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Search Results for 'remove sidebar'

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  • #152847

    In reply to: Remove Sidebar

    Mael Shanti

    Hi ! I didn’t really managed to remove sidebar nicely… :/
    So I created a new support topic :
    Thanks for helping !


    In reply to: change forum sidebar


    I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you ROBIN W for suggesting the plugin “widget logic”. I too am having the same sidebar problem as described above, and the Tweaks Plugin simply didn’t work for me. I even tried creating a forum.php in my theme-child, and was able to remove the sidebar by removing the call to the sidebar, but when I made a call to a specific sidebar, it simply wouldn’t work: it always reverted back to the main theme sidebar no matter what I tried.

    “widget logic” solved this issue. In the Main Sidebar, I can now add a LOGIC code, such as the ones you posted, and now the widgets either display or don’t dislay on the bbpress forum pages. Case closed!

    So, thanks again!


    Hello all,

    I no longer need a forum on my site so I’m trying to remove bbPress to streamline things. When I go to deactivate bbPress, pretty much everything is fine except for one thing – when I view a single post or single page, the sidebar is gone.

    This doesn’t happen on the homepage.

    Any advice would be great.


    In reply to: Topic page width

    Stephen Edgar

    Check out some of the docs, there’s a link at the top of this page.

    If you don’t want particular widgets in a sidebar remove those widgets, this is not a bbPress issue so we have nothing to fix here.

    If you don’t want a sidebar, use a template from your theme that doesn’t include a sidebar.

    Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – Part 1


    In reply to: Disable sidebar


    copy page.php and rename it bbpress.php and remove any call for any sidebars

    Jimi Wikman

    Ok, I’ll make a brief post regarding the documentation section and navigation in general so we can start discussing those areas.

    The documentations section have a few issues and I think the main issue is that it does not have a uniform navigation. By that I mean that depending on where I end up in the codex, I get different sidebars with different content. This confuses the hell out of me, especially since the very anonymous breadcrumb always refer back to the codex home and do not show me where I am in the hierarchy of things.

    To make this easier there should be one sidebar for all areas of the codex along with a search function.

    The related links is confusing as well as they do not seem to have any connection to the topic or page I am at. Instead they seem to be a bunch of topics in the codex in general or perhaps from a specific section/category? Either way if I want to learn more about bbp_forum_post_count I don’t think it’s very likely that a topic about bbp_breadcrumb will improve my experience. These should be removed from the sidebar and added in context with the content and as part of the sidebar navigation hierarchy.

    One other thing I find strange is that neither of these pages have discussions, either in the form of comments or to a dedicated thread on the forum. By not having that it’s more difficult for the users to express if the information is confusing and lacking in some way. Essentially the content becomes dead and will most likely see very little in the form of improvement.

    When it comes to navigation in general I still find it strange that there are no breadcrumbs below the main navigation. A lot of people will end up on different pages when they enter the website and regardless of where you end up you should always know the context the page you are visiting in relation to the overall navigation, especially on a website with so much content that is spread out in different sections.

    I also think that the main navigation look vague and while I appreciate the little bee image it does not help with the visibility of the navigation. I first thought something was wrong with my screen since I noticed the figures that looks superimposed until i realized it’s just a background image. I would say keep the bee, but remove the white traces and the background image, then make the fonts larger for the navigation.

    The navigation itself seem to not be in order with what I would suspect people are looking for. I might be wrong, but I doubt people come here looking for the blog before support or that downloads are the least sought feature? It would make more sense to have support right after “about” and depending on how you want downloads to be handled it would either be the most important item so it would be added last with the CTA or as the second navigation after about.

