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  • #1957

    How do I insert info from bbpress into wordpress? I would like to insert the “edit profile” link and some other stuff into my wordpress sidebar.



    “you could just copy all of wp_register() into your theme (everything from function wp_register() { to the final }”

    -> do you mean copying in my theme functions.php file and then calling the fuction in the sidebar?

    “WordPress sets $id to be the user ID. It should be available, so just try it. If it’s not, you will need to put global: $id; in the line of code above it, so it knows you mean the global variable $id and not a new one.”

    -> I didn’t understand this. Do you mean something like this?

    global: $id;

    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/bbpress/profile.php$id">' . __('Profile') . '</a>' . $after;


    Hi folks,

    Just trying to iron out the niggles in my forum. I’ve noticed that my forum is very slow compared to the forum here, which seems surprising given my forum’s lack of activity! Could it be related to the permalinks structure or .htaccess? I’ve tried setting the permalinks up in config, with multiview in the .htaccess, and while it works fine in FF (still slow though) it won’t appear in IE (I get a 404). So I’ve disabled permalinks in order for it to work in IE.

    Now, some info. My forum is in a subdirectory from my main WordPress install. I had to enable the php5 handler in the site root .htaccess file for all the new bits and bobs in WP 2.2 to work properly. Here’s what my root .htaccess file looks like:

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    # END WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

    AddHandler application/x-httpd-php5 .php

    Would any of that inherited by the forum subdir cause any problems with the bbPress permalink structure, or cause speed issues? Tried optimising the db, but no difference.

    Any help on these issues would be very gratefully received, thanks.

    PS. Also, for some reason I get a 404 trying to validate the forum on W3. Clues as to why? :P (Sorry!)


    In reply to: En español


    En serio que me gustaría poder ayudarte más :_(

    Pero al final… decidí cambiar de nuevo y seguir con Vanilla de Lussumo, bbpress está demasiado verde y le faltan funciones que ya uso en Vanilla, es más, ya tengo hacks para muchas cosas y me gusta como me ha quedado.

    La integración con la DB de WordPress, las sesiones, etc… va de perlas con Vanilla, así que nada me impedía ya seguir con Vanilla.

    Tengo más o menos una integración gráfica, de perfiles y de registro y logeo. Me quedó “casi” perfecto para mí ^^

    Me gustaría poder aportando si es posible y sirve cosas aquí, me gusta el proyecto bbpress… pero por ahora.

    Así que si te sirve de algo puedes registrarte y chequear mi sitio con esta integración:

    Un saludo y suerte.

    PD: Puedes contactarme por aquí si necesitas algo, ok? ;)


    I have a fresh wordpress install at the root level of one of my sites:


    I then created another database, then nested a bbpress install as follows:


    Not working – Users still have to create accounts on both sites, to post on both sites.

    Was I supposed to target the same WP data base in the bbpress Config.php file so users can use one set of username/password to post in both WP and BBPRESS?

    I thought I tuned my config file and even loaded the php intgration plugin (and activated it), but new registrations don’t work in both sites yet. Please help!


    Ah, whooami. She’s a pleasant one. What she probably meant is, you could not use wp_register() and do your own new function in your theme that does what you want; that’s probably a better solution than changing core code. It’s easy; you could just copy all of wp_register() into your theme (everything from function wp_register() { to the final }, change its name and then make the changes you want, and use that instead. Probably worthwhile, too.

    There’s a very easy way! WordPress sets $id to be the user ID. It should be available, so just try it. If it’s not, you will need to put global: $id; in the line of code above it, so it knows you mean the global variable $id and not a new one.


    Hey fel64! thanks for the answer;

    “If you’re not comfortable writing a plugin I’d be worried about hacking core files.”

    -> I’m not skilled enough, I’m learning like you, through wordpress, but it is too much for just half month and I’d like to upload the new web by the end of next week.

    Regarding the code, I asked this same question in wp forums and user whooami told me that;

    “youre doing that assbackwards. The smart way to do what you want to do is to use an if/else statement inside your theme.”


    The original code is like this;

    function wp_register( $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>' ) {

    if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
    if ( get_option('users_can_register') )
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=register">' . __('Register') . '</a>' . $after;
    $link = '';
    } else {
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/">' . __('Site Admin') . '</a>' . $after;

    echo apply_filters('register', $link);

    so bearing in mind the code you provided and guessing that I need to generate both links in the same way;

    function wp_register( $before = '<li>', $after = '</li>' ) {

    if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
    if ( get_option('users_can_register') )
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-login.php?action=register">' . __('Register') . '</a>' . $after;
    $link = '';
    } else { if( current_user_can('administrate') ) {
    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/">' . __('Site Admin') . '</a>' . $after;}
    else { $redirect_to = $bb_profile_link;

    echo apply_filters('register', $link);

    or replacing that $redirect_to = $bb_profile_link; for;

    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/bbpress/profile.php<!--call id user here --> ">' . __('Profile') . '</a>' . $after;

    What I don’t know is how to add the id user to the link ??? Since it is the same id user than in wordpress the must be a way


    I hope you’re keeping wp-login.php up to date! If you’re not comfortable writing a plugin I’d be worried about hacking core files.

    wp user IDs are the same as bb user IDs.

