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  • #3048

    So what I did was take my original WordPress template and put it in the templates folder and it gave me this:

    This is what I want except I want to center it, add some grey boxes behind it and that is pretty much it. How do I do this? Because I’m using the same CSS I used for my original blog template which is at


    I think you might want to get on IRC and try to raise sambauers.

    I’m not sure what the best bbPress revision is for using WordPress 2.5RC1. I think when WordPress 2.5 comes out, there will be a new bbPress release to match up with it. I know WordPress 2.5 was scheduled for March 10th but that’s been held up just a little bit.


    hey isnt it possible?

    please help!



    as the password is stored in a different way in WordPress 2.5 (RC1) you can’t log in with bbpress anymore (if u integrated both which i did).

    Until the next version of bbpress comes out, what do I need to update to make this work again?

    Thanks so much in advance!


    Oh, goodie! I’ve already upgraded one of my sites to 2.5 and I love it, but another is integrated with WP (after much heartache and pain) and I don’t want to upgrade if it’s going to break it!



    i have installed how it will be described in the documentation.

    When i go to my install.php ( I am getting this:

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Your administrator may not have enabled CGI access for this directory.

    I have CGI on my webserver. I looked in my database. There are no new tables. This is the same database where my wordpress is.

    What can I do? I have the permalinks on “false”.

    Must I install bbpress in a own database?




    Please help me!

    I need the help or i cant finish making my new project!

    The login menu must be in the “wordpress section” and in the “bbpress section” of my homepage!.

    Thanks for the help


    Most of this code was taken directly from the bbsync plugin (I’ve attempted to remove need for configuration, and some of the bbsync functionality/flexibility).

    There are really truly NO errors logged anywhere for this.

    here is my plugin in it’s entirety:

    define('CRBBFORUMID', 1);

    function cr_post($post_id) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb, $current_user;

    require (dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/config.php');
    // get the post
    $post = wp_get_single_post( $post_id );

    if(!$current_user) {

    $post_title = $bbdb->escape($post->post_title);

    $bb_topic_arr = get_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $true);
    $bb_topic_id = $bb_topic_arr[0];

    // if bb has this post already, update the topic
    $topic_exists = false;
    if ($bb_topic_id) {
    if(bb_update_topic($post_title, $bb_topic_id)) {
    $topic_exists = true;
    $reply = bb_get_first_post($bb_topic_id);
    bb_update_post($post_text, $reply->post_id, $bb_topic_id);

    // if not, create a new topic
    if (!$topic_exists) {
    $topic_id = bb_new_topic($post_title, CRBBFORUMID, $tags);
    $reply_id = bb_new_post($bb_topic_id, $post_text);

    $r = false;
    if ($topic_id && $reply_id) {
    bb_update_topicmeta($bb_topic_id, 'wp_post', $post_id);
    if (!update_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id)) {
    add_post_meta($post_id, 'bb_topic', $topic_id, true);
    $r = true;
    $oldcoms = get_approved_comments($post_id);
    if($oldcoms) {
    foreach($oldcoms AS $oldcom) {
    if($user = bb_get_user($oldcom->comment_author)) {
    $time = strtotime($oldcom->comment_date);
    $text = '<em><strong>This comment was originally posted at ' . date('G:i', $time) . ' on ' . date('jS F Y', $time) . ".</strong></em>nn" . $oldcom->comment_content;
    bb_new_post($topic_id, mysql_real_escape_string($text));
    return $r;

    function cr_comment($comment_id, $approval_status) {
    global $bbdb, $wpdb;
    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/bb-load.php');

    $comment = get_comment($comment_id);

    $topic_id = get_post_meta($comment->comment_post_ID, 'bb_topic', $true);
    if(($topic_id) && ($approval_status == 1) && ($comment->user_id) && bb_set_current_user($comment->user_id)) {
    //topic linked, genuine comment, actual user, bb likes user
    bb_new_post($topic_id, $comment->comment_content);
    return true;
    } else {
    return false;

    add_action('publish_post', 'cr_post');
    add_action('comment_post', 'cr_comment');


    Without a link to your forum or an example of the plugin code, it’s going to be hard to help. The blank screen is almost certainly a 500 error, so it should be logged somewhere, depending on your server configuration.

    If you disable the plugin and everything works, you know the problem is with the plugin. So, you need to fix that. Without posting the plugin, it will be hard for anyone to help you fix it.


    Thank you for the help. So what I did was take my original WordPress template and put it in the templates folder and it gave me this:

    This is what I want except I want to center it, add some grey boxes behind it and that is pretty much it. How do I do this? Because I’m using the same CSS I used for my original blog template which is at


    also, this same problem happens when I try to use the bbsync plugin.



    WordPress 2.3.3

    bbPress latest from yesterday

    Wordpress Integration

    I’ve created a very simple wordpress plugin to attempt to allow wordpress posts and comments to also be put in a bbPress forum.

