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Search Results for 'bbpress'

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  • Jose Conti

    Podéis descargaros la traducción realizada al 100% (parte pública y administrativa) de bbPress 1 alpha 6 al castellano / Español desde , seguid la guía de instalación de la traducción, es muy importante, en

    Un saludo


    I installed bbpress about a week ago and it was running fine until yesterday when it started returning this message when you go to the site:

    Oh Dear!

    An invalid configuration file was found at bb-config.php

    The installation cannot continue.

    Usually this is caused by one of the database connection settings being incorrect. Make sure that the specified user has appropriate permission to access the database.

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. Mike


    I think BuddyPress is the best modification for bbPress. ;)



    I’ve just installed bbpress and the forum seemed to be working ok until…..

    Does anyone have any idea why I get the 404 error message when I click on my profile on the forum?

    Any help much appreciated.


    As long as they all point to the same user table and usermeta table, you can share the login across as many domains as you’d like, the cookies simply won’t be sync’d (however I have a plugin coming out soon that will share cookies across domains, but it’s not meant for wpmu, just regular wp/bbpress).

    Database secret is covered near the start of this topic, it’s hidden in your bb/wp admin menus.



    I would like to know if this still is in effect.

    1. In simple terms, can I use the BBpress theme ?

    2. Is it available for download like it is right now?


    In reply to: Ved Forum


    Looks good!! :-)

    A word of warning: I used to use the Private Forums plugin, until one day the posts in the private forum suddenly became publicly readable to everyone! It actually happened to me 2x before I realized it wasn’t just a fluke. A number of other users reported similar problems:

    I’ve had a lot more success using Hidden Forums:

    I’ve had that installed for a few months now, and it’s been rock solid. :-)


    Topic: Ved Forum

    in forum Showcase

    Plugins installed:

    – Memberlist

    – BBcode Lite

    – Avatar Upload

    – Human Test for bbPress

    – C*nsor

    – bbPress Smilies

    – Post Count Plus – Dynamic.Titles & More!

    – Private Forums

    – Simple Onlinelist

    – Move It

    – Allow Images

    – BBVideo

    Theme based on: The-Hybrid


    Nightgunner5 is right – you shouldn’t install them in the same directory. You have two real options if you’re using the same server for both:

    1) install the blog in the root and the forum in a subfolders

    2) install them both in separate subfolders

    There’s a good explanation on why this all matters here:

    Personally, I use a separate subdomain for each bbpress install… so I guess that’s yet another option. :-)

    Good luck!


    The Stats section for each plugin has been “Coming Soon” for a while now:

    I totally understand that little things get lost in the shuffle… just a reminder to the admins that we should either add the stats, or delete the stats tab from the plugin section entirely.



    Should I install bbpress in the same directory as wordpress (I’m planning to integrate them somewhat). Or does it matter at all?


    My problems is described below, trying to integrate buddypress 1.0, WPMU 2.7.1 and bbpress latest alpha. Im doing it according to the buddypress forum isntallation (without the cookies since its not needed) but i get this error over and over, Ive tried all the forums and possible solutions over a 100 times (no joke) would anyone please help?

    DB Error in bb_install::process_form_finalise_installation: Table ‘db62393_fabricadesuenos_comunidad.wp_options’ doesn’t exist

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘auth_salt’ LIMIT 1

    DB Error in bb_install::process_form_finalise_installation: Table ‘db62393_fabricadesuenos_comunidad.wp_options’ doesn’t exist

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘secure_auth_salt’ LIMIT 1

    DB Error in bb_install::process_form_finalise_installation: Table ‘db62393_fabricadesuenos_comunidad.wp_options’ doesn’t exist

    SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = ‘logged_in_salt’ LIMIT 1

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c04/h02/mnt/62393/domains/ in /nfs/c04/h02/mnt/62393/domains/ on line 838


    Hey Kevin! I completely agree on the 0.9 compatibility… Nightgunner5 was kind enough to convert his moderator suite plugin to also support v 0.9!

    I’ve installed and tested it on three separate 0.9 bbPress installs, and it’s working great. :-)


    Looking good Nightgunner5, and great to see you back.

    While possibly a little self serving, i’d strongly suggest doing our upmost to make this plugin work for 0.9 for a number of reasons:

    1) 0.9 is officially the stable branch and has been for over 9 months now.

    2) 1.0.6alpha is nowhere near being the beta.

    3) The next alpha is going to break alot of functions and plugins, to the point that _ck_ has already stated she’s not going to fix her plugins from 1.0.7a -> 1RC1 at the earliest. Aiming this code for 1.0.6a, is probably going to give you more work in the long run.

    4) I know that Sam has posted on the blog that the proposed function changes might not happen now, but there’s still alot of open tickets out there; and alot of works been done on BBpress since 1.0.6a alpha in January. Add in to that all the work done for “talkpress”, and there’s no way the next version is goin to be near RC1 level.

    5) WordPress 2.8 is coming with a new authentication system (yes new to 2.5 and 2.6/2.7’s authentication system), so even if we do get a new release of BBpress at the same time, there’s a whole bunch of coding to be done and tested as an alpha – let alone having the 1.0.beta released at the same time.

    Either way, and with the best will in the world, 0.9 is going to be the “stable” release of BBpress for at least the summer. Today’s the 2nd of May, and we’ve not seen an update to 1.0.6a. If 1.0.7 is released on Monday, we’ll have at least 4 weeks of user reports and bug fixes before the next release. If that’s the beta and not not another alpha release, then we’ll have a few weeks of testing/fixing before an RC, and then at least a week before the final release.

    Obviously it’s GREAT that you’re building this plugin, and from what i’ve read – it looks ace ( I’m about to install at home in a few minutes), but given the very changeable nature of alpha’s, it’s probably wise to focus more on 0.9 computability; and then making a version1 port when it’s in beta or release candidate. Just my two cents mate.


    I know what you mean kevin… that drove me crazy too!

    Try this plugin by ck – it lets you click checkboxes and select batch actions, like marking a bunch of messages all at once as spammed or deleted:


    This was one of the things i had to get used to with BBpress that i think is very weird.

    Why are moderator functions on the front end, but not in the admin section?

    On one of my forums, i try and keep a very tight ship, making sure things are in the right section, and having the ability to click a check box and selecting “move to—>” would speed up moderation by a considerable factor.


    Im trying to install bbpress.

    I downloaded the files, and uploaded them to my server.

    I get an error at /bb-admin/install.php: “There doesn’t seem to be a bb-config.php file. This usually means that you want to install bbPress. “.

    I tried a empthy bb-config.php file, no succes.

    Hope some1 can help.

    Ben L.

    He did post a link, but if you don’t want to click it:

    The button’s html value is blank. It’s not CSS.

    Here’s the code to load the text for the button:

    Ben L.

    Check the bottom of your modlog.php to see if it’s the same as the bottom of

    Also, the messages that are already logged won’t change.

    Ben L.

    Yah I can do all that account stuff myself… it’s just starting to take a half hour a day or so, so was starting to think about self-serve options… :-)

    Ben L.

    You can deactivate accounts in the profile editing screen if you’re an administrator or keymaster.


    Thanks for the feedback!

    I guess for the username/password stuff, I’m just mentioning what we get emails from our users about. We get requests almost every day from users who forgot their username or want to reset their password.

    Rather than deleting the account, maybe a username shutdown would be a good compromise? The account would have signin disabled, and the profile would show “this username has been shut down”. Old comments from that user would still appear on the site, and link to the “shut down” profile page.

Viewing 25 results - 51,726 through 51,750 (of 64,087 total)
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