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  • #2864

    I’ve got the newest bbpress and the newest WP setup and I managed to get them to share the same cookie name fairly easily.

    However the cookie value changes between the two installs for reasons I cannot seem to figure out. One forces the other to logout because of this.

    The cookie value seems to be made from the user name | expiration time | hash

    Essentially the expiration and hash are changing and I don’t know why.

    Logic tells me that the expiration is probably changing because of the hash changing? so why is the hash being calculated differently between the installs?

    Does anyone else have the two trunks working together or am I the first guinea pig?

    John Conners

    I’ve experienced this problem in If you follow the password reset link you get emailed and then try to log in from that page you’ll get the key not found error. The reason is the ‘re’ value in the login form is getting set to that password reset link (bb-reset-password.php?key=xxxxxx) so when you log in bbPress bounces you back to that page (as it would do if you logged in from a specific topic) and now that the password has been reset, the key xxxxxx is no longer in the database and the ‘key not found’ error pops up.

    The way I’ve worked around it is to do the following prior to calling login_form() on password-reset.php in my template:

    <?php global $re; $re = bb_get_option(‘uri’); ?>

    The trouble is that in the default template login_form() is in the header so you’ll need to set $re elsewhere or come up with another solution.

    Hope that helps!


    In reply to: Announcement Board


    I posted too soon, my apologies. This looks to be exactly what I am looking for. I just hope I can figure out what “put in a plugin” means…


    Is it possible to designate one board as an announcement board where only admins can create new topics but anyone can view and reply to them?

    I tried installing the Restrict Forums plugin but that was buggy and doesn’t seem to be supported any more. The Private Forums works great, but only hides a forum from view.

    Are there any other plugins that I am missing that might be able to provide this functionality?


    Nice work.

    Looks like there is “only” a 6k penalty on the browser side for the extra javascript and under 1k for the extra css. Bit of work on the server side but it may be worth it for a forum that deal with a lot of code being posted.

    Be sure to submit it to the bbpress plugin browser

    so it gets much more exposure.


    The trick would be doing it via ajax. Harder than it sounds.

    Especially considering that bbpress’s ajax library is in flux from what I understand.

    It’s easy to load the entire page including posts 15-74 and keep them hidden via css until clicked – this doesn’t even need a plugin – but the page load time and bloat, not to mention mysql load would be rather high.


    In reply to: rss result is empty


    I am running an older version (I forget what version it is now) and RSS feeds do not work for me. So, yes, I have noticed that problem as well. I have no idea why your feed would be blank:

    Is there an rss2.php in your template folder?

    Also, I noticed a double forward slash in your source after the theme folder name. I doubt it has a negative effect, but it’s “just not right.”™


    Fantastic! That worked perfectly. Thanks so much guys.


    Has anyone experience an issue with the rss forum feed of recent posts being empty? I’ve checked my php logs and no errors are showing up. I’m running the latest version of bbPress installed in the /forums/ directory.


    Hi there,

    Well, code highlighter its here. i love iG:Syntax Hiliter plugin for WP so i modified it to work in BBPress.

    you can find it here

    Is the 0.1 Beta version.




    1. Looks like this is the correct URL:

    2. Looks like the database connection details in config.php are incorrect:

    Cannot select DB.



    The rigth address is:





    I owe the domain and I started a domain

    Then I set up a MySql database on the URL

    After this I changed the config-sample.php file to config.php and entered the required information in that file.

    Now when I load it shows a 404 error..??

    what did I miss??

    I upload the bbpress files to my root folder

    please help quick…please

    thank you


    See my post in this thread for a similar way to handle this by allowing both freshness and exact time in a title attribute:


    omg, your are so good. xD

    Thank you


    This stylesheet is referenced in your html, but it’s not actually there:

    404 Not Found
    Not Found

    The requested URL /my-templates/bbpress-forum/style2.css was not found on this server.


    Now it folds finally.

    This was possible by the .htaccess.

    Now I wanted to install the Design, whatever is used here, but that is not correctly indicated.



    Some themes put it in the public footer but there’s no guaranteed way to find it other than the admin panel in the footer. And the build number is never available which is critical for trunk builds.

    In part it’s a security risk if a flaw is found in old versions.


    While this looks ugly, they’re just PHP warnings. PHP error messages and warnings should not be visible on a production webserver anyway. They are there because of a problem with the bbPress code and the way it is interacting with your server, but they are not preventing you from going further. If you suppress the PHP warnings (maybe you have access to your .htaccess file) you will be blissfully unaware of the warnings.


    Will any of that help with indexing the forum though? My impression is that the WordPress sitemaps plugin generates a sitemap for WordPress content only, not bbPress.


    Is there any interest in doing something like this for bbPress?

    There are quite a few gotchas in getting bbPress up and running these days. The latest development trunk doesn’t work, and the release doesn’t work for a lot of people either. So, people are forced to edit files, apply patches or download an interim revision. What if we did something like but for bbPress?

    I have offered to help people off list before, but some are hesitant. Having something like this would add legitimacy to anyone offering to help. In fact, it flips it around. Someone wanting help requests it at that site, and then a volunteer from the project contacts them. Not as much chance of a random dude trying to mess with their server.


    Do you have a sitemap that does not include the forums? Maybe Google is reading that and not looking any further?

    This sitemap doesn’t contain anything about the forum at all:

    There was a sitemap plugin for bbPress at one time:

    I have no idea if that works with current bbPress releases. I stopped using it a long time ago because generating the sitemap took too long.

    I think that’s the problem though: Google knows only about the one site map and it doesn’t include anything about the forum. Other problems could be a restrictive robots.txt or a meta tag in the forum that restricts robots, but I didn’t see either of those.

    I would add a sitemap for the forum and see if that helps.


    I’m seeing some interesting behavior. Though I am a php rookie it seems like what I am trying to do should work.

    I include some code in the header that parses cookies and sets variables appropriately. I use the exact same code and approach in WordPress and it works perfectly.

    This is at the top of my bbpress header.php:

    global $research_subscriber; // '1' if user is research subscriber
    global $forums_subscriber; // '1' if user is forums subscriber
    if (condition) $nyquist_research_subscriber=1;
    if (condition) $nyquist_forums_subscriber=1;

    Just to make sure, I echo’ed out the variables afterward within header.php and they are all being set as expected.

    Later on, in files that include header.php (topic.php or front-page.php) by invoking bb_get_header(), I attempt to access these global variables and they are all null.

    Why are these variables not being passed? Why does this work in WordPress but not BBpress? What am I missing (bangs head against wall)?


    I know sometimes WordPress has a meta tag with the WordPress version, but does bbPress do something similar? Or, can you access something from the public side of a bbPress installation that would tell the version? It would save time helping others by preventing the question “what version are you running?”


    Sam, I noticed that may have changed in/after

    After some tinkering I also had to add:

    $bb->sitecookiepath = '/';

    (there is also a related minor issue in that I can’t seem to affect the cookie domain to be undotted in the newest builds)

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