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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • hyperhookup


    anonymous posting – I did see that plugin but it doesn’t say it works with bbpress Does it work with the newest version?

    Ck’s attchment plugin- Where do I get it?

    banning option- yes by ip maybe a custom ban page or something

    no registration- meant hide or disable registration

    moderation – What do you mean to some extent? Any plugin to extend it more?

    Accept tos- Any idea how I would modify it. I am not much of a coder.

    Video would it have to be resized?



    anonymous posting – There’s a plugin available.

    attached images – Allow-images Plugin or ck’s Attachment plugin (which is in development but is available for use)

    video – bbVideo automatically embeds videos from YouTube and other video websites. If you want people to load avi, mpg, etc, then you will probably need to use ck’s attachement plugin (which is in development but is available for use)

    banning option – hmmm… how would you ban somebody without registration? IP Address?

    no registration – how is this different from Anonymous posting?

    moderation – part of bbPress to an extent

    unlimited sub forums – part of bbPress

    report option – I haven’t seen anything like this… nice idea though

    accept tos before entering certain forums – There’s a new Terms of Service plugin that might be modified for your needs

    log by ip – part of bbPress

    resize images or videos to right size – maybe the Lightbox2 plugin for images? Not sure about video…


    Thank you. I removed it without negatively affecting WordPress.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    …If you are using bbPress, you are considered an “early adopter”

    I have noticed of late that early users of bbpress are now being categorised as ‘early adopters’ whereas one of the reasons I used it was that it was described thus:

    • Light and fast
    • Tired of getting your forum hacked? etc
    • Integrates easily with WordPress
    • If we could re-write WordPress, it would be a lot like bbpress

    All of the above suggesting that it was a ‘finished product’ and technically superior to WordPress in some respects.

    What features will the ‘released version’ have and will there always be integration problems? Will bbpress adopt common forum features or develop unique features of its own?


    Hi all I am looking to set up an image board with no registration allowed and anonymous posting. It will be similar to I am also looking for it to be able to have these features. anonymous posting, attached images, video, banning option, no registration, moderation, unlimited sub forums, report option, accept tos before entering certain forums, log by ip and resize images or videos to right size. I am hoping that bbpress can do this because I like the fact that it is lite and you add only what you need. If it can’t does anybody know of a forum software that can?


    Until now, I never had problems with Flickr rss (I mean these cool latest 75×75 images) because I was using WordPress plugins. But now, I have no idea how to put latest images from Flickr group in my bbPress. I was reading API docs for two days now, and I don’t understand it completely ;).

    Can anybody help? Or more, anyone have proper plugin? ;).


    No problem. I like to keep WordPress up to date and the XDForum plug-in was holding me back.


    Unfortunately the search feature in bbPress is very poor. It can’t be (easily) modified like you are asking.

    I’ve been working on a search replacement but it won’t be released for awhile:

    Note that you can see all posts by a user in their profile.


    Thanks for sharing this!


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Note that bbPress is not a finished final product. It’s pre-release and therefore in a state of flux. bbPress has always been a bit behind WordPress changes. If you are using bbPress, you are considered an “early adopter” and therefore you have to accept that things aren’t going to be perfect.

    No one but maybe Sam or MDA can say when bbPress will have a release that’s 2.6 compatible. There is code in the trunk that supposedly will work but I wouldn’t recommend using the trunk. It has to be ported to the 0.9 branch and then tested. I suspect they may even wait for the 1.0 beta release and I don’t know if that’s two weeks away or two months away.

    Again, there is nothing special about the WP 2.6 release – it only has a handful of extra features and no security bug fixes over 2.5.1 – in fact people are having a bunch of little problem with 2.6 still so why rush to upgrade? I was able to easily downgrade back to 2.5.1 with no problems.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    I really don’t understand the statement that “it will be a while” before they upgrade bbpress! I upgraded to 2.6 as my website (blog) is the most important part and I wanted to add bbpress as a side thing. It confuses me that they company that owns both products is basically telling you to downgrade back to 2.5.1 on WordPress to get the two things working! I will never do that… I will just have to wait for the bbpress update.. but the “awhile” part really makes me concerned! Is that months from now? Or weeks?


    I don’t know who set this up but they did a fantastic job:

    Apparently they also shared their R-t-L/Arabic modification so others can get online with bbPress more easily:

    It’s a shame we don’t do unicode support for usernames.

    Wasn’t someone looking at making a patch for that?


    In reply to: database error


    After a successful install, I was messing around with the settings to sync with wordpress. Afterwards, I get this database error too. WTF?

    Now I cannot log in to the bbpress to change anything. I’m hosed. Looks Like I’ll ned to reinstall!!!

