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  • #62394

    Brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I had already got to the stage of banging my head against the wall a few times because of this, but now it’s finally sorted out and my forums don’t throw up those nasty 404s when validating and being indexed by search engines.

    Thanks, beaulebens!


    I found this so cool and wonder if it is ever possible with bbpress too.

    The only problem i find with that plugin is the speed. A little slow to load the forum page.

    Hope to hear from all of you soon.



    I just installed bbPress and integrated it to my WordPress Site. It’s wonderful! But i have a Problem…

    I want to create a second forum, so i go to content -> forums and fill in the two forms under “Add Forum”. After clicking the Add Button I get the Error Message that i dont have the permissions to create a Forum? How could this be? I’am logged in as admin, as key master. Do you have any ideas?




    Sounds like you’re looking for WordPress support:

    That’s quite a bit of help you need there.


    I’m new to WordPress. I need to build a website with multiple pages for a client of mine. Here are the elements I need to include:

    Biography (text, photos)

    News (text, photos)

    Tour Dates (event calendar)

    Discography (text, photos)

    Merchandise (text, photos)

    Links to other sites


    Media (video, music clips)

    Contact Info

    I need help setting it up on a server. Can someone please help me? My client currently has a domain name and hosting.


    I imported the wordpress functions I need but get_the_ID() from wordpress doesn;t seem to work in bbpress. Is there a bbpress function that does the same thing? It gives you the index number of posts or comments or whatever that is currently being printed by the system


    Is there a normal process or formula for converting a wordpress plugin to a bbpress plugin? Let’s say that it uses all the same tables and everything? Is there a way to switch it over or do you just have to re-engineer it?


    Ok I get it now thanks


    DON’T do that!

    You want bbPress and WordPress to have different table prefixes in their respective config. bb_ and wp_ , the defaults, are fine. If you try to use the same table prefix, some of the WordPress tables get destroyed due to a collision between table names because both software packages now use the same table prefix (posts , usermeta and users tables, I believe.)

    What are you trying to accomplish that requires you to use the same tables for WordPress and bbPress? If you are looking for integration, this is not how you do it. With an integrated install, you still use a different table prefix for bbPress but you insert your WordPress table prefix in the bbPress config.php a little further down in the file. Then, bbPress modifies the existing wp_users and possibly wp_usermeta table.


    I’m trying to use the same database and tables for wordpress and bbpress but they don’t merge painlessly.

    I set the table prefix in bbpress’s config to wp_ and set the database to be the same as wordpress’s. I also set the wp_prefix in bbpress’s config.

    Then I tried to start bbpress but it threw a bunch of exceptions and now it will not save new posts. Can anyone help me?

    I enclose it’s exceptions

    Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.

    bbPress database error: [Incorrect table definition; there can be only one auto column and it must be defined as a key]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD COLUMN post_id bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment

    bbPress database error: [Key column 'post_id' doesn't exist in table]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD PRIMARY KEY (post_id)

    bbPress database error: [The used table type doesn't support FULLTEXT indexes]
    ALTER TABLE wp_posts ADD FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)

    1. Created table wp_forums
    2. Created table wp_topics
    3. Created table wp_topicmeta
    4. Created table wp_tags
    5. Created table wp_tagged
    6. Changed default value of wp_posts.post_status from publish to 0
    7. Added column wp_posts.post_id
    8. Added column wp_posts.forum_id
    9. Added column wp_posts.topic_id
    10. Added column wp_posts.poster_id
    11. Added column wp_posts.post_text
    12. Added column wp_posts.post_time
    13. Added column wp_posts.poster_ip
    14. Added index wp_posts FULLTEXT KEY post_text (post_text)
    15. Added index wp_users UNIQUE KEY user_login (user_login)

    bbPress database error: [Field 'post_content' doesn't have a default value]
    INSERT INTO wp_posts (forum_id, topic_id, poster_id, post_text, post_time, poster_ip, post_status, post_position) VALUES ('1', '1', '1', '

