Anointed (@anointed)

Forum Replies Created

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  • @anointed


    Currently there is no such plugin, anyone is free to build one though.



    I’m guessing that the most ‘generic’ way to do this would be to use multisite, put bbPress onto a single site, and then simply add a link to that site in all the other sites menu’s.

    You could use a plugin like

    That would add each user to every site on your network when they signup on one site. It does take some setup, but works pretty well for what it is.

    In reply to: Installing theme issue



    Are you using the new bbPress 2x?

    If so, bbPress 2x does not use custom bbPress themes anymore. It uses your currently active WordPress theme.



    There is currently no real way of differentiating one forum from another as roles are concerned. Members and role-scoper plugins have no way to do this as bbPress is currently setup.

    I do remember reading that Justin was going to write some type of plugin to do this, but I have not heard anything further on it in months.




    No, the converter is not currently setup to convert posts to forum topics.

    Thinking about it, it would actually be a rather large undertaking.

    1. Do you create a new forum for each post category to put the post into the right forum?

    2. If so, what about posts with more than one category, do you put the post into multiple forums?

    3. what do you do with the comments? Do they become replies?

    4. What do you do with threaded comments? They would be way out of order in the scheme.

    5. What do you do for comment authors as most people who comment are not members? Do you create accounts for them and simply not let them know it? Do you send them password to access a site they never signed up for?

    Bottom line is it is possible, but really should/would remain in the realm of a custom job as everyone would want a different setup.



    bbPress 2x REQUIRES WordPress as bbPress is now a true WordPress plugin. There is no way at all to run bbPress without WordPress.

    You could always install WordPress in a subdirectory ‘community’ and then have the plugin base as forums, so you end up with site/community/forums/forum….

    You may then be able to do some crazy fancy url rewrites to remove the community from the url, though that is also an area I am not familiar enough with to help out.

    I’m not sure though if you run into other issues with installing WordPress in a subdirectory as I have never tried it before. I do seem to remember reading somewhere that people were having issues with subdirectory installs, though I could be wrong.




    Yeah, the descriptions layout is confusing. It’s just how it’s setup to display. It is ‘fixable’ but is way beyond the time I have to invest in fixing. Either way, your forums look a little better now. At least you have more of a base to start tweaking it. Glad it helped.




    The numbers represent topics/replies for each forum so if it says (3,4) that means there are 3 topics and 4 replies in that forum.

    Also, I would suggest maybe upgrading bbPress to the latest nightly vs. as it does not use tables.

    download link is on the bottom of the page.


    The nightly beta has been just fine for me and others, but as always backup first.

    Your right, your forums look horrible. I’m kinda hoping that the new theme built into the new vs. of bbPress might help you out.

    Also, your theme is from a decent company, I’d also go over there and ask them for a little bit of help with the styles. There is nothing conflicting that I see, but for some reason your tables are all evenly spaced which is why the homepage looks so bad. The new theme does not use tables, so it might help.

    In reply to: Theme malfunction



    wow, that makes no sense, never would have guessed that would be an issue. Wonder what the cause/effect is. I don’t do that, yet template files have no effect. Will have to dig deeper.

    thnx for the info.

    In reply to: Blurry Topics?



    It’s your theme css:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .sf-menu.light ul li a, th, tr, #portfolio-filter span, .portfolio-view span, #section-tophat, .feature span, .superquote, .supertagline, #section-footer, #section-footer h5, .sf-menu.light li u {
    text-shadow: 1px 0 1px #000000;

    The text-shadow is causing the problem.



    There truly is no way to build a plugin like bbPress that would integrate with any theme on the market and take on the themes characteristics perfectly.

    Because of that what bbPress has done is to build a very basic structure that is not to difficult to extend to fit your own theme. Yes, it does take a lot of work, but in the end it is very easy and run to work with.

    Most of what you are asking for could be accomplished with just a bit of css work. It would take a ton of work to make it look exactly like your forums, but making bbPress look decent in the theme wouldn’t be that hard. Mostly just time is all.

    It looks like you didn’t add descriptions to

    health, mind, and relationships. If you add descriptions for those ‘categories’ then the descriptions will show up.

    The theme by default does not show descriptions of sub-forums on the homepage, though it could be modified to show them.

    First time I’ve seen that theme. It’s very nice looking

    **I sent you a contact form on your website with a bunch of css you can apply to make bbPress look better on your site



    NO, bbPress really shouldn’t slow your site down any more than adding in the same amount of pages to your site as the amount of topics and replies you have in your forums.

    That is the nice part about bbPress. It basically used custom post-types and is totally native WordPress code.

