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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #67583

    I’ve done some research (and actually got an email from the find-answer owner out of the blue today) and I believe the site/request are unrelated.

    But it does prove that it would be a wanted plugin.

    Google/Yahoo might not like all the duplicate content however so “noindex” might be a good idea to prevent being search-engine banned.

    Another consideration is that I believe bbPress keeps a full index on post text, so the table size for posts would become non-trivial for such a forum.



    based on my recollections, as i’m on a road trip and can’t readily pull up the code, WP2.6 (maybe older, too, i don’t know), in the midst of their new cookies, has an action hook that can be tapped at cookie-creation to make an additional cookie for bbPress to read (in my instance, bbPress is in /forums/ so the new cookie is restricted to that path). the function that destroys the cookies at logout doesn’t have an action hook, so it has to be overridden (it’s pluggable). on the bbPress end, it’s virtually identical–use an action hook at login to create the various cookies that WP expects, override the pluggable cookie-destroying function.

    there’s also some work in syncing up all the various secrets.

    it’s worth noting that the cookie that’s now restricted to wp-admin/ in WP2.6.x is the same cookie that was unrestricted in path previously, so the mechanics of the cookie contents and whatnot aren’t any different, just the path restrictions.


    that works, however, i can no longer access the admin section, it only loads as blank, any ideas why? thanks for your help with this.

    the rest of the functions work on the main pages of the forum.


    Isn’t trying to get help from the developers of the bbpress the best place to get information? Isn’t that the whole point of the forum? In howtogeek contact page, he discourages to contact him directly…

    Anyways, I fixed the stupid mistake (from my part), I only copied the table instead of the php entry. So it’s fixed.



    To use the WordPress functions get_sidebar and get_header, you need to include WordPress inside bbPress:

    This might help as well:


    I wonder if the find answers site is related at all to this inquiry:


    I successfully integrated bbpress alpha with the latest wordpress. The install is pretty flawless.

    Now, I want to pull in the header and sidebar from wordpress. Does anyone have any tips for me on how to do this?


    September also features the first site to be purposely excluded from the listings. Not that I am passing judgement on it as there are other sites far more dubious that are in the list where the content is not their own.

    It’s impressive in that someone wrote a bbPress to Usenet gateway. But its not right to include it on the list since there will be millions of posts in no time at all and they use a fake subdomain for each group.

    At least it proves bbPress can handle such a load. They are going to really want my Super Search plugin (not released yet).

    I do wish they’d share the code they made to accomplish that however, especially considering they seem to be using my theme, my plugins, my favicon, etc.

    (What I really want is a Mailman to bbPress gateway!)


    Hows your theme coming along?

    I wish I knew how to develop/edit bbpress to make it into a theme like that.


    logout and use bbPress login not wordpress.


    I’m Still Learning! I installed the Forum with little or no problems. Now However I cannot Get the admin to work. That is to say I can’t get into admin. To Be Honest I’m not Sure Just How To Get Into the admin section. When I enter “…bbpress/admin.php” I am directed to the index file for the director I attempted entering “…bbpress/bb-admin/index.php” when I do I’m directed to to Index file. Can someone help me?… Please


    “” should cover all subdomains.

    Techincally is a subdomain.

    I don’t know why it didn’t work for you

    unless perhaps it was already “” on the WP side. They have to match.

    Benjamin Lee

    Got integration working under WP 2.5.1 and bbpress

    I’d just like to make an observation regarding integration instructions for power users –

    Instruction part 8 says: Copy all these items into the bottom of wp-config.php and edit as required:

    $wp->cookiedomain = ‘’;


    // note the leading DOT – this is important

    // we list both for WordPress legacy compatibility

    Originally, I took this to mean:

    $wp->cookiedomain = ‘’;


    It wasn’t working. However, once I changed it to:

    $wp->cookiedomain = ‘’;


    and in bb-config.php:

    $bb->cookiedomain = ‘’;

    (adding the www part) It works perfectly fine now.

    Hope this helps.



    i was wondering if anybody has a solution in the form of a bbpress plugin that allows display of external rss feeds as links (link title + short description) on the page. i know that rss2html exists, but since i’m a total newbie as far as bbpress is concerned, i find it hard to incorporate it. it would be great if this could be achieved with a plugin.

    just to clarify: i need to be able to select an external rss feed, then put a simple call to the function/plugin in the template, and have the feeds displayed on the page as regular html…

    any tips would be greatly appreciated

    all best



    Can add bbPress poll into wordpress like Bbpress Latest Discussion and embed wordpress post?


    I experimented for awhile with making a plugin that would make 2.6 work with the 2.5 cookies using a pluggable replacement but the task proved overwhelming. Then I tried making a replacement pluggable for bbPress to make it work with 2.6 cookies and that was just as insane too.

    Unless your mods are concentrated into one file I wouldn’t recommend tampering with the core.

    I don’t get the rush to WP 2.6 It’s getting terribly bloated.

    I miss 2.0 – feature rich yet still lightweight.


    Though I hesitate to say this out loud, it is possible to integrate bbPress with WordPress 2.6.x (I have a site running the two and logins to one part work in the other, cookies are properly set and cleaned up, etc.), BUT it requires plugins to both bbPress and WordPress (or, alternately, modification of core code) and I’d venture to guess that it might substantially weaken the cookie security introduced in WP2.6. If anyone is desperately interested, I can share details, but it’s messy.


    In reply to: Can fix it?


    Woo! Thanks!

    The fixed reduce my bbPress 1.0 Alpha 27 to 18 queries!


    Topic: Can fix it?

    in forum Troubleshooting

    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha


    It’s weird. I had that exact thing happen to me on an alpha install, not integrated, and I thought I was going crazy seeing things. Maybe not. For me, I just restarted the browser or used another browser and registration went through fine. I have no idea what it is; it’s an esoteric bug for sure.



    Is there a way for me to easily merge Forums, topics, split topics and so forth?

    I would like to merge a couple of my forums. I just imported my phpbb2 40 meg forum to bbpress. It works super! But I have so many forums and would like to merge them.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    In reply to: bbPress 1.0 alpha



    I didn’t see your post.

    BBPress Alpha is in its own database. All the tables appear to be there, numbering 12. This is a standalone BBPress. The only thing I have done differently is to put the hidden forums plugin in “my-plugins”, but it is not activated, nor are any other plugins like Askimet or Bozo.


    Thanks for the input. I’m pretty sure I’m off in the wrong direction, I’m just trying to dig through what the WP and BB code are doing under the covers so that I have a better understanding of where this problem is coming from. It’s simply the analytical part of me wanting to understand the whole system.

    As for why, I am currently calling a few bbpress functions from my wp pages.

    I’m actually reviewing what I’m using now to see if I can just eliminate the use of the bbpress functions on the WP pages. I think I can probably just eliminate the need (at least for now).

    That said, I still want to dig in and get to the bottom of this. It seems like there should be a really easy answer for this (btw — I don’t think it’s the 404 problem from the other thread you linked).

    Thanks again for the feedback. Given I’m doing this on my own time, I may not get back to it for a while (I have funded development to finish for work). I’ll post back when I have a chance to re-review this.

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