Search Results for 'phpbb'
Search Results
We are looking for a new bb-platform for our online community which has over 20.000 registered users and our phpBB has now 1,2 million posts on 52 forums. There are 30.000 new posts every month and about 1,2 million pageloads per week. In the rush hours there have been over 500 users online at the same time.
I find bbPress very interesting but will it be able to handle the load our bulletin board will have?
Topic: phpBB to bbPress
Anyone know of a current phpBB to bbPress importer? I’ve got Jaime’s ( which is getting me some way, but doesn’t seem to be aimed at the current DB schema.
I’m going to keep hacking away, but any suggestions would be gratefully received.
Topic: BBPress to PHPBB
Hi there,
Question for all of you. I am currently using wordpress and bbpress for a forum and I want to know if its possible to transfer members/posts over from WP/BBPress to a PHPBB message board? I don’t know a ton about databases as far as back end coding etc, but I wonder if its possible and how easy/hard it would be to make it work?
Thanks for any information,
Topic: Just a few questions
I’m just wondering if bbpress has a few features that I require, I currently maintain a website that has wordpress and phpbb on it. The forums has a whack load of sub forums along with ones only visible by certain members, I’m wondering if it is possible to make sub forums along with special ranks along with moderator and admin?
Because currently trying to make my wordpress theme work on the forums is being a real pain, I’ve gotten it to work for firefox but in IE its a mess, so I’m hoping bbpress could be my salvation if you will.
I’m also wondering if bbpress is easy to setup with Yahoo Small business hosting? I also maintain another site in works that requires a way to post “ads” kind of like craigs list but can only be posted by an admin.
Help on any of these issues would be great.
Several month ago, Google started showing special meta data in search results for popular forums like vBulletin and phpBB, like how many posts in a topic, the last date of the last post, etc.
Unfortunately since every forum type is different, younger forum types were left out, including bbPress. I tried to find the right person to contact at Google to help them add bbPress, but to no avail.
However I was very pleased to notice tonight that Google is suddenly showing meta info for sites using bbPress forums!
Here is a search example:
Here is a highlighted snapshot in case you have no idea what I am taking about:
It’s only working on a handful of sites using bbPress at the moment but hopefully that will grow and this is a very good sign.