fel64 (@fel64)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @fel64


    Aren’t themes meant to be in the /my-templates folder? Not sure if it’s necessary.

    As a temporary fix, you could right-click the link, select Copy Link Location, paste it into your URL and just change the path so it links to your theme. Might be worth a try :)



    I think the contents of your bbpress folder (config.php, bb-includes, bb-images etc) should have been uploaded to /otherblog/forums, and your .htaccess file should go next to them in the /otherblog/forums folder. Good luck :)

    In reply to: Quote Option



    Has anyone made a plugin for quoting posts? Is it under development? It’d be great. :D

    By the way, Trent, not sure if you still use the same CSS but instead of declaring border-xxxx: for each side you can simply declare border: and it’ll apply for all sides. :)



    I just got about a dozen links to comments made on bbPress New Version Release posts on the front page of my wordpress dashboard. They are also appearing on planet.wordpress.org – I assume it’s a bug?



    Have you entered all the right details in your config.php? Since you’re sharing databases it should have the same database info (name, user, password) as wordpress’s wp-config.php.

    Yeah I call this a debugged version – Chrishajer sums it up nicely.

    In reply to: Plugin: bbMenu 1.0



    Use function_exists( string $function_name );

    I don’t know how your plugin works, but if you made any calls to hooks then they simply won’t be called (as far as I understand it). Your code will probably also not be loaded. This plugin inactive shouldn’t be a problem?



    What do you mean by manual?

    You have to change some settings in config.php, but that’s it. Nothing a monkey with a keyboard and a human to do the work for him couldn’t do … really, it’s simple. :) No editing code or the like. Even if it’s in a different subdomain you barely have to do anything.

    Certainly doesn’t sound as much work as installing Vanilla – bbPress is set up to use mostly the same tables as WP already …

    In reply to: post or reply by email



    While it sounds like somewhat useful functionality, I don’t want it – if it was enabled by default in bbPress, I’d even want to turn it off. Anything that means users can just visit once, know that they’re going to get any answers and never have to come back is that you’re going to get a lot of users who do just that. I would much rather they check regularly, sometimes see something that catches their eye and hang around … It just sounds like a feature that hinders a community building up. :/



    Yup, I know that; I just meant that you could quite simply add it to the arguments you took and it’d be a nice addition. My modified code at the end.

    Yeah, it’s mildly annoying that the permalinks aren’t used, but it’s not a killer for me. I’d rather have this functionality than none. :) Thanks again for the plugin.

    function wp_show_posts( $args ) {
    global $bb;

    parse_str($args, $r);
    if ( !isset( $r['before'] ) )
    $r['before'] = "<li>n";
    if ( !isset( $r['after'] ) )
    $r['after'] = "<br />n</li>n";
    $posts = wp_get_posts( $args );
    foreach( $posts as $post ) {
    echo $r['before'];
    echo "<a href='".$bb->wp_home."?p=".$post->ID."'>";
    echo $post->post_title;
    echo "</a>";
    echo $r['after'];



    Fantastic Nick, worked straight out of the box. I really like the way you take arguments as well. :) Nicest addition would be a before and after so that it didn’t have to be a list.

    In reply to: Template Tags



    Page numbers – say a thread has more than 30 replies and falls onto the second page, it’s very irritating having to click the thread’s name and then click again to get to the second page. Next to the page’s name you should simply have the page numbers displayed and clickable, hopefully in a smart way (say showing the first few and the last few). You can see it on this forum, too: say I want to read the second page of posts in the Plugin: Forum Restriction thread, I have to click on the name and then on the second page. Is there maybe even a plugin to list the page numbers next to the page name in the thread listing?

    In WordPress you have hooks that let you take actions through your plugin when they’re called, right? I guess bbPress does the same. I specifically want to create an Identicon avatar on registration – it’s not essential, just something I’d like to do. How do I register my plugin to work on that hook, and what hook do I use? Just a list of hooks would be helpful. :)

    In reply to: Template Tags



    Does anyone know about a registration hook?

    Or a way to get page numbers of a thread to show in the thread listing?



    You don’t have to activate plugins – you will have to do that with a later release, though (scheduled for version 1.0?)

    Maybe you can copy us what your slashes are?



    I assume the same way as you would in WordPress – using filters for when the text is called from the db, then going through the text looking for links and adding them?

    I don’t know what filter there are, though, so I can’t tell you which one to call.



    Hehe, no problem, and glad you like the site. The site came after the pun, if you were wondering … :P

    Not sure what a Jello Mold solution is? All I’ve done is float: lefted the sidebar and float: righted the main content bar. To get the background going all the way down I put them into another div.

    A lot of the work was already done for me, as I started with the Greenflower WP theme, so it wasn’t a great step from that. Glad you like it, though, really :D



    You have to add these lines to your bbPress config.php file – not sure who posted it, but it’s not my idea.

    //your try to sync cookies
    $bb->cookiedomain = '.myurl.com';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    You also have to edit WP core files I think.

    wp-settings.php line 190
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', false);
    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.myurl.com');

    I’ve got it set up so at http://www.loinhead.net (and forums.loinhead.net) and it works nicely. :)

    In reply to: Template Tags



    It’s not so urgently documentation I want, more a list of available things. Hooks, too – for example, I’d like to make something happen when the user registers, but I don’t have any idea where I can look for available hooks (or template tags, for that matter).



    It doesn’t require wordpress, no.



    How did you install it? Did you change the config.php file? Did you go through the installation steps?

    In reply to: Error After Upgrade



    hmm, is this where the Recent Posts would usually show up? Sounds like upgrading your databases didn’t work properly? :S



    It can’t find the function get() because no such function exists – unless you’re sure it exists in your wordpress plugins or something? Are you sure that’s the function you want to be calling in that template file on line 127?

    In reply to: Bozo problem



    I have the same screen as radkitten, but I do not notice anything out of the ordinary. I don’t have to approve posts, for example. I’m using a .81 install (first version I installed), with a handful of plugins (post count, smilies, quick buttons on the post box).

    Looking at the page source code, type=""checkbox"" and value=""1"" (yes, there are double quotemarks).

    <th scope="row">This user is a bozo:</th>
    <td><input type=""checkbox"" value=""1"" id="is_bozo" name="is_bozo"/>

    I went to template-functions, to bb_profile_admin_form, and found no code for inclusion of a bozo checkbox, but code to include a custom member title etc.

    Edit: yeah, it is trying to double-escape my quote marks when I edit. I had to remove the original forward slashes now to avoid this.

    In reply to: Emoticons For bbPress?



    It worked nicely for me. I assumed that since it added smileys everywhere retroactively it filtered the post between the database and the output?



    Any update on that plugin?



    I like this plugin a great deal, because it works so nicely right off the bat :D

    Since my forum is in a subdomain, I had to change the code a bit (just coded in the location of my forums instead of letting it grab my blog location and adding a path). But a very minor thing to do for a very nice plugin. :)

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