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  • #142708


    One feature that I struggle a bit in why bbPress broke from the norm is Freshness. It is customary to have the last column for “Last post” which includes the date-time of last post (topic/reply) and the author of last post.

    bbPress has decided to use “Freshness” instead of “Last post” as title. Instead of date-time, it displays time-since.

    Perhaps time to move to the more convention approach here. Probably good for performance too – won’t need to calculate freshness.



    Simple Machines Forum



    Hi Mycelus,

    I would recommend trying to gain a little css knowledge if your up for the challenge as it can get a lot done with WordPress and bbPress. Even just by hiding things with display:none or positioning things absolutely to get them in the right place.

    If you want to try and get the look and feel of phpbb or ipboard then you could take a look at the bbPress starter theme I created. It gets you onto a good footing with the layout and then you can go onto styling the colours from there.

    You can also find the topic about it here on bbPress:

    Good luck! 🙂


    Hey guys. So I’m used to the regular forum format like phpBB and IP Board where it looks like this:

    So, where it says Welcome to IPS, that’s the category name.

    Under that, you have News and Information, and Pre-Sales, those are your FORUMS.

    Then you have a space underneath the categories as can be seen in the picture.

    This makes sense because your CATEGORIES are SEPARATED from each other, and the FORUMS, are listed underneath.

    The way bbPress it, you can click a category. This makes ZERO sense, there is NO reason to click on the category.

    Also, as can also be seen in the picture, the amount of topics, and replies are to the right side, with the recent reply, time, latest thread, and time to the right.

    This can be done by anyone with some moderate CSS knowledge and WordPress know how, unfortunately I possess little of both.

    So I’m here for your help. Please share your wisdom with me and help me get this layout. This is a layout SO many people have asked for, yet I have found no tutorials on getting anything like this and it just astounds me considering how popular bbPress is, I don’t know why bbPress has a god awful layout.

    Note: Please do not make any “well this is how bbPress is supposed to look like so you should deal with it” comments. I’m not here to hear that.

    Thank you in advance to anyone who helps me achieve this. I really appreciate it.

    Robin W

    can you do a screenshot of a phpbb page to show what you’d like, and add a link to it?


    Hi guys

    I was wondering if we can have a link to the last post along with OP’s title for each forum in the home page, a bit like what we have in phpbb.

    I searched a lot, but could not find a thing to get the last post of a forum, or a link to it. In another discussion someone suggested the use of get_topic_last_post_link, which when I tried, got undefined error.

    Anyone has an idea ?

    WP: 2.8.1
    BBPress: 2.5.3

    Anonymous User 13302461

    I think this is your solution.

    Just found it myself.

    I have created a bbPress starter theme with a phpBB look and feel



    i have WP 3.8.1 and bbpres 2.5.3 , i’m using phpBB3 but now i will work with wordpress an there own forum (bbpress)
    i used in tools -> forums -> import forums
    typed the database datas in and klick START

    after that the import start but it import ONLY the user nothing else.
    i have tryed this 3 times and it runs alway over one hour and only user are imported
    no forums no topics no cats ……



    In reply to: Upgrading WordPress


    Thanks. I would have done the install myself but bringing the phpBB db over and integrating it. I’ll try this week. I think I can upgrade WP to the newest version without upgrading to the last update but will check to be sure.


    In reply to: Upgrading WordPress


    I backup daily, twice, just to be safe. It’s automatic no having to remember fortunately. I don’t think the kid I hired did coding in the site but was install, integrate, load old phpBB site in and go.

    WordPress was just the vehicle to carry bbPress. I’d hire someone but don’t want to invest any more $$$ I can’t afford.

    Thanks. I guess since you gave a standard response and not a warning about specific issues, there are no known issues between WP 3.81 and bbPress 2.3.2.


    In reply to: Upgrading WordPress


    I backup daily, twice, just to be safe. It’s automatic no having to remember fortunately. I don’t think the kid I hired did coding in the site but was install, integrate, load old phpBB site in and go.

    WordPress was just the vehicle to carry bbPress. I’d hire someone but don’t want to invest any more $$$ I can’t afford.

    Thanks. I guess since you gave a standard response and not a warning about specific issues, there are no known issues between WP 3.81 and bbPress 2.3.2.


    I don’t know what the designers were thinking when they designed bbPress, but it looks like crap, not the theme, just the way the stock design is where the forums are just all bundled up underneath the category.

    Look at the forums for example:

    The categories are nicely separated in a hierarchy, with the posts and replies being shown to the right.

    I need my forums to look like this, cause I’d like to avoid using crap paid software or open software like phpBB, vBulletin, IP Board, etc.


    Hi @avgmatt — Well, the category is kindda what I had in mind, but still wish there was a built in way in bbpress to structure a forum more like phpBB or vbullentin.

    However, if you want the Categories to not be side by side..and List them under the main forum..check this link out.

    If you look at #1 – it gives you the exact line of code to put into your CSS to make it inline.

    Hope that helps.


    Topic: Mobile Theme?

    in forum Themes


    Is there a mobile-friendly bbPress theme? If not, is it a good idea if I develop one?

    I check this support forum with keyword “mobile theme”. Someone ask the same question, the answer is no. If I miss a solution, please let me know. I also Google “mobile bbPress theme” and read the first three pages carefully. There are some good discussion and even achievement, but these topics are not active anymore for three years.

    My target is, for example, for the next three websites:
    When you visit from (1) desktop web browser or (2) mobile web browser, the result are completely different — I will make the same theme for bbPress.

    If you need a mobile theme, please reply this thread, so I can make sure this work is necessary.

