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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #116518

    In reply to: phpBB


    im sure, i deleted the plugin and reinstalled it when i got all these errors.


    In reply to: phpBB

    Stephen Edgar

    Can you double check what version of bbPress you are using… V2.1.2 included a patch that specifically addressed the issue you are having with class names being case sensitive.


    Hi I have not built the site as of yet I do have several domains i use to build and test stuff though on our server.

    Scenario: I build a WPMU site on the main domain then I add a sub-folder for bbpress is there a way / or thread here explaining how I can have separate databases and one login for both sites? I would like to keep the databases separated so as we grow and I need to separate things it would simplify things as far as moving and using a couple different servers.

    So WP-1 with MU and / subfolder WP-2 with bbpress / 2 databases on the same account, one login for both.

    I have to say this it took two weeks to figure it all out. But bbpress is prety awesome even after over 10 years of phpbb, I think you have something awesome here, Thanks!

    One more thing, is there a way to set the notify tic box to “auto notify” and tic of you don’t want notified?
    Thanks again!


    In reply to: phpBB


    So sorry about the triple post, but i cant edit previous posts

    this is the settings i used


    In reply to: phpBB


    Sorry for the double post but im on phpBB 3.0.10


    In reply to: phpBB


    I chose phpBB
    and did the import that worked fine

    then i repaired the tables as it didnt show the topics if i dont.
    and that worked fine

    the Users are showing up fine as well

    But if i try to log into a imported user i get the following error.

    Warning: require_once(bbp-converter.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/durelle/dotaxhazard/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-user-functions.php on line 1466

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘bbp-converter.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/durelle/dotaxhazard/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-user-functions.php on line 1466

    Any suggestions, is there a link i can change, im comfortable in changing php i just need to know what lines to replace with what.


    hi all!

    i have strange bug

    1. i converted phpBB to bbpress with users – all was fine

    2. but – users cant log in with old phpBB passwords

    3. sou i found, that:

    $converter = bbp_new_converter( $row->meta_value );

    says, that it can’t connect to database;

    var_dump($wpdb) shows correct passwords

    but bbp_new_converter object cant connect to database …

    [“error”]=> object(WP_Error)#1764 (2) { [“errors”]=> array(1) { [“db_connect_fail”]

    anyone can help ???


    In reply to: phpBB

    What error do your users get?


    In reply to: phpBB

    Stephen Edgar

    @Durelle You will need to provide much more detailed information to help you with this.

    What version of phpBB are you importing from?

    At what step did the conversion fail?

    Did it complete and users just cannot login?

    What are all the option values you used to perform the import? (ie. Did you check the ‘Convert Users’ field?)


    In reply to: phpBB


    I won’t be much help with the error.

    Jeff Hester

    This page describing the bbPress core implies that there are notes on how to import from vBulletin, stating:

    > Import Forums
    > Published on July 3rd, 2012 by netweb Supported Platforms bbPress v1.x
    > phpBB v.3.x (For Invision or vBulletin see notes below.)

    But there are no “notes below” that reference vBulletin. Does bbPress support vBulletin import?


    In reply to: phpBB


    ah im on 2.1.2 but the phpbb conversion doenst work, i imported all the tables and topics, that was fine, but users got a php error and t didn’t convert.


    In reply to: phpBB


    The download link is for the 2.1 branch. If you follow the link it will take you to the plugin page where you can download 2.1.2. You can also install it directly through WordPress I find much easier.


    Topic: phpBB

    in forum Installation

    I see here that it says 2.1.2 has been released, but i dont see it updated on the download page, i need this update cause i need to IMPORT my phpBB forum and 2.1 had errors when trying to import User Passwords


    So I changed default page.php to be fullwidth, but I would like to know hot to force bbpress to use certain wp page template.

    Also I am really disappointed there is no separator for forums, like it is in phpbb… I would like to split my forums to groups (movies, series, games…) I dont think it would be so hard to include this option in one of next updates.


    Stephen Edgar

    This is a known issue for phpBB & Invision forums and the way it looks at the BBCode as its being imported, we are hoping to get this fixed for bbPress 2.2.

    You can see more details on the problems here


    2.12 did not resolve this issue??

    but i resolved it by changing the name of the file phpBB.php to Phpbb.php in wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-admin/converters


    I have converted from phpBB to bbpress with luck.

    But everytime my forum converted users want to login they get this error:

    Warning: require_once(bbp-converter.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/surfogki/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-user-functions.php on line 1466

    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘bbp-converter.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/surfogki/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/bbp-includes/bbp-user-functions.php on line 1466

    Normal made users can login as normal. how do i fix this?


    For those of you familiar with phpbb forums, a very liked feature is the ability to show your unread posts, and also to skip to the last unread reply in that thread.

    I have spoken to Pippin, from, who estimates that to create a plugin to include these features on bbpress will cost between $350 and $600.

    Now my website, which will have a forum migrated to it soon, will require these features, however it is only a hobby website 🙁

    So I’m asking bbpress forum owners out there, do you want this plugin? And if yes, would you be willing to contribute to the cost?

    Tanya 🙂


    Found the fix on this site, deep in the Tracking discussion. Adding bbp_admin(); (courtesy of xiosen) did the trick, like this:

        // Setup admin (to include converter)
    require_once( bbpress()->plugin_dir . 'bbp-admin/bbp-admin.php' );
    // Convert password
    require_once( bbpress()->admin->admin_dir . 'bbp-converter.php' );
    require_once( bbpress()->admin->admin_dir . 'converters/' . $row->meta_value . '.php' );

    Many thanks,


    Stephen Edgar

    So…. I created a new clean phpBB install, imported the data into phppBB, installed WordPress & bbPress and imported from phpBB.

    Everything looks fine to me…. I wish I could find something, we know there is something wrong!

    I’ll have another look in the morning with a fresh par of eyes.

    Thanks for persisting and trying to help us find the problem.




    I feel like a caveman in a spaceship with this SQL stuff.. ignore my worries about the logic, I have now sent netweb the replies row dumps. Realizing I can do “export, Dump some row(s), Number of rows: 1, Row to begin at: 470, View output as text” helped A LOT! Farewell to uncertainty.


    Damn, I just realized phpmyadmin’s browsing interface was confusing me and I was giving netweb the wrong topic! Now I have sent him the correct one + the first post.


    Yes, I’m trying to locate some blocking replies to send to netweb for testing.

    JJJ: does this logic mean it skips the first post in topic: LEFT JOIN phpbb_topics AS topics USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id != topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 470, 1

    I think if this is true, I can’t just look at my phpbb_post row 470 in phpmyadmin, but would have to run a modified query to display the exact offending post.

    Thanks for checking into this. Will be nice to get this figured out.

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