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  • #69716

    You would need to change the ID to 3 in your case I believe.


    I see now in the script that it checks

    if ($user_type == USER_FOUNDER)

    However, according to the table, USER_FOUNDER is not a user type. User Type is set with IDs. My user type is for instance 3…


    I have converted my forum now, without any major problems.

    However, my user account isn’t set to Keymaster… That’s a problem for me now, as I would like to do some admin changes.

    Can anybody help me?


    @helgetry: What problem are you having?


    Is it possible to do a fix for this? I just can’t go through the whole DB to change all the special characters.


    Thanks for the very informative reply _ck_,

    The reason I got interested in bbPress is not that we are trying to cut corners or find a cheap solution. It’s more like we would like to find a very simple and a lightweight bulletin board without built-in options we actually do not need. And somehow bbPress 0.9 looks much like what we are after.

    Our forum has been running on phpBB since 2001 and the software has had it’s well-known problems. We have also tested the vBulletin – we have even the commercial license and have used lots of time and effort to make our other extensions work with it. But at the end vBulletin has too many options and it is too complex for our needs. We don’t need all those options it offers – we need a simple solution which would integrate nicely into our website.

    We have already two dedicated servers (actual machines, not virtual ones), one handles the www-stuff (running apache…) and the other serves as the database server. Right now we have only the phpBB running with a couple of scripts of our own so I guess there’s resources more than we need.

    The search issue would be solved by using Google’s search, that’s what we use right now with the phpBB but the lack of caching may be an issue.

    Maybe we should keep searching the ultimate BB solution for us or try to customize the phpBB3 to fit our needs and figure out some non-WP solution for the WordPress post commenting.


    In reply to: BBPress to PHPBB


    Thanks for the replies.

    We have had some performance issues also with phpBB so far, especially with the latest topics and phpBB2’s search system. Also phpBB is too complex for our usage because we need to customize the board for our needs and integrate it into our webzine and other scripts we will use in our website’s next version.

    Our combination would be a wordpress installation for a webzine which will be managed by only a small number of our editors but it would be nice to have all our registered users to comment the posts logged in with their accounts.

    Then the bulletin board should be readable by all visitors but posting is for only the registered users. We should have our 52 forums categorized in 5 or 6 different groups. And there are also various private forums which should be readable and writeable only by a certain user groups. I guess this is not fully supported by bbPress or it’s plugings yet?

    Then we would customize the user profile page and user registration and management system into our own, because there will be paid “VIP” members and free registered users and users should be also categiorized in different groups. Also we have our own solution for the private messaging. I guess all this could be done outside the bbPress.

    There are also few scripts of our own such as event calendar, classified ads, galleries etc. which would use the same user management / login system.

    So the main usage of bbPress would be handling the forum posting, editing and basic forum stuff and together with WordPress and our own extensions they would make a nice platform for a social networking online community. Maybe some of these customizations and extensions of ours would even be possible to publish as a plugins when they’re ready and working.

    We have studied also vBulletin and SMF but so far bbPress seems to be the best bb for our needs.


    That’s a really high number of posts and pageviews!

    My bbPress forum is # 12 on that top100 list. It’s not nearly as large as your phpBB site but I’ll share the scaling problems I’ve come across, in case it’s useful.

    Probably the biggest problem I face is that the Google Sitemaps plugin doesn’t scale very well. I believe the most popular Sitemaps plugin regenerates the sitemap upon every publish; this hangs my site every time someone comments on a post. I’m actually exploring the possibilities around upgrading or programming the existing sitemap plugins, to provide a more scalable solution here. But without a good solution here, my content isn’t as Google friendly as it could be.

    Also, the Akismet spam solution is decent… but the bbPress moderation management tools aren’t as robust as they are on WordPress. So moderating the spam queue takes a decent amount of time a day, especially as the site has grown larger. If the problem continues to grow, I’ll look into plugin solutions to help out here.

