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  • #69059

    I’m getting annoyed by bbPress already…

    Wouldn’t post my reply and then posted 3 times and then no way to delete them… :|



    I had the same problem. I had to manually add a row to the wp_usermeta table! For some reason, I lost the “wp_user_level” on my user… setting that to “10” fixed the problem! I had full admin rights to the WP install again, while keeping the “keymaster stuff” on wp_capabilities…

    Hope it helps…

    I’m still struggling with some stuff and wish I didn’t have to have my users sign in twice… I might come up with a solution for that or, at least, have the BB login look exactly like my WP’s custom login page. I’m actually contemplating of just taking punBB… It’s no more of a PITA to install and configure and it’s a much better solution!

    And I thought bbPress would be better and easier because of being from the same “ecosystem”… I was *sooooo* wrong… ;(



    I have worked with wordpress for awhile and am pretty advanced with it. I am creating a new website, and would like to add a forum to it. This will be my first time working with the bbPress forum. I have looked around this forum for most of the day, trying to figure out the best way to start. Since I have not done anything yet, and will be integrating the forum with wordpress from the beginning, I am looking for suggestions, with links if you would like, on the quickest way to do this. Some specific questions are how do the templates compare to those for wordpress, do I use one of two databases? Anything else would be helpful!



    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Sam Bauers

    Setting up the Facebook page took about 15 minutes. It was just a whim. Part irony… :)


    The “deep” integration you talk about and have had trouble with is a known problem. But it is not the focus of my development time at the moment. There is also a chance support for it will be dropped completely if there are too many blockers leading up to 1.0, I’m not a fan of the method which is basically only accidentally a possibility at the moment. I’ll look into it but I have to warn you, it will be last on my list leading up to 1.0

    Integration of user tables and cookies is a priority on the other hand, as is creating a full XML-RPC interface for those who want to pull data into a WordPress install. I know of only one problem with cookie sharing which has no solution at the moment (admins who login via WordPress have no access to bb-admin), and I will be working on a solution for that soon (it requires a WordPress plugin to be authored, which opens up the possibility to make a few other steps during integration on the WordPress side easier).

    Integration only became a real “feature” of bbPress with 0.9 when it was brought front and centre during install and got it’s own admin options page. Unfortunately WordPress is a moving target and it is difficult to keep up with all it’s changes (especially when internally at Automattic we still use 0.9). It’s a little unfair to say that bbPress isn’t usable. We use it for some very big forums ourselves, all of which have some level of integration going on.

    Anyway, don’t get me wrong, your comments are welcome here and I’m glad you are a real fan and not just a Facebook fan.


    both…. sort of….

    let me see if I can storybook it for you….

    * User goes to main website

    * This main page lists what’s playing, what jsut played and what’s coming up

    * From this page are links to browse the online catalog, tune in, and the forums (which are at ).

    * I would, at this point to also be able to include the login form… which would be tied to the bbPress database. It would have the same effect as if they had clicked the link to the forums and logged in there

    * Once the user has logged in (either through the front page or through the forums) I’d like the login form to be replaced by a greeting. In addition, if they then make a request (by going through the online catalog and hitting the Request button), I want to capture their user name (how? I’m not sure I care, all I need is the info) so that I can store it in the music database for display on the front page with their request.

    Would I be better off moving my forums out of a subdomain, and putting it under a folder in the main part of the site (so it would be ) instead? Then at least I shouldn’t have any cookie issues… since it would then be from the same domain…. technically even with a subdomain it *should* be from the same domain, but cookies don’t always see themselves that way.

    Dang, why do I feel like this is harder than it should be? People integrate with WP all the time w/o (many) issues…. I think this should be easier, at least in theory.


    Sam Bauers

    It’s hard to tell what you are trying to do from the description.

    There are a couple of ways you can check a users auth credentials against a remote install of bbPress. Sharing cookies is another problem altogether if you want single sign-on to both sites.

    What are you after? Just the ability to auth against the bbPress user database or single sign-on across the sites.


    In reply to: Generating secret keys

    Sam Bauers

    I almost forgot…

    If you have an urge to hard code the secret salts in there as well then you can go here:

    The salts are usually generated for you and stored in the database. Few people have to add them manually to the file.

    Sam Bauers

    WordPress has had an online tool available for a while to generate random strings in a format suitable for the wp-config.php file. It is at:

    This has just been extended to return code appropriate for bbPress as well. Just go to:

    Enjoy! Sam.


    YEaaah….. two different databases… in fact the databases will be on different servers… in two different parts of the country… both behind firewalls…. not a long story, but that’s the setup.

    Maybe if I explain a little more, it’ll put it into context – the web site is for a radio station. The main part of the web site will be used for initial announcements, browsing albums and making requests.

