Sam Bauers (@sambauers)

Forum Replies Created

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  • In reply to: invision board?



    Private messaging will not be in core in the foreseeable future.

    The idea is to make the import/export process hookable, so that if someone authors an IM plugin for bbPress, they can query for IM import data and place it where their plugin wants it. They can also hook in to the export process as well.



    CHMODing files probably won’t help you. Is this a new install? Can you do other things like post and edit topics?



    bbPress uses the user login for displaying identity.

    I want to change this, but it’s actually more work than you’d think. Plus we need to consider that display names aren’t unique in the user table (that’s a legacy from WordPress), which creates the possibility of user spoofing. Using “Display Name (userlogin)” is a possibility where display names aren’t unique but that is a pretty onerous query that we would have to cache somehow (and expire those caches in a dependant way).

    Please make a Trac ticket if one isn’t there…



    Please ticket this in Trac…



    @ retrospec

    I can’t replicate that error on FireFox2 on Mac – perhaps try re-uploading the stylesheet.


    Your WordPress rewrite rules (in .htaccess) are getting in the way of accessing bbPress by the sounds of things. Also, the installer is at bb-admin/install.php, not where you said. You should probably delete bbPress and start again.



    Put in the full path from the server root instead of the relative path.



    I can only give you a vague idea of loads we experience in our environments. They aren’t exactly standard setups.

    On the forums are served by the same infrastructure as the blogs. The forums don’t really make a dent in the load on that setup (hundreds of servers). Average of all queries is about 45 queries per second, over 90% of this is handled by MySQL query cache. and are run from the same cluster which has three active load-balanced web servers and two database servers (one for writing and one for reading). The majority of the database load on this cluster is reads initiated by the forums and to a lesser extent reads initiated by the WordPress Codex (MediaWiki). Average load is about 700 reads per second, about 80% of those reads are cache hits.

    Most of our servers have 2GB of RAM and 4 processor cores. Some DB servers might have more RAM. But there is nothing particularly special about the hardware otherwise. Pretty much the same as you would rent from a dedicated server provider.



    It is probably less work to use bbPress than using other forum software if your intention is to re-skin to match your blog. You can actually “load” WordPress inside bbPress (check the documentation), but there is a definite performance penalty in doing that.

    The best performance choice is to integrate your user tables and auth cookies. Then skin your forum to match your blog, but don’t “load” WordPress into bbPress unless you intend to use WordPress functions inside bbPress quite extensively.

    You will probably find the exercise of skinning your bbPress install quite simple compared to other forum software. The templating system is similar to WordPress, so it will be a familiar environment if you have done that before.

    In reply to: simple bbdb query?



    It’s a lot safer to use the API calls.

    bb_get_user($user_id) will return an object filled with the users data and meta data.



    Oh, and not to mention this forum as well.



    We have been running revisions which are only slightly older than at and for a while now without fault.



    _ck_ might be able to give you some version performance comparisons.

    0.72 is a very old version.



    That’s a bug. That function call should be to “array_map()”

    It’s safe to edit that file if you like. I guess people don’t delete whole forums that often. I’ll fix this in the source for next release.



    @ Nosgroth

    The functionality you describe is not available in bbPress/WordPress without plugins. You probably need to report this problem to the plugin author (I’m guessing bbSync).



    The installer will throw that error if it finds a file called config.php in either the bbPress directory or the directory above it (i.e. the parent directory that the bbPress directory is in)

    Make sure there is no config.php file in either location.



    All I can suggest is re-uploading the bbPress files. That function is not declared there.

    Make sure that all files upload correctly, especially if you are copying them over an old installation.

    In reply to: PHP Error



    This, amongst other problems is fixed in version 0.9

    In reply to: New .pot files?



    Check here

    Soon there will be a pot file in a new “0.9” branch directory.

    Edit: it is there now…

    In reply to: database error



    Do bluehost offer one-click installs of bbPress?

    In reply to: Password mismatch





    There is a line in the wp-config.php file that says:



    If you add any code after that line it won’t be applied.



    You should really triple check for blank lines or spaces or null characters at the start of your bb-config.php file. This part of the error: output started at /var/www/virtual/mywebsite/forums/bb-config.php:1 points to that being the problem.

    You should go into the start of the file and delete <?php completely and press the delete key a few times at the start of the file. Then add <php? back to the start of the file.

    You didn’t upload your files using Dreamweaver did you? That program has an “option” to add a utf8 BOM character to the start of files, which causes similar behaviour.



    Is there a reason why you are loading WordPress inside bbPress? If not you should stop. There is no need to do this for standard integration to work.

    Also, remove all your plugins and see if it stops. If it does, add them back one by one to see which one is causing the problem.



    A bunch of options are now pulled from the database.

    You will see a significant reduction in queries if you add this line to your bb-config.php file…

    $bb->load_options = true;



    The short answer is no, it’s not possible out of the box, but it is probably possible using a tricky sequence of redirects between the domains.

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