    First Post! w00t.
    ','2008-02-22 15:10:39', '', '0', 1)

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column 'post_id' in 'field list']
    SELECT post_id, poster_id FROM wp_posts WHERE topic_id = 1 AND post_status = 0 ORDER BY post_time

    bbPress database error: [Unknown column 'post_id' in 'where clause']
    SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_id = 0



    Eek. Well, I’ll keep it on Yahoo for a little bit longer while I finish my attempts at utilizing WordPress to drive the new site design. Then I’ll see about launching it on another server. It’s bizarre to me that yahoo can’t do that, especially seeing that wordpress is an option on the backend server. I appreciate all the help!

    *Wait, I didn’t catch the setting the dang line of code to false. It looks like we’re rolling. Just in time for me to be exhausted. Thanks for everything, guys.


    Just installed/activated your “Human Test” plug-in. I am using bbPress version Everything works fine. No issues.

    Thank you.

    By the way, I heard of WordPress for the first time on Sunday, found it a few minutes later, installed it a few minutes after that and input two years of articles I had written that same day. I installed a few plug-ins the next day and then found bbPress. Installed that the same day (Monday). It was working fine and found a matching template for both WordPress and bbPress the next day (Wednesday). With very little tweaking (mostly my errors) and no visits to the WordPress or bbPress forums for help, I am up and running with a very presentable, professional looking, and fully functional blog/user forum. Absolutely incredible!!! I am notifying my subscribers later this morning about their new resource via email. Not bad for four days of work.

    Thank you good folks behind WordPress and bbPress!



    I’ve been working with bbPress, vBulletin and Invision Power Board since each one of them made their debuts and I’m very good at integrating them into many CMS, mainly our beloved WordPress blogging software and Joomla.

    So I’m offering my integration services to those fustrated souls fighting to integrate bbPress, vBulletin and Invision Power Board into your WordPress blog.

    Check out my site for the latest guides on how to integrate bbPress, vBulletin and IPB into your WordPress.

    Integration guides, demos, tips and bridge scripts:


    By the way, the article you reference in the link above (

    Are all of the steps still necessary? Or are some of them no longer needed due to the new integration options during bbPress installation?


    Build 1075 of the trunk will work with WordPress 2.5 and matches the new password method. There is also talk of some kind of bbPress updated release around or with WP 2.5

    Either way you are covered – just don’t modify core files (only templates and plugins) and you should be okay. You’ll only have to do a small edit to the config.php (bb-config.php) file when the time comes to match the secret key in WP to BB.


    I haven’t used bbPress in a while and I’ve just started thinking about using it again. A few months ago it was relatively easy to integrate bbPress and WordPress, from what I’ve been reading in the forums, things have changed.

    With the incorporation of ‘backPress’ etc, what’s my best bet for setting up a new site with bbPress and WordPress sharing users and cookies?

    I’d really like to use the latest version of WordPress, is there a certain changeset of bbPress I should use?


    Without direct edits to the the profile template it’s very hard to extend it, if not impossible. I’ve managed to add post count to the profile without template hacks via my post-count-plus plugin but putting in an avatar or gravatar is impossible without a hack.


    But it’s easy to add tabs to the profile section via plugins.

    You can make supplemental pages.

    Just make a new tab to list all WordPress posts/comments.


    In reply to: I’m ready to give up


    Yes, thanks. vbulletin is actually who I found. Their base forums and blog with a month of phone support was what I quoted above ~~~ the blog is an add-on. However, I found that one of their members created a hack that SEEMS TO BE a ‘click to install’ type thing andwill integrate with wordpress ~~~ so I may only have to rework my forums template. Also, their base template has everything I want for now, except a blog. I never was trying to build any massive forum structure ~ just good working forums that people could upload their pics to and PM each other and that gave each user a title based on number of posts =)

    I was just surprised, given that several people here don’tmind taking very small donations that no one wanted to make a couple of hundred to help. No issues though. I’ll do as you suggested and go buy the vBulletin.


