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  • #3930

    When I post in the my forum I get this page up:

    It’s stuck. When it should return me to the forum index. The same kind of error happened when I logget into the bbPress-forum. Is there a fix for this?

    I didn’t know what to search for in the forum.



    I have a little CSS problem

    I’m integrating BBpress with my weblog that uses Revolution blog theme.

    The url is

    Its a WP 2.6 install with BBpress 1.0 alpha

    BBPress theme is based on the default kakumei

    I fail to put the login div right above BBPress breadcrumb menu (right under my header)

    If anyone with CSS knowledge (that I don’t have) has a little idea, I would be very happy

    Thanks in advance



    I have an installation of bbpress 0.9 (installed independent from WordPress).

    When I pull the rss feed, I get code that looks like this:

    <title>Anonymous on "Hello"</title>
    <pubDate>Fri, 29 Aug 2008 21:45:22 +0000</pubDate>
    <guid isPermaLink="false">8@</guid>

    The <p> is a <p> tag that is entity-encoded (I presume so that <p> won’t be parsed as an XML tag by an XML parser).

    This is causing an issue with the feed parser that I am using (lastRSS): the parser is passing the <description> contents through unchanged, and so I’m getting literal “<p>” and “<p/>” on the pages that use lastRSS.

    I believe that the standard method of embedding HTML into an XML feed (or any XML document) is to use CDATA blocks:


    and this is the way feeds from wordpress, blogger, etc are formatted. bbpress should really do the same thing so that feed parsers like lastRSS will pass through correct HTML (in this example, text wrapped by a paragraph tag, rather than text with character entities that cause the browser to display the literal characters)

    Can the feed generator code be changed to use CDATA blocks?

    Thank you.


    In reply to: User Photo for bbPress


    anyone have any luck getting this to display in the profiles? I have it working in the post at least so far.


    I’m trying to integrate with a WP 2.5.1 install and my wp-config.php does not include a constant named “SECRET_KEY”. The install routine will not let me complete without that. I’m stuck.

    Tom Lynch

    I reinstalled and its still not working im not saying i cant login with users from both what the problem is, that the users from wordpress dont have any permissions but they can login.


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    OK! Super thanks x 2 times! _CK_

    I like install and test plugins, but I know if install a lot plugins will make the forum slow.

    If the bbPress can every page keep 5-10 queries is best of best of best.


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    There is no actual page cache in bbPress. The cache setting you see is meant for the *object* cache which is meant to store things like the user data and the forum data in shared memory (memcache) for multi-server environments. It could be used on a single server but the performance increase might be trivial compared to a good cache on the mysql db since the core “engine” still has to load.

    The only real cache that could speed up bbPress is a page cache like wp-super-cache which bypasses the WP engine entirely. It would have to be ported eventually. But that only helps for users that are not logged in and the idea of a forum is for people to be logged in and interacting.

    Currently I cache parts of pages like the front-page tag cloud on my own installs but I have not released the plugin for that.

    Speaking of tags, while they may have fixed the forum query count in the trunk, I now see another problem where apparently bbPress 1.0 is making a query for EACH tag in the tag cloud. Once they fix that, queries should go down again.


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    Looks like they have already fixed that ticket in Changeset 1644.

    I already had the “$bb->load_options = true;” part, but I am setting up a forum with 17 forums as categories and 176 forums total. There are currently no topics, but here are the page load stats from the front page:

    0.391 – 405 queries

    For a single forum page:

    0.148 – 359 queries

    After patching bb-includes/functions.php I get this for the front page:

    0.294 – 55 queries

    And for a single forum page:

    0.095 – 9 queries

    Thanks a million _ck_.


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    How many forums do you have total?

    There is a big performance problem with 1.0 that I have pointed out to Sam and MDA which I hope they fix.

    1.0, unlike bbPress 0.9, loads each forum separately and then each forum’s metadata separately. This creates a huge number of queries – each forum makes 2 queries, ie. a dozen forums makes the front page use at least 24+6 queries. bbPress 0.9 would only use a single query to load them all (this was before metadata was added to forums). When it is eventually optimized, no matter how many forums you have it will use only two queries instead.