    Any comments are welcome.


    Stephen Edgar

    I am going to close this topic as we should be really using the following topic 😉
    (My bad, I may have pointed a few people to this one recently)

    I have created a bbPress starter theme with a phpBB look and feel


    Thanks for your work on this @lynqoid … I was about 2 minutes from dumping bbPress and installing phpBB and trying to integrate it with WP-United. I’m trying to “start fresh” with an existing community, and since we’re coming from a forums-only site, the functionality, look, and feel of the forums is high priority. I’ve been struggling to learn WP for the past 3 days since I started, and it can be frustrating as heck. I dabbled in PHP about 15 years ago, and have quite a bit of .asp/vbs background… so the concepts are not new, but finding my way around feels a bit like a blind man groping his way through an unfamiliar house.

    Our forums software hasn’t seen any new development in nearly 10 years, and it’s getting clunky with lots of chicken wire and duct tape holding things together with a lot of mods. So, we’ve decided to “start fresh” with a more social type environment, and we’re hoping that WP+BP+bbP can be that platform for us.

    I installed your files into my theme, and *presto*, my forums looked SOOOO much better instantly. Nice! I’m still struggling with the overall theme/format/layout/whateverthehellyoucallit, because everything is so narrow down the center of the page. I’m still not sure why I’ve got a black bar down the left side of the screen, and a “no-color” bar down the right hand side. Grrrrrr.

    Thanks for pointing out…. I would like to aim for that look and feel. And thanks again for your work on the phpBB “look” for the bbPress forums.

    Sign me,
    “Lost and Helpless”…. so far


    Halo Diehard


    I’ve been working on this today, and I successfully converted my phpbb3 forum into my local bbPress for an updated install, exported the bbPress database tables from my local, and imported them into my live site. For some reason my live site bbPress isn’t recognizing the freshly imported bbPress tables 🙁

    Any ideas what I can do at this point? I ran the bbPress repair tool before doing the export on the local, and ran it again several times since importing it on my live site. I also did some visual comparisons of the bbPress tables in both databases, and they seem to be in order.

    AtMyWitsEnd ;D

    Edit – PS: I also tried adding the tables both with bbPress activated and with it inactivated, deleted the tables each time before importing them again.

    Stephen Edgar

    After just adding support for imported phpBB posts where the original author had been deleted I’m kind of thinking maybe this is something that should be in the core of bbPress. BuddyPress allows users to delete their own accounts (if enabled) and maybe we should also have this option for bbPress.

    Thus if a user deletes their account rather than deleting their topics and replies we delete the actual account but assign a ‘legacy’ username to each topic and reply allowing the topics to retain the original context.

    Does this sound like the type of way we should implement this in bbPress core?


    In reply to: layout changes


    I want a layout like PHPBB or SMF, that means forums list on the top not left side.

    Stephen Edgar

    I haven’t come across this situation before as I have never used the WP United bridge.

    I suspect it is because of the now shared users, presumably how the users are getting mapped presumably WordPress users.

    If you are able to get all your users correctly mapped in the phpBB user table that should give you a workable import scenario.

    Is there a way to have WP United readd all the WordPress users back into the phpBB table?
    (Kind of like an uninstall of WP United it restores everything back to standard)



    At the moment i have a WP 3.8 site with a PHPbb3 forum which is bridged by WPunited but i want to convert my PHPbb3 to BBpress. I ran the converter of BBpress 2.5.2 and everything was converted nicely but there’s only 1 problem: the topics have the wrong authors.

    It looks like the conversion of the Authors broke down 🙁 . I did Repair after conversion.

    Someone recognize this? and is there a solution?

    Grt Lantaarntje


    Hi guys,
    is there any solution to have same nicks in WordPress and phpBB, which you want to import into bbPress? For example, when I do this with my forum nick ‘LinDan94’, it’ll be overwrited with ‘imported_LinDan94’, because the same user exists in WordPress. How can I link this 2 accounts together?

    Thanks in advance


    With all due respect to the developers of bbPress and its plugins,

    People, bbPress admins, should realize that bbPress is a plugin/add-on to WordPress and bbPress is ideal for adding a nice straight forward forum to your WP, what I am setting up now for myself for the first time next my WP.

    I have extended experience with phpBB forum software.
    Changes/addons like these is not what bbPress is intended for, in my humble opinion.
    If you want all the extra’s and whistles, people should use phpBB, which also can be used next to WP. I believe WP has plugins for that and phpBB also supports it with MOD’s/plugins.

    Stephen Edgar

    Sorry, hard to keep up with so many posts 😉

    bbPress includes and importer for phpBB and with the size of your forum once you click ‘start’ it should be done in less than 30 seconds 🙂

    You will lose very little, details of what is not converted is in the links below. &


    Hello, after importing from a phpBB forum where I had custom BBCodes I have the problem that they are not changed in actual html.
    I would like to know how can I implement such custom bbcodes in my bbpress installation.

    I did some tries making a custom plugin with something like this inside (this is just an example):

    function bb_table_replace( $text ) {
    $text = preg_replace('/\[tabella\](.*?)\[\/tabella\]/ie', "<table>$1</table>", $text);
    return $text;
    add_filter('bbp_get_reply_content', 'bb_table_replace');

    But I had no luck. It seems however to find my regexp pattern but its replace is wrong, it’s made after the matched pattern (adding to it, instead of replacing).

    Any help?

    Stephen Edgar

    Removed, and sorry I missed your previous post and am just trying to come up with a good answer for you. I do it directly using export/import with MySQL, so looking for a plugin that will do this quickly and easily for you.

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