    It is something like that.

    if( current_user_can('administrate') ) {
    $redirect_to = "/wp-admin";
    } else {
    $redirect_to = $bb_profile_link;

    That would be all the code you need (although you have to generate $bb_profile_link. Not hard). Tell me you can’t read and understand that. And this explains all about hooks. We all make a start somewhere. I learnt PHP through WordPress just back in December.



    I found a solution for this problem. It’s a known bug from wordpress because of 64bit systems. Here’s the fix:

    Open “bb-includes/gettext.php” and change the following code passage to:

    // $MAGIC1 = (int)0x950412de; //bug in PHP 5
    $MAGIC1 = (int) - 1794895138;
    // $MAGIC2 = (int)0xde120495; //bug
    $MAGIC2 = (int) - 569244523;

    $this->STREAM = $Reader;
    $magic = $this->readint();
    if ($magic == ($MAGIC1 & 0xffffffff)) {
    $this->BYTEORDER = 0;
    } elseif ($magic == $MAGIC2) {
    $this->BYTEORDER = 1;
    } else {
    $this->error = 1; // not MO file
    return false;

    Source: (German)

    Then it should work!




    Topic: Code in post plugin

    in forum Plugins

    Is there a plugin that enables you to write code in a post? I know I can use the backtick/code-tag, but the code still looks wrong. I gets a lot of backslash’es. Like in this post:

    We use bbPress for the danish WordPress support forum, so we post code examples quite often, why it is important, that they look right.


    Well, I have think in a more elegant solution, but this is for wordpress users that inserted bbpress in their wordpress interface. I have it half working though. First of all, my wp-login and wp-registering forms are integrated in my custom theme because I hacked wb-login.php.

    Whenever you login in wordpress there is a function in the sidebar, that displays two links;

    Site Admin -> link to wp profile.php


    This links are defined in /wp-includes/general-template.php -> line 50

    $link = $before . '<a href="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-admin/">' . __('Site Admin') . '</a>' . $after;

    You can change /wp-admin/ for bbpress/profile.php

    The first failure of this theory is that bbpress uses an id to show user profiles; bbpress/profile.php?id=1 and I have no idea how to add this id to the link plus I don’t know if bbpress user id are the same that in wordpress.

    The second failure is that if you are the admin you should get the original link to /wp-admin/

    this should be something like if user = admin then “link to /wp-admin/” else “link to /wp-admin/profile.php?id=n user”

    but since I have no idea of how to code all this I can’t go further



    “You’re the admin, right? You could just bookmark the page.”

    -> Well, this is an option that I have in mind, but then all users that registered through bbpress will appear with “undefined” role in wordpress. And I can’t insert bbpress <?php login_form(); ?> in wordpress sidebar because it doesn’t work :(

    “Otherwise I suggest you write a plugin that uses the WP wp_login hook and changes the hopefully global $redirect_to depending on whether or not the user is admin. That’s for wp. bb default login behaviour is okay?”

    -> Unfortunately, I have no idea of how to write a plugin or a simple function :( I can badly modify already made code.


    “I’m not sure what you’re trying to do. “

    -> I’ll try to explain better :) My web will be made with wordpress and bbpress. Only registered users can comment wp blog entries and post topics in the bbpress forum.

    Login tables are integrated and bbpress is inside the wordpress interface. When you go to bbpress you can see there the wordpress header, footer and sidebar.

    So, right now users could log in through two gates; wordpress sidebar or through bbpress frontpage.

    Well, I want to get rid of of these two gates and I want to avoid users can access wordpress dashboard and profile because the interface of these two pages is different. However, admin still needs access to wp control panel.


    In reply to: What’s integration?


    I’m bummed! I just stabalized a good install of BBPress. Good news is I have no content in there, so I guess a fresh install isn’t too painful.

    I’m going to go back and do a fresh install of WP at the root level of one of my sites, then nest BBPress in a directory called ‘forums’ on that site (this is where I assume I’ll tweak the config file FOR BBPRESS to access the existing WP users before running through the browser installation pages).

    Does this sound right?

    So steps in this order:

    1. Fresh install of WordPress 2

    2. Fresh install of BBPress nested in a directory (just moving files)

    3. Before fully installing BBPress, tweak config file to target existing WordPress DB table for users

    4. Adjust cookies

    I’m good on most of this but what about item #4?

    Thanks for any comments in advance!

    David Martinez


    After integrating wp and bb and having wordpress header, footer and sidebar for both, wp and bb, I have these wordpress functions in my sidebar;

    <?php wp_register(”); ?>

    <?php wp_loginout(); ?>

    <?php wp_meta(); ?>

    And in bb press frontpage I have this one;

    <?php login_form(); ?>

    First, I thought I could replace wp functions in the sidebar for bbpress’ <?php login_form(); ?> but this function it is not defined for wordpress and I have got an error.

    Besides there are two other problems;

    * if users register through bbpress, their roles are not defined in wordpress

    * if I remove wordpress meta functions from the sidebar I lose the link to the admin control panel.

