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  • #71926

    In reply to: Instant Password


    They are using the trunk which is why I didn’t bother to answer.

    I officially do not support anything past 1.0 alpha 5 at this point.

    I simply do not have the time anymore to fix for every 1.0 release.

    I will resume updating after 1.0 goes beta final someday.

    I may release a plugin to make bbPress 0.9 work with WP 2.7 cookies

    at some future date to allow people to use more plugins without problems.


    I use modified Refresh theme (it’s quite old) and it doesn’t allow me to edit users info or delete users. Also users can’t modify their info. I haven’t noticed any other problems in bbpress installation.

    Please advise me where to search for problem solution – in refresh theme itself or somewhere else? Thanks.


    Hi chrishajer,

    I tried to find a solution for this problem and well this is what I could get upon…

    When the WP config loads, it prepares the permalink string and then scans for a file (say links.txt) in the root folder.

    If the contents of the file are not same with the generated permalink string, then its written into that file.

    And when BBpress gets loaded, it reads that file for permalinks and then generates header/footer as per the links.

    I know that this is not the best of the methods. But still this is what I could think of.

    Hope its useful for anybody trying the same thing.


    To use WordPress functions (like wp_list_pages), you need to include WordPress in your bbPress. For something simple like this, I was hoping you could get away without doing that since it’s not recommended and at this point I’m not sure if it even works very well. The other problem with integration like that is that you need to integrate the Alpha version of bbPress with WordPress version 2.5 or newer. You’ve already installed 2.7 and I’m not certain what that achieved since the logins won’t be shared between those versions.

    I don’t know if there’s a good answer for this, which is why I suggested hard coding it, at least for now.


    In reply to: Instant Password


    I use this plugin, but don’t get that error.

    What version of bbPress are you on?


    I see on my Eeepc 701 some problem to display correctly some pages.

    I suppose it’s due to the 800 pix width of the EeePC screen..

    You can see on the screen shot that in the sentence “recent activity” in french “Activité récente” the second words overwrite the first.



    Hi chrishajer,

    Thanks for the suggestion…….

    but they are bound to change sometime in future.

    I also read your article. Thanks I was bit struggling with this thing also(getting WP info in BBpress). But even if I get the information, how would i construct the Permalink structure of the WP.

    I have been following the WP code to write my own functions, but they seem to go pretty deep and I dont know whether creating a copy of these functions in BBpress would be safe or not.


    Topic: Instant Password

    in forum Installation

    Hey All,

    I posted this here…

    but was wondering if anyone else had the same problem. I set up the instant password plugin and tried to set up a test accound but kept on getting a ‘password is too short’ message – no matter what I type in.



    There is no restart required for modifying an .htaccess file: Apache reads that for every access.

    The permalinks are not related to PHP4 vs PHP5.

    The permalink stuff is definitely 100% right now, at least for the 0.9.x series.

    I’m assuming you made the change in the admin to turn on the permalinks, in conjunction with adding the .htaccess rewrite rules?

    I had to insert this into my .htaccess to turn OFF the multiviews before the rewrite rules would work:

    Options -MultiViews


    Topic: Custom User Groups

    in forum Plugins

    Hi There, this really bugs me. I love bbpress and it’s simplicity.

    Im currently using Version

    Is there any plugin or feature that allows me to create custom user groups?

    I need to say group A is allowed to view forum xyz, while group B is not allowd to do so. (im already using Hidden Forums to prevent serval forum from being seen from those who are not logged in)

    I hope you get what I mean.

    thanks in advance

    – farly

    btw, my forum


    bbPress permalinks still not working for me.

    I have also a wordpress installation with the same hosting company on the same account. Rewrite works perfectly.

    My bbPress site 0.9.04:

    I tried ‘MultiViews’ and the ‘generated Rewrite rules’ in my .htacess file and nothing gets the pretty links to work. The html links are generated well but the pages are not found.

    There must be something else. Any hints for me?

    I am not into the Unix stuff too much and I am wondering if .htaccess files need a kind of ‘server restart’ or etc.???

    When I installed bbPress I also needed to add a line that instructs the server to use PHP5 instead of prev. versions. The bbPress requirements spoke always about PHP >4.3… so that was not right as well. I am wondering if the permalink stuff is may be not 100% at this point.

    Besides of that… bbPress is definitely a super cool product from you WP guys! It rocks and finally brings a good looking message board on the plate. Good work. Thanks!

    I appreciate a help re. the permalinks.



    i have wp 2.7 working fine with 1.0 alpha 6, as do some other users. i don’t remember doing anything special apart from manually pasting all the wordpress keys into the bbpress config file. the automatic config didn’t write anything to the files. it all worked fine once i did it manually.


    bbPress live does the opposite (I think it lets you show bbPress information in a WordPress site):

    Sounds like the plan is to allow what you’re looking for in future versions:

    You used to be able to use bbSync to do this, but that was prior to the 1.0 alpha versions.

    I’m not certain how you do this with the Alpha versions

    Shivanand Sharma

    Apologies for my brevity. I did find some technical issues that I should mention here – sometimes the script will fail to import in case forum title or description have the (‘) character like the word don’t,can’t etc. in that case I had to change them to do not, can not etc..

    Once you hit an error you must start from the begining by truncating the bbpress tables else it will throw error about duplicate keys etc. Hope this info helps someone.

    Shivanand Sharma

    A million thanks to you. Love you.


    Hi everyone,

    I am using WordPress 2.7.1 and bbPress 1.0-alpha-5. I am looking for a plugin – most likely for WordPress – that will add a topic in a forum when a post is published. This way users can discuss the post within the forum, rather than leaving a comment. I remember I had a plugin that could do this a while back, but I cannot find it, and it’s probably out dated by now.

    Please let me know of any plugin that could do this.


    It would be easiest to hard code them if they don’t change very often.

    _ck_ described how to get bbPress information inside WordPress. Maybe something similar would work in an opposite fashion to get WordPress information inside bbPress:


    I installed WordPress 2.7, along with BBpress

    Both my wordpress and bbpress use the same theme style.

    However, the links in header and footer use permalink function get_page_link in WP. But this is not defined in bbpress.

    Is there any way, we can fetch the permalinks defined for WP pages and display them on bbpress footer.

    Any help will be grateful.


    Hi all,

    i’ve created a forum with bbpress version 1.0-alpha-6; my question is:

    Is possible that the forum’s visitors can write on my forums without log in?

    If it’s possible how can i do?

    I’ve tried to find something like “write permissions” but i didn’t found it.

    Can someone help me ??????

    Thanks a lot


    In reply to: reCAPTCHA for bbPress


    Can this reCaptcha plugin be modified to work with the anonymous posting plugin? I have a small forum that I’d like to allow anonymous users to post, but I’d like to use reCaptcha to avoid spam.



    i have just recently got bbpress alpha 6 to work with my installation of wordpress 2.7… just how long will it be until it is safe to move the integration to a live site?



    John Blackbourn

    In reply to: List all Tags?


    my line 2529 was blank so i replaced the nearest thing i could see that was similar to

    return "<small> - <a href="/forum/profile.php?id=$tag->user_id">$poster</a></small> [<a href='$url' class='delete:$list_id:tag-{$tag->tag_id}_{$tag->user_id}' title='$title'>&times;</a>]";

    now, either as a result of this or as a result of the updates described in this page:

    …my tag area no longer automatically reloads when a tag is added, even though the tag is committed to the db and can be seen if you reload the page. i am a bit worried that users are going to be confused by this. i bet i have replaced the wrong line, but i am not sure…

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