on that many posts on a topic and not a glitch. Heck, you go for 10,000 and let us know! Should be fine.



    1.0 Alpha checked out March 25, 2007.

    I just noticed in my admin panel that there are four normal looking entries in “Recently Moderated” and then the last one just shows this:

    Topic title started by .

    The source shows this:

    <li>Topic titled <a href="
    topic.php?id&page&replies&view=all"></a> started by <a

    [edit – I added line breaks there since the code overflow was not displaying]

    So, some of it is in the source, but there’s no topic title and there’s no topic starter name (which should be admin based on the id). It’s also missing the topic id, the page id, replies, etc.

    Any thoughts?

    I did change the name of the Key Master to “Admin” in bb-includes/capabilities.php if that matters.

    I am using the following plugins if it matters:











    Thanks. ( I imagine I can get rid of bb-memberlist since user management seems to be integrated into the admin panel now. )


    What’s up with that tinymc… it’s crap really… don’t understand why wordpress uses it either, there are way better ones out there…. :D



    Thanks for the help! That did the trick. Doh!

    The theme I use on my WordPress site is called “Plain Vanilla,” and can be downloaded here:


    In reply to: Plugin: Latest Replies


    Hello again, just finished examining code. There are two issues.

    The first issue is that the blog entries you are posting to bbPress appear as closed topics. This problem is totally unrelated to the “Add Titles to Replies” plugin, which does not touch the ‘topics’ table in the database at all. I suggest you enquire with the ‘bbPress Post’ author about this. Did you update that plugin on your forum at the same time as installing mine? That could be the source of the problem.

    Now, having said all that, the second issue is going to seem to contradict it. What I mean is, are you sure the topics are ‘closed’, or is it just that the content does not appear – that is, is it a phantom topic?

    This can occur when the ‘topics’ table gets updated, but the ‘posts’ table does not for some reason (usually a coding error). When you create a new topic in bbPress, you are actually simultaneously creating the topic and making the first post in that topic – so both tables get updated.

    This is where the problem involves my “Add Titles to Replies” plugin, because we have altered the ‘posts’ table, which may be causing an error in the ‘bbPress Post’ plugin code (that plugin writes to the database in a different way to the bbPress core).

    Still with me? Good…

    Now, I do not have access to an integrated WordPress/bbPress installation, so I have made a stab in the dark at trying to fix this the easy way. I’ve written a very short function (a bit of a hack really) that you can add to the ‘bbPress Post’ plugin.

    In the ‘bbPress Post’ plugin open the file called ‘bbpress_post.php’ and add the following code to the bottom of the page, just before the bottom PHP tag ?>

    /* Ugly 'Add Titles to Replies' Hack by LouiseDade */
    function bbpress_add_reply_title( $post_id, $topic_id ) {
    global $wpdb, $otherdb;
    $bb_table_prefix = bbpress_getoption('bb_prefix');

    if (bbpress_getoption('bb_other_base') === "no") {
    $topic_title=$wpdb->get_var("SELECT topic_title FROM ". $bb_table_prefix ."topics WHERE topic_id=$topic_id LIMIT 1; ");
    $wpdb->query("UPDATE ". $bb_table_prefix ."posts SET post_title='$topic_title' WHERE post_id='$post_id' LIMIT 1");
    } else {
    $topic_title=$otherdb->get_var("SELECT topic_title FROM ". $bb_table_prefix ."topics WHERE topic_id=$topic_id LIMIT 1; ");
    $otherdb->query("UPDATE ". $bb_table_prefix ."posts SET post_title='$topic_title' WHERE post_id='$post_id' LIMIT 1");

    Next, scroll up to the bbpress_new_post() function and at the bottom, before the closing curly brace, add:

    /* Added by LouiseDade - updates post reply title */
    bbpress_add_reply_title( $post_id, $topic_id );

    Then scroll up again to the bbpress_post_update() function and add the same code as above just before the closing curly brace again.

    Re-upload the plugin with the changes made and try posting a WordPress entry.

    If it works I shall jump around for joy, but unfortunately I have grave doubts about it. I think it might need to be done the hard-way, which involves rewriting some of the ‘bbPress Post’ plugin.

    Good luck!


    Keith, try deleting the whole table (not empty it) and re-upload the plugin, perhaps that works…

    Also what is the template name from your template used on you website (wordpress site). Kinda like it’s simplicity!


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