shortcode is good.
But how can I remove breadcrumbs plz ?
Because I use two shortcode :
And I have breadcrumbs for forum and an other for topic. Maybe make a shortcode like this is t possible ?
[bbp-topic-index breadcrumbs=false]
And are they way to say number topics to display ?
thx for help !
Unfortunately you can’t do that…bbpress doesn’t work with the native wp template, or child, it only works “within” the template structure (think of it like an insert that goes into the content area of the wp template).
As a result, just make a regular page with your wp theme, and add shortcode to the post editor. If you want you can style the wp template for header and footer and sidebar and width, etc., but not to add the short codes for bbpress
Undoubtedly, your easiest way to go is to use shortcodes for this purpose. You simply create a new page for each view (like forum-view), then add the shortcode you prefer to the page via the post editor. In this case a forum view is easy and uses “bbp-forum-index” (within short code brackets…remove the quotes). Here is a list of shortcodes to start: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/bbpress-20-shortcodes
We have a full video that might also help you:
Sounds like what you want to do is use shortcodes, after installing the default bbPress plugin (or installing BuddyPress version).
You’ll still want (need) a little styling of the default twentyten template style to help it match your current theme, but otherwise the bbPress forums can be added to a page with just the shortcodes features you wish to display:
See shortcodes here: https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/bbpress-20-shortcodes
We’ve done a little tutorial video that shows how this might work with your theme (forward to the “hybrid” option in the video, about mid-way)
We’ve done a little tutorial video to show how you can setup either a BuddyPress Group Forum, a SiteWide bbPress 2.0 Forum, or a custom hybrid forum page using shortcodes. You can have all three at one time. Hope this helps
We’ve done a little tutorial video to show how you can setup either a BuddyPress Group Forum, a SiteWide bbPress 2.0 Forum, or a custom hybrid forum page using shortcodes. You can have all three at one time. Hope this helps
You create your own pages where you can insert login, register, lost password shortcodes, widgets, custom templats, anything you want.
You can then use those pages you created as the uri in the widgets.
This allows everyone to have completely custom login/registration setups and the widget will work with any one of them.
You could always use a custom Page for your forum homepage. On that page you can use shortcodes in order to display the most recent posts if you like.
Just an idea.
I knew bbPress for a while, but didn’t do anything with it until a few weeks ago. I needed bbPress for some projects to embed it in already running WordPress installations. At first I installed bbPress from the WordPress plugin repository and activated it. So far easy as every other plugin.
But how do I show this thing a WordPress site? I created a page called ‘Forum’ and inserted the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] into it. Published the page and everything was visible. But now? Why do I need more shortcodes if this is working?
You can copy bbPress template files into your own custom theme folder. This is a way to change some look and feel together with CSS changes. My first question was ‘why are there so many template files?’ As an experienced WordPress theme developer I would say you only need a few. Like forums.php, topics.php and replies.php. I lost my way. Which template is used for which page?
As long as everything works, it’s okay. But then I ran into problems. I am totally lost. I don’t know what is the right way to embed bbPress into WordPress. Just by creating a page? Or add the template files to my custom theme? Both ways got me into the same problems.
I love WordPress, I love to be active in translating and contributing to various projects, I love to help organizing my local WordCamp, but I don’t love to be lost. In my opinion bbPress should work as easy as any other theme file in WordPress. Where you can construct your own page using functions, which are available in a Codex.
Okay, thanks. It helps knowing that. I just installed this and am getting used to things, found the shortcodes in the other thread which will help with this setup.
I’ll just create a button in my theme for that then, easy enough to do and link to the shortcode created create new topic page.
I just converted from IPB to bbpress, and moved all my posts over.
Now the problem is, all posts now contains html codes, instead of showing images, making line breaks etc.
This is obviously a user permission problem, because when I post the same codes with the admin account, it shows right.
Is there any way that I can allow users unrestricted html code, just like admin has?
Just installed the Codestyling Localization plugin… it spits out a message: “Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.”
Well,.. the author would be bbPress.
any comments?
I’m unable to use this plugin on bbPress but works fine on everything else.
My question is, can I install bbpress plugins on this type of setup? I’m looking to get for example youtube embedding etc. infrared Stationsgoing on them as well as the b or img or other shortcodes.
