I am happy to report that code works great. The two custom fields show up in the email notification.
Here are all the custom fields. I should be able to take what you have done and make all them work. Hopefully not break anything.
<strong>Catch Date & Time:</strong> <?php the_field( 'catch_date_time' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Anglers:</strong> <?php the_field( 'anglers' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Weather:</strong> <?php the_field( 'weather' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Fish Caught:</strong> <?php the_field( 'fish_caught' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Kept or Released:</strong> <?php the_field( 'kept_or_released' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Lake Point Marker:</strong> <?php the_field( 'lake_point_marker' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Water_Features:</strong> <?php the_field( 'water_features' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Speed:</strong> <?php the_field( 'speed' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Fish Depth:</strong> <?php the_field( 'fish_depth' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Lake Depth:</strong> <?php the_field( 'lake_depth' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Method Used:</strong> <?php the_field( 'method_used' ) ; ?><br>
<strong>Lure & Color:</strong> <?php the_field( 'lure_color' ) ; ?><br>
BUT there are two custom fields that are done differently, do not know how I would do them. It is the image field and the location field, but maybe they work the same way.
$image = get_field('image');
if( !empty( $image ) ): ?>
<img src="<?php echo esc_url($image['url']); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr($image['alt']); ?>" />
<?php endif; ?> <br>
<strong>Fishing Location: </strong> <?php the_field( 'location' ) ; ?><br>
$location = get_field('location');
if( $location ): ?>
<div class="acf-map" data-zoom="13">
<div class="marker" data-lat="<?php echo esc_attr($location['lat']); ?>" data-lng="<?php echo esc_attr($location['lng']); ?>"></div>
<?php endif; ?>
I have some updated code for you to try, after installing that ACF plugin I realized it wasn’t saving the post meta(your custom fields) before the mail was being called.
So you’ll need to remove all the code previously listed including the first function, and try the below instead.
So all you should have added is the below in your code snippets plugin, or functions.php file.
if( function_exists( 'bbp_get_topic_post_type' ) ){
function newtech2_bbpress_new_topic( $post_id, $post , $update, $post_before ){
if ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ) return;
if( !function_exists('bbp_get_topic_post_type') ){
if ( bbp_get_topic_post_type() !== $post->post_type || ! is_admin() ) {
if ( ! in_array( $post->post_status, [ 'private', 'publish' ] ) ) {
if( isset( $post_before->post_status ) && $post_before->post_status == 'draft' ){
do_action( 'bbp_new_'.bbp_get_topic_post_type(), $post->ID , $post->post_parent, [] , $post->post_author );
add_action( 'wp_after_insert_post', 'newtech2_bbpress_new_topic', 10, 4);
if( !function_exists('acf_email_bbp_subscription_mail') ){
function acf_email_bbp_subscription_mail( $message, $topic_id, $forum_id, $user_id ) {
if ( function_exists( 'get_field' ) && $topic_id != 0 ) {
$afc_replace = array(
'{catch_date_time}' => get_field( 'catch_date_time', $topic_id),
'{anglers}' => get_field( 'anglers', $topic_id )
$message = strtr( $message , $afc_replace);
return $message;
add_filter( 'bbp_forum_subscription_mail_message' , 'acf_email_bbp_subscription_mail', 100 , 4 );
You’ll just leave the below in your email template as before.
Catch Time: {catch_date_time}
Anglers: {anglers}
Hopefully that works out for you
If you’re using the style pack to edit your email template, add the below as a test to your email template.
Catch Time: {catch_date_time}
Anglers: {anglers}
Then add this function to your functions.php file or code snippets plugin which ever your using.
if( !function_exists('afc_email_bbp_subscription_mail') ){
function afc_email_bbp_subscription_mail( $message, $reply_id, $topic_id ) {
if ( function_exists( 'get_field' ) && $topic_id != 0 ) {
$afc_replace = array(
'{catch_date_time}' => get_field( 'catch_date_time', $topic_id),
'{anglers}' => get_field( 'anglers', $topic_id )
$message = strtr( $message , $afc_replace);
return $message;
add_filter( 'bbp_forum_subscription_mail_message' , 'afc_email_bbp_subscription_mail', 100 , 3 );
Then test it out by creating a topic in a forum that has subscribers you can test with, and make sure to set those values when creating your topic.
They are not in a template but in a functions run through filters, so if you were using bbpress without any plugins for email templates then the function it’s being called from is bbp_notify_topic_subscribers
and the filter to change the message is bbp_subscription_mail_message
You can’t just added function with the same name, because it will cause your site to throw errors. But you can use the filter to change the message.
Are you using bbp style pack template? If so give me the field name of one of you custom ACF fields for when you create topics, and I’ll see if I can come up with something for you.
I put the following code within my theme’s functions.php file. I created a topic under the only forum I have on the site. I published it. Subscribers never received the notification. I checked emails log. It does not show any email being sent out. I am still wondering if the issue can be that if a topic is created within the backend instead of frontend could be causing the problem.
