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  • superann

    You can manually mark spam posts with my “Mass Edit” plugin.

    There are two email notification plugins available, one is the “post notification”

    and the other is my “subscribe to topics” (which is not robust yet).

    Sweet! Thanks for the recommendations, ck! I think I actually found mass edit at some point and downloaded it somewhere to my desktop. Unfortunately I have hundreds of files all over my desktop and I forgot what it was called. Post notification I’m using; I think I modified it at some point to not send on your own posts.

    Hey detective, are you the owner of the pm plugin? It would be great to get independent enhancements bundled into the one plugin in the repository!


    I am looking around at foum software.

    My main priorities are:

    Must be able to use adsense with it

    Must be highly customisable

    Can adsense be used with bbpress?



    Also, thanks for the welcome, ck! I do more theme customizations for WP but usually do it all the quick and dirty way, cramming things into function.php file rather than packaging it up nicely, and I often just hack features into other plugins to get it all working the way I want. Right now as far as bbPress is concerned on my to-do list is to find a good solution for manually marking spam posts, work email notification into the pm plugin, and set up the post notification to send email by default. Just haven’t had time to look into all that yet… if there are any existing solutions/patches, please let me know! Otherwise I’ll probably look into it at some point and contribute what I can (if anyone else is interested).

    Great! I was going to work on that in a few weeks :)


    First post updated to reflect the two new plugins available to allow WP 2.6, 2.7 or 2.8 to work with bbPress 0.9


    You can manually mark spam posts with my “Mass Edit” plugin.

    There are two email notification plugins available, one is the “post notification”

    and the other is my “subscribe to topics” (which is not robust yet).


    That’s a really sweet design!


    I just wanted to share the experience I have gathered while working, designing and pushing bbPress so as to not look like a generic bbPress instance. My latest work are these forums (the rest of the site is WordPress), and if you have the time please consider registering to be able to play a bit with the design from a member-perspective (enjoyed better in Safari). I would appreciate your feedback.

    I am really captivated by the possibilities bbPress offers; but I also feel the obscurity of these possibilities are somehow hindering proper development in the design department. The lack of a proper and exhaustive codex, readable for theme authors —without having to dig into core files—, remains as the biggest obstacle. I am all for contributing, should it be possible, in this way or another.


    I’ve installed bbPress 1.0.6. alpha and integrate it with WordPress 2.7.1. Everything is fine.

    But there is one big problem:

    When user with IE is registered, he can use forum for 2 or 3 days, after that he cannot open no one topic. After User is log in and click on topic link page loads and there is error pop-up, that says (translated to English):

    Can not load page –there is url to topic page–

    Operation aborted

    With “OK” button.

    After clicking “OK” there is IE page, that says “Internet Explorer can not view this page”.

    In Firefox, Chrome, K-Meleon and Opera everything is fine.

    You can test it on:

    Sorry for my English.


    Thanks johnmc! I worked hard on the site; haven’t spent nearly as much time with bbPress as I have with WP so I kind of did the absolute minimum to start and was lazy about the cookie integration that didn’t work out of the box… until someone else on my forums complained…

    WP and bbPress are running side by side off the same user database, same process to set up as described in the integration thread here. No deep integration, just customized the templates to match. Registrations are routed to WP via a direct link to it in the login-form.php template, which is cool as I use the Register Plus plugin there to customize things a bit. Logins (and outs) are integrated via cookies using the plugin which you can grab here:

    Also, thanks for the welcome, ck! I do more theme customizations for WP but usually do it all the quick and dirty way, cramming things into function.php file rather than packaging it up nicely, and I often just hack features into other plugins to get it all working the way I want. Right now as far as bbPress is concerned on my to-do list is to find a good solution for manually marking spam posts, work email notification into the pm plugin, and set up the post notification to send email by default. Just haven’t had time to look into all that yet… if there are any existing solutions/patches, please let me know! Otherwise I’ll probably look into it at some point and contribute what I can (if anyone else is interested).


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    Yep, cleared all my cookies and it appears that things work as they should. I haven’t pored over the source too considerably but from what I saw it looks like there are very few dependencies, which makes sense as I’m guessing WP wants you to be able to integrate sign on systems without jumping through hoops.

    My sites aren’t “deeply” integrated, so it would be great to get some feedback from anyone who tries this on a deep integration.

    Plugin here:

    In retrospect I shouldn’t have put this at v1.0, but I expect its useful life might be short anyway once bbPress 1.0 is released…


    Oh and by the way Ann, welcome to bbPress (though I see you were around here a few months ago for a short bit).

    Seems like you know how to code so that’s great to see, hopefully you’ll get addicted to bbPress too and churn out some plugins ;-)


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    It’s strange that I didn’t think to downgrade WP 2.7 to match bbPress 0.9 but I guess I overthought the process and figured the new “auth” cookie method would be required in the admin area on WP so it would break. I assume you have tested your admin access in WordPress after your changes?

    WordPress 2.7 added three new kinds of cookies, surprised it doesn’t break anything when you force it backwards. Did you delete all of your old cookies on your browser to make sure it wasn’t “cheating” ?

    In any case, my new plugin is here and should be downloadable for testing shortly:

    One plus to the WP downgrade method is it might work with deep integration where mine will definitely not work and should not even be tried that way.


