John James Jacoby (@johnjamesjacoby)

Forum Replies Created

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  • John James Jacoby


    Well, I think that with 1.0a6 it works, because I’m using it with deep integration and it seems to be working just fine. The order that they’re loaded in could be an issue however, as I’ve experienced some issues that I haven’t been able to troubleshoot effectively yet.

    In reply to: Show off your Forum !!

    John James Jacoby



    How did you ditch the WordPress comment system and link the comments to a specific forum topic? Is this an automated process or a clever use of custom fields?

    John James Jacoby


    But why would you ever do such a thing?! :)

    John James Jacoby



    Still sounds like a cookie issue. I would retrace your steps, make sure you’ve got the WordPress Integration plugin installed on the WordPress side of this. Make sure you’ve added all of the cookie info to your config files as specified, etc…

    In my opinion, for usabilities sake, it may make sense to route your log ins and registrations through 1 platform anyhow.

    John James Jacoby


    I get the feeling that this has more to do with slugs and attempted auto renaming and assignments than it does with hardcoding the value into each file, but hardcoding it works for now and brings the capability back.

    John James Jacoby


    Looks like a few changes might be needed unless I’m missing something along the way…

    This makes the favorites load properly for me.


    line 221


    if ( !empty($user->favorites) ) {


    if ( !empty($user->bb_favorites) ) {


    line 442


    $where .= $this->parse_value( 't.topic_id', $f_user->favorites );


    $where .= $this->parse_value( 't.topic_id', $f_user->bb_favorites );

    line 559


    $where .= $this->parse_value( 'p.topic_id', $f_user->favorites );


    $where .= $this->parse_value( 'p.topic_id', $f_user->bb_favorites );

    Basically, there are a few other places where $user->favorites needs to be changed to $user->bb_favorites.

    So, I’ve got it up and working from doing the above. I’ve never needed to commit a change to the trac before. Should I just open a ticket, or can I change it directly?

    John James Jacoby


    Good call. That alleviates one problem.

    On to the next… Now all of the JavaScript loads properly and when clicking the “add to favorites” link, the ajax kicks in and works as per normal and makes it look like the link was added. The link actually shows in the database as a favorite, but the theme fails to load them correctly.

    I’ve tested this on the stock template also with the same results.

    Removing the WordPress integration from the bb-config.php file brings everything back and they work just fine. Comparing with WinMerge the source of the same page with and without that integration, they are identical. So somewhere something is getting in the way.

    John James Jacoby


    I am using the same plug-in and am doing exactly as Chris has recommended. Note that the user will not be assigned a role on the bbPress side until they actually visit the forums, because WordPress has no way to know that bbPress needs an additional capability.

    I’ve thought about trying to port the plugin over to the bbPress side, but things seem to be working as they are right now and no one has complained about it yet.

    John James Jacoby


    Snip! Nevermind I see how it works…

    John James Jacoby


    Using the method above, a new user registering in WordPress is given the proper role/capability in bbPress. So far this appears to be the best integration yet. I will of course do more testing, but so far so good!

    Note: This also proves compatible with the WordPress “Register Plus” plugin.

    John James Jacoby


    As of today, Alpha6 is still not in the download link.

    This method above is what I used to upgrade to alpha6. Have not tested new users yet however.

    John James Jacoby


    Hahah… Well, the idea behind bbPress is not to install things like this within the core. This way forum administrators aren’t bogged down with the extra weight of a series of functions that they never intend to use; a less is more approach.

    There is also a plug-in that provides this exact functionality in the extend area. ;)

    John James Jacoby


    Should I be concerned that the zip file still is named alpha5?

    In reply to: del Sol Owners Club

    John James Jacoby


    Just updated a few little things.

    There’s stuff that still needs tweaking, but otherwise I consider this a fully integrated install with custom template and heavily modified via plug-ins.

    John James Jacoby


    Even though that error is there, if you change their role from “Inactive” to “Member” the error will go away and the user will have member access.

    Forum isn’t dead, just high maintenance for right now. ;)

    John James Jacoby


    Where is this discussion taking place? I’m always game for a good discussion! :)

    John James Jacoby


    You bet. Thanks!

    John James Jacoby


    Unfortunately I think Sam jumped the gun a little bit. He’s also said that he’s aware of the issues and that an alpha6 is on its way shortly.

    Alpha5 did fix some potential security issues, so it’s good to use it anyhow.

