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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #66716

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    I restarted Firefox 2, checked cookies which was allowed for this site, and the same problem occurred. I didn’t mention before that after I click on the Register button, my username appears in the top left of the page, again with the form as I completed it. I also tried this in IE6 with cookies allowed too. The same problem occurred.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    > But then when all it done, I am still on the register page

    > with the form filled in. I would think I would get a thank

    > you, your password will be sent to you.

    This happened to me once before. I thought I was seeing things. In my case, it was cookies or something because when I restarted the browser and tried again, it worked fine. Can you recreate the problem in another browser?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    So you have bbPress alpha in its own database, and there is just one table, the users table, or all the other tables are there as well?

    Is this integrated with anything, or just a standalone bbPress installation?


    Also, why are you loading bb-load.php into WordPress? Do you need to use bbPress functions inside WordPress?


    To me this sounds like you are way off on the wrong track. I’ve never heard of anything like this before. I use a static front page for WordPress and have never had this problem.

    Did you install bbpress and wordpress into separate folders? Is bbPress in a subfolder of WordPress?

    Did you create an .htaccess for bbPress and are you using permalinks?

    Is this relevant at all?

    Not trying to distract you from the work you’re doing, but I’ve never heard of anyone going off in that direction before for a problem like this.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    When I register (click on the Register button) there appears to be a transfer. But then when all it done, I am still on the register page with the form filled in. I would think I would get a thank you, your password will be sent to you. And yes, the two required fields are filled in properly.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    I didn’t change the database table prefix from the default. This is the only table in the new database. The database says ‘bb_’, and bb.config.php says ‘bb_’. My keymaster shows up in ‘bb_users’. So if the keymaster is there, then the table prefix is not the problem. It is something else.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    Are you sure you have the database table prefix correct, and you’re looking in the correct table for the new user?


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    The test registered name is not in my database, just the original keymaster user.


    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    I installed the alpha on its own database. When I test register, I am not sent a password, nor password sent when I try to recover password.


    So I have confirmed that this happens even if I set both bbpress and wordpress to the default themes, so it is definitely not something in the themes I’ve customized.

    I really wish I could find the code where wp is determining the post ID of the home/front page as I suspect that is the best place to start trying to tackle this.


    It seems to me as if search in bbPress 0.9x neither uses tags, nor uses headlines to find posts/topics.

    Can anybody confirm this?

    Is there an simple solution?


    Viva Chile Mierda !!!

    Great work, _ck_. Thanks.


    In reply to: rss result is empty


    Just in case this thread (and bbPress development) is still alive:

    The question was: How to handle feeds with no items. Currently bbPress responds with an empty page when a feed wouldn’t contain any items.

    The expected behaviour would be to respond sending a valid feed with no item entries.

    The file /rss.php (see calls die() in all cases when no posts are found.

    Comment out all “die()” calls and you’re fine!


    In reply to: Google Adsense

    Mark Barnes
    Mark Barnes

    I’ve set up dozens of bbpress forums, but this has got me stumped. This is a fresh install, with NO WordPress integration.

    The install appears to work fine, but afterwards I cannot access the admin pages (it just redirects to the homepage). I AM a keymaster (I can see this from editing my profile). I do NOT have any .htaccess files anywhere.

    I have tried everything I can think of – deleting bb-config.php, dropping all the tables, re-uploading all the files, even deleting the subdomain and database from the server and re-creating it.

    This is BBPress, on Apache 2.2.9 (Linux) and PHP 5.2.6


    Well that’s all for now, hope you enjoyed it.

    Your feedback and ideas are encouraged.

    I should note that sites that seem to be spammer operated or that I detect are infected by XSS scripts have been dropped from the list. There are currently eight sites affected by XSS and I have attemped to notify the owners (apparently without success). These infections are not from a bbPress fault but rather the overall security of their server and other software running on the site (otherwise it would be rampant).


    A new feature this month is an analysis of Server and PHP software popularity. What’s interesting is how Apache use is slowly being eroded by other options. Also, PHP4 is still VERY popular (1 in 3 servers use it!)

