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convert phpbb3 (version 3.0.7) to bbpress (version:1.0.2) .. Now!


    A script to help you convert you phpbb3 (version 3.0.7) forum to bbpress (version:1.0.2) forum. This code is an update to the code made by wmnasef (

    GET IT @


    * works with bbpress 1.0.2

    * corrects the single quote problem

    * corrects the login problem


    1. make a backup from your online forum (if possible make an exact copy of your forum in your localhost server, this prevents any damage to the online forum).

    2. install bbpress anywhere, just use the same database of phpbb3. this is important because the script assumes that all tables are in the same database.

    3. download the script from here. extract it, and you’ll get 2 files.

    4. copy the file phpbb3tobbpress.php to “phpbb3/” directory.

    5. copy the file _phpbb3_pass.php to bbpress/my-plugins/ directory (if it doesn’t exist, create it!).

    6. go to http://path-to-phpbb3/phpbb3tobbpress.php and start converting your board.

    7. voila .. all your data is converted to bbpress tables, go to your bbpress installation and login. don’t forget to visit admin->manage->recount to make sure your converted board is updated.

    As said before, it is advised to copy your phpbb3 forum to a localhost installation and make the conversion as stated in the steps above, this way if you have big forum with thousands of posts, it is easier and safer to run the conversion on localhost.

    Hope this helps and thanx to the original poster.

    Tested by for

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  • kevinjohngallagher


    Very nice indeed numediaweb, and appreciated



    post position still error check it with firefox, all post have position-0.

    and can you check the post slug table in your db, empty or not ?

    (need that for change permalink to apply nicer permalink)

    check my little hack for that in

    thx btw for your fix

    thank you guys,


    I checked the database and my forum as well and can’t find any problem either with forum_slug or post_position, if you have this problems, maybe, you are using an old bbpress or phpbb3 installation, it is recommended that you update both your phpbb3 and bbpress installation to the latest versions (as stated in this page title) before proceeding with the convertion.



    look at page source of this (your forum)

    and search position-

    all the post have position-0 that is the problem i got when using the old bbpress converter. ( check post_position table in bb_posts, all 0 or not )

    and for forum_slug, active name based permalink in bbpress admin then check your forum thread, error or not. (if your post_slug is empty then all your post will 404 not found if you active name based permalink. not forum_slug)



    Thank you very much for this script, I’ve been trying to used it, but I get the following error:

    SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

    Data too long for column 'topic_poster_name' at row 1 [1406]

    Any ideas?

    I’m not an expert, but I’m doing my best. Thanks!

    does this bring over attachments from the old forum ?

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