    ..and i’ll just end with a question regarding the about page: do you really feel that the categories in the sidebar is a good representation on what you have written in this section? It looks a bit strange that you have items such as “i18n” in the category of the about us and then you have added an inline content box with the actual content of the about section. I would love to hear the meeting where that was decided and the discussions on how that would make it easier for the visitor to find relevant information about BBPress 😉


    In reply to: Full Width Forum Help


    you should be remove *template Name : ….*
    its not a page template, should be have some code like this in start file :

     * The template for displaying bbPress content.
     * @package WordPress
     * @subpackage BuddyBoss
     * @since BuddyBoss 3.0
    get_header(); ?>
    	<!-- if widgets are loaded in the Forums sidebar, display it -->	
    	<?php if ( is_active_sidebar('forums') ) : ?>		
    		<div class="page-right-sidebar">
    	<!-- if not, hide the sidebar -->
    	<?php else: ?>
    		<div class="page-full-width">
    	<?php endif; ?>
    			<!-- bbPress template content -->
    			<div id="primary" class="site-content">
    				<div id="content" role="main">
    					<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    						<?php get_template_part( 'content', 'page' ); ?>
    						<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
    					<?php endwhile; // end of the loop. ?>
    				</div><!-- #content -->
    			</div><!-- #primary -->
    			<?php get_sidebar('bbpress'); ?>
    		</div><!-- closing div -->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    If you check my pages section and look for ‘Forum’ and scroll down to bottom of page, you will see that I have a right side bar activated to show widgets that belong to sidebar 3 within my widgets area. However for some reason, my forum only displays widgets within sidebar 2. See for yourself.

    PLUS… Even when I remove my sidebars, the width of my forum remains narrow and doesn’t extend out the same width of the rest of my site – why?

    I’d like to know why I’m experiencing the above problems please.


    In reply to: Random Topic Link

    Stephen Edgar

    Ha! Yes, I was messing about with that yesterday thinking it would solve the issue here but it does not 😉 If you add the bbPress views widget to a sidebar you will see all those views in the gist you linked above, you can also add the shortcode [bbp-single-view id="single-random-topic"] to a page it it will display the ‘topic’ list template with a single random topic.

    So it can do all that ^^^, but it will not work as a ‘button’ so you can’t have a button with ‘Click this for a random topic’ 🙁

    Something like this should work though:

    function ntwb_bbpress_random_single_topic() {
        if ( bbp_has_topics( array( 'orderby' => 'rand', 'posts_per_page' => 1 ) ) ) {
            while ( bbp_topics() ) : bbp_the_topic();
                <a class="bbp-topic-permalink" href="<?php bbp_topic_permalink(); ?>"><?php bbp_topic_title(); ?></a>
    // Hook into action
    // Add it as a shortcode [ntwb-bbpress-random-single-topic]
    add_shortcode('ntwb-bbpress-random-single-topic', 'ntwb_bbpress_random_single_topic');

    I’m hooking it into just before the ‘lead topic’ (bbp_template_before_lead_topic) in the example above but you could hook that anywhere you would like.

    I also add it as a shortcode [ntwb-bbpress-random-single-topic] for use that way.

    Make any changes you want to the HTML, I am just doing it as a HTML a anchor link with the permalink bbp_topic_permalink() and the link title as the topic title bbp_topic_title(). Change all that HTML code to a button, remove <?php bbp_topic_title(); ?> and replace with Random Topic or whatever takes your fancy.


    In reply to: Full Width Forum Help

    Robin W

    ok, so what happens at the moment is that the bbpress.php calls the footer.php at the bottom of it.

    The footer in turn calls the sidebar (this is an annoying habit that theme developers have started doing, sidebars should be called in theme pages not in footers aggghhh!).

    so what we’ll do in bbpress.php is simply take out the call to the footer, and put the footer code minus the sidebar into the bbpress.php

    so in bbpress.php remove the line which says

    <?php get_footer(); // Loads the footer.php template. ?>

    Then put this code in it’s place

    </div><!– .content-wrap –>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘close_main’ ); // oxygen_close_main ?>
    </div><!– #main –>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_main’ ); // oxygen_after_main ?>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘before_footer’ ); // oxygen_before_footer ?>
    <div id=”footer”>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘open_footer’ ); // oxygen_open_footer ?>
    <div id=”footer-content” class=”footer-content”>
    <?php echo apply_atomic_shortcode( ‘footer_content’, hybrid_get_setting( ‘footer_insert’ ) ); ?>
    <?php get_template_part( ‘menu’, ‘subsidiary’ ); // Loads the menu-subsidiary.php template. ?>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘footer’ ); // oxygen_footer ?>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘close_footer’ ); // oxygen_close_footer ?>
    </div><!– #footer –>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_footer’ ); // oxygen_after_footer ?>
    </div><!– .wrap –>
    </div><!– #container –>
    <?php do_atomic( ‘close_body’ ); // oxygen_close_body ?>
    <?php wp_footer(); // wp_footer ?>

    Come back with what that does !


