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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #50096

    You need to add this to the top of your wp-config.php right after <?php:


    I would use the full server path to the bb-config.php file, not a relative path like ./bbpress/bb-config.php (rumor is that full paths work better) and not a URL like (URLs won’t work at all here).

    That’s it, just one step. Good luck.


    Older versions are available. Pick your release from here:


    I think you want the Hidden Forums plugin:


    Can you past that code into something like pastebin or pastie? The formatting is lost displaying it here.



    ok, so I added require_once('path/to/bbpress/bb-config.php'); to my wp-config.php file. I then added the bbpress discussions code:

    <table id="latest">


    <th><?php _e(‘Movie’); ?> — <?php new_topic(); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Posts’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Last Poster’); ?></th>

    <th><?php _e(‘Freshness’); ?></th>


    <?php if ( $super_stickies ) : foreach ( $super_stickies as $topic ) : ?>

    <tr<?php topic_class(); ?>>

    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> <big>“><?php topic_title(); ?></big></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_posts(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”>“><?php topic_time(); ?></td>


    <?php endforeach; endif; // $super_stickies ?>

    <?php if ( $topics ) : foreach ( $topics as $topic ) : ?>

    <tr<?php topic_class(); ?>>

    <td><?php bb_topic_labels(); ?> “><?php topic_title(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_posts(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>

    <td class=”num”>“><?php topic_time(); ?></td>


    <?php endforeach; endif; // $topics ?>


    I added that code to my index.php file in my wordpress theme and this is what I get as the output in the browser:

    <table id="latest">


    <th>Movie — Add New »



    <th>Last Poster</th>




    Obviously, there is something wrong. Does anyone know what?


    Is it possible to create a password protected forum with BBPress? If so, what is the easiest way?


    ok, so what exactly are the steps to load bbpress into wordpress?


    Well the plot thickens…..

    I had a look at your suggestions and there doesn’t appear to be anything inputted wrong.

    So as an experiment I did a clean install of bbpress on my server with no mention of a WP integration and a clean database and exactly the same thing happens…..

    Any ideas what I can try to stop this? This is pretty weird….

    Is it possible to download older versions of Bbpress to test those….?


    I managed to find this in the forums here but I don’t the query string I need to make inorder to create a new user and I changed my password in the beginning so I don’t even know if it applys. Any suggestions?

    Edit: Here is the link


    Wow, that most certainly is a problem.

    Two thoughts.

    1. If I disable “meta redirects” in FF with the web developer toolbar, it does not keep redirecting, it just dies. Are you trying to redirect people from the bbPress profile page to the WordPress profile page, and somehow that is typed wrong? Like in journal/messageboard/profile.php there is a redirect that sends the browser to WordPress journal/wp-admin/profile.php and it’s not working for some reason?

    2. There is some weird test cookie stuff being sent, although I doubt it has any effect on this problem. Never know though.



    I suspect it’s something with a refresh bouncing the user back and forth.


    make sure you have the bb-config.php file set up correctly.

    go to bbPress Admin > Settings > WordPress Integration.

    Then tick the check box that says “Show manual config settings”. Make sure you copy all of the information that then shows up. Into the your bb-config.php.

    I had trouble with this, until i did this and it worked some how. Other than that I dont know what I can do.

    Good Luck!


    For more than a week I am fighting with bbPress and the latest WordPress version.

    My problem is that user comments don’t appear. Well, I can see them in the Administration area in WP but not in the forum. Users already move away because they think I blocked their comments.

    I actually installed bbpress because I wanted users to discuss on my page but now no one can discuss anymore lol.

    My WP installation is at and I installed bbpress on http://www.mywebserver/forum (example addresses)

    I installed the WP plugin “bbPress Post” and filled out all the details. Also I installed bbSync.

    At least when I write a new post the post title appears in the forum. So one good thing. But that’s all. How do users comment from my blog? I don’t want to put a link on every post “go to the forum and post there”.

    I do have a custom theme by the way.

    Actually I am not an idiot but now I’m just freaking out with bbPress because it’s so complicated and most of the how-to’s don’t work or are just bad explained. Here’s an example:

    “Want a link back to the blog post? ” it days in the bbSync settings.

