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  • #51703

    Personally, what I want from an email notification service is:-

    1. To notify me of when someone replies, but not EVERYONE that replies.

    I love the fact that in the email notifies you, you click on the url and go to the next reply to your last post, and then you note that there are 20 other replies that you can read through neatly on the BB, but NOT 20 other emails to delete! The whole point of BB’s is that they save email stress. I’d hate to lose this function just because we decided to go with bbpress not phpbb.

    2. Being able to subscribe to not just threads, but FORUMS is also important for some users. In some large forums, some specialists need to know everything going on in that forum and might be so busy that they’d appreciate an email every time someone started a thread.

    This sort of functionality should be standard in bbpress. I’m an activist spread very thinly over the internet, and RSS just doesn’t cut it. I might see a thread, register, comment, and then forget about that whole forum until someone eventually replies. The email keeps me going back. With so many bulletin boards and forums to reply to and keep track of — that ALL pretty much notify of reply by email — why would I bother messing around with RSS as well? My email box is king, only it grabs my attention. This function should not be a plugin.

    3. There should be a function in my profile where I can just click an automatic email generator, so that ANY time I reply in ANY thread, I am automatically emailed if someone replies.

    This is standard, basic bulletin board protocol and absolutely has to be in the standard installation.


    Hi all,

    I’m used to software. Does BBpress have an email notification function that lets members know of replies to threads (instead of RSS)? I’m introducing a bunch of email list users to Bulletin Boards for the first time, and am really hoping this software works well.

    Also, they are not very technical. Does BBpress have easy to use buttons for customising posts?


    I am having problems with the phpbb2bbpress converter (

    When I run the file I just get this message. There isnt a sql-file to download or a file created on my server.

    1: I downloaded the file from:

    2: I edited the lines I have written in bold.

    define(‘DB_PHPBB_USERNAME’, ‘[strong]databasename[/strong]’);
    define(‘DB_PHPBB_PASSWORD’, ‘[b]databasepassword[/b]’);
    define(‘DB_PHPBB_DATABASE’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
    define(‘DB_PHPBB_TABLEPREFIX’, ‘phpbb_’);

    define(‘DB_BBPRESS_HOSTNAME’, ‘localhost’);
    define(‘DB_BBPRESS_USERNAME’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
    define(‘DB_BBPRESS_PASSWORD’, ‘[b]databasepassword[/b]’);
    define(‘DB_BBPRESS_DATABASE’, ‘[b]databasename[/b]’);
    define(‘DB_BBPRESS_TABLEPREFIX’, ‘bb_’);

    I only have one database on my server, so the databasename and password is the same on the phpbb and bbpress part

    define(‘EXPORT_TO_FILE’, true); // Should the converted DB be exported to a file ?
    define(‘FILENAME’, ‘/tmp/phpbb_imported.sql’); // Which one ? (Ensure this path is writeable by the server)
    define(‘AUTO_IMPORT_EXPORTED_DATA’, false); // Should the script automagically import the converted DB ?

    3: I created the folder tmp at the root and used chmod on it.

    4: I uploaded the file to the root and tried to open it but I couldnt. So I removed the s in .phps and it worked. But i only got this message – but nothing really happened. I cant download a file, and there is nothing on my server. What am I doing wrong?

    Q! wrote:
    phpBB to bbPress database converter

    This script can convert a PhpBB 2.0.X ( forum database to bbPress “Bix” 0.73 ( format.

    Developed by Jaime GÓMEZ OBREGÓN from ITEISA, based on the previous work of Bruno Torres and The phpBB Group.

    The latest version of this file can be found on

    Starting conversion


    Connected to the phpBB database host


    Selected the phpBB database


    Exporting forums…


    Exporting users…


    Exporting user metadata…


    Exporting topics…


    Exporting posts…


    Sending all your database e-mails to all major world-wide spam sending mafias…



    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    bbxf if the work in progress – it’s in it’s infancy however and you’ll have to look at previous work by others on the phpbb2 convertor. There is no 1 minute way, it’s going to take some time and effort.