    Finally, the account management tools on bbPress aren’t very robust. For example, I get emails every day from users saying they forgot their username, or would like to reset their password. bbPress doesn’t currently have easy ways for users to retrieve a forgotten username or to easily reset their password (they can reset the password, but first they have to put in a username/password and fail a signin attempt). I’m actually working on plugins and theme changes to address this one now, but it currently creates a decent amount of work answering emails from confused users.

    My final concern actually is around bbPress 1.0. I am very happy on bbPress 0.9, but version 1.0 is around the corner and seems to be a lot less lightweight than the current version. I’m also concerned about the lack of backwards compatibility with some 0.9 plugins. This wouldn’t be a huge issue, but bbPress 1.0 is currently necessary to ensure cookie/signin compatibility with the latest version of WordPress.

    If you are considering bbPress as a standalone forum for a huge site, I’d definitely recommend it – as long as there are plugins for all the features you currently support on your forum.

    If you’re considering bbPress in conjunction with WordPress, I’d hold off until bbPress 1.0 comes out of beta and/or a plugin supporting bbPress 0.9/WordPress 2.7 cookie integration comes out.

    Just my two cents… hope that helps!


    We are looking for a new bb-platform for our online community which has over 20.000 registered users and our phpBB has now 1,2 million posts on 52 forums. There are 30.000 new posts every month and about 1,2 million pageloads per week. In the rush hours there have been over 500 users online at the same time.

    I find bbPress very interesting but will it be able to handle the load our bulletin board will have?


    In reply to: phpBB to bbPress


    I assume you’ve already been through these:

    What version of bbPress are you talking about?


    Anyone know of a current phpBB to bbPress importer? I’ve got Jaime’s ( which is getting me some way, but doesn’t seem to be aimed at the current DB schema.

    I’m going to keep hacking away, but any suggestions would be gratefully received.

    Shivanand Sharma

    Apologies for my brevity. I did find some technical issues that I should mention here – sometimes the script will fail to import in case forum title or description have the (‘) character like the word don’t,can’t etc. in that case I had to change them to do not, can not etc..

    Once you hit an error you must start from the begining by truncating the bbpress tables else it will throw error about duplicate keys etc. Hope this info helps someone.

    Shivanand Sharma

    A million thanks to you. Love you.


    Topic: BBPress to PHPBB

    in forum Installation

    Hi there,

    Question for all of you. I am currently using wordpress and bbpress for a forum and I want to know if its possible to transfer members/posts over from WP/BBPress to a PHPBB message board? I don’t know a ton about databases as far as back end coding etc, but I wonder if its possible and how easy/hard it would be to make it work?

    Thanks for any information,



    OK — I stumbled upon the FAQ and saw the htaccess code to add. I LOVE the URLs, could never get to this in phpBB. If this thing is secure, I’m going to love bbPress. Kudos to the dev team, very cool forum software!

    And thanks Angie!


    I’m just wondering if bbpress has a few features that I require, I currently maintain a website that has wordpress and phpbb on it. The forums has a whack load of sub forums along with ones only visible by certain members, I’m wondering if it is possible to make sub forums along with special ranks along with moderator and admin?

    Because currently trying to make my wordpress theme work on the forums is being a real pain, I’ve gotten it to work for firefox but in IE its a mess, so I’m hoping bbpress could be my salvation if you will.

    I’m also wondering if bbpress is easy to setup with Yahoo Small business hosting? I also maintain another site in works that requires a way to post “ads” kind of like craigs list but can only be posted by an admin.

    Help on any of these issues would be great.


    Yeah they do that for vbulletin and phpbb too, so I suspect it’s a problem they have to work out.


    Several month ago, Google started showing special meta data in search results for popular forums like vBulletin and phpBB, like how many posts in a topic, the last date of the last post, etc.

    Unfortunately since every forum type is different, younger forum types were left out, including bbPress. I tried to find the right person to contact at Google to help them add bbPress, but to no avail.

    However I was very pleased to notice tonight that Google is suddenly showing meta info for sites using bbPress forums!