    There is no extra code loaded that I am aware of, other than a small javascript file, which is only loaded on bbPress pages anyhow.

    No idea on the cache part, so can’t help there as I don’t use cache plugins.



    Looks like you found a bug. I’d report it on the trac for JJ.

    In reply to: Theme malfunction




    I don’t think that the template files are currently used, even if placed within your currently active theme. According to JJ< bbPress 2.1 should make this much easier.

    Right now, the only way I know how to change the appearance in your own theme is to actually remove the shortcode actions and write your own custom shortcodes.

    You can of course add a bbpress.php/forums.php page and place that within your theme to do some basic changes such as removing sidebars.




    Without a link to your site, there is nothing we can do to help out.


    Can I ask what it is about the bbPress theme that you don’t like on your site?

    From the quick peek that I took, it does seem to be setup correctly. If it’s just some small tweaks then maybe it’s something I can help with. (not tonight, it’s 3:30am my time, but maybe later).



    #1 yeah, that’s kinda how it works right now. It’s in need of some love.

    #2 removes ability for users to post bbPress content in admin area.

    #3 When doing it that way, there is a forum and topic selection dropdown on the right hand side above where you publish the post. The idea being that a user can select the forum and topic right there.

    I really think that is more just a quick way for an admin to post a reply, though I can’t see why I would ever use it myself.

    #4 probably a bug.

    There are also plenty of code snippets online in order to completely remove the admin bar or remove menu’s from the bar if you want. Pretty much just decide what you want to do and check google for the code snippets or plugins.



    Had a talk with JJ about a month ago or so about exactly this. At one point he was contemplating removing the templates all together and rather going with a shortcode only system.

    I’m pretty sure that in the end this was decided against, but I have not checked the code lately to see what ended up happening.

    I do know that in my current theme I was not able to easily use the templates to override the defaults. That was a change from prior, and I thought it was just me being stupid again.

    Maybe it was left in limbo or something, we’ll probably have to wait until he jumps back in here and lets us know what changed.



    Yeah, I’m not sure how to get it to work. I just tried it myself, and while I get no errors, I am not able to use shortcodes in my forum topics. Maybe JJ, or someone will jump in and let us know how to properly whitelist shortcodes.

    *I know I have my site setup correctly as I can use shortcodes in my other custom post-types. Best guess is that bbPress has some rather strong filtering going on or something. Which btw is not a bad thing, would just help to know what/why it’s happening.



    If that extra info is being added during the conversion then something is wrong with the bbcodes converter that bbconverter is using. I will let AWJunkies know about it when he gets back in the office.

    thanks for the heads up



    It kind of helps to know what plugin you are talking about.

    There are a couple of plugins that might help though:

    those allow you to use shortcodes in bbPress, and also choose which ones you allow users to use.

    *allowing all shortcodes for users is dangerous, asking for trouble.

    **I didn’t write the plugins, and don’t know much about them other than I tried them once and they worked. Just trying to help

    In reply to: BBpress with Delicate



    For the most part, that is about how bbPress looks out of the box. I see a few table issues, but nothing major.

    Try downloading the nightly vs. and see if that helps out.

    The bottom of the page in the center is the link to download.

    The new vs. does not use tables and ‘might’ help make it look a little better out of the box.

    *keep in mind:

    that is the nightly beta vs. although it does seem pretty stable to me.

    In reply to: Upload images



    Under the wp-admin Settings -> Forums

    notice the last choice? check that, and if you are running WordPress 3.3 and bbPress 2x, it should show up.

    In reply to: CSS for forum



    mail sent again



    The bbcode is going to take a special process to convert. I mean what in the world does ‘b:twwr5fiw’ mean anyhow? Notice that when you paste it in here, bbPress is not converting it?

    Just like with WordPress where anyone can register anything as a ‘bbcode’ there is no standard between software packages, much less between single sites even. Other than a few standard ones my bbcodes are totally different than yours for example.

    In those instances, I can almost guarantee it would require a custom setup. I know AWJunkies was offering this service at one time.

    I personally have no idea how it would even work because what are the definitions for the original bbcodes?

    My best guess is that AWJunkies would have to go through each persons install one at a time in order to check for bbcode definitions, plugin by plugin, and then create a custom translator.

    I did send him a message, but I’m guessing that his office is closed for the holidays as I didn’t hear back from him.



    you don’t actually need to create any pages, actually that would cause a url collision problem.

    Fully delete the page and empty the trash

    Go into the admin > forums, make sure you like the settings and click save.

    Go into the admin > permalinks and click save.

    Now your forums should show up just fine.

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