Forum Replies Created
You bet. Thanks!
Unfortunately I think Sam jumped the gun a little bit. He’s also said that he’s aware of the issues and that an alpha6 is on its way shortly.
Alpha5 did fix some potential security issues, so it’s good to use it anyhow.
@the both of yous
Sambauers is the main programmer responsible for updating and maintaining bbPress, the rest of us seem to serve more as bug testers and trac reporters. You’re both correct to assume that the goal is to have it work both ways, with a registration at one platform to assign a role to the other.
You’re lucky, I haven’t been able to get either/or to automatically tell the other what roles to assign, despite my efforts. To be honest, it can’t be happening anywhere on the WordPress side of things, because WordPress has no idea that bbPress exists. It’s just doing what it always did. bbPress needs to look for capabilities, and assign them according to the WordPress role map provided it has been set.
It seems like a good idea to have the role-map setup as part of the installation process, if choosing to integrate that is.
The other side of this, which I’ve said before in different topics, is that automated integration of bbPress is difficult to predict, because there are several configurations that anyone could or would use, and it isn’t just WordPress that bbPress is intended to work with. There’s BuddyPress too, which is a whole other assortment of configurations. You can see how having bbPress automatically assign a role to a user that doesn’t have a role at all can be a strange situation, since there are times where WP users might not have roles either. There are about 250 different types of arrangements that users can have that must be trapped when I think about it, considering registrations on either side, the role map, and what the results of each situation would be.
Maybe when they register through WordPress, I don’t want them automatically given access to the forums, or vice versa. Even though they are integrated, maybe I don’t want them to have a role at all. What if WordPress registrations are closed but bbPress ones are open? I mean when you think of all of the possibilities, it’s a wonder/miracle that it works at all. Ha!
Long story short, Sam is working really hard on getting this integration up and running for us, and I suspect there will be an alpha6 coming shortly.
In reply to: Integrating to WP has broken the static front pageI would try building your own html login form on which ever WP theme file you’d like it on, and then just pass the variables to your bbpress/login.php file.
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedSpeaking of reintroduced, I’m logged into my forum and WordPress, but for some reason I am listed as Inactive on my posts when viewing a topic. I thought this was fixed in alpha2?
Why do I get the feeling that alpha5 was bolted on top of an outdated 1.0 version and things went cross eyed?
In reply to: Permalinks – doubled ‘forum’This is not a bug.
Basically anything that is a forum has the word ‘forum’ in front of it. Anything that is a topic has ‘topic’ etc.
The fact that it is installed in your ‘forum’ directory is what is throwing you off.
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedNot sure if this is new since alpha5 or not, but on a fresh install the auth key seems to die when there is a quotation mark
in the key.Basically a WP key like
define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '-"r642fed3E1d>}MdGFlh@tR!QPU%/!S_6;CjO0}^>6TclyZM9mEKqEn+ <?)3 U#*X;');
Ended up like
define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '-');
This actually messed up the installer at one point too, displaying part of the key inside an area where it wouldn’t normally.
Should I trac this Sam?
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedYes I do have the role map setup in the bbPress admin area. I also installed the additional role map plugin you made just to see what it was for, and retried these steps with and without it active.
I think this evening I’m going to retest this on stock installs of both to see if any of my plugins are conflicting. I am using the Register Plus plugin on the WP side, so I suppose it’s possible it could conflict (as far as I know it uses the stock WP registration and user activation methods to create them though.)
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedAlso, when I register a new user through WordPress as per normal, that user is still not assigned a role in bbPress. Not when they login, not when they hit the forum for the first time. Not ever.
My Steps:
- I used a Chrome browser window to register a new user through WordPress
- Logged in via WordPress
- Hit the forum
- User could not post, looks like has no role
- Logged out via WordPress
- Used FireFox to login as admin to check new user role
- No Role Assigned
- Used Chrome to login through bbPress
- Hit the forum
- User could not post, looks like has no role
- Used Firefox admin to edit Test user
- Received typical error message (noted below)
Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /forums/bb-includes/ on line 2009
Basically it looks like the exact same error message as before, with the same circumstances.
Round two using alpha 5 trunk from the SVN went exactly the same way, only this time when I logged in via bbPress, the above
went away, but that user is still marked as Inactive by default when they should be a Member according to the role map.
When registering through bbPress, the new user still is not assigned a Role on the WordPress side either.
Sam, can you explain to me what was supposed to be different in alpha5? Maybe I misunderstood…
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedWhen I renamed my old config file, I actually received the same error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function backpress_get_option() in /forum/bb-includes/backpress/functions.core.php on line 412
So I renamed my config file back, visited the forum, and then it prompted me for upgrade.
