fel64 (@fel64)

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  • @fel64


    You want a what?

    In reply to: rebuilding topics DB



    Why did you have to use phpMyAdmin to delete posts? That makes no sense. Are you unable to log in?

    Have you tried the ‘Recount’ feature? bb-Admin > Site Management > Recount, that is, if you can log in, but I should think you can since that would be the more serious problem but I haven’t seen you post about it.

    I suggest that you mark spam posts as spam in future. At least in Kakumei there should be a link to do so at the bottom of the post, by the post age, if the user is logged in and of high enough authority.



    Actually according to Trent the majority do not integrate.

    It’s also worth noting that if you spend your time here you will only see the number of problems; unless you have data on the number of users and their setups, you can’t base an opinion on that.



    Is there a wp hook in wp_list_pages()? That would be the first place to start.

    You could always create custom page templates which redirect the user when they visit that page using http://uk2.php.net/header. There’s a wp tutorial in their codex to creating custom page templates. You’d need one for each forum.



    Hi you

    Try this if your blog is integrated.

    echo $bb->wp_home;

    Don’t forget the php tags to do it in HTML.

    I think it would be safe to code your navigation bar now.



    Not sure what you mean by the option on the file menu, and calling the file through the http protocol is typing in the url to the file in IE7, right?

    There’s also nothing in your error logs, right?

    You did change things in config.php to reflect your databases etc?

    I believe someone once had a problem with files not being accessible because they were uploaded in binary not ascii mode or something strange like that.



    An integration forum does sound pretty good.

    In reply to: bbSync



    Hey peoples, was on holiday for a week – sorry!

    WDuluoz (Wilbur?), when it referenced functions.php originally what was the reference and what version were you using? You fixed this by adding the global $bbdb, ...; declaration in config.php?

    Can you be more specific about your strange problems? Where are you posting, wp or bb? What do you see on your screen after you make the post? What is ‘member inserted’, and how do you know? When does it crash, how do you know it crashes trying to pull up the capabilities array? I need error messages and warnings.

    starrett, where are you using that? I think you need to add this line just above line #493 (in Notepad, press Ctrl + G to go to a certain line):

    require_once( $opshuns['bbpath'] );

    Line #493 is the one that says $topic_id = ...;. At least I think that’s the problem, that would explain why I didn’t catch it.





    Cheers Trent.

    I can certainly see why you’d want to keep this under wraps. If it fell into the wrong hands … ?!?!?! I like it.



    Could you send it to fel64 who isn’t at hotmail.com? Seem to be having trouble with my email. Thank you!



    What we really need to know is what code you were running. Would be a strange one if it was the latest release; that sort of problem should affect everybody. I’d also be surprised if that was the latest, but if it was you should be prepared for that. Did you maybe modify that file yourself?



    Check the path that is set when wp logs you in and check the documentation, can’t help further sorry.



    Ahh, and, in equal measure, woops.

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.audreysargent.com.net');

    should read

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.audreysargent.com');

    That .net meant that the cookie could not be set. Sorry.



    Logging out will not work for a week unless you clear your cookies. This is because wp and bb only clear the cookies their settings are for, but the old cookies may still be valid (different settings, but in some specific cases still apply).

    Can you clear your cookies (not necessarily all of them), log in through wp and check what, if any, cookies are set? Perhaps that will help.

    Sorry, my account details still haven’t come through.

    In reply to: Translation interest



    Of course. This is open-source and you can modify and redistribute as you like if I understand it correctly. Translations are always great; not a clue how to make them, though, so I can’t help you with how. Same method as wp, though.



    Thank you very much. I didn’t realise it would be as simple as removing a filter, that’s cool :)



    Just tried, but haven’t had any of the expected emails in the last few hours. Hopefully it’ll come through soon.

    I think I see what you mean. But that’s very strange. Are you logged in? If you are, attempting to access wp-login.php should redirect you to the admin panel – not just in the act of logging in, but whenever anyone that is logged in tries to get there.

    Can you check your cookie info? In FF that’s Tools > Options > Privacy > Show Cookies, find cookies for your site and then look at the domain and path settings.



    That should do :)

    Put this in your wp-config.php:

    define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.audreysargent.com.net');

    and this in bb’s config.php:

    $bb->cookiedomain = '.audreysargent.com';
    $bb->cookiepath = '/';

    Hopefully that’ll be all.



    fel64 isn’t at loinhead.net

    I wanna see this :P



    I assume that this is because of an incorrect post id in https://plugins-dev.bbpress.org/browser/bb-moderation-hold/trunk/moderation.php (lines 317, 330 are key). Perhaps someone else can figure it out but I’m not familiar with the plugin. so1o may be more likely to see it on the plugin page: https://bbpress.org/plugins/topic/49?replies=1



    He should stay logged in for a week if he’s logged in at all. Tempted to put it down to a problem on his end but that’s hasty.

    Logging into bb should log you into wp and vice-versa automatically, all by itself. If not, you have a cookie problem; tell us the folder structure of your install and it can be fixed.

    If you see his user in wp after he registers in bb, he must be able to log in with the same password. It reads the same entry in the database. You should never have to change their password in wp; any change to his password should be identical in bb anyway. He did register only once, right? Just once, not for both wp and bb?



    What do you mean by ‘using’ the blog? Not being able to write? Not being able to read?

    If it’s read you mean, just get a custom roles plugin for WP and make a new role that can read, then stop other roles from reading (or vice-versa). Only dudes you promote to that role will be able to read.



    Please don’t ask for paid help here. It goes against the rules because apparently it leads to bidding and bad behaviour and other undesirable shizzles.

    I’ve got holidays though, I’d be willing to help you out as long as you don’t pay me. Don’t know about expert but I could help set up a simple site ~ no guarantees, of course, first time doing this for someone else. Email me at fel64 is not at loinhead.net (but, you know, take the sarcasm into account) with some details to get the ball rolling.



    Interesting, thinking about it now. Bit busy making an addition to my WP site, but I suppose if you made a simple plugin that put a post through its filters and returns it, then request that via Ajax it could be appended to the list of posts.

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