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  • #3269

    hey guys,

    i am trying to por t a vbulletin forum to bbpress. i’ve managed to port it first to phpbb2 and then to bbpress 0.7 via converters, but know i am stuck unable to upgrade bbpress to 0.9.

    0.7 seems to be working fine on first glance and i can login i can see user posts. but when i try upgrading to 0.9 i get stuck in the database conversion with a time out error. i have a dedicated server and i have changed the timing restriction from 600 to 6000 but i still get that error after hours of execution.

    can anyone lend a hand? i’ve spent countless hours now trying to get this thing up and running to no avail.




    Maybe it’s because I’m not so knowledgeable about wikis, but I really wonder what you are talking about. I totally agree concerning the “simple, fast and elegant”. phpBB is far too complicated for example. But gimme a break please. I don’t need to be told what I need. WordPress is great for news publication, it’s understandable by my not so computer literate community and it even allows to attach documents to posts (albeit not to comments). Now I’m thinking about phase 2, which is the integration of a forum to the blog and the duplication of WordPress posts in a dedicated sub-forum through the bbPost plugin. These guys are scientists who need to communicate AND exchange documents. bbPress appeals to me because of the WordPress integration, BUT I need it to have attachment as a feature. And I don’t have the skills to add this feature. I don’t intend to be demanding. I have an idea what open source development can be. I just don’t want some geek zealot to tell me that my need is wrong just because it breaks his ideal of how his software idol should be…


    In reply to: phpBB3.0-style theme


    @Beer: When/if I get the time I’ll be sure to make it public. As you know it’s quite something else to make it work generically rather than for one specific site.

    Thanks for the praise though, appreciate it.

    @_ck_: Thanks. Yes, I also had a good mind of making that “online” banner that phpbb uses, available per user but other things caught my attention. ;)

    Anyways, glad you both liked it.


    In reply to: phpBB3.0-style theme


    Very nice work! You could even make a new column on the left to mimic their icons and it would almost exactly the same!


    In reply to: phpBB3.0-style theme


    Looks very nice. Will you be making the theme available?


    wonderful! i’m glad to hear my post was helpful!


    I am switching my board from phpbb to bbpress and am very worried about porn spamming robots that register and post urls to porn sites.

    In phpbb, there is a mod that didn’t stop the registration, but was COMPLETELY EFFECTIVE in stopping the posting of porn sites. It simply would not allow brand-new members to post URLs.

    Is anyone capable of writing such a plug in for bbpress?

    Here’s a link to the phpbb mod —


    Just want to say THANK YOU!!

    I gave up converting my phpBB forum months ago:

    But by utilizing the info here (and buy editing the SQL file by hand), I was able to get my forum into the very latest bbPress… it’s even integrated with WP.

    Now I get to work on a new design for the forum and blog (as well as add lots of plugins to the new forum).

    Thanks again everybody! :-)


    In reply to: invision board?


    I can’t edit the previous post but before I hire for this project, should I do it straight from IPB to bbPress (which is what I need) or should I have a current phpBB to the latest bbPress created instead? The latter assumption being it’s easier for most to convert to phpBB first, from various others with the phpBB community being so active.


    yet another step.

    if you want pretty permalinks you’ll need to fill in topic_slug in bb_topics.


    What you are probably looking for is Flickr-in-a-box as a separate application with a common user database. Just as I’m looking for a Facebook-in-a-box application to run alongside the forum to foster the more personal social side. I don’t believe these should be core parts of the forum software, but there is a need for them somehow.

    This notion of modular is important, because it is easy to get side-tracked and try and build the entire internet into one application. That might ultimately happen (mirroring the history of the Microsoft platform model), but at this stage of the game, nobody has the resources to do everything, so doing one part of the jigsaw well is the best plan.

    BBPress should focus development on its core, which still has weaknesses. IMHO the most urgent is augmentation of futuristic geek-only features with the traditional ones that most users understand. The need for these functions has been acknowledged in BBPress’s design, however the current implementation is lacking because they are too complex for “normal people”.

    So RSS needs to be mirrored with bespoke email notifications, because the only people that “get” RSS are ‘bloggers. Gravatars need to be mirrored with uploadable avatars, because the only people that get Gravatars are ‘bloggers.

    Ok, I generalise on the “bloggers” part. But I know moderately technical people that can’t manage to set up a Gravatar, and have no idea what to do with an RSS feed. So the clueless masses stand no chance of using these features for the purpose they were designed.

    BBPress’s killer feature at the moment is spam control without forcing users to jump through hoops just to register and post. Easy to work with code, and general lack of bloat are good to. But take a look at this, and tell me the #1 feature requirement of forum software (and if anyone can point to why that’s affecting phpBB 2 sites more than other software, I’m curious). That’s literally hundreds of spam posts an hour. Most admins faced with that kind of nightmare won’t be too worried about forcing users to host files elsewhere.


    To be considered a major player in the forum world, it is necessary to have at least some option for attaching files to posts.

