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  • #66256

    Correction: I’m using BBPress, and it seems to have allowed the dollar sign here. Hmm…



    I have a problem with links like this:$FILE/fcpn9.pdf

    In case it’s been stripped out here as well, there ought to be a dollar sign before FILE. It’s in the db, so it’s being taken out on output.

    I’m probably being a bit simple, but I couldn’t find the code that was doing this – I’d guess it’s something on the post_text filter.

    I’m using WordPress with the bbPress integration and WordPress Integration plugins. I would upgrade, but I don’t want to use WordPress 2.5 yet.

    Thanks, Mike.


    Hi! Thank you _ck_ and chrishajer. It works wonderfully now.

    I have a few more questions if you don’t mind:

    1. Is there any way to optimize bbPress for extremely large forums? My forum will have 50 forums, followed by subforums for cities, followed by 5 subforums for each city. (I’ve thought it over through as well, and this is the best way to organize it)

    2. If there isn’t, is there a way I can create 50 forums that are different, one for each state, and have them running congruently? Would that alleviate the loading time and the strain on the database?

    3. Is there any way to have many separate forums that are sharing the same users table? They are going to be separate forums. I just want to have it so that 1) if one person is logged into one bbpress, they are also logged into another, and 2) if they are registered on one, they are also registered at another. Is there a way to do this?

    What would be the best way to handle this? It’s just that when I release the site, I want to have every section and everything up so that I don’t have to worry about expanding. I just want to do everything now (and having a lot of free time during the summer doesn’t hurt either!)



    I uploaded that code to a test installation I have and it appears to work fine. Check it out:


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Normally they advise against this because of potential database changes but you should literally be able to install 2.5.1 back over 2.6 – backups are always a must though.

    If you have an svn client installed this is as easy as a single command.


    Does this plugin available? I hope you may also include Swift Mailer. I can not put my bbpress on due to this problem. I’m just using a free hosting. Thanks


    Is there a way that i may configure BBpress to use other smtp? My server does not support smtp. Please I need this ASAP


    can anyone please tell me is buddy press replacing bbPress? otherwise were wasting our time….

    “BuddyPress will transform a vanilla installation of WordPress MU into a social network platform.”

    vanilla is another forum, so im guessing BuddyPress will have its own forum… right so what the hell is bbPress for lol…

    anyone help here?


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?

    I wish I knew about the integration problem before I upgraded to 2.6. I’m experiencing more problems than the upgrade is worth. Like someone said above, 2.6 is not really anything special.

    Is there any surefire way of downgrading back to WordPress 2.5.1? I have backups but made a few posts since then and don’t want to lose them.


    Topic: Cron?

    Ben L.

    Is there any form or pseudo-cron in bbPress?


    In reply to: Forum categories

    Ben L.

    Here you go! I just finished it and submitted it for consideration for the bbPress plugin directory.


    In reply to: Forum categories


    Here’s the thread that mentions categories in the trunk:

    And the old patch for 0.8

    I installed revision 1588 but until I resolve the URI error I can’t even view any pages to see how the categories and per-user permissions are coming along. I realize that using a bleeding edge revision in a production environment isn’t a good idea but if it’s stable enough I don’t think my users would really care as long as it doesn’t randomly self destruct.

    If there is a way to patch that functionality into the current release that would make my day, probably even my week.


    I’ve decided to go with bbPress for my new website because of my love for WordPress because of the relative ease of user integration and it’s light weight. I have everything nailed down except that I’d like to customize my installation to show categories like other forum software, i.e.:









    You get the idea I’m sure. I’ve searched quite a bit and found only some posts from a year ago where this was brought up and supposedly this is in the trunk now. Has anyone managed to do this to a current stable installation or know how I could do it myself? It seems there used to be patches that did this for old revisions and I thought about playing with them to try to produce the desired effect on the current stable version. Has anyone else tried that?

    I figure one option I _could_ use is trying out the current trunk (which I have almost up and running, got it installed but have an error that says it cannot find the uri) but I worry about stability.

    I’d appreciate some tips and tricks if anyone has any. The lack of organization isn’t a deal breaker but it would be very nice. I don’t feel like waiting until version 1.0 which I know will be a long way off and I don’t want to try to cram together wordpress and another bloated beast of a forum like phpbb3.


    Sure, Chris – and thanks. The forum link is:

    I’ve got it password protected at the moment, before it goes “public”.