    In reply to: Full Width Forum Help



    I tried this, and I think we’re getting extremely close 🙂

    Note that you also have to remove this code from your bbpress.php file

    <div class="aside">
    		<?php get_sidebar( 'primary' ); // Loads the sidebar-primary.php template. ?>

    The only problem with my Forum now is that the “right” sidebar still shows up, albeit below the full-page forum. Check it out here –>

    This is my code for the full-page template

    ‘get_header(); // Loads the header.php template. ?>


    <?php do_atomic( ‘before_content’ ); // oxygen_before_content ?>

    <div class=”bbpress-wrap”>

    <div id=”bbpress-content”>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘open_content’ ); // oxygen_open_content ?>

    <div class=”hfeed”>

    <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>

    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘before_entry’ ); // oxygen_before_entry ?>

    <div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>” class=”<?php hybrid_entry_class(); ?>”>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘open_entry’ ); // oxygen_open_entry ?>

    <?php echo apply_atomic_shortcode( ‘entry_title’, ‘[entry-title permalink=”0″]’ ); ?>

    <div class=”entry-content”>

    <?php the_content( __( ‘Continue reading <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, ‘oxygen’ ) ); ?>

    <?php wp_link_pages( array( ‘before’ => ‘<p class=”page-links”>’ . __( ‘Pages:’, ‘oxygen’ ), ‘after’ => ‘</p>’ ) ); ?>

    </div><!– .entry-content –>

    <?php echo apply_atomic_shortcode( ‘entry_meta’, ‘<div class=”entry-meta”>[entry-edit-link]</div>’ ); ?>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘close_entry’ ); // oxygen_close_entry ?>

    </div><!– .hentry –>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_entry’ ); // oxygen_after_entry ?>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_singular’ ); // oxygen_after_singular ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php endif; ?>

    </div><!– .hfeed –>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘close_content’ ); // oxygen_close_content ?>

    </div><!– #content –>

    <?php do_atomic( ‘after_content’ ); // oxygen_after_content ?>

    <?php get_footer(); // Loads the footer.php template. ?>`

    What can I change to eliminate the sidebar remnants that remain?


    I’m having a similar problem to dustinarmstrong. But its not exactly the same.

    I’m trying to fix a broken forum set up for a client. I did not do the forum installation (he did it himself) AND the forum is installed on a live site that gets lots of web traffic so I don’t want to do anything that might impact the website overall.

    Here’s my situation:
    1) BBPress was installed (I don’t have details about when and how),
    2) a page was created with the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode on it
    3) the forum didn’t work, so my client contacted me to fix it
    4) I went into settings > forums and changed the forum root slug from the default “forum” to “travel-forums” (the name of the page where the shortcode lives. The error message “Possible bbPress conflict: Forum slug” showed up next to the slug field after saving the settings.
    5) I also changed the single forum slug from the default “forum” to “travel-forums”. The error message “Possible bbPress conflict: Forums base” showed up next to the slug field after saving.

    In my case, the forum page DOES show up at but it is empty except for the welcome text that I had entered into the forum main window. (So it just says “Welcome to our forum” without any of the discussion topics showing up.

    Also, I have the “Recent Topics” widget enabled on my sidebar and my three test discussion topics DO show up there. When I click on any of them they take me to the correct URL but the pages are blank. So, for example, when I click on “test topic” in the widget I land on and the page displays the topic header “Test topic” and the topic question “what do you think about travel?” but it doesn’t display any of the posts.

    I’m not sure if this behavior is related to the slug conflict error messages or if something else is wrong.

    I’m trying to follow the advice that Stephen Edgar gave.

    First up, I think this is probably true in my case:

    most likely you have something else either titled or using the slug discuss and this includes any items in trash as even though they are in the trash they still reserve that slug and it is not released until the item is removed from the trash.