    Obviously bbpress takes someone with a good understanding of php and I don’t have that. I have contacted 2 of you offering to pay you to help me but have heard nothing back. I didn’t want to ditch my wordpress, I liked it. I sure didn’t want to ditch either wp or bbpress after I’d worked to create templates that went with my site, but what good are templates if I can’t open the forums to my site visitors because they just aren’t working?

    I’ve had a headache over this for several days now. I’ve found another forum software with a blog that I can also buy a month of phone support for ~ total cost for forum, blog, and one month phone support = US $195.00 (can take credit card or paypal). I would still rather pay someone here who has good working forums to get mine fixed ~~~ rather than start with creating a new template. I am doing one of the two tomorrow ~ if no one here is willing to help, I will be forced to go with the other product.

    IF you are willing to help, you MUST have good, working bbpress forums running somewhere so that I can see your abilities. That’s how I chose the two members that I have already contacted. I checked out their forums.


    Hi- We’ve been trying in desperation to stop spambots from registering profiles on our very active bbpress forums, and despite the captcha test we installed, it seems they are circumventing the registration process and creating new accounts all the time. We’re getting around 50 fake profiles a day.

    We’re being told by several sources that this is a bug in the current version of bbpress and there is no solution for it. We simply can’t accept this, that bbpress would be open to such severe bugs.

    Right now we’re manually deleting profiles and we’re seriously considering abandoning this plattform for a more secure foums solution that works with WordPress.

    Do you have any insight into how to stop them from creating bogus profiles? Right now for some reason they are all having their birthday as Feb 2, 2008.

    You can see some of the profiles here:


    Quoto from simpler integration with wordpress:

    Do so by defining WP_BB as true in either config.php or wp-config.php. Also, WordPress will have to be loaded first.

    I use WP and BB with german language! If I include wp-blog-header.php in the configuration file (config.php) of bbpress, the following error occurs:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class streamreader in /homepages/.../www/forum/bb-includes/streams.php on line 26

    If I uncomment the lines 122 + 123 in bb-settings.php:

    // include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘streams.php’);

    // include_once(BBPATH . BBINC . ‘gettext.php’);

    No error occurs … but the forum is in english!

    I use WP 2.3.3 and bbpress … WP is installed in web root and bbpress in the subfolder “forum”.

    Is there a documented way to fix this … or a workaround?

    cu, helpy


    I call this “reverse integration”.

    Unless there is something I am overlooking, I believe the easiest way to do this is to use phpmyadmin to either rename or export bb_users and bb_usermeta to wp_users and wp_usermeta.

    (you’d have to get rid of the existing wp_users wp_usermeta first of course)

    Then you will need my fix-admin-access plugin to restore access to the WP admin panel since your role will no longer exist. This assumes you as the keymaster are user #1.


    Sorry for posting it this way, butI’mkind of lost and need help finding my way though some of this. If you have a reasonable fee, I am willing to pay you to help me get my bbpress fixed the way I want it and correctly integrated with my wordpress. I have managed to get my theme customized, but I don’t speak php and am having SERIOUS trouble with a number of things (ie Avatar Upload and others) that you have managed to incorporate into your bbpress forums.

    Forums are at

    Wordpress is at

    [email removed by Trent]

    Please let me know one way or the other whether you’re willing to help.



    ps ~~~ after you’ve read this, please mark this for a mod to delete. I didn’t want my email out there, but couldn’t find a way to contact you.


    Hi there, (not sure if this is an appropriate place to post this.)

    We’re looking for someone to hire to help us fix some bugs on our WordPress/Bbpress integrated site. Here are some of the bugs:

    1- user profile pics missing from blog comments

    2- Backslashes appear in blog comments

    3- Backslashes appear if you modify any php files via the wordpress interface.

    4- User names with apostrophes, accents or usual characters display oddly

    5- Cant modfiy the way a author or user name displays

    6- private messaging is disabled

    7- users can’t modify profile pictures.

    Feel free to look around and see the bugs:

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