I installed WordPress, and then BuddyPress. As far as I know, BuddyPress comes with bbPress 2.0.2.
In BuddyPress’ components, the “Discussion Forums” component is NOT ticked, it’s off.
Instead, I have a bbPress 2.0.2 plugin on the wordpress’ list of plugins. I unfortunately don’t remember if I installed the plugin, or it got installed as I installed BuddyPress.
My question is, can I install bbpress plugins on this type of setup? I’m looking to get for example youtube embedding etc. going on them as well as the b or img or other shortcodes.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you.
Hello all, I just had a quick question that has me stumped. I have a new site (so no other plugins to mess things up) and while the forum will show up the main forum page won’t work. I tried shortcodes and more but for whatever reason the main forums page won’t work.
The individual forum will show up at
but when I want to display the index at
it won’t display.
Help please.
The support warning means the theme doesn’t natively support bbPress. You can add support or use shortcodes and still use bbPress. Here’s a link to shortcodes you can insert in a page. https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/bbpress-20-shortcodes
I don’t understand your question about plugins.
Thank you very much, that is very helpful.
Hi there,
I’ve got a problem with custom page templates and wordpress pages with bbcode shortcodes.
I’ve created a page “Forum “with shortcode [bbp-forum-index] and made it main Forum Page. Since most of my pages use sidebar, the one with forum index was meant to be fullwidth. I tried to set a custom page template but with no effect. The Twenty One template uses only default theme template and keep displaying sidebar.
I do know how to create custom page templates for wordpress but they just don’t work with bbpress plugin Anyway, I don;t know how to make bbpress work with my custom templates.
Any ideas?
I don’t think that the template files are currently used, even if placed within your currently active theme. According to JJ< bbPress 2.1 should make this much easier.
Right now, the only way I know how to change the appearance in your own theme is to actually remove the shortcode actions and write your own custom shortcodes.
You can of course add a bbpress.php/forums.php page and place that within your theme to do some basic changes such as removing sidebars.
Add this to your functions.php so that you can add shortcodes to the widgets –
add_filter(‘widget_text’, ‘do_shortcode’);
Add this to your text/html widget box:
#1 yeah, that’s kinda how it works right now. It’s in need of some love.
#2 https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/bbpress-no-admin/ removes ability for users to post bbPress content in admin area.
#3 When doing it that way, there is a forum and topic selection dropdown on the right hand side above where you publish the post. The idea being that a user can select the forum and topic right there.
I really think that is more just a quick way for an admin to post a reply, though I can’t see why I would ever use it myself.
#4 probably a bug.
There are also plenty of code snippets online in order to completely remove the admin bar or remove menu’s from the bar if you want. Pretty much just decide what you want to do and check google for the code snippets or plugins.
Yeah, I’m not sure how to get it to work. I just tried it myself, and while I get no errors, I am not able to use shortcodes in my forum topics. Maybe JJ, or someone will jump in and let us know how to properly whitelist shortcodes.
*I know I have my site setup correctly as I can use shortcodes in my other custom post-types. Best guess is that bbPress has some rather strong filtering going on or something. Which btw is not a bad thing, would just help to know what/why it’s happening.
Thanks a lot, but once I install that plugin, my forum goes down
I’m using the plugin version of bbpress.
I’m using WP-Syntax plugin to display some program codes on my blog.
It uses this syntax:
“Syntax highlighting using GeSHi supporting a wide range of popular languages. Wrap code blocks with <pre lang=”LANGUAGE” line=”1″> and where LANGUAGE is a geshi supported language syntax. The line attribute is optional.”
I want to use the same syntax even on my forum.
These codes eg. “:twwr5fiw” are NOT added by the converter, they are actually in the raw phpbb database tables, phpbb strips these codes before rendering on the page display.
The converter is copying the content correctly and in essence before running the converter you need to strip these from your phpbb installation first.
I haven’t found an easy way to do this yet but that is what stage I am up to before trying my next conversion. More info can be found by looking around phpbb.com for “Magic URL” & “Short URL” though I haven’t found much that could actually help us out here. It looks like I will try replacing the eg. “:twwr5fiw” & “<! — m –>” info manually with search and replace SQL Update queries directly into the phpbb database tables before conversion.