Is there a specific upgrade page to visit now rather than just hitting the root of the forum?
Sam, it seems this only happens when I upgrade from alpha4 to alpha5. I was running a trunk version, and received no errors and wasn’t even prompted to upgrade from trunk to 5.
In reply to: List of Hooks/Actions?This weeknd I plan on loading bbPress into some kind of IDE (probably eclipse) so I’m able to check this type of thing out a little further. I’ll update here if I can get them.
In reply to: bbPress and 1.0-alpha-5 releasedLooking forward to this Sam. Thanks again for the fast updates. Will check it out tonight and report back asap.
In reply to: About .htaccessThat is exactly right. When using the permalink structure, bbPress will provide you the contents of what to put inside that file. Eventually I’m sure bbPress will make that file for you, but for now it’s a solid solution.
In reply to: WordPress + bbPress Integration 101bbPress 1.0 alpha 4
Seems maybe the core should be updated to work around this eh?
In reply to: Show off your Forum !!
It’s live with quite a few plug-ins installed. Fully integrated with WordPress. Still some kinks to work out, but otherwise live and functional.
In reply to: Categories or tags based navigation ?I think that site naviation really depends on how much traffic your forum has, how much you want it to have, and in what route you want your traffic to reach its destination.
The typical forum layout comes from catering to new visitors that want descriptions of each category, and from repeat visitors wanting to check if there are updates to that category without having to click into that category.
Tags don’t offer either of these options inherently.
If tags could visually signify if there are new posts for the visitor inside of them, maybe with emphasis or italics or reordering them to the front of the cloud, that would be a neat idea.
bbPress tends to take a different approach on forum/topic importance, by emphasising on the most recently replied to topics right on the front page. I consider this more of a feature of a slow moving bulletin board more than for a large one. I know some large technical forums that would show 20 different posts on every page refresh with this type of last reply based concept.
Tags are interesting because they are user editable and provide a wiki-esque style of topic organization. 99% of users will obey this, but it still requires a bit of moderation and attention. Using categories that users cannot edit allows for you to legitimately categorize your data, rather than have it free flowing any and everywhere. Also, how do you compensate for the “New Topic” screen where there is a category drop-down? If your authors aren’t familiar with the concept and meaning of your forums categories, yet they are forced to choose one, this will result in topics being put into the database almost at random, making it difficult for you to moderate them.
I see how this idea can be appealing, and I see how it could work in some instances, but I think this type of idea is more suitable for a WordPress type blog/CMS than for a forum.
In reply to: Basic integration screencastExactly. Theres no real way to merge the two user tables together automatically or to have them both exist simultaniously and still allow a unified login.
In reply to: Turning bbPress into a Link DirectoryI would think this would be best acheived with the post meta plugin. Sure its possible but I bet theres better software out there that might be more suitable for this type of task.
In reply to: phpbb3 -> bbpress converterHow nicely does this play with WP integration in regards to the users and existing WP accounts? I’m assuming that it would take another dump and update to merge the bb_ table this makes with the wp_ table necessary for user integration.
In reply to: Basic integration screencastHonestly, at this stage I would recommend deleting the bbPress files and database tables, and starting over. It’s so much easier to install correctly the first time than it is to track down installation errors and try to patch them. This is of course if there isn’t a whole lot of data to lose.
In reply to: Basic integration screencastIt appears to me like you didn’t integrate your user registrations or user accounts. I can login to the forums, but cannot login to WordPress. Can you check out your database and make sure you only have wp_user and wp_usermeta user tables, and do not have any that start with bb_?
In reply to: Basic integration screencastDelete ALL tables in the database that start with your bb_ prefix, and try again.
I can assure you that following Sam’s video PERFECTLY yields perfect results. I’ve done it at least 10 times. Can you rewatch the video and take notes on what in your particular case may be different? Like directory location, server settings, unique WordPress plugins or setup, anything like that?
I joined your forum, but then realized that your WordPress login page isn’t the traditional wp-login.php. I get redirected when I try to access it. Also, same goes for your admin area. It looks like you’ve got WP logins pretty well hidden from view. Care to let me in?
In reply to: Members can add tagsThis has always been the case as a feature, or ability for users to add tags to any post they would like to.
In reply to: bbPress 1.0-alpha-4 releasedOkay, so I deleted the entries for the members in “bb_capabilities” aside from the keymasters, and when I try to run the user role map, it doesn’t actually work. I haven’t tried to track this function down yet but as a suggestion I almost wonder if that role map might actually work better as a role alignment tool, overwriting the values with the new ones for all users.
I may just make that a plug-in actually because my trouble shooting attempt may have been a bad idea haha!