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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #3784


    in the actual trunk, there is a bug with the new plugin sort. When i want to activate a plugin, i have this:

    Warning: file(4) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 989

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 989

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php:989) in /home/bbpress/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 213

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php:989) in /home/bbpress/bb-includes/pluggable.php on line 213




    ok so what would be the best way to upgrade?

    thanks in advance



    I now have a good working intgration between WordPress 2.6 and bbPress 1.0.

    So… errrm… YAY!


    ah! ok, thanks


    Instead of this WordPress function:

    <?php wp_register(); ?> 

    You would have a link to bb-login.php. Then bb-login handles the whole thing. In the login form, you would add that hidden form field to redirect then after login, as explained here.


    How do I change the reg links? In my theme, here is the reg code:

    <li id="meta" class="widget">

    <h2><?php _e('Members') ?></h2>


    <?php wp_register(); ?>

    <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>

    <?php wp_meta(); ?>



    What would I do to get it to redirect to the bbpress registration page?



    I’m testing bbpress since 2 months and today I recognized the problem, that the forum list on frontpage differs from logged in view to logged out view.

    I have only one forum for moderators, all other forums are open to all, but on the list in logged out view are 3 forums and in logged in view there are all 5 (6) forums.

    If I change the order of the forums, then the list on front page behaves strange and shows less forums than before.

    I have 2 screenshots: – logged in – logged out


    I agree on the search. It’s too “in your face now.” I think it should have been in the template files and commented out. People could uncomment it to get the functionality. We’ll never be happy. At least with it there now, people can see it, remove it or style it however they want. This is probably better than there being nothing in the template at all before. That’s typically how WordPress themes are: they have a bunch of useless cr*p in them that I just remove or comment out. It’s easier to remove or modify something that you can see than trying to figure out how to add something you don’t know exists.

    Not sure yet on the bb_meta table. I haven’t looked at the DB schema yet.


    In reply to: Theme directory

    Member ;)

    Besides – there’s no point to make a theme directory if there are no themes. Not many people are doing layouts for bbPress and if they’re doing, then it’s really hard work – I know something about it as I’m making “Halloween Evening” theme for bbPress right now…


    They kinda went overboard with the search. I pointed out there was no link to search so they put in this big honking search box at the top of the page, creating a bunch of useless whitespace around it.

    I asked for meta tables on the forums and instead they convert and consolidated everything into one heaping bb_meta table, breaking some plugins and increasing queries.

    I need to learn to stop making requests. LOL


    I just installed r1637 as a test. Installation went well. I can’t believe they added the search by default!

    I will test a little more and post issues to trac.


    Could you do this (hidden form field named “re” with the value of the URL to redirect to after submitting the form):


    Topic: Theme directory

    in forum Themes


    like the theme directory of, it is possible to have a theme directory in ? :)




    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    bbPress should not tamper with your WordPress tables.

    The user data is kept separate.


    Ah, I guess it’s important to point out that just like bbPress 0.9 is not compatible with WordPress 2.6, it’s also that bbPress 1.0 is not comptible with WordPress 2.5

    Major cookie changes.

    WordPress 2.5.x <-> bbPress 0.9

    WordPress 2.6.x <-> bbPress 1.0


    Hi Chris,

    thanks! Yes, which is odd you asked since I was going to ask about that, and then just saw the posts about it on the forum. I have bb and I’m probably going to upgrade to the new alpha to make sure it’s fully integrated.

    I’ll post when done and post any problems, or successes. Thanks for stopping by though, getting more into developing full WP and BBPress themes as one package, so I’ll be using it a hell of a lot more.



    There are radical internal changes in 1.0 with the switch to the BackPress core, not to mention the cookie changes and some major db function changes which consolidated all the meta tables into bb_meta. The code is untested against most plugins. It’s a much bigger change IMHO from 0.9 to 1.0 vs the older 0.8.3 to 0.9.0 change.