    User: tester

    Password: testing123

    The main site I want to link to the home page of from the forum is password protected with the same user name and password, and the link is:

    Appreciate your help!




    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Appreciate these things are always developing and improving, though the integration of the two is an important part of their dual improvement, so perhaps some notification via the WordPress panel which says, do NOT upgrade yet if you are using the current version of bbpress perhaps…?


    Take a look at this source.

    <form id='tag-form' method='post' action=''><fieldset>
    <form method="post" action="">

    <input name="tag" type="text" id="tag" size="10" maxlength="30" />
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="354" />
    <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="tagformsub" value="Add" />

    <input type="hidden" name="_wpnonce" value="907a29b341" /><input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="/topic.php?id=354" /></fieldset></form>


    I don’t think bbPress normally has a form within a form for adding a tag. Not sure if that’s a problem or not, but the hidden fields for_wpnonce and _wp_http_referer are outside the first form tag: maybe FF can handle it but other browsers cannot?


    More data. Here is the request to add a tag when using FF3:


    Here is the same request when using IE7:


    FF3 works, IE7 does not.


    Could someone please post an example line of code that could be added to the appropriate php page to add a navigation button to the header, or just under the header, of a bbPress forum?

    I have added a bbPress forum to a website, and just need a nav button on the bbPress forum that can take a user stright back to the home page of the website. I have no idea about php, though, so would be great if someone could add an example link showing the part I should customise in bold, or something like that.

    Also, could someon please explain how I position the nav button on bbPress so that it is left-aligned to the header, or just below the header?

    Apologies for this demonstration of coding ignorance!




    Hmm, this is going to require some thought…

    That error occurs when bbPress thinks the source of the post is not coming from bbPress (ie. a spammer trying to do a direct post without first visiting the topic)

    The way that’s done is there’s something called a “nonce” which is vaguely like a hidden captcha code that is automatically sent along with the post (via POST data) to tell bbPress it’s genuine.

    So for some reason it’s not getting that “nonce” other than Firefox, which is incredibly strange. Do you happen to have a personal firewall or some kind of add-on that’s blocking certain data like that?

    I would do a “view source” in both firefox and IE on a page with a textarea ( and look at the fields inbetween <form> </form>. See if anything is different.


    In reply to: bbpress update soon?


    Again, I’m not an official voice for bbPress, but I don’t see how any of the points listed above are incompatible with the idea that bbPress isn’t a finished program. All of the points are true, it’s a useful and usable program, but it’s not done yet.

    Over time, based on feedback and user code contributions I am very confident that integration will become virtually painless and almost instantaneous.

    bbPress is only a year old in code development. I’m not sure if you realize that. Polished products like vbulletin are EIGHT years old (and $85 a year plus support plus most plugins and themes are commercially sold)

    If you are curious about future features you can always browse the TRAC which will give you a rough idea (ignore the date schedule, they’re just vague estimates). Remember, it’s a community project, you can suggest features and contribute bug fixes too via TRAC.


    As of fairly recently, other users and I have only been able to post in Firefox. In all other browsers the error message of “Your attempt to create this topic has failed.” comes up.

    The bbPress is not hooked up to a WordPress install, and is running no plugins. I haven’t touched the core code, only the template files (and I’m aware they’re slightly out in IE).

    I’ve tried with both a newly registered account, and using my Admin account – both work in FF, but not in anything else.

    If anyone could offer some guidance as to why this may be, it would be greatly appreciated.

    The URL is:




    In reply to: @ ck. Suggestions


    hyperhoo, I’m kinda on a bbPress break for the summer so major updates to my plugins will be a month or two…

    “admin to hide disable registration”

    I need you to explain that a bit better.

    Per forum based moderation is something that is likely to happen in a future version of bbPress. They have added forum metadata and supposedly forum permissions and I feel that definitely should be done in the core and not via a plugin (it’s just way too complicated via a plugin)

    I may eventually include it but I always found age verification humorous, because who gives their real age on the internet? You’d be crazy to put in your real birthday into a website you have no control over because if the wrong person gets ahold of that it’s useful for social engineering. For now maybe just put in the TOS that they must be “18” or whatever age you want. If they agree to the TOS they are therefore that age. Otherwise you are collecting personal information (their birthday) and are liable for that if it falls into the wrong hands.

    “make a report plugin”

    You mean report a bad post? I’ve already done that.


    Also what about allowing certain members to only moderate x number of sub forums or sections? I didn’t see a plugin for that yet.

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