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  • #69411

    bbPress Plugin Index, A – M













    If you have a problem with a specific plugin, it is best to ask the question on the plugin’s page so the author, and other people with the same problem, can find it easily.

    New bbPress users typically encounter the same problems and ask the same questions over and over again – you should review all the posts on the plugin’s page in the “extend” section for common problems/answers.

    Please do not start new topics about a specific plugin in the general forum to try to grab immediate attention.

    Attention Plugin Authors

    If you are a plugin author, please check your plugin page periodically. Each Plugin has it’s own RSS feed which you can put into a feedreader (or Yahoo Alerts can email you when a custom feed url changes) to track new questions. If you do not intend to support your plugin any further, please let users know by either stating so in the readme.txt or posting on your plugin’s page.


    Ask this on the bbSync plugin page.


    In reply to: Can anybody help me?


    You can make bbPress look like WordPress and simply be installed at /forums/ on your website. But bbPress will never be a plugin, it’s way too complex for that and has it’s own structure.

    Because bbPress 1.0 uses BackPress (parts of WordPress), when WordPress starts to use the same common core, it will one day be far easier to integrate the two. But that day is at least a year away.


    In reply to: Can anybody help me?


    Bbpress is very good forum for my wordpress. But I want that it be a plugin and when I click on name of forum, it open in my wordpress theme; not on other address. Can you try to create that? Thank you.


    Yah it just happened to me as well. It’s definitely a broad issue… I wonder if anyone from bbPress reads these forums regularly?


    Ah neat… it kinda sounds like something that could power the Slashdot frontpage?


    Yes I’ve observed the same problem.

    At first I though it was db sync, since Automattic uses three different datacenters with sync’ed mysql.

    But now I think instead it’s bad no-caching headers of some kind. bbPress sends nocache headers to prevent the old page from reloading after a post. It’s possible that’s been broken somehow.


    One plugin that I’ve been meaning to create for quite some time is a “promote to front page” tool where admin can mark a topic for special promotion, with their own custom summary that superceeds the title and first post and replaces (or suppliments) the Latest Discussions on the front page with the list. The list could then be re-ordered even further, independent of topic time.

    I think such a plugin would change how bbPress is used in a positive way. Just can’t decide how to best interface it with how topics work and how to give the admin full access to existing formatting tools and other plugins within the summaries. It would probably be mostly like Wiki Post.


    In reply to: Locked Out of Forum!


    Change the bbpress tables prefixs to bb_ via phpmyadmin and then fix the prefix setting in bb-config.php

    Yes, what I mentioned above is the reason to cause upgrade fail. I update the user_nicename with user_loginname, which is unique key, and the upgrade goes ok.

    I tried to understand the new database structure by checking the upgrade-schema.php. I found one thing could cause problem:

    $bb_queries = “CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $bbdb->users (

    ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,

    user_login varchar(60) NOT NULL default ”,

    user_pass varchar(64) NOT NULL default ”,

    user_nicename varchar(50) NOT NULL default ”,

    user_email varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,

    user_url varchar(100) NOT NULL default ”,

    user_registered datetime NOT NULL default ‘0000-00-00 00:00:00’,

    user_status int(11) NOT NULL default 0,

    display_name varchar(250) NOT NULL default ”,


    UNIQUE KEY user_login (user_login),

    UNIQUE KEY user_nicename (user_nicename)


    my old database table bb_users the user_nicename does not have unique key on it, but now upgrade try to setup as unique key. will it be the reason for the upgrade timeout?

    Unfortunately for my cpanel host I could not access the mysql log, but please help me solve this. any inputs are welcome.


    I follow the steps. After extract the new bbpress files and rename the config.php (v0.8) to bb-config.php, I could see all my previous posts.

    However, when I login to the Admin, it displays:

    It looks like your database is out-of-date.

    You can update it here.

    After click the Upgrade Database button, after a few seconds, the page just display a blank webpage (timeout?)

    I am stuck here, please help.


    I guess what I essentially want is many authors many commenters, but I’m not ready for each to have their own blog. I like the idea of buddypress, but that would be something to consider in the future.

    I guess I’m almost looking to create something in the style of fark.


    Greetings…after becoming disenchanted with phpBB our science forum is looking for a new home. But we need to be able to upload large documents, spreadsheets, PPTs, etc. for each other to view. If we can do the uploads/downloads of data….bbPress would be GREAT! But from what I can see one can only attach 100K docs. Is there a plugin for larger uploads? Server space is no problem for us.

    Thanks! –Nick


    In reply to: Locked Out of Forum!


    hi chris and ck

    i missed something obvious, didn’t explain about my databases and probably confused you in the process.

    so i’m going to try to clarify. bbPress and WordPress have separate databases. by substituting db for the name of my database, i obscured the fact that the errors referred to in my initial post are looking for my WordPress users table ie in my WordPress database, not bbPress.

    in phpMyAdmin i can see that my WordPress tables have no prefix, while my bbPress tables have an underscore prefix:

    BB Tables

    i tried putting db (my database) as a prefix in my wp-config file just to see if that would work, but i still got the same errors (so changed it back to what it was, since it also took my WordPress site down, though it was fine again once i removed the prefix from wp-config).

    so i still have no idea of what to do.

    i remember when i was setting up integration for bbPress that i specified a table prefix – i’m wondering whether it would be simpler to uninstall bbPress and reinstall it again, trying to avoid the prefix problem? i’d lose a bit of stuff i entered, but there’s not much and i could easily recreate it.


