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  • #57511

    Hu :-) I’ve been searching this forum before posting, so I thought I had really missed something in first place :-)

    Yea, the plugin is for WordPress, I think I will try if I can make it work for bbPress…


    Erm… hey guys, could you tell me what I’ve done wrong?

    I’ve just installed “bbPress Post”, and WordPress is telling me there’s no table called “wp_bbpress_post_options” (which is true). I reckon I should solve this problem before hacking wp’s comments.php template… but how?

    ps.: Oh, and you guys are doing a great job here, congratulations :)


    Whoops, I was thinking of a WordPress plugin. Maybe you could modify it for bbPress?


    Found the problem – I had to chmod wp-blog-header so it could be executed. Oops!

    So I can now call wp functions from bb. If I want bb functions in wp, do I just do a similar thing in wordpress?


    Topic: My dream theme.

    in forum Installation

    Anyone see the CLI theme for WordPress?

    testing here:

    My dream would be a theme like this for bbpress that would turn it into an old school BBS a la WWIV, VBBS or teleguard. I’ve been trying, but I suck. :(

    No really. how cool could that be?


    Hi folks,

    Here’s my forum at the moment after some theme-tweakery to make it fit the general theme of my wordpress site. Everything’s more or less fine, but there’s just on little section that I can’t seem to solve – when using the ‘- ADD NEW’ topic link on the latest discussions section on the front page I get a gap between the footer and the new post div, yet this gap is nowhere to be found on any other of the pages. Looks a bit incongruous.

    Here’s a pic of how the problem looks:

    Any help on how to solve this little problem would be great – thanks!


    Yes. Put the Secondary in Main, get rid of its margin, add the CSS float property to both Secondary and Discussion – one float: right, one float: left. That will make it work.


    Thanks for the help! I have a couple more questions if you wouldn’t mind… I fixed the problem with sidebar on the front page (although I can’t get it all the way to the top, any suggestions?), and I can’t seem to figure out how to fix the sidebar on the other pages (topics, forums, edit profile, etc)… I’ve looked all over the css the file and can’t figure it out…

    Thanks again for all your help!


    In reply to: WordPress and PHPBB

    Trent Adams

    I used phpbb for about 4 years and once I created a test site of bbPress, I converted over all my forums to bbPress and continue to help support a great product. As far as I can tell, almost all the ‘bloated’ features of phpBB that people love have now become plugins for bbPress, so if you like all or most of those features, you will love bbPress.



    In reply to: WordPress and PHPBB


    I second that motion… Obviously, on a bbpress board you’re going to get the home team’s opinion that bbpress is great. But, I was a former phpbb-er and I made the switch because I was tired of all of the security holes and spam in phpbb. If you like WordPress (and are proficient enough with PHP to manage a blog), you’ll LOVE bbpress. Plus, with all of the momentum it is gaining, bbpress just keeps getting better.


    In reply to: WordPress and PHPBB


    WP and phpBB … you can probably bend them to your will together if your php mojo is strong indeed.

    I would recommend converting your phpBB forum to bbPress using a converter, because WP and bb go together like something awesome with something also very awesome. That’ll make your site look streamlined and funky like anything.


    Hi there, yes I’m a noob here and I would like to say that I have been really impressed – after just finding out about wordpress, how simple it all looks.

    I’m hoping that someone will be able to answer a question concerning this.

    I have a site that it is a bit of a mess and I want to update it so it looks streamlined and funky, my idea was to use the WordPress for the actual main site and the forum to stay they same (in PHPBB already installed) but after reading about it, there have been a few problems – my php is haphazzard to say the least. Does it clash badly?


    Hey Trent!

    Don’t worry! I got it all figured out, it is because I didn’t setup a new database for bbPress (I use the same one as my WordPress)

    Indeed, I did install phpBB and runs it for a week, not only I instantly start having spam, and the interface is just too busy to look at, I love the bbPress, it is simple, elegant and so fast…

    Cool cool, you can check mine out at:


    wordpress is installed on

    bbpress is installed on

    bbpress .htaccess file is located on namely .

    wordpress .htaccess file is located on root, namely

    And I just finished the design of bbpress to match my wordpress theme. And I closed permalink options as I conclude that it is not working with Godaddy (It is working only partially which has no meaning). I am totally confused, why forum links are ok and why others are not.

