@landshark I wouldn’t say you were being ignored, we are all volunteers here and if and when people have the time to help others they do, myself included.
What is the BBCode for images on your SMF forum?
bbPress converts these default BBCode [img]
to `<img src=”…”>
If you have any custom BBCodes this will not work and you could either fix this in your SMF forum before importing or if your comfortable with MySQL you could update these in your database directly.
I made some changes in localisation (via Codestyling Localization plugin) and suddenly disappeared all my BBPress widgets from administrator’s widget menu.
Please help.
The bbPress shortcodes are:
[bbp-login] – Display the login screen.
[bbp-register] – Display the register screen.
[bbp-lost-pass] – Display the lost password screen.
I suspect some of your issues are more WordPress related rather than specificly bbPress
Do you think there is a limit with database size?
No, all size constraints are upstream and relate directly to WordPress and the size you are talking about is not an issue.
There is almost 100,000 posts and the database is bigger than 350 Mb
That’s fine…
Now the fine print, this will take a while to import, depending on your setup it might be a couple of hours right through to 8, 16 or 24, “how long is a piece of string” theory.
I am not sure what tools Invision includes but optimizing and cleaning the database first is a very good idea.
As bbPress imports the topics and replies it parses all the BBCodes ([b][i][url] etc) through a custom conversion script, if it comes across data it doesn’t like it will stop and no longer continue. Thus it is advisable to setup a local MAMP/XAMPP install and perform an import on your local machine as it gives you a good idea on how the process works, how much time it will take and the data integrity. Once your happy with all that then give it a go on your webhost.
WP 3.9
BBP 2.5.3
I use WPPA a lot on my blog and would like to integrate in BBPress.
When I add it in topic i get this:
The code instead of the slideshow.
Jacob Breedtveld . aka Opajaap (author of this amazing plugin) (http://wppa.opajaap.nl/ & https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-photo-album-plus/) says:
If this also does not work, ask the BBPress boys if there is a possiility that on the particular text shortcodes can be expanded ( $text = do_shortcode( $text ); ) or that the standard content filters can be run. ( $text = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, $text ); )
I don’t have a clue what Jacob says, but think you will know!
I suggest you have a read of some of the docs, most of what you are asking about is in the docs.
For example you can use shortcodes and widgets for login and register actions:
https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/ https://codex.bbpress.org/widgets/
The majority of bbPress actions including moderation can all be performed in the ‘front end’ and only some specific actions (configuration and settings) are required to be performed in the WordPress dashboard (back-end).
once again: I want to disable only 2 dysfunktional bbcodes – e. g. link and img. This buttons works also not in this forum – try it! It’s a bug!
I make no sense to frustrate user.
Dear tharsheblows, I know this function, but I will only deactivate 2 or 3 bbcodes – e. g. “img”.
This bbcode does not work.
I mean the bbcodes above the forum editor. Is it not possible to delete individual buttons.
No effect, if I comment out line 109
Many thanks
if you mean the bbpress shortcodes, they’re held in
at the simplest just comment out line 109
ie change to
//add_shortcode( $code, $function );
bbpress upgrades will overwrite this, so keep a note to change again as bbpress upgrades are issued.
Is there any simple solution to delete default bbcodes. In which file the default bbcodes defined. Many thnaks for any hint.
If I understood you correctly this is what you’re after.
When in the dashboard, navigate to Settings > Reading.
Change the option that’s called Front page displays to a static page and choose the home page (assuming you’ve created a page to be the front page).
Now navigate to Pages > All Pages and edit the page you selected to be your home page (usually “home”).
Enter the shortcode [bbp-forum-index] and then publish.
For a full list of available shortcodes, visit https://codex.bbpress.org/shortcodes/
Upon further testing, I noticed that this will not edit the breadcrumbs and will show Home > Forums (linking to domain.com/forums). I also tested this by changing the forum root slug in Settings > Forums to “home” (the page I have set to be my front page) and it now shows Home > Home
I am unsure as to how this would be fixed though…
Looks good, I like that you have the template notices using the colors from your theme, many people miss styling those and it is always the first thing I look for 😉
Take a look at the shortcode [bbp-stats]
to display the forum statistics.
Also the page template page-forum-statistics.php
to get some good ideas on adding your stats .
I am using Twenty Fourteen and bbpress. How can I make the forums root page full width?
I want to remove the sidebar, center the content and remove the post-like forum names after the listing section. Basically, I want this page to act as a full-width page, not a post/forum listing.
