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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66415

    IIRC, I uploaded the BMP and got the denied mime. Then, at a totally separate time when uploading a PNG I got the error described here.

    I never tried to upload more than one image at a time.

    I would totally disallow bitmaps as well, since they’re really not designed for the web. I was thrown off by this note from the saying they’re allowed:

    allowed uploads: bmp (500 KB), doc (500 KB), gif (500 KB), gz (500 KB), jpeg (500 KB),
    jpg (500 KB), pdf (500 KB), png (500 KB), txt (500 KB), xls (500 KB), zip (500 KB)


    In reply to: Code backtick bug


    It’s archived here:

    That’s actually a fairly decent plugin, too bad it’s not in the extend section.



    Very interesting! I am really excited for this. I wonder if they are going to work on bbpress integration as well for this.



    I think that’s what the buddypress initiative is about.


    Topic: Install error

    in forum Installation

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: hash_hmac() in /mnt/w0205/d37/s17/b02ae5ed/www/ on line 341

    Help don’t know what to do with this…

    Is this because I set-up a separate database for bbpress?

    If so how do I change the database settings?


    hmmm… yeah. So it sounds like everyone wants it. Now we just need to find someone awesome who can make it happen.

    On a side note… it would be really cool if they released a 3rd product focused more around community. Basically just an integrated bundle of bbpress and wordprss with maybe some additional integrated features. That would kick so much butt!! Drupal sucks… so does everything else. But I might end up using it if the main feature I am looking for doesn’t exist. :(


    I would love something like this. In fact; That is the exact functionality I was looking for and ended up looking into Drupal. I still haven’t done anything with it yet… but if I could find a bbpress/wp solution, that would be so cool!


    Alright, i tested a few more things and it is definitely a problem when i include the wp-config.php file in bb-config.php.. here is the htaccess file im using: if i try and forward it to a directory like “forumtest” with nothing in it it will work perfectly.. and if i take out that require it will load fine as well.. but with errors because it cant find the functions that file defines..

    RewriteEngine On

    RewriteBase /blogs/

    #uploaded files

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]

    # add a trailing slash to /wp-admin

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$

    RewriteRule ^(.+)$ /$1/ [R=301,L]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d

    RewriteRule . – [L]

    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(forum) $2 [L]

    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]

    RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*.php)$ $2 [L]

    RewriteRule . index.php [L]

    <IfModule mod_security.c>

    <Files async-upload.php>

    SecFilterEngine Off

    SecFilterScanPOST Off




    On this forum, to view your profile, just click this link:

    The title under your user name is a link to your profile. You have to be logged in for this to work.

    You need to log in at least once with the password that was sent to you. After that, in your profile, you can click the “Edit” tab and then enter a new password, something you can remember more easily.

    What happens, after you’re logged in, when you click on the “Member” link under your username?


    opps, I mean when i put

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?forum/(.*) forum/$2 [L,R]

    it takes it back to the /blog directory.. but when i put

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?forum/(.*) forum/$2 [R,L]

    it gives me the redirect error..


    I installed muwordpress (with directories not subdomains) and bbpress and integrated them.. I added

    RewriteRule ^(.*/)?forum/(.*) forum/$2 [L,R]

    to the .htaccess in the wp directory and it worked before i added the code

    define(‘WP_BB’, true);

    if ( !defined(‘DB_NAME’) ) {



    into the bb-config.php file to get integration to work.. now it gives me a loop error..? any ideas on how to get the htaccess file to forward the directory to it?




    I’m considering switching from phpbb to bbPress, but I’ve run into nothing but problems when it comes to working on my own profile. The registration process goes just fine, but after I log in, I can’t get to my own profile?

    Is there something else I have to do? Do I have to remember that awkwardly long and unintuitive password that was sent my way? Can’t I set any preferences in my profile?

    This isn’t on my site, this is right here on forums.


    Thanks so much – AGAIN – Chris!

    I ended up combining some of your previous advice with that you’ve posted above, messed with the CSS to re-position the cramped header items, and am now pretty happy with the look.


