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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #70970

    This problem has come up a couple times in the past couple days:

    The function do_action exists in ./bb-includes/wp-functions.php. Do you have that file and is it complete? Is there a line (around 641, in anyway) that starts with:

    function do_action ($tag, $arg = '') {

    Is it possible that not all the files were properly uploaded?


    In reply to: Single topic only


    If it were me, (which it’s not :-) ) I would use WordPress for this. Everything seems easier except for the comment moderation, but searching for comment moderation plugins for WordPress turned up a few options. So, I think I would narrow my search to WordPress plugins rather than trying to strip out 85% of the functionality that exists in bbPress.

    My 2¢


    In reply to: Single topic only


    I have an alternate question on this now.

    I want to always be what would normally be displayed at

    I know how to manipulate the templates sufficiently to cripple the navigation and make it look like there is only one page, but I don’t know how to change front-page.php (as referred to in index.php) to essentially be topic.php?id=2 so that is the default index view.

    Any ideas?



    I was able to pull out log files..

    /home1/aboutonl/public_html/bbpress/error_log: [05-Jan-2009 10:59:26] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function do_action() in /home1/aboutonl/public_html/bbpress/index.php on line 6 [05-Jan-2009 11:08:16] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function do_action() in /home1/aboutonl/public_html/bbpress/index.php on line

    What should I do now?


    I know all about databases, I’ve been working with MySQL for years, have had 3 different sites, all with autonomous forums. I’ve had occasions to uninstall and reinstall after removing database tables. Plug-ins shouldn’t leave hidden files like that. Once you remove the tables, they should all be gone, and that’s not the case here. There are still items in my tables that have %bb in them and I’m afraid to delete them because they are so integrated with word-press. I switched to Simple Press and have found it much more user friendly and their support outstanding. I’m having a couple little issues and I’m convinced they have to do with the installation of this plug-in.

    I appreciate what goes into development, so please don’t get me wrong. I just think people should heed the warning before proceeding.


    In reply to: Single topic only


    I’m not even considering Joomla for this. Joomla is for the news part of our site and not a consideration for this at all.

    I’m basically tossing up between bbPress and WordPress.

    I like the bbPress plugin bbPress Moderation Suite because it will allow my moderators to ban users for a period, generate an email and automatically remove the ban once it expires. However, I’m yet to find a way to reverse the order of posts in a topic so it’s most recent to least recent.

    However, I find it easier to limit WordPress to only showing a “single topic” because, essentially, I can just post a single item and have the Comments do the rest. With some minor tweaks I can have the default WordPress page as the single post and remove other navigation features. I have the plugin for reversing the sort order so that’s covered too. But the user moderation features don’t appear to match that of “bbPress Moderation Suite” and I’m keen to have that for my moderators.

    Basically, I’m looking for forum-like features with the following constraints:

    • a single topic and viewing it is the default page
    • descending sort order
    • no user private messaging

    If I can then add poll and live chat plugins, as well as some basic filtering options by allowing posters to tag their posts, that would be a bonus.


    This will never happen because it’s physically impossible as the code is designed.

    Ok :) then the plugin will have to put wp inside bbpress but I still think that it will be a bbpress plugin.

    I even could think in another solution; turning wp comment system into a forum. You only had to allow all members to post in the wp blog, make a custom category for them and a custom template for that category. There would be no front-page though.

    BTW, _ck_, could you please tell us how did you add pagination to front-page latest posts in your bbpress showcase? :)


    In reply to: Single topic only


    Having built sites in both Joomla and WordPress, let me steer you toward WordPress.

    You mention:

    User Moderation

    Comment Moderation

    User Profile

    User Moderation, not sure what you need to do that’s not built in.

    Comment moderation is built in.

    This plugin extends the built in user profile:

    I have 10x more confidence that you could do this more easily with WordPress than Joomla and I think I would select WordPress over bbPress for this as well.

    What did you see in WordPress that was a limitation for you?


    Another thing that I believe it is that sooner or later bbpress will have a wp plugin version or that it will be a plugin bridge to put it inside of wordpress.

    This will never happen because it’s physically impossible as the code is designed. Also the deep integration would use so many resources that a busy forum will get you kicked off of most shared hosts. bbPress 1.0 + WordPress 2.7 running at the same time with deep integration and several plugins is over 1 megabyte of code PER INSTANCE (per user visiting, per page load).