    Well, what can I do there? There’s a field. Do I have to write YES or a special tag? :| Absolutely no explaination.


    In reply to: wrong password


    I hope I understand what you asked me… The plugin I was using is “Approve User Registration”.


    I managed to add the WordPress functions to bbPress, but I now need to know how I can add the bbPress functions to WordPress. I want to include the exact “Discussions” code in “front-page.php” of bbPress to the “index.php” in WordPress. I know there is a plugin for this, but it wasn’t what I wanted.

    I used this code to integrate WordPress into bbPress (added to the top of bb_config.php)

    define('WP_BB', true);

    if ( !defined('DB_NAME') ) {

    require_once( dirname(__FILE__) . '/../wp-config.php');

    if ( !defined(‘BB_PATH’) )

    define(‘BB_PATH’, dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/’ );

    require_once( BB_PATH . ‘bb-settings.php’ );

    I think all I need to do is require bb-config.php and then the bb-settings.php. Anyone know how to do this (following the php example above)?

    *I only wish I know php.


    In reply to: Where is


    I believe you have not followed (all of) the steps for cookie integration between wordpress and bbpress. Some of the (hundreds) of integration threads might help too.


    Para aquéllos que quieran hacer la locura que he intentado, y por ahora me va saliendo:

    1. Migrar un foro phpBB a bbPress (sólo desde phpBB2)

    2. Integrar WP y BBPress.

    (Se puede)

    No debe aparecer ninguna especificación de codificación ni en bb-config.php, NI EN LA SECCIÓN ADMIN de BBPress. Es decir: quitad utf8 en la pestaña “opciones” “WordPress Integration” y del archivo bb-config.php.

    Me ha costado un mes.


    Topic: Where is

    in forum Troubleshooting

    how do i change the log out link to use the log out of file of wordpress instead of bbpress, which isnt working for some reason.

    im lookin in ‘kakumei’ logged-in.php file and it shows:

    <p class="login">
    <?php printf(__('Welcome, %1$s!'), bb_get_profile_link(bb_get_current_user_info( 'name' )));?>
    <?php bb_admin_link( 'before= | ' );?>
    | <?php bb_logout_link(); ?>

    question is where is bb_logout_link(); so i can change the actual link? which file is that function located in.



    Adding that line only allows you access to WordPress functions from within bbPress, it has nothing to do with making your forum look like your blog. For that, you will need to do some CSS and template work: none of it is automatic.


    I found the answer here:

    I guess that’ll learn me to read before posting. :)


    I don’t suppose anyone has had a chance to check that link? I might have to take the forum down on it soon as I’m concerned about a infinite loop being live on the server.

    I’ve been researching and can’t seem to find a solution to this….

    It just seems odd as on IIS6 Bbpress worked fine…..



    I am just going through the setup of bbPress and I have 2 questions about the above.

    1. Add cookie integration settings:

    If you want to allow shared logins with an existing WordPress installation.

    Does this mean that users who register for the forum are also able to write posts on my blog? I can’t imagine this would the case, but seeing this made me a bit nervous.

    2. Add user database integration settings:

    If you want to share user data with an existing WordPress installation.

    What’s the benefit behind this, besides centralizing user data?


    Hopefully you’ve figured out that you can just edit front-page.php as you wish to accomplish all that.


    This is unlikely to ever happen as it goes against the entire concept of bbPress being “bare bones”.

    For every plugin you think is very useful, another user will find it useless (and just slows down bbPress).

    I’ve been debating creating a “plus” version of bbPress that will bundle many of my plugins to help get people started more quickly but that won’t happen anytime soon (at least not until 1.0 is mature).

    ps. why do you use “private forums” and “hidden forums” together? Hidden Forums should be a full replacement.


    In reply to: 1.0 Development Plan?


    I suspect most of the efforts are probably going into BackPress so they can get TalkPress going (the version of bbpress). bbPress is benefiting from the work but I doubt we’ll see the resources you are requesting anytime this year (at least not until 1.0 is out)

    The trac roadmap is a (very limited) resource you can use as a reference, sorry that’s all I can think of:

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