    Personally, I was actually shocked to learn that this was not a feature until I installed it to test it out.

    bbpress is listed up there with the most popular free forum software: phpbb, yaf, smf, vanilla. But it is the ONLY one which LACKS the ability to attach a file.

    I hope that this issue is addressed before the 1.0 release, I think it should be the FIRST priority for a new feature.

    IF YOU AGREE – Please respond to this post to let the developers know that this is a feature you are looking for in a forum and whether you think it should be intrinsic (like almost every other forum) and not a plug-in.


    I’m newer to bbPress but I promise I’ve read all the threads on fixing login problems for the key_master, but they aren’t working for me with the latest version.

    First, everything worked great with a vanilla install. I then used this converter to import my phpbb forums. Unfortunately, this converter has a couple of issues, including messing up the ID of the admin user.

    So, I simply upgraded a few of my users to keymasters and got rid of the original admin user. Unfortunately, even though I have multiple keymaster users, when I log in as one, I cannot access the control panel.

    I’ve been looking through the databases and everything looks right to me. My example user is “rob” with an ID of “3”. In bb_usermeta user_id 3’s bb_capabilities are set a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}.

    I tried this solution in the bb-config.php file, since there isn’t a config.php file anymore, but it didn’t seem to do anything. Oddly, I couldn’t get it to emit an error either and I don’t see the function new_keymaster referred to anywhere in the current code so I’m not sure that still works.

    Thanks in advance for any help with this. Right now, I’m stumped.



    a perfect example, how slow phpbb 3 is, compared to bbpress


    Looks like these forums were converted to phpBB.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion

    Here too!

    This really should be good for promotion of bbPress, to have a converter for phpbb3 that is.


    I can access this:

    Which means the files (at least that file) are there.

    I can also access these and get directory listings:

    That tells me that the index.php file in each directory is not getting processed by the web server. Looks like some sort of configuration problem with the server.

    Can you put a simple file in the foro directory, call it info.php and put this into it:



    Then access that at See what that tells you. If that is not processed by the web server, then it’s a problem with the server, not bbPress.

    I don’t have a lot of experience on an IIS server, so there may be something simple I’m not familiar with that would cause this.

    I am guessing PHP is not enabled here: (IP:

    It is however enabled here: (IP:

    Those are two completely different machines. The one where phpBB is now is a Linux/Apache machine with PHP 5.2.5. The one if IIS.

    I am pretty sure this is a configuration thing with your server, and where you have bbPress installed does not support PHP.


    We realized many of the members seemed to be showing up on the site as ‘inactive’, despite having a record in wp_user_meta with matching records containing:

    bb_capabilities a:1:{s:6:”member”;b:1;}

    I updated a single ‘inactive’ user to ‘moderator’, saved, then downgraded them back to ‘member’, saved… and everyone that was displaying as inactive started displaying correctly as member.

    I do not know what type of glitch this was, or if it was a result of the conversion but am posting it here in case others converting run into the same issue.


    This is really too much. Why can’t I post images in bbPress? I am about ready to give up and go back to pphpBB, even though I don’t like it. Instructions said to upload plugin to my-plugins directory, which doesn’t exist. I created it, but it didn’t work anyway, backticks or no backticks. Why should we need a plugin just to post an image?


    oh, i was actually talking about a separate issue where I can’t add/edit tags (well, I can add one per post then I get ‘no permission’ error:

    But this issue is not actually related to this thread — anyone reading this that wants to convert following the instructions above should. i just found it odd that tag management works here but not on my own site.


    I believe on bbPress users can only edit their own tags.

    But that’s a good point where keymasters should be able to edit anyone’s tags – I’ll have to see if that’s the behavior in 0.9 and if not, I’ll put a ticket in trac.

    eta: on 0.9 (not sure about previous versions)

    keymasters can remove anyone’s tags


    Tags fixed.

    Why can I edit tags here and not as keymaster on my own install? Erg.

    Also — I reread my instructions. One thing I’d like to clarify:

    When reorganizing your forum users on phpBB using the mod, make sure to make anyone who exists in both phpBB and WP have matching User IDs. Then, when you delete them from the import script, the forum will still have all posts and topics pointing to the correct user because the record is already correct in your bb/wp user tables.


    Nice work and thanks for sharing…

    I just knew that using phpbb as an inbetween standard is a good idea…

    ps. you might want to fix the tags on this to separate words


    I noticed my import didn’t import a forum’s most recent post time correctly (it was set equal to forum start date instead)

    i ran this to fix it:



    set topic_time =

    (SELECT bb_posts.post_time

    from bb_posts

    where bb_posts.topic_id=bb_topics.topic_id

    ORDER BY bb_posts.post_time DESC LIMIT 1)


    after successfully importing smf->phpbb2->bbpress I have one lingering problem: posts are sorted by creation date, not most recent post.

    Is there an easy solution to fix this?

    (my integration escapades can be found here:


    (I’m also having issues getting pretty permalinks to work but that’s for another day)

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