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  • #94851

    loving the dev going on here…I’ve been playing with the plugin on my local site and managed to get a lot working…including an import (albeit hacked to bloody hell) from All my posts have been imported ok (still working on replies) and the counts all work on the forum front page…but if I click on a particular forum I get the, “Oh bother! No topics were found here! Perhaps searching will help.” Even though it says there’s 168 posts…

    If I search for a post, or click on a user and show all their posts they show up fine.

    This isn’t the case if I actually post something…they show up fine…it’s the imported stuff. Nothing I can see in the DB shows me that I’m missing something (although I obviously am…)

    Any pointers?



    Rich Pedley

    32… sounds like phpBB

    While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore! is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc. however, there are a few bugs because it is running 3.0.4, when 3.1 is released I’ll be updating then (I don’t want it on the nightlies).

    I’ve mentioned theming to my other ‘alf, but no point in starting until things have settled down. But with all these different files, I think it is even more important that action/filters be included from the off for plugin developers to hook into!

    Rich Pedley

    32… sounds like phpBB

    While I don’t has access to a demo, either locally or online that’s fully up-to-date it makes it hard to comment on some of the newer stuff committed, after my PC decided it didn’t want to be a PC anymore! is kept fairly update and when you register you get access to almost everything to show what’s available etc. however, there are a few bugs because it is running 3.0.4, when 3.1 is released I’ll be updating then (I don’t want it on the nightlies).

    I’ve mentioned theming to my other ‘alf, but no point in starting until things have settled down. But with all these different files, I think it is even more important that action/filters be included from the off for plugin developers to hook into!


    I had to disable it last night. The problem is, it’s set up to be run off of the script hosted at However, because the guy’s site was timing out and causing each page load to be very long, I had to drop it. It would be best if there was a plugin so you could run the code locally.

    There is a plugin for phpBB, but I don’t know if it also requires using the script hosted at, or if it’s a stand-alone version.


    I had to disable it last night. The problem is, it’s set up to be run off of the script hosted at However, because the guy’s site was timing out and causing each page load to be very long, I had to drop it. It would be best if there was a plugin so you could run the code locally.

    There is a plugin for phpBB, but I don’t know if it also requires using the script hosted at, or if it’s a stand-alone version.


    does this bring over attachments from the old forum ?


    I’ve installed CKeditor and TinyMCE, tweaked and messed with the code for weeks. I then installed the same two editor to phpBB and Drupal and they both work fine but the forum format are ugly. It seems like BBpress cannot output rich text. I might be wrong, but there seems to be nothing right now. Just a heads up.


    Works like a dream. Thanks!

    Btw, I did the conversion on a shared server, and each conversion was instant. Of course, my forum is not that big, but worth mentioning …


    bbPress #ftw

    all your mentioned needs can be satisfied easily by bbPress :)


    bbPress #ftw

    all your mentioned needs can be satisfied easily by bbPress :)


    If you use WordPress, then bbPress is going to be a really good long-term option as it will soon mean the best integration with your website.

    My main experience is with both phpBB and SMF and they feel like archaic pieces of software that are a pain to integrate and design for. Both also have big spam problems unless you customise the registration form. I think bbPress is protected by Akismet which is a different league to what the others have.

    Another option similar to bbPress is Vanilla

    My current preference is bbPress, but only if you don’t need to install too many plugins as it increases the chance of things going wrong when updating.


    If you use WordPress, then bbPress is going to be a really good long-term option as it will soon mean the best integration with your website.

    My main experience is with both phpBB and SMF and they feel like archaic pieces of software that are a pain to integrate and design for. Both also have big spam problems unless you customise the registration form. I think bbPress is protected by Akismet which is a different league to what the others have.

    Another option similar to bbPress is Vanilla

    My current preference is bbPress, but only if you don’t need to install too many plugins as it increases the chance of things going wrong when updating.


    1. Some plugins need some editing, but its usually minimal and with details on how to. Most plugins however do not need editing or knowledge of php.

