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I don’t know if this plugin is listed anywhere in the forum (can’t find it), but this is a plugin that will have recent forum posts from bbPress in your WordPress blog. Sidebar or otherwise. I use it and it is a great little plugin:
Recent bbPress Discussion in WP Plugin
As well, if you want to exclude a particular forum from the list, I have a little fix. Reply if that would help you.
I have written a plugin to search the wp posts from bbpress search.
you can find the details here
As I had said in my blog post, I have those plugins up and running, but.. the problem is that those that register on the bbPress forums, are not able to post comments on my blog, as their username..?
Plugins are:
WordPress Integration (0.7)
bbPress Integration (0.72)
bbPress Post (0.02)
It’s not pulling their email address, and their nicknames have to be assigned by me, in the blog’s control panel, under USERS? I’d hate to have to edit each USER on my blog, so they can post as their “nickname or username”.. rather then “Anonymous”..
Anyone with suggestions, and so forth?
Hello. I am trying to install bbpress under a WP2.0.5 install at . I have gone through the documentation for integration at and looks like things come up fine.
However, when i add an entry, or click on a tag (e.g. i see a blank page! not sure why.
Its the same issue when I try to click on a forum topic – e.g.
The variables in the config file are
$bb->domain = ‘’;
$bb->path = ‘/wp1/forums/’;
$bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;
$bb->wp_home = ‘’;
$bb->wp_siteurl = ‘’;
This appears to be a wierd issue – i know i am missing somethign simple. IN particular I see that both $bb->wp_siteurl and $bb->wp_home are different from $bb->domain – could this be it?
Any help will be appreciated.
Topic: Problem with my Domain
I got a Problem using bbPress with WordPress-Integration on the Server of my University.
First Problem: There’s obviously no Stylesheet for the Forum-Site.
Second Problem: When I Try to login to bbPress, there’s just a window which shows me that I don’t have permission to use this Site. I think that means that there isn’t any such Folder bbPress is looking for. Because when i’m looking up in my FTP-Client, this Folder isn’t listed. It’s “”.
The Domain is “” and WordPress is located in “”.
I’ve got no idea what the Problem is. Please, anyone, can You help me???
SInce bbpress emphasizes so much that it can share the database with WordPress, it really should be written so that if you drop it in a WP subdirectory it automagically blends in with the WP installation. There seems to be no way other than hacking themes to get the bbs to look right, when this shouldn’t be an issue IMHO. Isn’t there a way to say … “if we’re sharing a WP database, then look here for the theme.”?