Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    Thnx GautamGupta for the answer:

    You just need to comment out line 139 on current trunk in bbp-topic-template.php



    Just in case the plugin author sees this, at least provide an option for having attachments in the replies. There are some of us that need the functionality in both topics and replies. An admin option would be nice.


    I would suggest making it so that only logged in users can add attachments.

    bbPress has the option of allowing guests to post to the forums, so if I turn that on, I end up with guest attachment abilities, which I personally don’t want.

    Great little plugin btw, thnx!



    Odds are pretty good that it has something to do with the css files. I’d ask the theme author what he is doing to cause this issue.

    I read through the code that I can see but have no idea what is wrong. I do see the style.css being called twice in your header, but that would not cause this problem.

    Honestly, this one is so weird, that I’d love to hear what the fix ends up being so if you do find out, please do share….



    My bad, I thought he was asking about displaying topics, should have read it better. I’ve done that part as well, although it is not as straightforward an answer.



    As bbPress follows all WordPress code standards, I am going to assume it is something to do with thesis.

    Chris is a great coder so I am certain that he would have no problem coming up with a fix for thesis.



    Sorry, I meant change your entire website theme to twentyten and test. I would also suggest disabling all other plugins.

    If that fixes the problem then I would reactivate plugins one at a time and see when the problem comes back. If it doesn’t then activate your current theme and see if the problem comes back. If the problem comes back, then you know if it is your theme or a plugin that is causing the problem.



    Did you run the counter?

    wp-admin tools/counter tick all the boxes and click start.



    Actually it was quite easy to do:

    Modify archive forum:

    <div id="forum-front" class="bbp-forum-front">
    <div class="entry-content">

    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-forum' ); ?>
    <h3>Recent Topics:</h3>
    <?php bbp_get_template_part( 'bbpress/content', 'archive-topic' ); ?>

    </div><!-- #forum-front -->

    Notice I am simply calling the content-archive-topic template.

    **Obviously there is more to it than simply modding a core file which is not good. I am going to assume that you are using a custom theme/child-theme and modifying the templates from there.




    Yes I read through your code prior to posting this and used it as an example of how to add options to the page.

    It was because of reading your code that I was asking about using tabs. My reason for this is that it would give the users a clear distinction between ‘core’ and ‘custom’ options while still maintaining all options in the same page.

    Just thought it would be unique, cool, and provide yet another level of organization to bbPress.



    If you revert your theme to the standard twentyten, do you still have the problem?



    Ahh my bad, I didn’t recognize you were talking about bp vs. bbp.

    Someday I’m really going to have to install buddypress as so many people ask questions on this forum about it and I can’t help without first knowing about bp.

    In reply to: total n00b question…



    After activating the plugin I would do 2 things.

    1. go to admin-settings-forums (in the admin panel) and click save.

    2. go to admin-settings-permalinks (in the admin panel) and click save.

    The reason for those steps, although probably unnecessary, is to set the permalinks for everything. Like I said, probably not needed, but can’t hurt.

    Then if you didn’t change anything on the forums settings, you can go to and there they are.

    *Next you may want to add a link to the forums in your website navigation so that people can find them.



    The theme on this website is custom and is not yet running the 2x plugin, so no, there is nothing ‘out of the box’ that will look like it does here.

    It is however more than possible to build your own custom theme that looks and behaves like this site does. Not easy but possible. Gotta remember, bbPress uses templates in the same was as WordPress does.



    bumping it up.

    Because the bbPress settings page does not register a starting tab, I have had no luck adding tabs to the page without messing everything up. (standard bbPress options have no ‘home’ tab to attach themselves to).

    Any dev’s wanna jump in on this one with me?



    sounds like something is wrong with your setup as I am able to see both subscribed and favorite posts in user profiles. No idea, what the cause could be.

    *maybe deactivate all plugins and try activating twentyten theme? Also check to see if you have any .js errors going on.




    Adam is currently working on an improved vs. of the plugin that should resolve this problem.



    Which converter are you using, the new bbConverter plugin?

    If so, I’m pretty sure that the phpBB option says it is not yet supported.

    I do know that Adam is working on a new vs. as we speak, but am not sure if phpBB has been added yet.

    In reply to: WYSIWYG-Editor?




    As it sounds like you know what you are doing, check this out, your gonna flip over this one.

    Basically it means we can now use the full blown wp editor on the front end. I managed to get it setup in a few mins and for the most part it works perfectly.

    I know this is going to hit bbPress as soon as WP3.3 is released, but nothing is stopping us from playing around before that.



    Yeah, bbPress breadcrumbs use some really tricky logic.

    Regular breadcrumb scripts are not going to work throughout bbPress as is. There really isn’t a way of that I personally know on how to fix this issue.




    Most of your questions are pretty unique and specific. Frankly many of the questions you are asking about is why Adam has custom services available.

    I also sent you a twitter message with my skype info, however Adam is definitely the person to talk to.

    I am confident that he can accomplish exactly what you are after, but it would require direct contact and most probably custom services.

    *What is a newline problem? (ur question over there, can’t figure it out lol)



    bbPress works perfectly in multisite. I have separate forums for each of my sites in the network. Of course we do share users though, no current way around that yet.



    Works beautifully!

    Desktopserver also looks quite intriguing. I currently use xampp setup custom on my dev laptop using wp multisite to accomplish something similar. I don’t want to mess up my current setup, but may try your product in the future.



    Not ignoring you, just don’t know how to do this. Not even sure you you managed to sync replies to posts..

    In reply to: bbpress Database



    Without php knowledge this would be a huge undertaking. WordPress uses group permissions to set who can do what. (You have to create corresponding groups that have permissions to utilize the new forum type)

    A good reference starting point would be to look at the new ‘support’ forums plugin. It’s listed in the forums here the past week.

    That would be a good starting point. However like I said, if you are not great at php, this is gonna take a long time to figure out. It’s no small task.



    There is a trac ticket addressing this problem.

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