    2. Right now Automattic is working on a bbPress plugin for WordPress their main blogging platform. I’m guessing most support will go too that. But some support remains on the official bbpress.

    3. All populair forum software has spam problems.

    4. Core changes arent neccesairy, just hook it in. Although this will require some php knowledge.


    1. Some plugins need some editing, but its usually minimal and with details on how to. Most plugins however do not need editing or knowledge of php.

    2. Right now Automattic is working on a bbPress plugin for WordPress their main blogging platform. I’m guessing most support will go too that. But some support remains on the official bbpress.

    3. All populair forum software has spam problems.

    4. Core changes arent neccesairy, just hook it in. Although this will require some php knowledge.


    Hi. I run a community for several groups of people learning foreign languages and I NEED SOME ADVICE on which bb platform to use. The bb/forums are the most active part of our website, so this is a very important decision. I would greatly appreciate any advice or comments you can offer.

    1) I’m attracted to the fact that bbPress seems “lightweight” and that features are added as plug-ins. But is it EASY to add plug-ins? Can they be added automatically, through a wizard, or does it require knowledge of PHP and manual cutting & pasting of code?

    2) Is it popular enough that there is plenty of support available online?

    3) Is it secure? I used to run our forums on phpBB2 and they were eventually overrun with spam. No matter what anti-spam mods I installed, it never seemed to fix the problem.

    4) When I ran the forums on phpBB2 it was terribly difficult to install Mods, keep track of changes, and perform maintenance on the site unless I kept very careful records of what parts of code I was changing. Does bbPress make this easier and more user-friendly? Have any of you had issues with it, or been disappointed by it being overly complicated?

    THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your time. I look forward to your replies.



    (considering bbPress, SMF, and phpBB3)

    Myphone Duo

    Cool. But will have some time though to implement those. I’m still trying to figure out bbpress. I am used to phpbb though :(

    Myphone Duo

    I have an old phpbb forum till i found the flexibility of bbpress. I ever wanted to transfer my phpbb database to bbpress but i’m always no luck and really findit hard to do. Or is it me because i’m new into programming.


    I am pretty much in the same position as the OP but don’t need to go live for a few more months (March-ish). So I think I’m going to wait a bit. After looking at phpBB, vBulletin, and a few other options, I am going with bbPress because of the way it will integrate with WordPress and BuddyPress which I’ve chosen as the basis for the two sites I’m building.


    I am pretty much in the same position as the OP but don’t need to go live for a few more months (March-ish). So I think I’m going to wait a bit. After looking at phpBB, vBulletin, and a few other options, I am going with bbPress because of the way it will integrate with WordPress and BuddyPress which I’ve chosen as the basis for the two sites I’m building.


    @ Ashfame: I thank you, but in the mean time I suppose your answer is directed to all the readers, ’cause obviously that one is the first site I’ve found while searching for bbPress themes.

    The issue is that none of the two themes bundled with bbPress and none of the themes you can find out there is structured and logical as the one that any new potential bbpress user finds on the forum.

    Two columns

    on the left forums like a navigation menu

    in the middle, recent topics

    on the left bottom the rest

    At least, for non-gurus, the staff should provide the instructions on how to customize the position of those “areas” (if they don’t want to share their theme – and I warn them that this is against any product-spreading-logic)

    The best is to provide a really similar layout maybe with other colors and fonts.

    To give you an idea, if you goto phpbb community forum, “what you see is what you get” and this is the correct approach… meant as prevent yourself hurting who will try out your product.

    I hope you understand this is a kind suggestion to bbPress staff.

    And again @ kevinjohngallagher, you should consider that those who may spread your product, most of the time, are not coders nor html-css-php experts. So, no layouts available and no easy customization instructions means no spreading, that as obvious consequence, could lead to no success of bbpress.



    @ Ashfame: I thank you, but in the mean time I suppose your answer is directed to all the readers, ’cause obviously that one is the first site I’ve found while searching for bbPress themes.

