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  • #4686

    Functions (optional)

    …In order to do it, you need to put require_once(‘path/to/wp-blog-header.php’); in bbPress’ bb-config.php (wp-blog-header is in the same directory as WordPress’ wp-config.php file).

    Doing this will add quite a lot of weight to your bbPress installation as it will cause WordPress to load in it’s entirety. Your best option is to try to emulate the functionality you require inside a bbPress plugin.

    Adding wp-blog-header.php to my bb-config causes lots of functionality issues.

    Therefore has anyone made any of these plugins? I’m mostly looking to get wp_list_pages working.


    Lets say in theory I was going to try and integrate bbPress’s functions into WordPress.

    Theoretically, where would I look if I didn’t want bbPress to clear out the wp_head function? :)


    In reply to: bbpress vs phpbb



    I am using phpbb3 for now, but I’m not really good at database stuff and admin stuff. I love all open source projects, especially phpbb3, bbpress, wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc… even though I’m not very “Geeky” yet and am only just beginning to learn the basics of CSS (let alone php etc).

    So… I am speaking from the perspective of a non-technical forum administrator frustrated by various interactions of various software. I don’t mind doing the grunt work of setting things up IN the software, but don’t know the code to work ON software. EG: Once phpbb3 is installed, I can easily set up forums, permissions, etc. It’s just easy point and click stuff. But messing around in mysql and database stuff still terrifies me, I’m afraid of breaking something. It’s all too big. I just want to install it and have it work.

    I appreciate that there are various philosophies behind each style of software, but here goes…


    1. Nothing to do with you guys, but number 1 on my list is to have Fantastico (or something equivalent) that can make installation of WordPress / Joomla / Whatever EASY! (My client is a volunteer campaigning group that just happened to choose Brinkster which don’t use Cpanel, let alone have Fantastico).

    2. After EASY fantastico installation, I install WordPress.

    3. Then within WordPress I browse across to the various add-ons pages in the WordPress Control Panel (A VERY cool new feature of WordPress that Drupal and Joomla should add to their systems!) and then click “INSTALL FORUM?” and WordPress suddenly installs a completely compatible forum, just like that, with all the power of phpbb3 built-in.

    4. I then choose 1 of say 20 or 30 “looks” (templates, themes, whatever) that are already pre-configured to allow sign-in of users on all pages, especially the forum page. If I want to change the colour of a background element or use a new image in the header, I just point and click to template editing and do it ala Blogger. (No CSS required).

    This sort of software is on the way. Joomla now has “Agora” which is already fairly advanced. Once Joomla is installed through the 50 second Fantastico installation, Agora only takes about 50 seconds to install as well. EVEN I CAN DO IT! But the Joomla / Agora combination does not yet have Step 4, which is killing me… I have to muck around with all sorts of plug-ins and extra bits to get a horizontal log-in menu I can put up just under my header (so it’s in the same place no matter what template I’m in).

    I saw the video of how to integrate WP and BBpress, and ran a mile screaming! It just looked very intimidating.

    So anyway, the Joomla / Agora combination is hardly perfect, but as you know these things keep on developing and Hazzaa over at Agora is MANIC in the rate he’s developing his product. Version 3 is nearly out, and it’s only been 10 months.

    Just thought I should give you guys the heads up. The competition is great, because it forces us all to evolve.

    EG: I LOVE the sound of WordPress’s new one click upgrade function, and hope Joomla gets that soon! (It’s just me and database stuff again… eeerrgh!) Combine that with easy forum upgrades, backups, etc, and software that’s Mac-like in that it “just works”, and I’m a happy camper.

    PS: I forgot to check this thread in case there were replies, because I automatically get an email from every other forum I belong to. Old habits die hard. Agora has an automatic emailing function built in, it’s not a plug in. ;-)


    checked the database and it seems the following line went from

    bb_capabilities a:2:{s:13:”keymaster”;b:1;s:8:”throttle”;b:1;}


    bb_capabilities a:2:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;s:8:”throttle”;b:1;}

    The first one being when it was not working


    Ok i logged out of wp and logged back in and I am now able to log in to bbpress again, is there any reason for this?


    Fyi this seem to be affecting all users rather than just the admin!


    In reply to: Upload Problem


    What version of bbPress are you using and are you talking about a specific plugin that allows you to upload?


    @ganzua – do you have examples of plugins that do that?


    just found this post regarding the ‘inactive’ thing, although their fix hasn’t fixed my issue.


    Hi all,

    we have launch the new version of ours blog with added integration with bbpress (alpha 1-6). We would appeal to us to have some opionions about this and others opionions to improve bbpress and even to make it better




    Not only won’t it work, you’ll find caching a forum vs a blog rather pointless unless you have very few members.



    I installed wp 2.7 and bbpress 1.0 (alpha 6) and all seem to work.

    I have only a little problem: when a user changes his website in his profile editor, bbPress doesn’t show the website link but the profile link!

    Anyone can help me?

    Thank you,




    Ahhh, he istalled wp plugins in bbpress folder. Sorry, my post was referring to wp plugins that are installed in wp plugins. Some of them cause errors when you browse bbpress.


    BBpress 1.06a and Topic views plugin 1.6.3. I couldn’t paginate last posts in front-page.php

    If you know how, please share some knowledge :) What I wanted is to have an unlimited number of posts in the front-page loop and set a pagination. I think this feature would be a great improvement for bbpress.

    I’m interested too in a last 10 posts loop for my 404 page :)


    i use wpmu 2.7 and bbpress!

    I reinstall everything from scratch. Now it works! for information should be recorded wordpress site in the form for users of WPMU.

    thank you


    > I read that WordPress wp-caching plugins should work

    Where did you read that? I never had the impression that WordPress plugins would work when installed in bbPress.


    There is a bunch of wp plugins that doesn’t work with bbpress. You click whatever bbpress link and you find out that you have installed a wp plugin that doesn’t work with bbpress. Last one I found was wp “Feed statistics”, it causes an error whenever you click a view in the views section.


    How do I setup on the front-page.php to list pagination?

    Meaning, if I have more than 30 threads – I would like it to say “Page 1, 2, 3…” as links

    I assume this is a bbPress function call but can’t find it


    I just downloaded and installed bbPress ALPHA.

    All is working okay.

    I read that WordPress wp-caching plugins should work, I just installed the WP SuperCache into /my-plugins/

    I logged in as Admin, went to ACTIVATE the plugin and received the following error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_option() in /home/uptownelite/ on line 30

    Any ideas why?

    I thought WP caching plugins are suppose to work in bbPress ALPHA


    I can’t make this plugin work :(

    Do you have it working in your bbpress installation?


    Can you check your database to see that you permissions states

    bb_capabilities a:1:{s:9:”keymaster”;b:1;}


    What versions of bbPress and WordPress did you integrate?


    Basically heres the issue I’m having. I have a wordpress installation and and a bbpress installation working together, I would like to create a special role for contributors on bbpress so that my contributors on wordpress can go to view things specific to contributors. I don’t want to allow my contributors access to moderator rights.

    So there you have it, is there a way to create a custom role so I can assign them special access?

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