    This is why I always say don’t deeply integrate.

    However when WordPress eventually switches to the backpress core (think version 3.5 perhaps?) it will be easier to have them deeply integrated without so much excessive resource use.


    famous you use the ones from your wp-config file and put those in the bbPress admin page for WP integration.

    ganzua that is … weird, but okay.


    In reply to: Single topic only


    I am considering that approach as well. Part of the problem I face using WordPress is finding the plugins to allow the user moderation, comment moderation and user profile features I’m after. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong places for WordPress plugins, I dunno. I’ve been spending most of my time looking at Joomla for another major site replacement so haven’t got much time to explore WordPress.

    I mentioned over on _ck_’s forum that I’m willing to pay someone to help me nut this out … whether it’s WordPress comments-based or bbPress matters little to me, I’m just looking for a solution :)




    In reply to: Error after upload


    You should probably post that comment on this thread:


    In reply to: Upgrade advice needed.


    What are the security issues you are concerned with in 2.5.1?

    There is no date I know of for releasing bbPress 1.0, and there has been an alpha release almost weekly, which means it’s a moving target as new things get addressed in every alpha release.


    regarding the post_author_link issue, I solve it, you need to change post_author_link for topic_author.

    This link is ver handy;

    Nevertheless, I don’t know if it is kept up to date.


    I am a bit confused? I have these in my wp-config for mu.wordpress–do I use these:

    define( ‘AUTH_SALT’, ‘gggggggggggggg’ );

    define( ‘LOGGED_IN_SALT’, ‘ggggggggggggg’ );

    define( ‘SECURE_AUTH_SALT’, ‘gggggggggggggggggggggg’ );

    or the ones in:

    which one’s do I use? They are different from each other…

    And then do I just update my phpadmin tables? Currently, I am using the 2nd option, but there is no connection. Thanks


    I have several wordpress blogs and have upgraded all but one to 2.7

    I still have one using 2.5.1 to upgrade, which has bbpress

    linked to it. When will I be able to upgrade, as I’m aware that 2.5.1 has apparently some security issues.

    If I upgrade the blog now will I lose he forum, any help greatly Appreciated.

    Thanks. Mike.


    BTW, I changed post_author_link for post_author_id and all IDs appears as zero.


    check the bb_topics table in that db and check what it says for the ‘topic_poster_name’ column

    Checked. Below topic_poster and topic_poster_name columns are all the right starter user IDs and usernames.

    With the default theme I have the same error. Actually, my custom theme is a stripped kakumei :(


    The default kakumei template has no post_author_link in front-page.php or forum.php. Perhaps it is that post_author_link doesn’t work anymore inside the forum loop because the topic loop is different.


    That’s what I have too. :| That’s really wild.

    Do you have access to your SQL database? If so, check the bb_topics table in that db and check what it says for the ‘topic_poster_name’ column. The default for that on my table is ‘Anonymous’ so it’s like it’s not writing to that field. Which would mean even if you flipped the bit to the old theme, the database still has it wrong.

    So, try making a test post while using the default theme?


    I just checked both. I removed the language file and the same error.

    For showing the topic starter I have <?php post_author_link(); ?> in my template. Is this wrong?


    Okay, I’ve got 1.0-a-6 and no problem with posts.

    Your individual topics are fine. The only thoughts that jump to mind is that it’s your theme or your language pack. Maybe it’s pulling the wrong field?


    You’re using an anon-posting plugin?

    No, I didn’t start to install plugins yet, only bbsmilies is engaged.


    I understand famous point of view because I was there too. I’m pretty sure that sooner or later it will be a plugin to give bbpress all mainstream forums features.

    Another thing that I believe it is that sooner or later bbpress will have a wp plugin version or that it will be a plugin bridge to put it inside of wordpress.


    It’s interesting to me when people say “absolutely essential” in regards to software.

    The functionality is available in a plugin, it’s just not built into bbPress. bbPress’ philosophy is to leave stuff like that out of the core, and I’m glad for that. I don’t need it. If you do need it, install a plugin. Or, if you disagree with the philosophy, you’re free to install other forum software that more closely aligns with your needs.

    Now, if we want to talk about the lack of documentation, telling you how to do all these things with bbPress, well, that’s a whole different story. I’ve heard before that there probably won’t be much documentation before version 1 is released.

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