    You are much better off following this tag:


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Not very likely Bryan. It’s a good thing to things like this are spoken about though.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Is the phpBB 3.0 converter included in bbPress 1.0 alpha 2? Just curious, I’m interested in testing it out.


    Chris, no, I want them to see particular forums on the “front page” but when they click the forum link they can’t see any of the posts. Other forums like phpbb3, etc have this. Part of my forum is going to be open to the public, while another part is going to be paid support. I want people to see how many people are using the paid support but not be able to access that part of the forum behind the front page.

    Make sense?


    In reply to: Move phpBB to bbPress


    If you make it work, please post your experience so that other’s may learn from it. Thanks.


    In reply to: Move phpBB to bbPress


    Thanks, that’s what I needed.


    In reply to: Move phpBB to bbPress


    bbPress helps those who help themselves:


    Is there a way to move my phpBB forum to a newly created bbPress forum?


    Sam Hughey



    Is there a way for me to easily merge Forums, topics, split topics and so forth?

    I would like to merge a couple of my forums. I just imported my phpbb2 40 meg forum to bbpress. It works super! But I have so many forums and would like to merge them.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    “You could do it with two browser tabs or windows.”

    lol, euh yes, but not very user-friendly i think :D

    “Why are you looking to see other posts while editing another (just curious)? “

    because for me, edit a post for add or complete post, it’s more interesting to have always the entire thread. And for political forum, where the post are many times big, it’s necessary to have entire thread..

    so, in phpbb by default for example, it’s like that…

    i have no idea how to do it with a plugin, and i ask you for a little help :p



    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    So what was the outcome from the Summer of Code? Did we get a phpBB 3.0 converter?

    Sam Bauers

    If you upgrade to the latest bbPress trunk you will have access to the new BBXF exporter. There is also a standalone BBXF importer for phpBB, but I have not tested it yet. You will have to do some work to get it running at this early stage of development, this should be a lot easier as we move forward with this idea.

    For more check here



    like phpBB, i think it is interesting to open a wiki (with dokuwiki? :) )

    why? because for example, i have many ideas of plugins, but the documentation is too small for i can understand how to do that :/

    so, it is possible or not? :p

    please please please :p


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    For me it’s clear – bbPress puts user first, but it sucks without developer – I’m talking about board developer, not script developers ;). Someone need to set up forum first, and he is using this great engine-core as I’m calling it with additional plugins he need – if one is creating forum for php coders, then he don’t need bbcode or any form of editor, as users will know stuff. This forum for example don’t need editor because its target is people who are developing using bbPress.

    For me, it’s a library of functions ready to set up a great, huge and fast forum – if you want a board like “set up and forget about it” then go and use phpbb3 – huge, slow with thousands of useless options. But if you’re a developer, then there’s nothing better than bbPress for you.


    I’ve never done it, but I think the normal route is to go from phpBB3 to phpBB2 then go from phpBB2 to bbPress.

    Here is some of the discussion:


    I’d like to move from phpbb3 to bbpress. Do you have any import function?


    In vBulletin, if I want to pay $180, I could get the Porsche (reportedly) of message boards. In phpBB, if I want to grapple with a sizable infrastructure, I could get perhaps the most seasoned of the free forum systems.

    What do I get with bbPress? Is it secure? Will it get spammed to death? Is it stable? Is it designed for personal sites or can businesses use it with confidence?

    Here’s one very specific question: How do I add a link to bbPress to take people back to my WordPress home page?

    BTW, the installation was a breeze. :)


    help please, i’m very lost lol.

    so, it is possible to add colors in bbcode, like in phpbb or punbb?



    In reply to: about sessions


    for example, for phpbb2:

    i would like to display the login form and menu in others page.



    i want to add simply sessions in my wordpress’s header (not the completed integration), how to that? like the phpbb session system ;)



    I tagged this for Sam Bauers, the developer who posted the original information at the GSOC page. Maybe he will stop by and add some insight.

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