    User: tester

    PW: testing123

    Just one little curiousity – and if it’s any sort of hassle, don’t respond, but if you can be bothered, I’d be interested in your take on the following:

    When using IE as the browser, the nav link back to the ASHB home page doesn’t activate until your cursor is close to the top header border – usually, hyperlinks activate as soon as your cursor touches any part of the text. Anything that can be done about this?

    NB: No such issue with Firefox!


    You only need to share databases to have integrated user logins. If you just installed WordPress, it’s probably 2.6, which is not compatible with bbPress at the moment, so you do not want to attempt this right now anyway.

    The difference is, when you share a database, is that bbPress will use the wp_user and wp_user_meta tables for it’s users, rather than creating bb_user and bb_user_meta tables.

    If you don’t care about logging in in bbPress and being logged in in WordPress, and vice versa, then you don’t need to shared the tables.

    If you don’t do an integrated installation (sharing of the wp_users and wp_user_meta tables), then you can just use a different table prefix (by default WordPress uses wp_ and bbPress uses bb_) in the same database and not worry about a thing.

    This is the best documentation I know of:


    Adding tags does not bump posts to the top of latest discussions. In any case that question/problem should be asked in a new topic, not in this one.


    I installed bbPress today and going through the installation I added a new database for it to use, then later as I went further into the installation it mentioned sharing one database. I’m unclear as to what differences it will make using one or two. It also seemed a bit scary to have specified the wp database to set up bbPress into.

    If there’s some documentation that explains all this, could someone point me in the right direction?


    ok, i downgraded to wordpress 2.5.1, and now I’m getting a “This username does not exist.” in bbpress when I try and log in. I can log into wordpress just fine, just not bbpress.

    what gives?


    The problem I’m having is that I’ve had is that my blog is 4 years old but I only started adding tags less than a year ago and bbpress install is only a few months old. So I’m adding new tags to old posts (because I’m a borderline obsessive compulsive organizer) and they’re becoming the top posts on bbpress even though they’re years old. I’m almost done, but it’s still crazy. If I were smart and had realized what was going to happen I’d’ve finished my tagging and then installed bbpress. But I’m not ;)

    Anyway, thanks for the tips and the info :)


    thanks Chrishajer:

    the opposition is that I’m not really develloper, I’m administrator systems but I like to program my website, but I have to tell you that I’m very happy to have bbpress forum in my web, but I had thought that inserting the ‘polemical’ target in question ) thought my forum will be completly perfect. Anyway…

    Well, thank you to try to help me , I’m very gratefull to know you.

    Thank you very much, I will visit this web frecuently to see more ..

    Sincerelly , thank you sir.


    Hopefully you’ve figured out you can use my “Post Count Plus” plugin to change the behavior of the link for the post author’s name.


    There are plenty of threads/posts about this, try this:

    Hiding Subforums’ Subforums from Subforum Pages

    You want code like this:

    <?php $forum_parent=$forum_id; ?>
    <?php while ( bb_forum() ) : ?>
    <?php if ($GLOBALS['forum']->forum_parent==$forum_parent) { ?>
    <tr<?php bb_forum_class(); ?>>
    <td><?php bb_forum_pad( '<div class="nest">' ); ?><a href="<?php forum_link(); ?>"><?php forum_name(); ?></a><small><?php forum_description(); ?></small><?php bb_forum_pad( '</div>' ); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_topics(); ?></td>
    <td class="num"><?php forum_posts(); ?></td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>


    Mmm…no :) I’ve tried this:

    And also the require_once that u’ve told me, but maybe I’m unlucky!

    I’ve used no one include…have u got a link? Or can u tell me how to do it?

    There are no error, but the script don’t function…in bbpress it create a message (“there are [number] new messages”), if I use it in wp it do nothing… (the functions are in the bbpress path)



    What have you done so far? Have you added the include bbpress line in wp-config.php? If so, please post your error message. Need more information to be able to help you.

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