    What she did is downgrade the cookie functions in WP 2.7 to the cookie functions from WP 2.5

    This takes away the extra auth cookie that WP 2.6-2.8 uses but it should be okay.

    There are only 4 functions that need to be replaced.

    However I’ve just finished a plugin that does the opposite approach, it allows WP 2.7 to keep it’s cookies and bbPress 0.9 switches to the newer cookie method instead.


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    On a funny coincidence, I just finished a plugin to make 0.9 work with 2.7 cookies.

    But are you saying you downgraded WP 2.7’s cookies into 2.5 cookies to make it work with bbPress by replacing the functions from the WP 2.5 pluggable?

    Mine is the opposite approach, it let’s WP 2.7 keep it’s cookies and bbPress uses the logged_in cookie from WP.

    I guess either technique is valid. You must have forced the salt to be the same on both sides though.


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    Yep, same method above works with WP 2.7.1 and bbPress Just tested and there’s full cookie integration.


    That looks awesome! Do you have a writeup or even some basic instructions on how you managed to get this working?


    WP 2.6 and bbPress 0.9 completely integrated with single sign-ons and offs sitewide. Themes are integrated for a consistent design. Tons of custom and customized plugins with no edits to the core! – San Francisco Bay Area community and resource for fans of anime, manga, and Japanese pop culture


    In reply to: WordPress 2.7 options


    Are the login functions any different in 2.7 from 2.6? I just wrote in the WP + bbPress integration forum about having successfully integrated WP 2.6 and bbPress 0.9 logins by just overriding all the WP pluggable cookie functions via a plugin with code copied right from WP 2.5’s pluggable.php file. I was thinking I could just do the same for 2.7…


    I followed some of these instructions and completely integrated WP 2.6.2 and bbPress 0.9 logins on my site today ( I’d already had 2.6 up and running when I installed bbPress and didn’t want to roll back (I really need to roll forward at some point), so I just copied and pasted all the old WP 2.5 cookie functions from pluggable.php into a separate plugin file for my 2.6 install, set all the paths and keys, and it’s working well. I expect you can just do the same with WP 2.7 if you want to integrate it with bbPress 0.9. Anyway just wanted to report that it IS possible to get 2.6 (and up probably) working with bbPress 0.9 without too much more pain. If anyone’s interested in the plugin file that has the WP 2.5 functions you need, just let me know!


    Gaaah! The site is seriously screwed up. It loops to, prompts for password, and I can’t seem to get past that. Had to shut down firefox.

    _ck_ yer site puked!


    I really like the theme and would possibly like to use it for a project, but it seems that has been taken down. Is there somewhere else I can download it?


    I know these have been done before, but I have released 3 blank bbPress themes that match my blank WordPress themes.

    You can download them here.

    I’ve also taken a long break from bbPress theme development. I’m getting back into it, so expect more themes for bbPress soon.


    In reply to: List all Tags?

    Probably. Looking at this page for an example…

    <div id="othertags">
    <ul id="yourtaglist">
    <li id="tag-87_349081"><a href="" rel="tag">tag</a> </li>

    349081 is the user ID of whomever made the tag

    tag-87 is the tag ID of the tag (which in this case is ‘tag’)

    Now you can go to and easily see who that is so you can probably use get_username(349081) or something to get the name for a mouse over. I don’t know of a way to parse the tag ID number, though.


    Getting slashes before quotes/apostrophes in bbPress 1.0-alpha-6 integrated with WP.

    What does that mean? /’ doesn’t work or …?


    I doubt the post is being “mulled over” though, as it’s been deleted and not closed. I know this because i went to fix a typo less than 2 minutes after posting (there’s a typo in the firs paragraph) and it was closed. So who every closed it, did so without reading the post. It was deleted not long after.

    As a fellow bbAdmin, I’m sure you know that a deleted post remains in the DB and can be read from the admin console. :) will work for an admin/mod/key master etc.

    i would like to reiterate that if people still refer to this as an open-source project and us contributors as a community, then we have to accept that there will be voices out there that don’t 100% agree with us on everything. Deleting posts that detail such opinions only makes the consensus of a view point insular and narrow.

    I don’t feel the same, which is not to say I disagree with the sentiment. I can see how it could be viewed that way, but that isn’t how I see it. Nuff said, we can chat semantics of open-source ethics elsewhere!

    Also to your three questions: No one can answer # 1. Ever. The ‘Right’ direction for you is different than for me and for _ck_ and for everyone else. ‘Right direction’ is way too subjective. And as a developer, I hate when people ask me ‘Would it be easier to start over?’ Maybe. But I can’t tell you how long it’d take to reinvent the wheel, and I’m sure that I’d have problems that other people have already solved. It’s a Catch-22 to the extreme. :/

    I’d ask this:

    1) Is bbPress moving?

    2) Are you (developers) satisfied with the direction it’s moving in?

    3) Are you (users) satisfied with the product, as it is? Does it live up to the goals, as expressed by the development team?

    If # 1 is a no, then you leave the project or fork it.

    If # 2 is a no, then you scrap and restart (or fork it).

    If # 3 is a no, bear in mind I do not mean ‘Yeah, but I want built in smilies!’ That’s not a design goal. That’s a wishlist. Design goals are things like WP/BB integration (stated as a goal by the devs). But if it is, indeed, a no, then you really are left with the same choices. Leave or fork.

    I think I’m just really keen on saying fork today *halo*

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