*begin edit for subscribe notification to work
if( function_exists( 'bbp_get_topic_post_type' ) ){
function newtech1_bbpress_new_topic( $post ) {
if( isset( $post->post_type ) && $post->post_type == bbp_get_topic_post_type() ){
do_action( 'bbp_new_'.bbp_get_topic_post_type(), $post->ID , $post->post_parent, [] , $post->post_author );
add_action( 'draft_to_publish' , 'newtech1_bbpress_new_topic', 10 );
*end edit for subscribe notification to work
I don’t have a multi site set up with bbpress, but try the below and see if that works for you. Would have to add to the code snippets plugin or your theme’s functions.php file
if( !function_exists('mh_bbp_get_multi_site_total_users') ){
function mh_bbp_get_multi_site_total_users( $count ) {
if ( is_multisite() ) {
$args = array(
'blog_id' => get_current_blog_id(),
'fields' => 'ID'
$count = count( (array) get_users( $args ) );
return (int) $count;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_total_users' , 'mh_bbp_get_multi_site_total_users', 100 );
That work you for you? I was trying to post the code snippets link, but maybe it wouldn’t go through. You can find that plugin on WordPress plugins
Will try posting again..
You can try the below code, either add it to your theme’s functions.php file, or use the code snippets plugin.
Make sure to select your “Forum” when creating a topic and make sure the forum has subscribers to test it out on.
if( function_exists( 'bbp_get_topic_post_type' ) ){
function newtech1_bbpress_new_topic( $post ) {
if( isset( $post->post_type ) && $post->post_type == bbp_get_topic_post_type() ){
do_action( 'bbp_new_'.bbp_get_topic_post_type(), $post->ID , $post->post_parent, [] , $post->post_author );
add_action( 'draft_to_publish' , 'newtech1_bbpress_new_topic', 10 );
The code I just posted isn’t showing @robin-w ?
You could try the below
.bbpress.topic-template-default .cs-entry__header{
display: none;
Yes, of course. Here is my script. I thought about setting menu_order for spam posts to “0” before the loop.
function repair_menu_order_gaps()
global $wpdb;
$posts = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'topic' AND post_status = 'publish'
$topic_counter = 1;
$unterschiede = 0;
foreach ($posts as $post) {
$poid = $post->ID;
$replies = $wpdb->get_results("
SELECT menu_order, ID FROM $wpdb->posts
WHERE post_type = 'reply' AND post_status = 'publish' AND post_parent=$post->ID ORDER BY menu_order ASC");
$counter = 0;
$ids = array();
$menu_orders = array();
foreach ($replies as $reply) {
$ids[] = $reply->ID;
$menu_orders[] = $reply->menu_order;
if($counter!=$order) {
echo "Abweichung gefunden in Post $poid: Counter $counter , Order = $order </br/>";
$counter_rep = 0;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
echo "Neue Nummer für $id: $counter_rep (Alt: $order)<br/>";
// Set new menu_order
array('menu_order' => $counter_rep),
array('ID' => $id)
Custom code is required for displaying it in your forums. You should insert the provided code into either your functions.php file, bbpress-functions.php file, or a functionality plugin.
My theme is creating a featured image on the Topics which I can’t seem to change so I just have a large grey blob square at the top of every topic.
Introduce Yourself
I tried multiple default image wordpress themes and none of them worked.
I can’t add code to display: none because then it takes away the featured posts from the blog section.
Hi guys,
after install i see some strange code under profilenames. Only as admin i see this.
What is this?
That worked. GPT insisted that the function call was not needed even when specifically asked. Also it thought that the square brackets are some short codes that were a must, which confused me even more. The text (a poker hand history from a software) starts like this:
[converted_hand][hand_history]PokerStars – €0.50 PL Hi FAST (6 max) – Omaha Hi – 6 players
[url=”http://www.holdemmanager.com”%5DHand converted by Holdem Manager 3[/url]
BTN: €52.28 (104.6 bb)
[color=”grey”]SB: €24.25 (49 bb)
[/color][b]Hero (BB): €84.89 (169.8 bb)
[/b][color=”grey”]UTG: €52.86 (105.7 bb)
[/color][color=”grey”]MP: €31.34 (62.7 bb)
[/color][color=”grey”]CO: €50.00 (100 bb)
SB posts €0.25, Hero posts BB €0.50
If I get this thing working I will make sure to update my old question about the hand histories in case some1 else is looking for a similar thing.
Thanks Robin!
ok, the code is probably ok, but chat gpt has a long way to go !
A function needs something to call it, otherwise it just sits there.
Not tested, but add these 2 lines before or after (doesn’t matter which) the function
add_filter( 'bbp_get_reply_content', 'replace_suit_symbols' ) ;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_topic_content', 'replace_suit_symbols' ) ;
yes, on bbpress forums.
I got the code from Chat GPT which ensured me that it would work (ie. clicking send would call the function and execute it) and gave me a few other pieces of more or less similar type of code. As you can see I am quite clueless on this stuff albeit I used to know some Python.