    I can send config.php, and .htaccess file if somebody things that it is because of an error in those files. I can also give a link to the website.


    OK here’s my file

    Plugin Name: HFFIB
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Helper function for integrating bbPress into your theme.
    Version: 0
    Author: fel64
    Author URI:

    function felblogtotopicid( $felpostID ) {
    global $table_prefix, $wpdb;
    $posts_table = $table_prefix . "bbpress_post_posts";
    $topic_id = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT topic_id FROM '$posts_table' WHERE 'post_id' = $felpostID LIMIT 1;");
    return $topic_id;

    function forumreplylink() {
    //must be called from within the loop yadda yadda
    global $post;
    if( $post ) {
    $rl = get_option( 'wpbb_path' ) . '/topic.php?id=';
    $tid = felblogtotopicid( $post->ID );
    echo '<a href="' . $rl . $tid . '">Reply!</a>' . "n";
    } else {
    echo 'ouch!';

    I am running a custom theme, but it’s called in the spot as the original wordpress comments were and those worked fine. Here’s how I’m calling the function:

    <div class="details">
    <a>"><?php comments_number('No Comments','1 comment','% comments'); ?></a>
    <span class="tool">Category: <?php the_category(', '); ?></span>
    <span class="tool"><?php akst_share_link(); ?></span>
    <span class="tool"><?php forumreplylink(); ?></span>

    Still getting the error, and no ‘ouch’ anywhere… I do have bbpress_post plugin running, is it supposed to or does this replace it? I’m thinking it has to be running, I’m just trying to elimate a stupid easy mistake I’ve made. :)


    That’s strange, it works for me. At a guess the root of it is that $post doesn’t exist, or that $post->ID is nonexistant.

    Can you replace function forumreplylink() { ... } with:

    function forumreplylink() {
    //must be called from within the loop yadda yadda
    global $post;
    if( $post ) {
    $rl = get_option( 'wpbb_path' ) . '/topic.php?id=';
    $tid = felblogtotopicid( $post->ID );
    echo '<a href="' . $rl . $tid . '">Reply!</a>' . "n";
    } else {
    echo 'ouch!';

    If it outputs ouch we’ll know that a missing global $post is indeed the problem. You are using it inside The Loop, aren’t you?


    Thanks fel64. I’m looking to do away with the wordpress comments completely, just shut them off. However the bbpress post plugin posts the “discus in forms(0)” link at the end of the post. I have a bar at the bottom of each post and would like to format it in there. I’ve opened bbpress_post.php and saw the output of the post gets thrown into 1 variable. I would like to call a function in my wordpress php files, for example index.php, that calls the function from bbpress_post.php to display the “discuss in form” link.

    Hope that makes sense, but after read the thread you linked I don’t think it’s quite what i’m looking for. I’ll read it again thought as I’m tired. :)

    Thanks again.


    The way I have integrated the two over at is by editing the bbPress template so that it calls the WordPress headers instead of the bbPress ones.

    I presume that you have installed both WordPress and bbPress, and that you have integrated their user databases and installed the required plug-ins as outlined at .

    So, if you now go through the template files for your bbPress installation, you will need to replace all instances of “<?php bb_get_header(); ?>” with the WordPress command “<?php get_header(); ?>”. The same thing goes for the footers, so you change all instances of “<?php bb_get_footer(); ?>” to “<?php get_footer(); ?>”.

    However, in order to get that to work properly, I have also edited my WordPress template so that the (WordPress) header and footer files contain everything except for the actual content that is going to be shown on the page. In other words, all the “container” DIV-elements and such are opened in the header and closed in the footer. While this is perhaps not absolutely necessary, it makes your life easier.

    Finally, I use a boolean check in the WordPress header to see whether I am serving a bbPress page, and modify the header information accordingly. While I currently set the boolean myself by including

    <?php global $forumpage;
    $forumpage = TRUE; ?>

    at the very beginning of each relevant bbPress template page (i.e. those pages that call the header files), fel64 has pointed out that one could simply use a variable that bbPress uses anyway, for example $bbdb.

    I use these checks to modify the title:

    <?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) {
    echo " :.: AKN&amp;I";
    } else ...

    to add the forum feed:

    <?php if ($forumpage == TRUE) bb_feed_head(); ?>

    as well as do some other things (disable Ultimate Tag Warrior’s meta tags for the page, etc.).

