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Quote Option

  • I think it would be very cool to have a quote button on each post so you can quote what a person has said like in other forums. =)

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  • I would really like that possibility too!

    Peiqinglon wrote: I think it would be very cool to have a quote button on each post so you can quote what a person has said like in other forums. =)

    I agree as well. The way I just did it is the only way to do it right now (using blockquote on your server might be better).




    No matter what, you’ll need blockquote stuff in your css file, but this plugin is something I’ve been meaning to tackle for a while (it’s on the to-do list on my site even). So I’m sure it’ll be done one of these days, if not by me, by someone.

    I had a post on blockquote earlier, but I think you could really do some neat stuff with images if you wanted as well!


    Has anyone made a plugin for quoting posts? Is it under development? It’d be great. :D

    By the way, Trent, not sure if you still use the same CSS but instead of declaring border-xxxx: for each side you can simply declare border: and it’ll apply for all sides. :)

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