    John James Jacoby


    @the both of yous

    Sambauers is the main programmer responsible for updating and maintaining bbPress, the rest of us seem to serve more as bug testers and trac reporters. You’re both correct to assume that the goal is to have it work both ways, with a registration at one platform to assign a role to the other.


    You’re lucky, I haven’t been able to get either/or to automatically tell the other what roles to assign, despite my efforts. To be honest, it can’t be happening anywhere on the WordPress side of things, because WordPress has no idea that bbPress exists. It’s just doing what it always did. bbPress needs to look for capabilities, and assign them according to the WordPress role map provided it has been set.

    It seems like a good idea to have the role-map setup as part of the installation process, if choosing to integrate that is.

    The other side of this, which I’ve said before in different topics, is that automated integration of bbPress is difficult to predict, because there are several configurations that anyone could or would use, and it isn’t just WordPress that bbPress is intended to work with. There’s BuddyPress too, which is a whole other assortment of configurations. You can see how having bbPress automatically assign a role to a user that doesn’t have a role at all can be a strange situation, since there are times where WP users might not have roles either. There are about 250 different types of arrangements that users can have that must be trapped when I think about it, considering registrations on either side, the role map, and what the results of each situation would be.

    Maybe when they register through WordPress, I don’t want them automatically given access to the forums, or vice versa. Even though they are integrated, maybe I don’t want them to have a role at all. What if WordPress registrations are closed but bbPress ones are open? I mean when you think of all of the possibilities, it’s a wonder/miracle that it works at all. Ha!

    Long story short, Sam is working really hard on getting this integration up and running for us, and I suspect there will be an alpha6 coming shortly. :)

    John James Jacoby



    I would try building your own html login form on which ever WP theme file you’d like it on, and then just pass the variables to your bbpress/login.php file.

    John James Jacoby


    Speaking of reintroduced, I’m logged into my forum and WordPress, but for some reason I am listed as Inactive on my posts when viewing a topic. I thought this was fixed in alpha2?

    Why do I get the feeling that alpha5 was bolted on top of an outdated 1.0 version and things went cross eyed?

    John James Jacoby


    This is not a bug.

    Basically anything that is a forum has the word ‘forum’ in front of it. Anything that is a topic has ‘topic’ etc.

    The fact that it is installed in your ‘forum’ directory is what is throwing you off.

    John James Jacoby


    Not sure if this is new since alpha5 or not, but on a fresh install the auth key seems to die when there is a quotation mark " in the key.

    Basically a WP key like

    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '-"r642fed3E1d>}MdGFlh@tR!QPU%/!S_6;CjO0}^>6TclyZM9mEKqEn+ <?)3 U#*X;');

    Ended up like

    define('BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '-');

    This actually messed up the installer at one point too, displaying part of the key inside an area where it wouldn’t normally.

    Should I trac this Sam?

    John James Jacoby


    Yes I do have the role map setup in the bbPress admin area. I also installed the additional role map plugin you made just to see what it was for, and retried these steps with and without it active.

    I think this evening I’m going to retest this on stock installs of both to see if any of my plugins are conflicting. I am using the Register Plus plugin on the WP side, so I suppose it’s possible it could conflict (as far as I know it uses the stock WP registration and user activation methods to create them though.)

    John James Jacoby


    Also, when I register a new user through WordPress as per normal, that user is still not assigned a role in bbPress. Not when they login, not when they hit the forum for the first time. Not ever.

    My Steps:

    1. I used a Chrome browser window to register a new user through WordPress
    2. Logged in via WordPress
    3. Hit the forum
    4. User could not post, looks like has no role
    5. Logged out via WordPress
    6. Used FireFox to login as admin to check new user role
    7. No Role Assigned
    8. Used Chrome to login through bbPress
    9. Hit the forum
    10. User could not post, looks like has no role
    11. Used Firefox admin to edit Test user
    12. Received typical error message (noted below)

    Warning: array_key_exists() [function.array-key-exists]: The second argument should be either an array or an object in /forums/bb-includes/ on line 2009

    Basically it looks like the exact same error message as before, with the same circumstances.

    Round two using alpha 5 trunk from the SVN went exactly the same way, only this time when I logged in via bbPress, the above Warning went away, but that user is still marked as Inactive by default when they should be a Member according to the role map.

    When registering through bbPress, the new user still is not assigned a Role on the WordPress side either.

    Sam, can you explain to me what was supposed to be different in alpha5? Maybe I misunderstood…

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