    So, it takes a little bit of playing around with your templates, but in the end it is doable without any actual hackery.


    There are a few things you can do. This WP plugin will, using also the bbPress Post plugin, show replies from the appropriate thread in your forum under your newspost, plus links to the thread to reply to it. You can also transfer existing comments; you need to be careful to only do it once, but that can also be found in that thread. It hasn’t yet been successfully made so that you can reply to the forum from the wordpress part of the site, as far as I know, but I’m sure it’s possible and will be done.

    So it’s perhaps 2/3rds of the way there. :)



    I did also all the things(at least three or more times, and even I create a mirror template for bbpress to match with my wordpress template when I was tired of trying the same things to make permalinks to work),. So, for those people who uses Godaddy;

    It is not working with Godaddy. (Correction: It works for me, read below)

    But it only took a couple of hours to update my wordpress, install and integrate bbpress with wordpress (even, partially, templates). For now, I will not move to another hosting company for permalink option. But it is a bit annoying because rewrite rules are working on Godaddy. I have installed wordpress(10 or more different websites), and drupal(3 or more websites), and no problem with permalinks. When you create your htaccess file for the first time, you need to wait for a couple of hours (in avarage 2-3 hours). After that first initialization, every change in htaccess are applied instantly. Namely you just need to wait only for the first time.

    I also tried a simple redirect to check my htaccess file in forum root directory. And it was working.

    So as the creator team of bbpress is the same for wordpress. And as wordpress is ok with godaddy. The team may suggest an alternative way for rewrite rules. I dont know much about rewrite rules. And I believe the file (bb-admin/rewrite-rules. php) creates correct rules for the most of the servers.


    I wrote all the above information and then I think to add my config.php file to here. So I find out something, that I dont use akismet, so I add // to beginning of that line, namely:

    //$bb->akismet_key = ''; // Example: '0123456789ab'

    and it is working now :)

    Trent Adams

    Most of the *seemless* integration is really done by creating a template in bbPress that looks the same as wordpress using the existing theme and modifying the CSS style sheet to be the same as your wordpress theme. There are people that have managed to get bbPress inside their wordpress theme, but I only know of those that have failed and will wait for them to tell you how they did it.

    If you copy your /bb-templates/kakumei/ folder to your desktop and then play around with changing the theme. Most people edit the style.css, header.php, footer.php, front-page.php for starters. Then just create a new folder on your server root of /my-templates/ and then upload the files to a new folder /my-templates/mytheme/ or whatever. Then activate that theme in your admin area.

    The way bbPress works is that it will use the files from your new template and the original theme files if it doesn’t exist. That way, if you make a drastic change to any file and you want to start over, just delete that file from your template folder and it will use the original again.

    There are a few threads in this forum where people have gone further into detail, but that is how this site is created and others like mine with and looking the same even though they are on different servers.

    Hope that helps.



    Hiya all,

    My question is this. How do I integrate bbpress into wordpress so that it all looks like the same site? Eg. Just like here on there is a “Forums” tab and the forum is opened seemlessly into wp like any other page (but without all the sidebars).



    p.s. I need to do the same trick to zenphoto gallery. Would it also work?


    That’s because you’re using a left-hand margin on your sidebar and your main div to push them to the right.

    <div id="main">
    <div id="discussions">

    <div id="secondary">

    That’s roughly your HTML structure. Main is the full width of the central white bar, so there’s no way you can get Secondary next to it. Discussions is a sub-part of Main, and it’s pushed over to the right by a large margin on the left.

    Secondary is not part of Main, and pushed over to the far right because it has a humoungous 71% margin.

    Firstly you want to put Secondary into your Main div, otherwise there’s no way to do it. Then you need to put either one on the left; the way to do this would be to get rid of its giant margin. That should work.

    Otherwise, if you’re not doing it by the margin property, you could put Secondary into Main again, then give Secondary and Discussions a float: left; and a float: right; property (or the other way around). If there’s enough room, they should now be side by side – otherwise make them narrower.

    You can also get rid of the wrapper‘s border properties, that’s what’s giving you the double-width line.

    That’s a nice theme you made, though. :)


    I’ve got the header and footer to load correctly, but the sidebar is pushed to the bottom… I think this is a CSS problem… but what do I need to change to fix this?



    From the looks of your site, it worked. :D

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