    Any idears how to fix this or what when wromng?


    Security considerations and table of contents added.

    A bit more later.

    Ragekage, to make a plugin, just copy all of the code for the function from pluggable.php inbetween the IF statemate and then edit as desired. Add the simple plugin comment header and save to your desired filename.


    I have done it look :-

    Ok guys, im loving this bbPress more and more. I hacked the bbPress_Latest_Discussion plugin to get them showing up WITH THE GRAVATARS on my wordpress frontpage.

    If anyone needs this email me, ill tell you how i did it, its a bit too long to post it here.


    This is a great idea CK. I’m still working on my plugin for that display name issue and I’ll put that up once it’s finished. I’ve never made one before lol.

    Sam Bauers

    Wow, great work _ck_


    As long as WordPress was installed first and you were using wordpress tables for users, you should be fine.

    I’m not sure why you don’t just roll back to 2.5.1 though.


    Good day all,

    I realize that this sounds like an unusual question, but are there any special instructions for properly removing integration between WordPress and bbPress?

    I just upgraded to WordPress 2.6, which broke cookie sync with bbPress leaving me with a semi-crippled integration. When I was using WordPress 2.5.1 the login integration worked like a charm thanks to bbPress’s easier integration with WordPress. However, I have other reasons for wanting to remove bbPress for the time being.

    Here is what my approach would be like:

    0. Backup my entire web space (<100MB) and databases (<2MB).

    1. Disable all bbPress plugins.

    2. Delete the bbPress installation (resides in /forum on my web space).

    3. Manually remove the bb_ tables from the shared WordPress-bbPress database.

    I am worried about #3 and if it is safe to do. What are your recommendations? Thanks for your help!


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Malfhok, you’ll discover WordPress 2.6 is maintaining a separate set of cookies to bbPress if you trying logging out and back in. Also try logging in as a regular user and notice you don’t have login sync anymore between the two programs.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    @Malfhok: Try logging out, clearing your browser’s cookies/temporary files and logging in again. Is your login session transferred to bbPress/Wordpress?

    Because I didn’t want to lose my cookies within Firefox (which made me falsely believe that the integration was still working), I tried logging in through Internet Explorer and it was then that I noticed the broken integration.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Actually, I’ve been logged into both admins since I upgraded, and it hasn’t asked for my password since the initial upgrade. Any ideas why I’m seeing this “bug” and nobody else is?

    Serious, though. Nobody take that as a sure sign that bbPress 0.9 works with WP 2.6. _ck_ knows more about bbPress than I do. :-)


    == Security Considerations when Integrated ==

    If for some reason you are on a shared server that uses subdomains and you do not own/control the entire domain (ie. or your URL has a tilde in it (“~”) ie. and you do not own the entire domain (ie. my cookie advice above is not a good idea and you will have to customize – ask for help.

    The reason why is related to some of the cookie changes in WordPress 2.6 – essentially cookies set to the

    domain of “” will get transmitted to the server for ANY subdomain on the server ( will also see the cookies for The same thing goes for the cookie path in that cookies set to the path of webroot (“/”) will be sent to both as well as – malicious code on another subdomain or path could snoop on the cookies and steal your admin access to your blog/forum or pretend to be another user.

    WordPress 2.6 (and a future version of bbPress) use separate cookies for admin access that can be locked down to very specific paths as well as different cookies for SSL access. This is an attempt to make sure that cookies which give admin access get transmitted as little as possible and only to the specific server/account that needs it so snooping hackers can’t spoof you.

    Note this is only a concern if you do NOT control your own server (ie. other people can run PHP on YOUR domain name) or perhaps if you run a WPMU setup. Otherwise, setting the dotted cookie domain and webroot path is the simplest way to get integration cookie sync.


    == Users Registered via bbPress appear as “anonymous” in WordPress ==

    This is a bug on the bbPress side where it does not define and insert a “display name” during registration. See this post for a fix (which should be done via plugin and not a core edit). I suspect it will be fixed soon in a newer release.


    == Loss of Admin Access ==

    It is possible (most likely during REVERSE integration) for admin access to be lost on the bbPress or WordPress side after you integrate a new install. This is because the role of keymaster is stored in the user-meta and if you have gone from BB_USERS to WP_USERS (and BB_USERMETA to WP_USERMETA) , suddenly there is no longer a level set for the user. So the password/login will work but not admin access.

    Fixing this requires the role to be inserted back in the usermeta. This used to require editing the table (ie. with PHPMYADMIN) but I also created a basic plugin to handle the most basic case. Note it requires the keymaster to be user #1. If not, you will have to “hand edit”.

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