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  • #69782

    I have modified the original script to work with a bbpress integrated with wordpress. but the password is not working!

    – uses the table wp_users instead bb_users

    – the users in the wp_users are not lost!

    – conficts resolved (user exists on wp database and phpbb database)

    PROBLEM: the phpbb password is not working when imported to wp database


    I still have a phpBB2 forum I need to convert over… does this script work on the current versions of bbPress?


    Okay, I found the “max time” thing (in MAMP -› conf -› php5 -› php.ini ), and set it much higher… and now, instead of the page going blank, I get:

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    Duplicate entry ‘5’ for key 1 [1062]

    But I have no idea what that means. What do I change?


    A little clarification: it seems like the converter is working, because when I go to the forum index, I see a whole ton of posts. But when I try to click into a topic, there are no posts in it.

    When I run the converter, it goes through a few steps, but on the screen where it’s processing posts, it ends with a blank screen. No “success” message. Is that normal, or is it getting hung up somewhere?

    (I’ve seen error messages, and I rectified those, so I recognize that difference, at least.)


    Wow, I’ve been at this for like 12 hours straight now…

    The conversion of phpBB3 › bbPress seems to work, but it leaves me with no users in the bb_users tables. Is that normal?

    Problem is, I have no idea what to do about it. I’ve tried importing into 0.9, and while it looked like it worked, I can’t get admin access, since it didn’t make me a user. I also tried importing into 1.0, but that looks even worse – on the forum index page, it doesn’t even show author’s names for the posts.

    Either way, I can’t get Admin access to the forum, which makes the rest of anything (integrating, upgrading, etc.) impossible.



    In reply to: phpbb3 to bbpress


    I did it with the converter they have but it was with bbpress 0.9 and below. Search fro it it’s in this forum somewhere. It wasn’t clean cut but enough to keep moving.


    I have been reading posts about this for the last few days and they started in 2007. Its hard to believe that there is still not an easy to use and reliable converter. Maybe I have missed something but the only one I have found that seems even remotely worth trying requires both installs to be in the same database. I have a phpbb3 forum with about 5000 users, and just under 2000 posts. I would like to migrate my users and their posts over. Is there anything that will do this that I might have missed?


    There was the exact same error messages reported here:

    Here was the solution:

    It turned out that couple of topics in the topic tables didnt have topic start time.

    It was 0000-00-00 00:00:00. It was probably from converting from phpBB.

    I changed to start times and then there is no warnings anymore.

    Do you have phpmyadmin? You could check the topic start times in the database maybe…


    @gerikg – how do we import bbPress database info into an existing database? (I’m no database pro; I can find my way around phpmyadmin, though.) I’m totally familiar with the WordPress side of things, but not so much w/ bbPress.

    @johnhiler – yeah, that might be okay… at this point, I think the client would be thrilled if I can pull off the phpBB › bbPress conversion and have a single login between WordPress and bbPress. If the existing forum info ends up being “archived”, so to speak – not associated with their current usernames – I think they’d be okay with that.


    Is it critical that a user have their old phpbb posts tied to their new WordPress/bbPress identity? Is it ok if their old posts are tied to their old username?


    How much overlap between your userbase is there… how many of the 115 WordPress users also have phpBB accounts?

    All of them (except maybe one admin account). There won’t be anyone in WordPress who isn’t in bbPress.

    The only ones with separate accounts might be the three admins, and they’d need to be the same across WP & bbP.


    How much overlap between your userbase is there… how many of the 115 WordPress users also have phpBB accounts?

    Also – if “Mister X” has two accounts (one on each system)… is it critical that the comments in WordPress and in bbPress be merged into the same account? Or would you be ok with having them be separate accounts…


    There are ~115 in WordPress, and even though there are ~400 in the old phpBB forum we’re about to bring over, we really only care about the current 115 (the ones in WP).


    Here’s the situation: I’m moving a membership site from an old static HTML site w/ a phpBB forum over to a WordPress install and a bbPress forum. The WordPress site is set up, users added, membership issues handled w/ the WishList Member plugin, and my phpBB › bbPress conversion questions have been answered; my questions are about integrating that newly converted bbPress w/ the WordPress.

    • Is it possible to use WP 2.8.4 and bbPress 1.0.2, or should I stick with bbPress 0.9?
    • Is there any way to integrate the two that would allow for a continuous login?
    • And perhaps the biggest question is: how do I upload/merge the converted bbPress database with the existing WP database?
    • And once that’s done, how to deal with the disparity of users in WP with the old bbPress?

    One idea I have is to create a new bbPress install that’s integrated with WP, and then once the conversion of the old forum is complete, to try to import that data into the existing install. Would that make sense?

    Or, is it possible to just have the two databases separate, but use plugins (assuming I’m sticking with 0.9) to create the continuous login? Is that even possible? How would that share user data?

    So, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Thanks for all your help.