    Thanks Chris!

    So I guess I’m having an issue then. Using WP 2.6.1 and BB 1.0 Alpha. The integration seems to be working quite well. It’s creating users that’s the problem.

    I have two Roles setup in bbPress:

    WordPress Administrator = bbPress Key Master

    Wordpress Subscriber = bbPress Member

    However, whenever I create a user in WP (doesn’t matter if I set it up as a subscriber or admin) it always shows up in bbPress as a “user with no role in these forums”.

    I’m sure it’s something I’ve misconfigured… Just not sure what.


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    Thanks for help _CK_, In 1.0 Alpha bb-config.php not “stop editing” I already add the “$bb->load_options = true;” under define(‘BB_LANG’, ”);”.

    I like bbpress best for wordpress.And how to reduce database queries in 1.0 Alpha?


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    leoleoleo (and everyone) put this line into bb-config.php (before the “stop editing” part)

    $bb->load_options = true;

    That should slice at least 100ms off that time and reduce the queries by half. I still don’t understand why it’s not the bbPress default.

    “Forum is category” is not needed under bbPress 1.0 which does category forums internally.

    Also, the bb-gzip plugin is only necessary if your server does not already compress pages, which is rare these days, so make sure you are not duplicating the effort.

    Some of my plugins are still not optimized for 1.0 so they might be slower or cause more queries than under 0.9


    In reply to: All setting use cache


    Because my bbpress “Page made in 0.317 seconds, 29 queries. ” . I am using bbPress 1.0 Alpha

    and installed plugins is


    bbPress Polls

    BBcode Buttons Toolbar

    All Settings

    Allow Images

    bbPress Web Compression (bb-gzip)

    Forum is category

    BBPress Private Messaging




    In reply to: All setting use cache


    From the FAQ:

    serialized and boolean data (true/false) cannot be edited at this time for safety reasons - that may eventually change

    Based on that, I don’t think you can, at least not with this version.


    In reply to: Install Many Questions


    Yes, there is an option to change the password. Once you’re logged in, just go to your profile, then Edit, and at the bottom of that page you can enter your new password twice to reset it.

    I don’t think you need to reinstall anything. Just log in and access the admin and go to Manage > Forums > Edit (one of your forums) and make sure the forums are not all marked “Category.”

    Although it’s easy to just reinstall, if you do things the same way, you’re going to get the same result. You can fix what’s already installed unless something catastrophic happened during installation.

    You should still supply your forum address, and the version of bbPress you installed, and if you integrated with WordPress, then that version as well. These things will help someone help you solve your problem.


    In reply to: Install Many Questions


    There is normally a way to add new topics. If that is not present in your installation something is certainly wrong. Can you post the URL to your forum?

    Is it possible you have all your forums set as categories? If that’s the case, categories can only hold other forums (subforums) not individual topics. Someone posted about that before.

    What version bbPress are you using, and is it integrated with WordPress (and if so, what version WordPress?)


    When setting up the ROLE MAP in bbPress, what’s best practice? Should I set WP Admin <-> BB Admin? or WP Admin <-> BB Key Master?

    I guess I don’t fully understand the difference between the two.


    Ok, the only thing not working is getting the $bbdb is there a way to access the database from outside the bbpress directory?


    Basically, you edit your theme files.

    Here’s a recent discussion:

    Sam Bauers

    This is a deeper problem than the role map. If you have users spread across two tables you will never get them to both be able to login.

    You need to just use the WordPress user table and migrate any users from the bbPress user table across to it (don’t forget the meta as well.

    First just try to get using one set of user data happening. Then try to tackle single login.


    In reply to: Is BBPress Any Good?

    Sam Bauers

    We also use bbPress to dabble in some new ideas, as our users are generally very nice and don’t shout at us when we break things.

    : )

    Tom Lynch

    This is the wp_role_map option from my bb_meta….


    Tom Lynch

    Please can any one help?


    How do I:

    – Create a link in bbPress to take visitors to the home page?

    – Customize the header?


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