My forums root page is http://leopolds.com/discussions/
I want it to look like http://leopolds.com/bbs/ (created using shortcodes)
Thank you very much.
(I was able to achieve full-width style in individual forum page by using widget visibility function. But this doesn’t work for the forums root page.)
There are so many cool options right now! Besides private messages, like the plugin listed above, there is a chat at the bottom bar that users can chat with but it’s also one on one privately, it is iFly.
Also, the plugin Quick Chat can be integrated into bbPress in two different ways:
1. This chat plugin can be put into different WordPress pages with shortcodes, so you can put it on any pages at the top or bottom of your forums that are on WordPress pages using shortcode, or in any sidebar widget.
2. You can also use a different chat on each WordPress page using shortcode, so coupled with the plugins BuddyPress and BuddyPress Groups Extras (which adds extra pages to BuddyPress Groups) you can give each of your bbPress forum groups their own private chat!
okay I found the style editor I added these codes to the bottom of it and that did nothing I use !important its not working.
I have applied some of those codes from the styling crib into my css folder and they dont work
theme: Analytical Lite
the latest version of wordpress and bbpress
my font,background, and reply background is white
so all text is hidden.
i have tried applying the codes from styling crib into my theme css but it still dosent work.
does anyone have anycode to change the back ground
On which files I can find these HTML CODES :
<span class="bbp-topic-started-by">Started by: <a href="https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/renai42/" title="View renai42's profile" class="bbp-author-avatar" rel="nofollow"><img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/9cc0474d583be1164e47317a42b158c3?s=14&d=retro&r=G' class='avatar avatar-14 photo' height='14' width='14' /></a> <a href="https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/renai42/" title="View renai42's profile" class="bbp-author-name" rel="nofollow">renai42</a></span>
<span class="bbp-topic-freshness-author"><a href="https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/crzyhrse/" title="View crzyhrse's profile" class="bbp-author-avatar" rel="nofollow"><img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/c92f6fbad5b684dd17d1fde21aff8c24?s=14&d=retro&r=G' class='avatar avatar-14 photo' height='14' width='14' /></a> <a href="https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/crzyhrse/" title="View crzyhrse's profile" class="bbp-author-name" rel="nofollow">crzyhrse</a></span>
Thank in advance.
Thank you but I meant on which files I can edit these HTML CODES above ? I dont find the file’s name.
Hi Guys,
I cannot find on which file I can edit these codes ?
The avatar on the left of the message :
<img alt="" src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/a8792a6046cf82389373bb32241764c6?s=80&d=http%3A%2F%2F0.gravatar.com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D80&r=G" height="80" width="80" />
And the mini avatar below the date of the freshness
<img width="14" height="14" src="http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/a8792a6046cf82389373bb32241764c…com%2Favatar%2Fad516503a11cd5ca435acc9bb6523536%3Fs%3D14&r=G" alt="" />
Thanks in advance
ok, you have several routes to go
If you think you will be making other changes, then it may be worth you reading this
Step by step guide to setting up a bbPress forum – part 2
but if you just want to get this going then download this plugin
and then put this code into it
#bbpress-forums .bbp-topic-content p,
#bbpress-forums .bbp-reply-content p {
color: blue !important ;
a:link {
color: blue !important ;
Obviously you can change the blue to whatever, or use hex codes to get any shade you like
Come back if that doesn’t work, and I’ll try to help further
I tried here… bbpress/includes/common/shortcodes.php
though I entered ‘smallest’ => 11, and ‘largest’ => 20,
the font size only show 11 on all – same size. Did I do something wrong? I thought it would randomly display 11 to 20?
I’ve had a look, but I can’t find what is doing this – must be buried deep
If you keep toggling the | comes back, so my original code isn’t doing anything.
The codes resolves as
<span id=”subscription-toggle”>
<span id=”subscribe-2072″>
Click to receive an email notification when a member responds below
so it’s in the subscription part, but not part of the url.
‘Sorry still newbie to all these codes thing 🙂 ‘ – Don’t worry I was there only last year, you’ll soon pick it up.
Start with
So you need to add this to your theme’s function file.
If you are using a main theme, then any updates to the theme may overwrite your addutions, so a child theme is better. However if you put it in your main theme, just keep a note of the changes so that you can add them back if needbe.
Ideally you should create a child theme – google ‘child theme videos’ and you’ll see how to create this – it is very simple, and just lets you ‘add stuff’ to your main theme without any risk of losing it.
Have fun !