    What I want to be able to do from the website is three things:

    1) include the login from as needed (or greet the user if logged in)

    2) allow the user to make requests – if they are logged in. If they aren’t then I want to redirect them

    3) store the username with the request when made (if I can get to the user name, then I can store it in the other database – there’s a place for it already.)

    Other than that, there’s nothing I need directly from the bbPress database. I don’t need to access the database, just need to get their UserID/UserName if they are logged in (presumably if the UserName is set, they are logged in, or is that too easy? :P )

    I’d like to note that I’ve been using bbPress off and on for the last couple of years, WP for even longer and I am a programmer by trade… so don’t be afraid to the lay the technology on me, I can take it. I’m decent in PHP, but by no means an expert, and I don’t have trouble figuring out the stuff I don’t know… especially if I’m just pointed in the right direction.

    If I include the following at the top of the pages where I need it… will it give me what I need to do this:



    $bb_db_override = false;
    do_action( 'bb_index.php_pre_db', '' );


    I know I would need at least the first require for bb-load.php (naturally changing the path to the correct location). But would I also need the other two lines? (I will be searching the documentation for those two settings to see what I can find.)



    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    I think you summed it up awesomely. I know that I’ve only recently discovered bbPress, and that right now my contributions are minimal and certainly don’t justify the attitude that came out of my fingers. I do sincerely apologize for venting my frustrations, but Chris is totally right as far as login and theme integration go.

    I graduated to WordPress from phpBB and the CHBB categories hierarchy spin-off of phpBB2.x. What I love about WP, I hate about phpBB, and what I love about phpBB, I hate about WordPress. What the phpBB team always did well, was catalog and document their code and coding guidelines, almost always and from the start. Even though different authors wrote different pages, the code always looked the same and worked the same, but WP and BBP aren’t like that. Finding and repairing WP/BBP issues is becoming increasingly difficult as there are functions hidden within functions that add one extra capability just to echo other functions.

    If I could have a dream job right now, it would be to get paid to be the code janitor to the automatic teams code for the wp3.0 and bbpress 2.0 milestones. To refresh the codebase for the major revisions. Also coming from phpBB, I’m surprised to see WP uses so many echo statements all over the place. I feel the template engine that the phpBB Categories Hierarchy uses was just so amazing and worked so well that moving to WordPress felt like a step sidways.

    Anyhow, I’ve taken this topic way off topic, and I don’t mean to vent my ill feelings in what should be a celebration topic. If you mods want to clean this up or split this apart I would totally understand.



    Just had another idea !!!!! Would this scenerio work?


    In the KAKUMEI theme, can this line (Line 43): <?php if ( bb_forums() ) : ?>

    be replaced to to just call up on the front page only the forums that have a certain ID?

    Something like: <?php if ( bb_forums(ID=1,2,3,4,5) ) : ?>

    I don’t know PHP that well to be able to guess the actual code required. What do you think?

    Have tried what zappoman suggested here ( but cannot get it to work.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I will chime in with my thoughts.

    1. Most people who find bbPress do so because of its integration capabilities with WordPress. I would say that is the most common non-problem question on these forums. How do you integrate the logins so you can log in at either bbPress or WordPress and the login carries across to the other side. Integrated; seemless.

    2. The other common thing people want to be able to do is make their bbPress install look like their WordPress install. Loading WordPress inside bbPress is not recommended, but it’s the easiest way to accomplish including the header, sidebar, footer, etc. But, that seems to break other things. Regardless, I would say that’s the second most requested feature, how do I get my bbPress installation to look like a WordPress page. I know it’s not a WordPress plugin, but, this is what people want.

    So, 1) integrated logins and 2) making bbPress look like WordPress. If it can’t do those things easily, then it’s just forum software. Maybe it’s better in the things it does and doesn’t do, compared to other forum software, but we should stop saying you can integrate bbPress and WordPress because it just doesn’t happen easily. So, it’s forum software from the people who make WordPress.

    Also, WordPress 2.5 is recommended by bbPress for integrated logins. 2.5 came out around April 2008 IIRC.

    You know, I thought the same thing as johnjamesjacoby when I saw this post: how about fixing what’s broken and leave Facebook alone. Then I thought Facebook doesn’t take much time to set up and it might be a good diversion. So, it’s harmless in and of itself, but, really, I would prefer to fix these two issues and then see the volume of support requests here drop off a cliff.

