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  • #67300

    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    Thanks for responses. bbPress shows great promise.


    In reply to: wiki bbpress? :)


    Certainly it’s possible to integrate the logins with bbPress, if you want to use a seperate wiki system; all of bbPress’ login functions are replacable. I haven’t heard of anyone doing it for some time, though, but more than a year ago spencerp did it:


    This all comes down to the ldap so you are going to have to ask the author directly (apparently Sam who is very busy these days on bbPress 1.0 development) or hope that there are other ldap users who know. Personally I have to go lookup what the heck ldap is in the first place ;-)

    I will suggest this much – if you are using 1.0 alpha, the plugin has probably broken compatibility with it and is only meant for 0.9


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    bbPress is also very young so expectations should not be as high as WordPress (ie. robust plugin library). It’s about equal to WordPress back in 2003. While it benefits from code development on WordPress, it’s still 5 years younger.

    But writing plugins for bbPress is as easy for WordPress (and in some cases easier because of improvements over WordPress’s legacy design). I’m definitely an example of this as I had never written a full PHP program or plugin of any kind before my bbPress plugins.


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?

    Sam Bauers

    bbPress is designed to be light and extensible. It’s aim is to create a robust framework which can be extended with plugins and themes.

    It is designed to be adapted by developers into what they want it to be while it takes care of the core behaviour.

    WordPress is very similar in this regard, it just has a much older ecosystem of extensions and a much more active community.

    Sam Bauers

    If you upgrade to the latest bbPress trunk you will have access to the new BBXF exporter. There is also a standalone BBXF importer for phpBB, but I have not tested it yet. You will have to do some work to get it running at this early stage of development, this should be a lot easier as we move forward with this idea.

    For more check here

    Sam Bauers

    Check the new project here.

    Thanks to GSoC student Dan Larkin for his work over the Summer.

    BBXF is now available for review and testing in bbPress trunk and we plan to make it a bundled plugin in bbPress 1.0


    In reply to: wiki bbpress? :)


    Are you looking to incorporate a wiki inside bbPress, or are you looking for a wiki that is about bbPress?

    Here’s one about bbPress:


    I am also having this problem. Unfortunately, the meta_value is already set to the value __ck__ suggests. Any other ideas?



    like phpBB, i think it is interesting to open a wiki (with dokuwiki? :) )

    why? because for example, i have many ideas of plugins, but the documentation is too small for i can understand how to do that :/

    so, it is possible or not? :p

    please please please :p


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?



    Thanks for this clarification.. it’s exactly the style of things that are not clearly announced by BBpress.

    This forum script is released as a simple, elegant and quick forum not as a set of library for developpers… and viewed this way it’s highly different from WP that is a weblog software for the rest of us, not at all a tool for developers.

    Hopefully, thanks to “magic _ck_” and the marvelous plug in he provide to the BBPress comunity, the set of library starts slowly to get a new face, the one of a classical good forum software…


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    For me it’s clear – bbPress puts user first, but it sucks without developer – I’m talking about board developer, not script developers ;). Someone need to set up forum first, and he is using this great engine-core as I’m calling it with additional plugins he need – if one is creating forum for php coders, then he don’t need bbcode or any form of editor, as users will know stuff. This forum for example don’t need editor because its target is people who are developing using bbPress.

    For me, it’s a library of functions ready to set up a great, huge and fast forum – if you want a board like “set up and forget about it” then go and use phpbb3 – huge, slow with thousands of useless options. But if you’re a developer, then there’s nothing better than bbPress for you.


    I’ve never done it, but I think the normal route is to go from phpBB3 to phpBB2 then go from phpBB2 to bbPress.

    Here is some of the discussion:


    Basically I’d love to move all of my content from wordpress format and have those blogs be bbpress topics. I read about bbsync but I’d like to convert current content to bbpress what are the options?


    I’d like to move from phpbb3 to bbpress. Do you have any import function?


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?



    Notice : there is no pun intended in what follow, no troll intended, no critic, no aggressive talk and so on.

    Pat1953 question is an interesting one, a question that I asked to myself sometimes.

    The « problem » with BBpress is that for an average user (perhaps it’s different for developers) there is no clear direction about where the software is going.

