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Search Results for 'phpbb'

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  • #136705


    I’ve searched the web but nothing shouts out at me. The only thing I can see is to edit the PHP but I’d rather avoid that if possible

    Currently my layout is as follows:

    <strong>South Yorkshire</strong>
    Sheffield & District Fair Play League (2, 6), Sheffield & Hallamshire County Senior (2, 10), The Wragg League (1, 1),  Doncaster & District (1, 1)
    <strong>East Yorkshire</strong>
    Humber Premier League (0, 0), East Riding Amateur (0, 0), East Riding County (0, 0)

    But I’d like it as below.

    <strong>South Yorkshire</strong>
    o	Sheffield & District Fair Play League (2, 6), 
    o	Sheffield & Hallamshire County Senior (2, 10),
    o	The Wragg League (1, 1), 
    o	Doncaster & District (1, 1)
    <strong>East Yorkshire</strong>
    o	Humber Premier League (0, 0), 
    o	East Riding Amateur (0, 0), 
    o	East Riding County (0, 0)

    Essentially I want my forums in a nice list rather than in a clump. I’d like the same palyour as most forums (PHPBB etc). Is this possible?

    Plugin/ easy setting I’m missing?

    Sam Rohn

    thanks stephen 🙂

    might not be a bad idea to put the changelog info or link in top post too, the trac might be kind of confusing for the less experienced

    i have updated to 2.4 from 2.3.2 on a few different test sites and have noticed that in some cases, the forums, topics and replies tabs in wp admin disappear, w gd tools and attachments plugins enabled only gd options in forum tab otherwise no forum tab at all, or the others

    i tried disabling all other plugins etc but only disabling and reenabling bbpress restored the tabs

    main site i updated went fine, admin tabs did not disappear, mostly same plugins, the sites that went odd also all had buddypress installed

    for permissions and caps etc, i think it should be a basic feature to have a simple way to create multiple levels of private forums for logged in users – private forums for admins, mods, members, public forums for non-members, etc, basically some type of granular permissions allowing groups and forum access per group membership based on wp user role perhaps, similar to phpbb etc, this is standard w most other forums but currently this is still real tricky w bbpress…

    any chance we might we see something along these lines in an upcoming release ?


    thanks for checking the queries. I believe it’s not your importer, actually…
    I think there’s just an issue with my databases. I did the optimization for all tables, made another local copy (a brand new installation of Ubuntu with default settings for apache, php and the largest settings for mysql allowing it to use more resources).
    However, after some more digging, I’m starting to think that my tables are the reason for this slow-down. Specifically them being a mix of MyISAM and InnoDB after many years of conversions, WP updates and one forum conversion from phpbb to vanilla.

    I tried to get some out-of-memory errors but all it does is slow it down and it keeps going really slowly. Even setting it to 2000 rows at 1 second doesn’t seem to push it to run out of memory. The “top” command just shows me that it’s working away at 60% CPU and 11% memory for mysql and 50% CPU and 2% memory for apache.

    MySQL workbench shows that I only have 6 connections active, which is probably another related issue. I don’t know how to change that but my current running test conversion is with all WP tables converted to InnoDB. It fluctuates at 50-200 writes per second according to MySQL workbench

    This is total guesswork on my end (I’m no expert) and I thought it might be a helpful starting point for others with similar issues…

    Stephen Edgar

    Categories are currently only imported as a forum type and each of these can be changed in WP-admin forums panel.

    Sub-forums in phpBB and bbPress are all just forums with a parent forum for the forum hierarchy, these can be changed re-ordered etc also in WP-admin forums panel.

    Your forum title ‘Obutto’ is just a title name for the site, you can set the title of your WordPress site title in WP-admin.



    First I would like to say well done to the folks at bbPress. It was a breeze migrating the site, and while it’s different then what I’m used to using (phpBB type forums), I’m really diggin the integration it has with our new WP site.

    Anyhow, after I migrated the forums everything is working, but in bbPress all my subforums are now individual forums. The title of my phpBB forum was Obutto, but it appears I don’t need this Obutto forum anymore, is this correct?

    If it is correct, how do I remove it? So far I just have it listed as a Category. So far I tried sending it to the trash but then I couldn’t view the other forums. I almost went to delete it permanently but was afraid I might lose data, so thought it may be a good idea to get some proper advice.

    Thanks for your time!


    Chris Cash

    Stephen, if you want admin/test access to a mostly working import from vbulletin to phpbb to bbpress, let me know if it would be helpful. There are quite a few users that have import_ in from of their usernames and duplicate users.


    thanks @netweb

    Stephen Edgar

    No there is not, bbPress does not support attachments.

    Edit: If the image was part of the original post with using the BBCode [img] then that IS imported as part of the post, if the image was an attachment to the post then it is not imported.


    there’s no way to import attachment (images) from phpbb3 forum?


    I’d like to know if you have any success with this, i posted a similar issue here but i havent had any luck rectifying it.

    The last time test i tried i got to >300k (forum has ~400k) posts after the convertor stalled and requiring a restart a couple of times, until the most recent time tried to restart I got this error in the output window:

    Repair any missing information: Continue
    WordPress database error: [Table 'db_name.pbpbb_posts' doesn't exist]
SELECT convert(posts.post_id USING "utf8") AS post_id,convert(topics.topic_id USING "utf8") AS topic_id,convert(posts.forum_id USING "utf8") AS forum_id,convert(posts.topic_id USING "utf8") AS topic_id,convert(posts.poster_ip USING "utf8") AS poster_ip,convert(posts.poster_id USING "utf8") AS poster_id,convert(posts.post_subject USING "utf8") AS post_subject,convert(posts.post_text USING "utf8") AS post_text,convert(posts.post_time USING "utf8") AS post_time FROM pbpbb_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN pbpbb_topics AS topics USING (topic_id) WHERE posts.post_id != topics.topic_first_post_id LIMIT 304200, 100
    Starting Conversion

    Im currently running this on AWS (Amazon Servers) and had upgraded to the server to something with a bit more grunt but its not helping.