    Here is a search example:

    Here is a highlighted snapshot in case you have no idea what I am taking about:

    It’s only working on a handful of sites using bbPress at the moment but hopefully that will grow and this is a very good sign.


    Hi, Got my phpbb3 converted, only issue I have is that the member names are not showing up on posts within BBpress, all the members are listed on the members page but under the avatar and where it says “started xx minutes ago by” are blank spaces.

    This also happens on new posts I make, no username appears.

    Any Ideas?

    EDIT I’ve actually managed to figure it out, The display_name field is blank in the sql table, not sure if this is brought over as part of the conversion and it just hasn’t worked.


    In reply to: PHPBB3 Converstion


    Mostly the ability to bridge it to other scripts. Such as Coppermine etc.

    It could probably be done, but I don’t really have the time to write a bunch of scripts for it. Which is too bad because I’ve really come to like bbPress and will most certainly recommend it to other people seeking a light forum without the extra bells and whistles phpBB and the likes offer.


    In reply to: Importing from phpBB


    lingmiester, I looked through the code and I didn’t see anything that sends email to anyone. I did see a “joke” about sending the emails to spammers though.

    Is there any update on this, or newer script for importing phpbb2 ?

    This is how phpBB already works. ;)

    I think its a good idea though.

    Tom Lynch

    I have recently migrated my entire phpBB over to bbPress and now want to move the bbPress users into wordpress mu so I can use wordpress integration the problem was that there is no easy way to migrate and check the users aren’t doubling up…

    I wrote a simple php script to do just that and it allowed me to list out the users where manual attention is required, it can be run just from the command line like this…. ‘php -f file.php’ and will move the users over perfectly (at least for me)…

    Note there has been no testing of this code it worked for me and may cause you issues, back up your database first!

    Comments on the code appreciated for future improvement.


    echo “n”;

    echo “+


    echo “| bbPress to WordPress User Migration |n”;

    echo “+


    echo “| Created by: |n”;

    echo “| Tom Lynch |n”;

    echo “+


    echo “n”;

    echo “Messages:n”;

    echo “n”;

    echo “Username Messagen”;

    echo ”


    function printSpaces($username) {

    $spaces = 25 – strlen($username);

    echo $username;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $spaces+1; $i++) {

    echo ” “;



    // Enter your database host, username and password here…

    mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘username’, ‘password’);

    // Enter your database name here (both tables must be in same database – sorry)


    $migrated = 0;

    $errors = 0;

    $query = mysql_query(“SELECT user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_status, display_name FROM bb_users WHERE user_pass LIKE ‘$P$B%’;”);

    while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {

    $query2 = mysql_query(“SELECT user_login, user_email FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = ‘”.$data.”‘ || user_email = ‘”.$data.”‘;”);

    if (mysql_num_rows($query2) > 0) {

    $data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2);

    if ($data == $data2 && $data == $data2) {

    // Suppressing already migrated users error

    //echo printSpaces($data) . ” has already been migrated by the looks of it!n”;

    } else if ($data == $data2) {

    echo printSpaces($data) . ” could not be migrated, that user name is already taken! (“.$data.”)n”;


    } else if ($data == $data2) {

    echo printSpaces($data) . ” could not be migrated, that email address is already taken! (“.$data.”)n”;



    } else {

    mysql_query(“INSERT INTO wp_users (user_login, user_pass, user_nicename, user_email, user_url, user_registered, user_status, display_name) VALUES (‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘, ‘” . $data . “‘);”);

    // Suppressing user migrated message

    //echo $data . ” was migratedn”;




    $alreadyDone = ((mysql_num_rows($query) – $errors) – $migrated);

    echo “n”;

    echo “Stats:n”;

    echo “n”;

    echo “Users Migrated: ” . $migrated . “n”;

    echo “Already Migrated: ” . $alreadyDone . “n”;

    echo “Not Migrated: ” . $errors . “n”;

    echo “=======================================n”;

    echo “Total: ” . mysql_num_rows($query) . “n”;

    echo “n”;


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