    The issue is that none of the two themes bundled with bbPress and none of the themes you can find out there is structured and logical as the one that any new potential bbpress user finds on the forum.

    Two columns

    on the left forums like a navigation menu

    in the middle, recent topics

    on the left bottom the rest

    At least, for non-gurus, the staff should provide the instructions on how to customize the position of those “areas” (if they don’t want to share their theme – and I warn them that this is against any product-spreading-logic)

    The best is to provide a really similar layout maybe with other colors and fonts.

    To give you an idea, if you goto phpbb community forum, “what you see is what you get” and this is the correct approach… meant as prevent yourself hurting who will try out your product.

    I hope you understand this is a kind suggestion to bbPress staff.

    And again @ kevinjohngallagher, you should consider that those who may spread your product, most of the time, are not coders nor html-css-php experts. So, no layouts available and no easy customization instructions means no spreading, that as obvious consequence, could lead to no success of bbpress.



    We need to create a basic import plugin. — This I have done, it’s experimental and I’d like some more eyes on the code before calling it “done”

    I’ve looked for it but haven’t found it. I guess it hasn’t been published yet?

    I ask for help in making a single-use script to import topics and posts into existing BBPress installation.

    I need to import a legacy Q&A (hundreds of them) stored in a flat file. I need to handle fields missing in the source, which contains: Q poster, Q poster’s e-mail (optional), Q post date, Q content, A content. I want to import those and fill the missing fields with arbitrary values.

    I chose to use API to do the task, which is a right choice, what was pointed above. I converted the source file manually and imported it into a multi-dimensional array. Then I want to use functions bb_insert_topic and bb_insert_post in a simple loop:

    $topic_id = bb_insert_topic(array(...));

    bb_insert_post(array('topic_id' => $topic_id, ...);

    The problem is: I can create topics/posts only for current user. Any poster_ parameters passed to bb_insert_ are ignored. In other words, I can’t create anonymous topics/posts with poster credits I specify. I guess I’m missing a setting or constant?

    The PHP script is located in the root folder of BBPress. I do require('./bb-load.php'); and log in to my keymaster user in the browser. All of $bbdb, $bb and $bb_current_user are populated (I used FirePHP to debug).

    What am I missing?


    Well, if phpBB has a RSS feed to allow exporting a certain user’s post you could use RSS to export everything that you did.

    I am guessing the URL is – and if so, I do not recall there is even RSS feeds on phpBB 2 so sadly it seems either a copy and paste job, see if you can get the database another way (maybe pay them ?) or say farewell to that data.

    Other then RSS, database or copying and pasting, I do not see a quick way to do what you are looking to do sorry.


    Well, if phpBB has a RSS feed to allow exporting a certain user’s post you could use RSS to export everything that you did.

    I am guessing the URL is – and if so, I do not recall there is even RSS feeds on phpBB 2 so sadly it seems either a copy and paste job, see if you can get the database another way (maybe pay them ?) or say farewell to that data.

    Other then RSS, database or copying and pasting, I do not see a quick way to do what you are looking to do sorry.


    Hi people,

    I’m running a (french) WP (3.0.1) site :

    There is a (not integrated) bbPress (1.02) forum :

    I used to participate a lot in a forum dealing with same kind of topics (hearing issues) : (phpbb)

    Today one of the admin of told me they decided to close their forum in a near future. This is very sad as there is a lot of good informations on this forum. I don’t want it to disappear completely from the web !

    These people don’t agree to let me import all their datas because they think it would not be “correct” for users but they are OK for me to import all topics I participated in. In other words, I am allowed to import SOME of their content.

    I let more than 2000 posts on this forum those days so you can guess it would be a loooooong task for me to do it all manually.

    But as they completely abandon the forum they don’t want to do anything to help me do this. So no way for me to get my hands on their phpbb database :-(

    So here is my question :

    is there a (quite simple) way to import this content and export it to :

    1. either posts on WordPress

    2. or topics on bbPress

    Any help would be much appreciated !

    Best regards

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