    However I don’t think it will take much to get it the final stamp of approval, maybe even late this month or early next, depending how many more features Sam wants to put into it. There’s still a whole bunch of open tickets:

    I just don’t want it to be rushed to an official release like 0.9 was, which was followed shortly by and and then sp1 – that’s embarrassing and makes bbPress look amateur.

    Let’s get it right this time – report those bugs at


    I’m getting a funky error:

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    I’m trying to integrate WP 2.5.1 and BB 1.0

    It only started when I edited the bb_config file bbpress was working smoothly as a stand-alone… I think


    You can just change the register links in the wordpress template to point to the bbpress login and registration forms… that’s easy enough (you can even copy the login form code into the template directly and it seems to work).

    The problem is, how to get users back to the URL they came from after they login (by default they seem to get bounced to the forum home page instead)… any ideas?


    I’m running alpha at the moment, just wondered, when you say it’s not ‘stable’ what do you mean exactly?

    It seems fairly stable to me from what I can tell…


    In reply to: Sitemap generator


    I have not seen the author around in a while. I would say if it’s not your work, you should not upload it to the extend section. I didn’t see it there already. Of course, someone could look at this plugin and extend it. It’s GPL2 licensed.

    There was a problem with the plugin creating a site map when there are lots of posts; it slowed down posting. Maybe it could be fixed to allow creation of the sitemap via cron or via a GET request, rather than randomly when a post is marked favorite. There was also a problem with certain characters not being encoded in the URL if you’re not using permalinks.

    Lots of work could be done to extend and improve the plugin, then it could be released and posted to the bbPress extend/plugins section.


    Turns out the main index.php WordPress template had been overwritten with a static page, and that was being served instead of templated content being served from the database. It had nothing to do with bbPress integration.


    actually, the admin link only works if you login on the bbpress page.



    This plugin is meant as a temporarily workaround until the bug can be fixed in WordPress – it will replace “anonymous” with the user login.

    Install it on the WordPress side:

    Plugin Name: changes anonymous to member's login if display name missing (plugin for WordPress)
    function no_anonymous_members($author) { // this is a WORDPRESS plugin, not bbPress
    global $comment;
    if (empty($comment->comment_author) && !empty($comment->user_id)) {$user=get_userdata($comment->user_id); $author=$user->user_login;}
    return $author;
    } add_filter('get_comment_author', 'no_anonymous_members');

    if ( !function_exists('get_userdata') ) :
    function get_userdata( $user_id ) {
    global $wpdb;

    $user_id = absint($user_id);
    if ( $user_id == 0 )
    return false;

    $user = wp_cache_get($user_id, 'users');

    if ( $user ) {
    if (empty($user->display_name)) {$user->display_name=$user->user_login;}
    return $user;
    if ( !$user = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->users WHERE ID = %d LIMIT 1", $user_id)) ) {
    return false;
    if (empty($user->display_name)) {$user->display_name=$user->user_login;}
    return $user;

    (The real answer of course is to insert the user_login when the comment is posted, however I cannot find a suitable hook in WordPress’s comment-template.php so I am doing it by completely replacing the get_userdata function in pluggable.php)


    I guess I can create some code to fix the display name issue in existing databases. Give me a few minutes.

    update: actually it’s as simple as this in phpMyAdmin:

    UPDATE wp_users SET display_name=user_login WHERE display_name=''

    or via a mini-plugin:

    Plugin Name: Fix Anonymous Members
    function fix_anonymous() {global $bbdb;
    $bbdb->query("UPDATE $bbdb->users SET display_name=user_login WHERE display_name='' ");
    } add_action('bb_init','fix_anonymous');

    save as _fix-anonymous.php (with leading underscore)

    you only need to upload and run bbpress once with it loaded (no activation required) and then delete the plugin or it will slow down bbPress.

    I am now writing a WordPress plugin to fix this without having to duplicate all the names in the table which is a horrendous waste of space.

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