    Just my $.02.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I just disagree with promoting a product before it’s even usable.

    bbPress is very usable, just not finished. But it’s certainly *not* being promoted. All we have is this support forum. If it was being promoted, it would be listed on and there would be hundreds of thousands of users. bbPress currently has less than 10,000 active installs. That should change by this time next year.

    bbPress was originally written by Matt to simply give a support forum for WordPress ( Everything from there was just Matt releasing the source. There never was a general plan after that until Matt started talking about TalkPress which is still very far away by my best guess.

    bbPress’s greatest strength is it can be integrated in many websites easily and made to look like them easily. But it’s still a growing child and very young. If you are looking for a polished product, you need something with over half a decade of development like phpBB, vBulletin or SMF. The downside to them is they are very rigid and hard to develop for. bbPress is incredibly easy to develop for, I only learned PHP a few years ago and look what I’ve managed to do. Just imagine what a person who knew what they were doing could do ;-)


    If you have your own server make sure you setup your mysql cache properly and even more importantly make sure you install some kind of PHP opcode cache (eaccelerator, xcache or APC). Even the fastest server will greatly benefit from an opcode cache.


    Yes that configuration is certainly possible.

    The same logic applies, both cookies need to be using the webroot as the path.


    You’d have to copy all your bb_ tables to a new database, so (this is theory) you could export them AND your wp_users table (obviously as a copy).

    Make a new install of bbPress (rather than try to undo everything you did to integrate), then import the old data.


    Hello, I’ve started up with installing WordPress, then bbPress and integrated them. Since I’ve decided that I won’t be using a blog in near future I’d like bbPress to be running standalone (with its own user table) and independent of WordPress. How can this be done?

    Many thanks.


    Hello, is it possible to run bbPress in webroot and WordPress in a subdir and have them integrated? (This option is not mentioned in the initial FAQ here in this topic)



    I have the same issue.

    Basically I have in my site a table “users” with with 4 fields (id, login, password, connexion)

    Whenever a user logs in, I generate a random string and put it in the user’s connexion field and create a ‘login’ cookie.

    What I want is that if a ‘login’ cookie is detected, bbpress reads the cookie’s value and matches it against the users table and then creates the user instance.

    Also in the topic list I want bbpress to display users from my users table.

    Can anyone guide me how to achieve this? Is it even possible?


    hi u all. sorry for the late reply. i’ve got it sorted. it’s because of my server cache level is not enough for handling newer version of server software. I recently bought a hp proliant server and all the issues been sorted. thanks for the reply. i’m thinking to develop a plugin for bbpress now since i’m happy with my server.. ;)


    Thank you for your support sambauers , but I’m afraid the domain just got registered by someone else …

    Even so , I will translate the bbpress 1.0 ( when it will be released ) .


    I was looking into this the other day since I know that phpBB has a plugin to do just that, show a downsized clickable Image to prevent users from messing with the layout.

    Here’s the Demo:

    My users are annoying in that aspect. : /

    Wonder if this could be translated into bbPress.


    I tried DarkGrave’s suggestion to remove these lines from bb-settings.php:

    require( BBPATH . BBINC . ‘bozo.php’);


    require( BBPATH . BBINC . ‘akismet.php’);

    Bozo – what are the triggers?

    But those lines weren’t in my settings file.

    I also deleted the meta record from bb_usermeta, but that didn’t help either.


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page

    Well, I’m not missing the point of final products, but WordPress is at version 2.7 and isn’t quite a final product either. The result of the community driven open source product is that pre 1.0 alpha/beta software isn’t really any more or less stable than the next “stable” version, because even if development stops for a moment to celebrate the next milestone, there is still more to do.

    I also get how bbPress was introduced and how the developers have chosen to support it. I just disagree with promoting a product before it’s even usable. I guess I take more pride in my product than that. I run the trunk version of both WP and BBP on a relatively small website. I update them nightly. It’s really the best way for me to stay involved and report back problems. I just feel this integration issue is way more important than the attention it gets. It just seems to me like it’s never really worked right ever. :/

    And I also choose personally to not believe that just because a product is graciously delivered to someone for free, that there aren’t certain expectations placed on the quality of that product. I could give someone a cookie, but if it’s stale or poisoned doesn’t really make me a good friend.

    Also, the last thing I want to do is bite the hand that feeds me. I really love bbPress and WordPress, promise. I just find the development cycle frustrating some days.

    (Off topic: We’ve called animal control, the police, and the condo association. The police say they can’t give her a ticket if she isn’t home, and when she’s home the dog doesn’t bark so they can’t ticket her then either. They’re useless. Animal control told me that if I do not have proof of cruelty in terms of the dog not having adequate food and water, they will not pursue the owner. The condo association is writing her their third letter asking her to correct the issue. Writing a letter is less effective than posting on a forum. ;) )


    In reply to: bbPress Facebook page


    I have no use for facebook myself but johnjamesjacoby I think you are missing the point that bbPress is not even a 1.0 final product yet and should not be used on projects if that can’t deal with bugs and problems. You should never install a pre-1.0, alpha or beta product unless you can handle bugs.

    bbPress like WordPress was not developed for the heck of it to give out for free, it was written for and just happens to have free source available.

    (and you need to call animal control if there’s a dog barking for that long, most towns have anti-noise ordinances to protect you from that kind of annoyance)

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