    This is probably a stupid question but How do I empty the trash to make sure that the old slug is removed?

    Second, I’d like to try this:

    To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.

    but since my website is live and has been for a long time (and has lots of blog posts using the custom structure already) I’m concerned that this could permanently break the existing links. Any thoughts on this?


    I’m having a similar problem to dustinarmstrong. But its not exactly the same.

    I’m trying to fix a broken forum set up for a client. I did not do the forum installation (he did it himself) AND the forum is installed on a live site that gets lots of web traffic so I don’t want to do anything that might impact the website overall.

    Here’s my situation:
    1) BBPress was installed (I don’t have details about when and how),
    2) a page was created with the [bbp-forum-index] shortcode on it
    3) the forum didn’t work, so my client contacted me to fix it
    4) I went into settings > forums and changed the forum root slug from the default “forum” to “travel-forums” (the name of the page where the shortcode lives. The error message “Possible bbPress conflict: Forum slug” showed up next to the slug field after saving the settings.
    5) I also changed the single forum slug from the default “forum” to “travel-forums”. The error message “Possible bbPress conflict: Forums base” showed up next to the slug field after saving.

    In my case, the forum page DOES show up at but it is empty except for the welcome text that I had entered into the forum main window. (So it just says “Welcome to our forum” without any of the discussion topics showing up.

    Also, I have the “Recent Topics” widget enabled on my sidebar and my three test discussion topics DO show up there. When I click on any of them they take me to the correct URL but the pages are blank. So, for example, when I click on “test topic” in the widget I land on and the page displays the topic header “Test topic” and the topic question “what do you think about travel?” but it doesn’t display any of the posts.

    I’m not sure if this behavior is related to the slug conflict error messages or if something else is wrong.

    I’m trying to follow the advice that Stephen Edgar gave.

    First up, I think this is probably true in my case:

    most likely you have something else either titled or using the slug discuss and this includes any items in trash as even though they are in the trash they still reserve that slug and it is not released until the item is removed from the trash.

    This is probably a stupid question but How do I empty the trash to make sure that the old slug is removed?

    Second, I’d like to try this:

    To fix this try resetting your permalinks. In your WordPress Administration Screens navigate to Settings > Permalinks, select a different permalink structure and save. Then select your preferred permalink structure and save again.

    but since my website is live and has been for a long time (and has lots of blog posts using the custom structure already) I’m concerned that this could permanently break the existing links. Any thoughts on this?


    Ok, now I’m noticing this.
    If the forum content is at
    http://www./forums which is where my forums page is at ( the page content bbp-index )
    It wont show sidebar as the page is using the full width layout.

    If the content is at http://www./forum which is where bbpress root is at, it will have the sidebar.

    Maybe you’ll figure something out from that

    And I’m just curious why is it hybrid_get_sidebar and not get_sidebar ?

    Remove the hybrid caused problem with line 21 which is the
    Copyright © 2014 The young marketers community . Powered by WordPress and Stargazer sentence.


    Okay, now this is what I did:
    I replaced the line above

    <?php the_title( ‘<h2 ‘ . hybrid_get_attr( ‘entry-title’ ) . ‘>‘, ‘</h2>’ ); ?>

    with this line in my old bbpress.php file because I see they are in the similar position and the page work ok.

    <?php the_title( ‘<h2 ‘ . hybrid_get_attr( ‘entry-title’ ) . ‘>‘, ‘</h2>’ ); ?>

    But at the topic page, it pushed the sidebar to the bottom. So, I deleted the get footer line and everything looks exactly how I want them to be.

    Only that now I don’t know if they’ll be any problem, especially when I removed the get footer line.

    The fact that I changed your code also is worrying me since I have absolutely no knowledge about php coding. I mean, I’ve found out there is a something called php coding.

    Anyway, here is my footer.php content, can you check if anything is important ?