    Ive also discovered, not sure if this is related, that none of the replies that are imported are assigned to a forum or a topic and when viewing a topic only the first post appears and none of the related replies.

    looking forward to response.

    Chris Cash

    I had a larger vbulletin forum that I tried to import from and ended up having to migrate from vbulletin to phpbb and then from phpbb to bbpress.


    Sorry guys, cannot help it
    I tried mingle forum, easy to setup, but kinda rawish still
    I believe that bbpress is better in this regard, but … why this forum
    looks so … lamish? Maybe I used to phpBB based forums too much.

    Please enlighten me



    I just set up a basic forum:

    I would like to ask you gimme some tips on where can I look for solutions to my problems.
    I do not mind you writing the solution here, but caring of your time, this is not really expected. Just links would do just fine:

    My problems:
    Basically I want my forum look more like this one: (this gues use phpBB though).

    I want
    1. all forums (main and single) pages be without a sidebar
    2. I want to change the skin somehow, please suggest where can I get some neat custom css I guess
    3. I want all sub-forums listed line by line, not like now when they clustered in a line separated by commas
    4. Maybe some extra plugins suggstions

    I use WP Mantra theme just in case

    Thanks in advance!


    In reply to: SMF Import to bbPress


    Sweet, I tried to make an importer based on the example and the phpbb but I couldn’t make it work, thanks a lot for the effort, I’m going to try it right now…


    Using bbPress (not current version, one back), WordPress 3.5.1. Need 2 plugins:

    1. Want to receive eMail on every post, whether new topic or reply.

    2. Want a “See New Posts” link in the header. I had this with phpBB and am used to it as are users.

    If I don’t need a plugin, and the script(s) can be edited, that’s ok. Just quote me a very reasonable price to do it or provide all the coding and details for me to do.


    I changed things and removed the page with the short code and just linked to a higher catagory called “forum”
    It still shows the sub forums on seperate pages and with the (0,0) on the main page
    I would really like the forum to look similar to a phpbb style forum


    … or words to that effect. I had it and another error.I panicked but could not log in here to post (the “lost password” link never showed up) so Googled the error; it brought me back here! But I read the first thread in the search results and it ed me to a plugin conflict with Spam Destroyer. Deactivated it and viola! People have been telling me for weeks that they posted but I could not find anything.

    I’m used to phpBB and the “new posts” button. I had to go through more than two dozen topics in the sidebar to look for new posts. This feature would be nice for those using bbPress and WordPress.

    This is a thank you for the help and a suggestion


    I have a phpBB (3.0.11) forum since many years. After a good clean up, I am down at these stats
    1 200 members
    18 000 subjects
    52 000 answers

    My urls looks like this

    In Google i get 280 000 results if I type this

    I am feeling this forum software (thanks for all these nice years!) gets behind the actual social life these years so I am looking to change for another forum (hopefully with Facebook login!)

    What will happen if I decide to switch to installing bbPress into my actual WordPress ? I have read the codex, but doest my urls and so my results in google would all be lost (as I can’t see how a rewrite redirect url could work here anyway) ?


    Topic: Notification

    in forum Plugins

    I run WordPress 3.5.2 with bbPress and the Members plugin. I need a plugin that sends me email on every post, not just comments

    I previously ran phpBB which had this feature, and I need it.

    I just had to click 15 separate categories to find a new post, which I didn’t find, even though the author emailed me to say he posted.


    In reply to: bbConverter

    Stephen Edgar

    bbConverter is out of date and no longer updated.

    bbPress includes a phpBB importer and details on how to use it and any phpBB import issues can be found in these links:


    Is there a converter from myBB to phpBB? You may be able to convert it to phpBB and then convert that to bbpress

    (I’m quite new to bbpress so apologies if this is the wrong answer, this is just what I have seen recommended in similar circumstances)


    Topic: bbConverter

    in forum Installation

    Hey there!

    I used PHPbb3 the last 4 years now. The Foums is grown.
    But now I created a new Website with WordPress and want something what is
    integrated in there. I found bbPress and bbConverter. I installed both in my
    WordPress but I cant run the bbConverter. Is there anyone who could give me some Detail



    Firstly i’d like to say great work on the plugin (well, from what i can see so far) really appreciate all the time and effort you guys must put into something like this.

    Ok… I’ve been running some migration tests from a phpbb forum and I seem to running into issues with the migration stalling with no indication as to where or why it might have failed.

    The migration has successfully brought across user, forums and topics but has stalled on replies, last test I ran i think it got through ~90k rows, I’ve tried stopping and restarting the migration, but eventually it stalls again, plus I had an issue where it started duplicating all the content and another where console was just outputting just dashes (——) instead processing info.

    The forum is about ~150mb which doesnt seem all that big. Is there anything i could be doing to improve performance or potentially something I could be doing wrong?

    WP: 3.5.1
    BBP: 2.3.2

    Looking forward to response. Thanks

    Stephen Edgar

    Firstly this thread is about an old plugin that is no longer being updated, the core of this code is actually now in bbPress core.

    Yes phpBB import is fixed 100% in bbPress’ built in import tool

    You can take a stab at modifying the included ‘Example.php’ included with bbPress to try importing your MyBB forums just as @vogelsang did here for importing from Drupal. There are some basic instructions here on creating your own custom imports for bbPress.

    Further information on importing existing forums into be bbPress can be found here:

    (I’m going to close this topic now, if you have any questions regarding importing please create a new topic)


    is the phpbb3 fixed?

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