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Topic: Installation problem
Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn’t find constant BBDB_HOST in /home/africao2/public_html/forum/bbpress/bb-includes/db-mysqli.php on line 54
Could someone help interpret this please?
I have installed bb on my wordpress site but it shows the above warning and no theme in visible. Thanks.
Topic: RMI Forums
My first use of bbpress for my niche site. Plugins in use (so far):
bbPress signatures 0.14
allows users to add signatures to their forum posts, including an optional per-post toggle
By _ck_.
Comment Quicktags for bbPress 1.1
Inserts a quicktag toolbar on the post topic form. js_quicktags is slightly modified version of Alex King’s newer Quicktag.js plugin modified from original found here.
By Stefano Aglietti.
bbPress Integration 0.74
Synchronizes registrations on your bbPress installation with your WordPress blog.
By Michael Adams.
Simple bbPress Adsense 0.1
An plugin that includes an adsense advert just above the content on the topic page.
By Rich Boakes.
BBPress Private Messaging 0.80
Integrates Private Messages into BBPress
By Joshua Hutchins.
bbpress tweaks 0.04
misc tweaks for bbpress behaviour
By .
And, Refresh theme with some tweaks.