    I was very early WP user (and I’m still a very happy WP user) so when BBPress appears a lot of years (in internet time) ago, i tried it.

    Then I used several other package more polished, more feature packed and so on.

    I came back to BBPress learning that Automattic was founded hopping this could mean a strong development for the forum software and hopefully a real integration with WP.

    What is strange with BBPress is that despite it’s a rather old forum software, it is still (from a user perspective) far behind scripts that are developped by a single guy (for example in the WP world, Simple :Press is far more sophisticated and integrated) and it has a very strange way of describing it self.

    For example reading The Philisophy it’s written “Put the user first”… despite the fact BBpress is now probably the only forum script without any editor (even a BB code functionality requires a third part plug in), the only one which end users are supposed to know a little bit of HTML.

    The integration with WP is also a very strange aspect. By integration I’m not talking about sharing users base and connection, but real semantic integration.

    WP lacks a forum part. I maintain a personal website since now close to 10 years and it’s clear for me now (it was not clear at first) that comments, and forum discussions are not the same things, and that they address different needs.

    A comment will be buried in the weblog archives after a few days so finding it will be near impossible for a classic visitor.

    On the other hand, forum post are better ordered, easier and more natural to find out and son on.

    So if I write a blog post about my holidays and two readers answer “cool, it seem it was great”.. comments are exactly what I need.

    If I write a blog post about a very interesting thing that will be still of a great interest two years later (even two months later) its better to redirect people to a forum topic, because the discussion will be interesting and deserve to be kept and easy to find out.

    So after many years of WP use, I think BBpress is a required integrated part of WP.

    But nothing is very clear in BBpress documentation about where the project is heading.




    with this plugin:

    with the 1.0 alpha, the ajax effect doesn’t work, i have only the button :/

    the author is here?

    i think it is necessary to put a “last visit” field in the profile of developers here lol



    Also if possible please include the version of PHP and your type of server environment (linux with apache or windows IIS). This is less critical than the bbPress version but helps with more obscure problems sometimes.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    You can get an idea of the timeline by following TRAC bug reports:

    I suspect there will be a beta in a month and maybe gold by November. It all depends how much time Sam and MDA can put into it.

    Everyone can help the process by putting the alpha through it’s rounds and writing up quality bug reports in TRAC.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    So how do you think, when Official 1.0 will be ready? :)


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    > What do I get with bbPress?

    The most coder-friendly Engine Core I ever seen :P. If you know how to code of course – coding plugins for bbPress is a pure pleasure.


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?


    > What do I get with bbPress?

    Free forum software that is under active development

    > Is it secure?


    > Will it get spammed to death?

    No. It comes with Akismet to prevent spammers from posting, and you can use the Human Test plugin to prevent them from registering in the first place.

    > Is it stable?

    Yes. Even the latest Alpha version has been stable for me.

    > Is it designed for personal sites or can businesses

    > use it with confidence?

    It’s designed for people who need forums. Businesses and individuals alike use it. Check out these people using bbPress.


    In vBulletin, if I want to pay $180, I could get the Porsche (reportedly) of message boards. In phpBB, if I want to grapple with a sizable infrastructure, I could get perhaps the most seasoned of the free forum systems.

    What do I get with bbPress? Is it secure? Will it get spammed to death? Is it stable? Is it designed for personal sites or can businesses use it with confidence?

    Here’s one very specific question: How do I add a link to bbPress to take people back to my WordPress home page?

    BTW, the installation was a breeze. :)


    I have a bbpress setup on a subdomain : ( directory /home/domain/forum/ )

    on a WP setup (directory /home/domain/blog/ )

    I tried to activate Permalinks.

    /bb-admin/options-general.php : Pretty Permalink set to Numeric ( /forums/1 )

    I created a /home/domain/forum/.htaccess with Options +MultiViews

    bbpress pages are still 404 ( - )

    I paste /bb-admin/rewrite-rules.php lines into the .htaccess. Still 404. is ok, permalinks working (same hosting)

    It seems that no .htaccess works with my bbPress install…



    Take a look at

    That is a list of all the template files and when each of them is called. You’ll have to edit each applicable file to hide the things you want to hide.

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