    When I make a post and my plugin attempts to:

    require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../bbpress/bb-load.php');

    I get a blank page, and the post/comment does not get sent to bbpress. I’ve have traced this to the point where bb-settings.php calls this line:

    require( BBPATH . BBINC . 'template-functions.php');

    but no matter what I put in template-functions.php (even writing to a file), I get the blank page.

    I’ve checked all my error logs, and there are no errors being logged, not even a 500 error. I’m at my wits end, and late on this project, please help.





    Can i add the bbpress login menu un my wordpress theme?

    The login is in the header of my wordpress blog.


    and please tell me how!


    mhm can you say me wich login menu i should inegrate in the theme?

    it is in the header and seen on every page!


    I think if you wait until bbPress 0.9 is released and integrate it with WordPress 2.5, things will be a lot easier.


    I think if you wait until bbPress 0.9 comes out, integration with WordPress 2.5 will be much easier, according to sambauers.



    I want to integrate bbpress into my wordpress blog complete!

    that means :

    • When you login into wordpress you have to be logged in in bbpress the same time! (for write threads and wp comments with one login)
    • I want that wordpress an bbpress look like one theme. So is it possible to show the normal wordpress sidebar in bbpress? and how?
    • wich login menue i should use? (I want to integrate the login menue in the header of both themes )

    I read a lot of things here with set cookie path etc but in PHP I’mnot “the best”! :D

    The structure is like this.

    The domain for the wordpress blog is

    and the Domain for the Forum is

    I think this thread is needed to make one real documentation for integration so the next with the problem don’t have to read 100 threads :D

    // Sorry for my english! Im from germany ;)



    lets say the forum url is

    and the wordpress is

    what do i have to enter where?

    Thanks a lot!


    Have you got any plugins running?

    I had this error, and removed all my plugins. Error gone.

    I began adding them back one by one until I found a few which were causing problems.

    Sadly, the wordpress integration plugs were what was giving me this specific error, but admin can post anything, and a couple others were causing problems, so they’re gone now and my forum works fine.

    Just a thought.


    In reply to: Integration questions


    Hi guys,

    I am currently looking into deploying a site powered by WordPress. I have a phpBB3 forum (with no users) which I would like to keep. I have seen the wp-united plugin for phpBB3, but it isn’t currently being supported. The option of using bbPress seems good to me, but I would like a seamless and fully functional integration with both WordPress and WordPress MU.

    If I have to ditch the phpBB3 for the functionality I desire I will do it. I know what my potential userbase will want (post count, ranks, avatars, signatures, embed pics/vids in post, search, PM, etc). For the view, I would like a topic and post count, last post, and a description of each forum. Also subforums would be nice too.

    Right now I only have a rudimentary understanding of PHP, but I know HTML and CSS, so I could style the forum myself.

    I am a big fan of open source software. I only feel that there isn’t enough cooperation in the open source world. It would be awesome to see some of the best open source projects come together to create a mega kickass platform. My ideal would be (Drupal – please don’t flame me for this one -,Wordpress, and phpBB3). Drupal for the management of pages and function, WordPress for the content publishing, and phpBB3 for the forum.

    When I achieve proficiency with PHP I will try to develop a universal user/session platform where the login and session is unified with whatever software you decide to install on top of it. This would be an internal database, not an openly accessible one. I have heard of OpenID, but don’t know anything about it.

    WordPress appears to be the best content publishing engine out there, hopefully they become the best forum out there too.

    I too am jazzed about the prospects of a WordPress powered forum.

    Any opinions, best way to learn PHP, etc?

    BTW, this thread is starting to sound like the beginnings of a development group. Mods, plugins, and software to follow soon.

    I have found this discussion very stimulating, and would like to participate in future developments. I could deploy a site to use as a testbed.


    Thanks for the help :)


    I checked the logs and it indicated a problem with my wp theme functions.php.

    It’s bizarre because I didn’t touch that file and don’t know how it could have got borked as the date of the file on the server was the same as rest of the theme install which was weeks ago.

    Anyway, I uploaded a new version and I’m back in business. Perhaps the timing with the bbpress install was coincidental. Still… I’m perplexed.


    Sounds like the blank pages are a 500 Internal Server Error pages (maybe.) Do you have access to error logs to confirm if that’s the case and possibly see what the error is?


    Did you accidentally upload the bbPress files to the WordPress directory, then change it to a subdirectory later? I can’t think of why WordPress would be messed up after installing bbPress into a subdirectory.

    What versions of WordPress and bbPress are you using?


    I haven’t changed the .htaccess file at the wp root.

    At the bbpress root the .htaccess file has one line:

    “Options +MultiViews”

    By plugins I mean wp plugins… basically any form action in wp admin ends at a blank page. The form action seems to be properly executed but then before returning to the right page, it stalls and I get a blank page. The name of that page depends on the form submitted.

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