    You didn’t mention what version you installed. It matters for finding problems like this. It looks like it’s probably an Alpha release and the indication of an error on that line means there’s likely a problem on a previous line. My guess is that there is a syntax error in the BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY.

    It helps to use an editor with syntax highlighting to see if this is the problem. Posting an edited version of the bb-config.php will not help because you will destroy the evidence in editing.

    I have seen keys that work fine for WordPress, but not bbPress. Maybe that’s happening here. You might want to simplify your WordPress key then match the bbPress key to that. The WordPress API allows all sorts of weird characters in there (non A..Z a..z 0..9) and they’re properly escaped for WordPress but sometimes they don’t work with bbPress.

    But I think that’s probably your problem, one of the bbPress keys. PHP reports the error on the next line it tries to parse I think.


    In reply to: Can anybody help me?


    _ck_, I think in general people would be very happy if bbPress could live in a WordPress page, so you have WordPress header, footer, sidebar, look and feel. The menu item is the least of the problems usually. Everyone wants the look and feel of WordPress and right now that’s not the easiest thing to accomplish.

    If bbPress were a plugin, which it’s not, it would accomplish what most people want.


    Hi all,

    I am getting this error when I go to the url for my bbpress install, apparently everything worked during install and integration to my wordpress blog.

    However this is the error I get –

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/content/d/o/c/docst4r/html/iglesiacdr/bbpress/bb-config.php on line 24

    this is what is on line 24 in my bb_config.php –

    $bb_table_prefix = ‘bb_’; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please!

    This is all foreign to me please help.




    PHP 4 users with WP 2.5.0 + bbPress 0.9.x

    There is a HUGE BUG in the way the WP 2.5.0 (not 2.5.1) handles the login cookie. You won’t have a problem with PHP 5, only PHP 4.

    So with PHP 4, you MUST use WP 2.5.1 and not WP 2.5.0 (aka 2.5) with bbPress 0.9 for cookie integration. Otherwise you’ll never get it to work.

    There are only THREE files you need to replace in 2.5.0 to make it into 2.5.1:




    Technical reason:

    function wp_hash() in WP 2.5.0 never calls hash_hmac if it doesn’t exist and just returns a plain md5 instead. This method is incompatible with bbPress 0.9 – The compatibility function in compat.php is not loaded in time.


    I like that few vs. many authors split… that’s a good way to put it.

    One implication of that difference in focus is spam filtering. It’s easy to use Akismet to filter both boards topics and comments in bbPress… it’s harder to use Akismet to filter blog posts in WordPress (Akismet tends to focus on filtering blog comments, not blog posts).

    That’s not to say you couldn’t get Akismet working on blog posts! I just haven’t seen any existing plugins that pull that off…


    Since bbPress-Live also does a list of forums, here’s how to do that too:

    <h2>Forum List</h2>
    global $wpdb;
    $query="SELECT * FROM bb_forums WHERE topics!=0 ORDER BY forum_order ASC LIMIT 10";
    foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo "<li><a href='/forums/forum.php?id=".$result->forum_id."'>".$result->forum_name."</a></li>";

    of course this example doesn’t take into account nested forums and will just display them flat.


    And you can just keep making it fancier and fancier.

    Let’s say you want to also show how many posts each topic has.

    echo "<li><a href='/forums/topic.php?id=".$result->topic_id."'>".$result->topic_title."</a> (".$result->topic_posts." posts)</li>";

    or how old the last reply is

    echo "<li><a href='/forums/topic.php?id=".$result->topic_id."'>".$result->topic_title."</a> (".human_time_diff(strtotime($result->topic_time." GMT"))." ago)</li>";


    Let’s put that all together – this should work right inside any wordpress template:

    <h2>Latest Forum Discussions</h2>
    global $wpdb;
    $query="SELECT * FROM bb_topics WHERE topic_status=0 ORDER BY topic_time DESC LIMIT 10";
    foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo "<li><a href='/forums/topic.php?id=".$result->topic_id."'>".$result->topic_title."</a></li>";


    So we have the $results, how do we make a pretty list of them, say inside of our sidebar?

    We have to loop through them and print them out. This is where that list of fields inside of bb_topics comes in handy.

    Here’s just a list of titles to start with:

    foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo "<li>".$result->topic_title."</li>";

    Of course that’s not very useful, because they aren’t clickable. To make them clickable will take a little bit more work:

    foreach ($results as $result) {
    echo "<li><a href='/forums/topic.php?id=".$result->topic_id."'>".$result->topic_title."</a></li>";

    That example uses quite a few shortcuts to get the job done, it hardcoded the path to your forums (change /forums/ if needed) and even if your bbPress uses pretty permalinks, it simply uses the topic id number to get there – bbPress will redirect back to permalinks. If you absolutely know you have permalinks and want to use them, you could have done something like this instead:

    <a href='/forums/topic/".$result->topic_slug."'>"

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