How to proceed..
This is related to this https://bbpress.org/forums/topic/poker-hand-histories-not-converted/#post-237481
We have some freelance developers helping out but they didn’t understand at all what I was trying to accomplish, so I am set to do this “alone” for now, with not much success :/
ok so unless you have some further code, nothing is calling that function.
I presume this is content on bbpress topics and replies – yes?
I am trying to parse pasted text into something else, where the simplest thing is to change :spade: :club: :diamond: and :heart: to be visualized as ♠♣♦ and ♥ but my solution is not working.
In the Theme files I edited functions.php by adding the following code (in the staging environment)
// Function to replace suit representations with symbols
function replace_suit_symbols($hand_history) {
// Replace suit representations with symbols
$hand_history = str_replace(':spade:', '♠', $hand_history);
$hand_history = str_replace(':heart:', '♥', $hand_history);
$hand_history = str_replace(':diamond:', '♦', $hand_history);
$hand_history = str_replace(':club:', '♣', $hand_history);
// Return the modified hand history
return $hand_history;
But when I write “:spade”, for instance, nothing changes. What am I missing?
Hello Theme, WP 6.4.3, bbPress 2.6.9.
it needs a template change – if you know how to FTP
transfer this to your pc and edit
<li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"><?php esc_html_e( 'Voices', 'bbpress' ); ?></li>
<li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"><?php bbp_show_lead_topic()
? esc_html_e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' )
: esc_html_e( 'Posts', 'bbpress' );
<li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"></li>
<li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"></li>
and save
create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
Then transfer the file you saved above and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
bbPress will now use this template instead of the original
Repeat this for the file loop-forums.php
I am trying to replace the titles for Voice and Replies with dashicons like the WordPress forums are styled. I am using the code below, and it works in that it adds the dashicon, but it doesn’t remove the words.
/*topic titles*/
.bbpress .forum-titles {
overflow: hidden;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before,
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
margin-right: 100px;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before,
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
font: 400 21px/1 dashicons;
margin-left: 20px;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-voice-count::before {
content: "\f307";
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-topic-reply-count::before {
content: "\f125";
.bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-forum-info,
.bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-topic-title {
text-align: left !important;
/*forum titles*/
.bbpress .forum-titles {
overflow: hidden;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-topic-count::before,
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-reply-count::before {
font: 400 16px/1 dashicons;
margin-right: 100px;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-topic-count::before,
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-reply-count::before {
font: 400 21px/1 dashicons;
margin-left: 20px;
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-topic-count::before {
content: "\f307";
.bbpress .forum-titles .bbp-forum-reply-count::before {
content: "\f125";
.bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-forum-info,
.bbpress li.bbp-header li.bbp-topic-title {
text-align: left !important;
I think in your code the function no_reply_email
needs a my_bbp
in front of it
function no_reply_email(){
$email = 'no-reply@sitename.com'; // any email you want
return $email;
shoudl read this
function my_bbp_no_reply_email(){
$email = 'no-reply@sitename.com'; // any email you want
return $email;
Sorry, forgot the function and end part.
function add_custom_role( $bbp_roles ) {
$bbp_roles['deckhand'] = array(
'name' => 'Deckhand',
'capabilities' => bbp_get_caps_for_role( bbp_get_participant_role() ) // the same capabilities as participants
$bbp_roles['admiral'] = array(
'name' => 'Admiral',
'capabilities' => bbp_get_caps_for_role( bbp_get_participant_role() ) // the same capabilities as participants
return $bbp_roles;
add_filter( 'bbp_get_dynamic_roles', 'add_custom_role', 1 );
And the more I think about it, the more I think this was either something I have over-written in the past, or a feature I had another website, not something your plugin has done. On another website I use the pro version of User Role Editor and I think that is how I am able to force custom forum roles. I think the code I posted above relates to this plugin.
Hi Robin,
My apologies, I’d said it was User Role Editor. It wasn’t, I used the Members plugin. Unfortunately, I can’t provide a link as everything is behind a login but here is my Members admin page. You can see the additional member roles I created.
All that said, however, I am wondering if this is a theme update that caused this. Previously I’d themed my forum to display this user role, not bbp-author-role, so it is possible this was over-written by a theme update instead (my theme includes bbpress). Honestly, it’s been over four years since I styled my forum so I’m clutching at straws here, but is there any way your plugin could have over-written any custom code I wrote?
I think if I add this to my child functions file I may be able to re-introduce the forum role:
$bbp_roles['oyster-owner'] = array(
'name' => 'Oyster Owner',
'capabilities' => bbp_get_caps_for_role( bbp_get_participant_role() ) // the same capabilities as participants
I have this in a plugin that we use for a lot of our changes that we want separate from child theme functions.php I don’t know if related.
function no_reply_email(){
$email = 'no-reply@sitename.com'; // any email you want
return $email;
function my_bbp_subscription_to_email(){
$email = 'no-reply@sitename.com'; // any email you want
return $email;