    <?php hybrid_get_sidebar( ‘primary’ ); // Loads the sidebar/primary.php template. ?>

    </div><!– #main –>

    <?php hybrid_get_sidebar( ‘subsidiary’ ); // Loads the sidebar/subsidiary.php template. ?>

    </div><!– .wrap –>

    <footer <?php hybrid_attr( ‘footer’ ); ?>>

    <div class=”wrap”>

    <?php hybrid_get_menu( ‘social’ ); // Loads the menu/social.php template. ?>

    <p class=”credit”>

    <?php printf(

    /* Translators: 1 is current year, 2 is site name/link, 3 is WordPress name/link, and 4 is theme name/link. */

    __( ‘Copyright © %1$s %2$s. Powered by %3$s and %4$s.’, ‘stargazer’ ),

    date_i18n( ‘Y’ ), hybrid_get_site_link(), hybrid_get_wp_link(), hybrid_get_theme_link()

    ); ?>

    </p><!– .credit –>

    </div><!– .wrap –>

    </footer><!– #footer –>

    </div><!– #container –>

    <?php wp_footer(); // WordPress hook for loading JavaScript, toolbar, and other things in the footer. ?>




    In reply to: compact bbpress


    Thank you, that’s very encouraging. I’m on the brink of setting off for France for some serious work on other things, so there may be a break.

    But just for now, “allow forum wide search” was selected and I don’t see a search. Is there something else I have to do to switch it back on, having previously removed it from the sidebar?

    And I don’t suppose it’s possible to get rid of the avatar altogether, is it? We’re a very small community, we know who we are!


    In reply to: compact bbpress

    Robin W

    That doesn’t seem to be possible in 2012, which forces a sidebar if you want a search facility, and which consumes a lot of vertical space with the identity of the contributor, including a large avatar.

    Good job we’re in 2014 then 🙂

    If you switch on the search facility
    dashboard>settings>forums and look for search allow forum wide search, you’ll get a search bar at the top of the forums page

    for the avatar size use the following code in your functions file

    function my_bbp_change_avatar_size($author_avatar, $topic_id, $size) {
        $author_avatar = '';
        if ($size == 14) {
            $size = 24;
        if ($size == 80) {
            $size = 110;
        $topic_id = bbp_get_topic_id( $topic_id );
        if ( !empty( $topic_id ) ) {
            if ( !bbp_is_topic_anonymous( $topic_id ) ) {
                $author_avatar = get_avatar( bbp_get_topic_author_id( $topic_id ), $size );
            } else {
                $author_avatar = get_avatar( get_post_meta( $topic_id, '_bbp_anonymous_email', true ), $size );
        return $author_avatar;
    /* Add priority (default=10) and number of arguments */
    add_filter('bbp_get_topic_author_avatar', 'my_bbp_change_avatar_size', 20, 3);
    add_filter('bbp_get_reply_author_avatar', 'my_bbp_change_avatar_size', 20, 3);
    add_filter('bbp_get_current_user_avatar', 'my_bbp_change_avatar_size', 20, 3);

    The example increase the size, just change to to what you want

    see for how to do that

    you can also remove things like keymaster – just come back with what you want – and we’ll try to help you


    Ok. Now this is what I’m currently have:
    The forum page is okay with full width and no sidebar but topic is still like before, with sidebar.
    Note that I also did thing a bit differently. This time I didn’t remove the get_footer line. Instead I chose the 1 page width layout ( not template ). I did try this before but it didn’t work because I put the [bbp-index] line inside c.o.d.e in the page. After I remove them, it worked.
    So now, I want the topic to be like the forum page, no sidebar and full width.

    And also, I’ve just came across this other things. I notice that there are 2 “forum” page. forumS and forum. the things is. When I access the forum page through the forum permalink, it doesn’t have side bar but when I access it through the forumS permalink like when I click on forums at Home > forums > …, it act just like the topic page.
    This is a long post but to summarize:
    The topic and the forum access from the forums permalink to be full width with no sidebar.

    Thanks in advance.


    Robin that´s absolutely correct.

    I was using BuddyPress login widget into my “Forum only” sidebar.
    I removed that widget and added bbPress login ,and it works.

    My theme : Genesis Sample
    Plugins used : BuddyPress, bbPress, BuddyPress Extender, BBpress Extender.

    Hope this will help someone.

    Everything works now for me. Thanks for the help.

