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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • #72652

    I’ve now made a full plugin that uses cookies so any user can switch languages.


    You can set a cookie and make it semi-permanent.

    Because there is also a filter in that function, you do not need to hack the core.

    $locale = apply_filters('locale', $locale);

    You would make a mini-plugin something like this

    add_filter('locale', 'language_switcher');
    function language_switcher($locale) {
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['lang'])) {$locale=substr(strip_tags(stripslashes($_REQUEST['lang'])),0,30);}
    return $locale;

    You still have to write the code to make some kind of pulldown/menu to select the language and set the cookie.

    There is a language switcher for wordpress that could be ported to bbPress, I think there was some talk about it around here and someone else made their own too.

    Oh here it is:


    im getting the same error, but the reference above (chrishajer’s) doesnt help.


    iv looked everywhere and the documentary, it just shows for WP functions to go in bbpress… i need a vice versa


    There is a mini-plugin for i18n usersnames.

    But there are fundamental flaws in how bbPress uses usernames and unicode characters might interfere with proper operation.

    I also don’t see any real attempt to sanitize in there, so there might be security risks.


    i just want to add bbpress functions to wordpress what header files do i have to include where?


    how can i use bbpress functions like: – <?php bb_new_topic_link(); ?> in my wordpress theme?

    what header files do have to add where?

    please dont delete this topic.


    In reply to: no email and no run


    What type of servers are you talking about?

    And, you might want to turn off permalinks until you’ve set them up. That might be your 404 error:


    i would like to know how to do the other way round of adding BBPRESS functions in wordpress.


    I have two problems after I have installed bbpress 0.90.4 .

    1, when I registered new user in server for testing, it can’t sent a email, so I can’t get a password.

    2, the forum only run in my server computer, user’s computer got 404 error after registered and click the button. Why doesn’t run in user computer?

    How to fix these problems?


    HI sway,

    I dont think it does work like that. It’s a confusing name choice as a Category means something different in wordpress. Category in this instance means and equivalent of “section” or a parent group of forums so…


    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    – – – – Topic

    – – Forum

    – – – – Topic

    If i can link to an old example i made (from September last year) , you can see that the different categories have forums as ‘children’:


    Someone can help me with this error? It appears immediately after installation! I dont understand what it means. I will appreciate if someone know this issue.

    Warning: include(/web/htdocs/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /web/htdocs/ on line 17

    Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/web/htdocs/’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/php5/lib/php/’) in /web/htdocs/ on line 17

    If you want to see directly the website:

    P.S. I’m Italian


    I re-installed

    The Error message is

    Warning: file(user) [function.file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 850

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /Library/WebServer/Documents/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php on line 850

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /Library/WebServer/Documents/bbpress/bb-admin/admin-functions.php:850) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/bbpress/bb-includes/functions.php on line 2271

    and green background messages is shown.


    Your attempt to do this has failed.

    Please try again.

    Back to work.


    I really want you to help me..


    Our developers heavily customized bbpress. But now I can’t seem to figure out how to delete threads from the admin. Can someone please send me the steps for deleting a thread from the admin? Thanks.


    According to Sam, bbPress supports unicode display names, not unicode usernames:

    Not sure about future versions, but it sounds like version 1 isn’t gonna support unicode usernames…




    I created a ticket in trac yesterday about this topic, but it has been deleted today.

    I don’t know why.


    The reason the language does not match up is because .0.9.04 is not cookie compatible with WordPress 2.7.1. That’s why the keys are named differently.

    To integrate those two versions, there are a couple solutions: (the bold parts)

    Jimmy B.

    You might think this is another question about integrating bbPress with WordPress, but it’s not! I’m building a new website, and I would like to use bbPress as the support forums for it. The website has it’s own users table and stores the usernames as a varchar(255) and the passwords as varchar (255). All passwords are stored as sha1 hash. Basically what I want to do is to only have one place to login, that being on the main site, when the login is successful it’ll also set a cookie so the user may also use the bbPress forums. I would also like to use the avatar people upload to that site for the avatars on the forum. So here’s a few questions:

    1. Is this even possible to set the cookie for bbPress from the login outside of bbPress?

    2. Where should I start looking or poking?

    3. For the avatars where should I start looking?

    Thank you very much and if you need more information about my setup, please ask!!



    I have one question about the integration. I have already installed WP 2.7.1 and freshly installed bbpress 0.9.4

    I have a little misunderstanding

    Your step-by-step instructions says I need to change in bb-config.php the BB_SECRET_KEY and make it same as SECRET_KEY in my wp-config.php.

    My problem is the WP 2.7.1 don’t have the SECRET_KEY It has SECURE_AUTH_KEY, AUTH_KEY, LOGGED_IN_KEY and NONCE_KEY

    Which KEY I need to put in bb-config.php on a BB_SECRET_KEY?


    Here is what I was trying to get some kind of multi-language support going:

    Index: bb-includes/l10n.php


    — bb-includes/l10n.php (revision 2040)

    +++ bb-includes/l10n.php (working copy)

    @@ -2,6 +2,9 @@

    function get_locale() {

    global $locale;

    + if (isset($_GET))

    + $locale=$_GET;


    if (isset($locale))

    return $locale;

    Then I go to: and it supplies that language. Great, but of course none of the links that bbPress generates has the ?lang=en_US option set. So I guess, is there a plugin for this?

    I’m not looking for (but would be better than nothing):

    Something that lets a user set their language, and changes the language when logged in.

    I am looking for (ideal plugin):

    Something that allows multi-language support by virtue of URL location and/or variable (as above). What language you are viewing makes more sense to depend on the URL, not on your login. Especially, since forums are also useful to the public when they don’t have a login to begin with.

    Even just being able to set the language on a per-forum basis would be good, then I could just make different forums for different languages.

    I guess I can modify my theme to include “language translation” links and keep my current hack.

    Any ideas?


    It’s possible because I was testing it on 1.0 that 1.0 automatically escapes the mysql values passed and that 0.9 does not. I can’t remember.

    Try adding this before the $bbdb->query


    and see if it helps or if it just add slashes to your text instead and breaks it.

    It may also be a quote problem but I thought the bbpress pre/post text filters should encode quote or any other problematic characters.


    Ever since adding _ck_’s security update, we’ve been having a lot of problems with undelivered PMs. Last night I tried to send a forum member a PM about five times, and he never received it. After sending, I would scroll down to check my Sent Messages and none of them were there.

    I’m running bbPress with Private Messaging 0.80.

    I admit, I’m using the same tool (but I force all registration through WP so I run a plugin there). It’s actually used with Bad-Behavior and Akismet, since those were catching about 90% of the forum spam (and 99.99999% of the blog spam). Dunno what it is but you get more spammers able to make accounts via bbPress than WordPress.


    My bbpress shares a database with wordpress.

    This was fine in Is it a problem now?

    I checked the database, reset my password (which in fact still works perfectly on the blog side of things).

    At least one user has logged in and posted to the bbpress forum, but I can’t.

    But I can’t login. I registered a new account, and the password did not work.

Viewing 25 results - 52,226 through 52,250 (of 64,087 total)
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