    Well, another option would be using the wp functions for login;

    <?php wp_register(”); ?>

    <?php wp_loginout(); ?>

    <?php wp_meta(); ?>

    and then changing their beaviour so;

    * whenever you login you are not taken to the control panel unless you are the admin

    * whenever you are an user and you click in “site admin” link wich appears above the log-out link, you are taken to the bbpress profile.php

    My questions are; first of all, do you find any sense in all of this or is it just crap? :)

    does anybody know where is defined wordpress login meta links so I can change them?

    and finally, does anybody have a better idea?


    I just intergrated bbpress and I think thats it. You dont need anything else.


    In reply to:


    “2) for the “profile” page : I created tabs

    the integration with my wordpress blog works also, but I don’t want to use that a lot.”

    Which tabs did you create and how?


    Avatars is easy to integrate – takes just a few lines of code if you’re using Louisedade’s Upload Avatar plugin in bb. There’s a good post count plugin in the plugin section I think, if what you want is to get the post count from WP also then you just have to rewrite the query for $wpdb. You can get quicktags for wordpress, it comes up after a google. Emoticons: I believe that bb grins (not in plugin section, search the forums themselves) is a port of the WP version. So it’s all possible, and if you have any problems just ask. :)



    in forum Showcase

    as propose by the sticky topic, I strut my forum :

    I’m proud of the theme

    1) for the total integration with the rest of my diabolo site ( The post in the forum are shown as comments in each page of my website.

    2) for the “profile” page : I created tabs

    the integration with my wordpress blog works also, but I don’t want to use that a lot.


    “ganzua, can you post a link to your forum so we can take a look at the html/css?”

    -> I didn’t upload yet, sorry, as soon as I finish I’ll post a link so you can check everything. :) I’m working in my computer yet.

    I integrated wp and bb, and I removed bbpress header, footer and stylesheet. Now I’m using wp header, footer, sidebar and stylesheet for both, wp and bb.

    I still have to find out what to do with login and profile forms because I have two instances of each one, one for bbpress and one for wp.

    Besides I have to find out how to integrate emoticons, toolbar in forms (I have quicktags in bb and tinymce in wordpress) , post count, avatars… In fact I do not even know if all this is possible.

    “to get both IE6 and IE7 on the same Windows machine, check this out:


    -> Thanks for the tip! I’m checking the link :)


    Hi fel64! Thanks for your answer

    There are two problems with max-width (I just checked);

    1 it doesn’t work in IE6 :(

    2 In FF and IE7 you can fix the css box but the long name gets out of the box, just like it happens with the template of this forum :)

    I noticec this same issue sometime ago when posting in the wordpress forum.


    Topic: Plugin: Add Sidebar

    in forum Plugins

    This extremely simple plugin adds a “bb_get_sidebar()” function to bbpress, similar to how WordPress comes with get_sidebar(). Once installed and activated, you can create a file named sidebar.php, put it in your theme directory, and invoke it from any theme page using bb_get_sidebar().



    Plugin Name: Add Sidebar

    Plugin Description: adds bb_get_sidebar() to bbpress, similar to WordPress' get_sidebar()

    Plugin URI:

    Plugin Author: Bob Hiler


    function bb_get_sidebar() {

    bb_load_template( 'sidebar.php' );



    Please note that this simple plugin doesn’t automagically pull your WordPress sidebar. It’s simply a lightweight convenience function for making bbPress themes. I was surprised this wasn’t already included in template-functions.php, but bb_load_template() makes this super easy to add.


    Ok here come the explanation. I have wpmu bbpress install all integrated. Styling is still a little screwy in IE but thats not the main problem.

    I have installed a copy of WP on a subdirectory. In that subdirectory I created another subdirectory for bbpress. I have been trying to install bbpress but it says it cannot access the db. I know the its not the database name, username or password it must be the path?

    here is the path structure


    $bb->domain = ‘;;

    $bb->path = ‘/democlinical/forums’;

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;;

    $bb->usercookie = ‘wordpressuser’;

    $bb->passcookie = ‘wordpresspass’;

    Been trying different options and can’t get it to work. Was hoping I made some silly simple error that someone more experienced could pick up.

    I can’t think up a reason why bbpress couldn’t work on a subdirectory set up like this.


    In reply to: En español


    Despues de hacer esto;

    define(‘BBLANG’, ‘/wp-includes/languages/’);es BBLANGDIR

    He copiado un .mo del bbpress en el .mo del wordpress y no traduce. Supongo que habrá que hacer algo tambien con el archivo .po que viene aparejado. :(


    “Like medden said, presumably: gdr_config.php should be renamed config.php (and needs to start with <?php too).”

    -> I made all the corrections before trying ; renaming gdr_config.php, adding <?php and changing gif extensions.

    The plugin works fine but when you acces the admin control panel displays this error;

    Warning: include(my-plugins/ranks/config.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in wordpressbbpressmy-pluginsdisplay-rank-images.php on line 43

    More people having the same problem here ->

    but I thought it would be better to follow the original thread here :)

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