    Robin W

    ok, use this template, but follow the instructions in

    in the copy that you have renamed bbpress then remove

     if ( ! is_active_sidebar( ‘sidebar-2′ ) && ! is_active_sidebar( ‘sidebar-3′ ) && ! is_active_sidebar( ‘sidebar-4′ ) && ! is_active_sidebar( ‘sidebar-5′ ) )

    and replace it with

    <?php get_sidebar(); ?>

    and then ensure that bbpress tweaks is saying to use bbpress.php


    Hey Robin,

    Thanks for the reply. A little while ago, I removed the line that would have included the sidebar but I just added in yours and what I am seeing is the sidebar from the homepage for some reason. This is one of the issues I was having before and the reason I removed the code in the first place.

    Do you have any idea why this might be happening? Please assist, buddy.




    I am testing out the forum and don’t see an option during the creation of a forum to remove the sidebar.

    I am using theme Point Version: 1.0.6 By MyThemeShop.

    Thanks for any help in resolving this.



    Hi all,
    I know that there are several post about it, but I’m not able to find a solution for my forum.
    It’s password proteceted and I cannot send you any link.

    – I have WordPress 3.9.1 and bbpress 2.5.4
    – I use Twenty Eleven (I know it’s a bad theme for bbpress)
    – I have copied the content of /wp-content/plugins/bbpress/templates/default folder in my theme folder
    – I have edited all the php files of my /wp-content/themes/mytheme/bbpress folder and commented “get_sidebar()” function
    – I have created forum.php and bbpress.php file starting from page.php template and commented “get_sidebar()” function

    But I have always the sidebar (below bbpress).

    If I use this code

    function disable_all_widgets( $sidebars_widgets ) {       
        if ( function_exists('is_bbpress') ) {
            if (is_bbpress()) {
                $sidebars_widgets = array(false);
                unregister_sidebar( 'bp_core_widgets' );
        return $sidebars_widgets;
    add_filter('sidebars_widgets', 'disable_all_widgets', 1, 1);

    all the widgets disappear, but I have always meta links.

    I know I should change theme. Do you have some tips for this one?

    Thank you,



    Theme: modified portfolio press:

    Theme Name: Portfolio Press
    Description: Portfolio Press is a responsive theme for showcasing your photography, art, web sites, or other projects. It also works nicely as a regular blog site. An options panel is included for uploading logos and and changing the layout. There’s also support for the image, gallery and quote post formats. Visit the demo site or watch the video screencast for set up instructions.
    Author: Devin Price
    Author URI:
    Theme URI:
    Version: 1.7
    License: GNU General Public License
    License URI: license.txt
    Tags: white, black, gray, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, flexible-width, custom-menu, full-width-template, microformats, post-formats, rtl-language-support, theme-options, translation-ready


    Portfolio was built on the solid foundation of Toolbox:

    Reset default browser CSS.
    Based on work by Eric Meyer:

    MODERATOR EDIT: I removed the ~1200 lines of code here, use pastebin or a gist on GitHub for big code dumps.


    So I have been running bbpress for the past month now. Today I had some free time and decided to try and make it look more appealing. So I searched for wordpress bbpress plugins and suffusion bbpress pack come up. I installed, activated, and went to its settings. So in the settings was the following:

    If you are starting out afresh with bbPress on Suffusion or Suffusion on bbPress, this is the first thing you should do. Since the default bbPress HTML markup is different from Suffusion’s markup, this step will help (re)create your templates. You should be using a child theme of Suffusion before you start using this theme. Otherwise if you update Suffusion from the WP themes repository you will lose all the bbPress-specific files.

    Please note that all your template files will be written to /home4/kingdox1/public_html/demigodlegion/wp-content/themes/arcade-basic.

    So I clicked “rebuild bbpress files” and looked at the forum to see the changes. Once I looked at the forum I noticed that all it did was expand the forum layout horizontally and removed the (right) sidebar. I need the sidebar so removed the suffusion bbpress pack plug in and now there is no forum whatsoever. If I re install the suffusion plugin, the forum reappears.

    I tried doing a full restore through my hosting company to no avail. If there is a way that I could backup all of the topics and forums. Re install bbpress, then import topics and forums…. unless there is an easier way.

Viewing 25 results - 101 through 125 (of 322 total)
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