    Server Popularity (alphabetical order)
    Abyss/ : 2
    Apache : 800+
    Apache/1.3 : 900+
    Apache/2 : 40+
    Apache/2.0 : 800+
    Apache/2.2 : 1000+
    Ideawebserver/v0.50 : 3
    Lighttpd/1.4 : 15
    Litespeed : 20
    Microsoft-IIS/5.0 : 12
    Microsoft-IIS/6.0 : 80+
    Microsoft-IIS/7.0 : 2
    Nginx : 19
    Nginx/0.3 : 2
    Nginx/0.5 : 17
    Nginx/0.6 : 10
    Nginx/0.7 : 2
    Webserverx : 16
    Zeus/4.3 : 2

    (abnormalities and unknown entities have been dropped)

    PHP Popularity (by version)
    4.3 : 200+
    4.4 : 900+
    5.0 : 40~
    5.1 : 200+
    5.2 : 2000+


    bbPress is being used in over 80 countries (or regions).

    Here is a sample in order of popularity:

    .  1. United States
    2. Germany
    3. Spain **
    4. United Kingdom
    5. Russian Federation
    6. Italy
    7. Turkey
    8. France
    9. Sweden
    10. China
    11. Denmark
    12. Netherlands
    13. Canada
    14. Japan
    15. Europe
    16. Romania
    17. Czech Republic
    18. Brazil
    19. Norway
    20. Austria
    21. Poland
    22. Australia
    23. Switzerland
    24. Hungary
    25. India
    26. Chile
    27. Belgium
    28. Argentina **
    29. Indonesia
    30. Finland
    31. Ukraine
    32. Saudi Arabia
    33. Greece
    34. Lithuania
    35. Israel
    36. New Zealand
    37. Slovakia
    38. Latvia
    39. Mexico **
    40. South Africa

    ** This list is subject to some inaccuracies based on guesstimates of language used or target audience. For example, a page in Spanish may be intended for an audience in Mexico, Argentina, or in Spain. A page in Arabic may be intended for several countries in the middle-east, etc.


    bbPress is currently installed on at least 5,000 sites.

    Here is a breakdown of bbPress forums by total posts:

    Posts 		Count
    0 - 99 3,000+
    100 - 999 640
    1,000 - 4,999 180
    5,000 - 9,999 52
    10,000 - 49,999 44
    50,000 - 99,999 12
    100,000 - 499,999 7
    500,000 - 999,999 2

    By my calculations, a bbPress forum will break a million posts by the end of this year!


    It’s time for the (completely unofficial) TOP 100 report!

    I am very pleased to report the list has swelled to OVER 4000 sites, even though 200 sites have been dropped since last month due to domains expiring, disappearing DNS or other reasons. This means in the past 30 days, well over 1000 sites have been added!

    This month also brings new features to the list – considering it’s now overwhelming size I have added a basic search ability to the Top 1000 list.

    (Top 1000 requires free registration/login)

    User voting on sites is still pending, sorry (my limited time has unfortunately been taken doing plugin fixes for 1.0 alpha). I hope to have it working in time for bbPress’s TWO YEAR birthday next month (October 14th).

    This month I have also calculated some additional, interesting statistics on the data to give a better analysis of bbPress’s incredible growth…

    Jens Wedin

    @_ck_ Sorry missed about the WPMU, I´m on WP 2.6 and having theese problems.


    I assume you both asked on the WPMU support forum?


    I just finished a test integration of bbpress into word-press and all is working very well with one exception. The static front page for word press has stopped functioning when I add the following to the end of the wp-config.php file:

    if ( !defined(‘BBDB_NAME’) )




    If I remove this and the couple of bbpress calls that I’m using which require this, the static front page works again. I think I’m just too tired to find the answer in the source.

    Has anyone solved this? BTW — this is WP version 2.5.1 and bbpress 0.9.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


    In reply to: WordPress Forums Theme


    It’s not available AFAIK. I was trying to search the forums here for the last time it was discussed but I can’t find it. It was a custom theme they had done by Happy Cog, I think.

Viewing 25 results - 55,376 through 55,400 (of 64,069 total)
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