    No, but I wouldn’t recommend using more recent builds of bbPress… since a lot of plugins aren’t supported in 1.0 yet. Unless of course, you don’t plan on using many plugins… then ymmv.

    You can get user integration (complete with cookie support) between just about any two versions of bbPress and WordPress. Start a new thread with your questions around that, and we can all chip in and advise!

    Jim R

    I’ve gone between bbpress, Simple Press, and phpBB3 using wp-united. I’m back to bbpress, just because I’m looking for something lighter, and I would presume, as time rolls on will be more in sync with WP. It’s frustrating though, as this is about the fifth time I’ve done a clean install of bbpress and still can’t get it to recognize login cookies. That’s logging in and logging out.

    It does at least recognize users’ information, and my user base isn’t high maintenance.

    I have double checked all of the cookie/salt values. They match. I don’t have a secure salt in my WP, so I didn’t have a value to put into bbpress. Could that be it? Also, nowhere in my bbpress installation does it ask for a noonce value. Could that be it?

    I haven’t done any ‘deep integration’ yet, but from what I can tell that has more to do with aesthetics, which I’m sure will cause me more ‘funnerific’ problems.

    I realize there are dozens of topics dealing with this, but nothing seems to really help on my end. I’m using WP 2.8.4.


    Thanks @johnhiler – definitely fills in the puzzle a little.

    A couple questions:

    • Any thoughts about using more recent builds than 2.7.1 & 0.9?
    • One difference I’m seeing with my situation is that it’s WP’s users we need to bring into bbPress, not the other way around. The WP setup is a membership site, handled with the Wishlist Member plugin, so they’ll be logging in there first.

    Ugh… I’m realizing I’ve got a bucket full of ugliness here… from the fact that there are going to be bbPress users (old, inactive ones) who aren’t in WP, trying to match up the WP users with the bbPress users, and the whole “logged into WP/logged out of bbPress” issue, since it looks like I may not be able to have shared cookies since I’m working with new versions of both software packages…

    … this may be more than is possible right now. I’ll keep trying to figure it out, though. Thanks for your help, everyone.


    adamkayce – It’s absolutely possible. :-) I’ve done it a few times now.

    These links are hugely helpful:

    The hardest part of the integration is how to handle “name collisions”… i.e. what do you do when two users share the same usernames in bbPress (from phpbb3) and WordPress. That’s discussed nicely in the above links.

    Good luck!


    Thanks, Kawauso… so, any guidelines/instructions about getting bbPress to use the WordPress user tables on a post-install integration? And am I right in assuming that the issues stem from having two databases (since you’ve got existing forum data, you can’t merge the two, right?) ? Sorry if these are newb questions.

    Do you know if the ideas on this post would do it? — The reason I ask is because it seems like there’s a lot of info circulating about how it worked, or might work, under earlier versions of WP & bbP… but it often changes. Now that we’re up to 2.8.4 and 1.0.2, is it any different, or more viable? Is it as easy as pointing bbP at WP’s user tables, in addition to the “normal” integration steps? (I’m hoping to save myself a few hours of reading, that’s all… )


    Most integration issues I tend to see are related to deep integration, rather than straight forward user integration. I guess it boils down to, does bbPress transfer over existing users to WP’s user tables cleanly (or at all) if you integrate it post-install. It would be possible to do manually anyway, since their respective user tables are essentially identical in structure, but bbPress users would have no WordPress meta whatsoever.


    Now, of course, the Big Question is: is it possible to take this newly-converted bbPress forum and get it to integrate nicely w/ a WordPress install? From the poking around that I’ve done, it seems that people have only had success integrating a brand-new bbPress install, not one with data/history in it.

    I’d love to be proven wrong, though… any ideas?


    (Tried to convert phpbb 3.0.5 to bbpress 1.0.2 and got this error:

    SQL ERROR [ mysqli ]

    Table ‘xxx_phpbb.bb_forums’ doesn’t exist [1146]

    An SQL error occurred while fetching this page.

    Any way I can fix this? Thanks in advance for any help. )

    Hi all,

    that’swhat i was looking,too. Thank you.


    I got the same error as above. I solved it.

    I made a new table which i named like the missing file. So it seems to work. But the database has been deleted by half after excecuting the script. I have no idea what to do anymore. Help is needed.

    Thank you


    I’m looking for someone to make this plugin. If money is the issue please email me. Something like this but simpler.


    Whoops, my bad – I missed it. The link in the first post still works – reposting it here just in case. (You should still read that first post, though, for the directions…)


    I migrated my forum from another forum software (SMF > phpbb >bbpress), so I already had lots of posts. Whenever I want to edit a post that was made before the migration, the whole layout breaks. If it had chapters, it won’t have any chapters. If you quote an older post that the whole layout of that post breaks.

    Is this a common problem? How can this be solved?

    Maybe I need to run a SQL query? To update all the older posts?

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