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  • talbina

    Sorry i meant

    Trent Adams
    Member is the hosted blog service of wordpress. Go to to search




    No offence to the people. But i just went on the support forum and searched for ‘CMS’ and almost everyone there has a lot of trouble making into a CMS.

    All the reply posts about CMS on there have all been just ‘advice’, no real action to build on.


    Can you please show me some websites that use WordPress, that are not blogs?

    Something with some functionality in them.




    Hello ck,

    thanks for the help.

    I keep on thinking that wordpress is a blog software, but i guess its just like any other CMS.

    Furthermore, what im trying to do now is reduce cost. That means, try to use the software that has the most features that i need already.

    BBpress already has categories (different job types) , posts (job posts) , users (companies) and avatars (for logos).

    Just way too confused for a person like me who doesnt know anything.


    If you are just making one locked post with no replies then WordPress will suit you better. Forums are best for users being able to start threads themselves. Blog-like CMS software is best for 1-to-many.

    The other benefit of WordPress is that you can have unlimited alias nicknames and anonymous self-posting with alias nicknames. So you could pretend to be “Microsoft” when you post and then later if Microsoft really becomes a client you can give them a true login with the real username.

    Last but not least wordpress has far more development and plugins and contributors than bbpress at this time. Something to consider for a commercial application.

    Trent Adams

    Ah….here! That would make sense for sure since even the forums are using a larger layout for posts! I will pass it along up the chain!



    In reply to: Punbb -> BBPress


    _ck_, there was no misconception – I tested bbPress thoroughly with MU before I decided it was the right move for us. I would expect any other user to do the same. And I’ll just chime in and say that the bbPress site and forums made it very clear to me before I began that bbPress and WordPress are two different applications and would need manual integration.

    Prior to bbPress, I tried integrating PunBB directly with our WordPress install, and while I wouldn’t call it difficult exactly, it was unnecessary: the features that separate PunBB from bbPress went largely unused by our community, so why not use forum software that uses a similar table structure, takes advantage of the wp_users table, and is supported by the same community of interested users that brought us WordPress?

    I’ll admit my needs are very specific, and that the alternative to using open source software is writing it myself, which means I can get pretty excited that bbPress ONLY requires a certain amount of integration. Also, as specific as my needs are, I posted the conversion script I used for the one or two other people who find themselves in the same position. I don’t know that it’s a common request, and I imagine that anyone who’s in the position of converting already has a bbPress install they’re happy with, whether it’s integrated with WordPress or not.

    Trent Adams

    It is related with Let me explain. Akismet keys are given from (free hosted blog service) and that key can be used with bbPress and the Akismet plugin for WordPress (downloaded from or with other blog softwares have the Akismet plugin.

    bbPress integration is dealt with here or in the forums and issues with your Akismet key are dealt with through the ‘feedback’ or ‘support’ tab in the forums.

    Hope that clears it up a little.



    In reply to: Punbb -> BBPress


    Ah I see. It’s the misconception that by name alone, that bbpress integrates easily/well with wordpress. You’ll find several experiences that it does not integrate easily or well by default. Between the nasty cookie issue and the even worse username issue, it makes no attempts on it’s own to integrate. You’ll need a few plugins and some trial and error with members.

    I’ll suggest again to the powers that be that an integration sub-forum might be a good idea to warn/help others. The mini-faq doesn’t begin to cover the issues.


    bbPress should be magic_quotes agnostic. I’ll do some tests to see If I can pin down the problem.

    Are you loading any other scripts at the same time (WordPress, anything else)? Any plugins?


    In reply to: Punbb -> BBPress


    _ck_ : Our PunBB forum dates from the inception of our site, and the nature of our community has sort of moved the interaction out of the forums and throughout the rest of the site. So I wanted to be able to incorporate our past discussions into the latest version of the site and have a little finer control over the data (relating archived forum discussions to archived blog entries and such). Since I am expecting that participation in the forums may continue shifting more toward the blog comments, I am trying to merge the old and the new and a PunBB -> bbPress -> WordPress path has fit perfectly so far.


    In the bbPress config.php file is the following

    You can get an Akismet key at


    I registered with and received an Akismet key, which I have put in the bbPress config.php

    I posted a question forum and discovered that there is a and a I have blog software, which is able to be customized.

    I then registered with forums.

    Is bbPress related with or


    bbPress’s auto-close tags is broken by default – though the code and filter is in there, it’s not passed correctly:

    add this to a plugin

    function force_balance_tags($text) {return balanceTags($text, true);}

    add_filter('pre_post', 'force_balance_tags');

    or if you don’t know how, use my tweaks plugin:



    I have some paid work that i want done, and what i see is people are told to post here . I was wondering how is the response with that, specifically to BBpress work.

    From speaking to people, i found that many people who work with wordpress have no idea about BBpress. Furthermore, there are very few links (or widely visible ones) from the and the websites. Maybe you should look into it and see if you want to market the product further. Thats just my advice here.

    Second of all, i just don’t understand what is the reason that BBpress (this site) doesn’t allow ads for paid work.





    I am not a developer and i dont know anything. Just wondering which software to use.

    Im wondering if the forum topics can be made to look like over here the “Search jobs by subject area” section?

    Also, are there really any limitations with what can be done with wordpress/BBpress ?




    At the top of the config.php files of bbPress and WordPress these values will be the same.


    // ** MySQL settings ** //

    define(‘BBDB_NAME’, ”); // The name of the database

    define(‘BBDB_USER’, ”); // Your MySQL username

    define(‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ”); // …and password

    define(‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); // 99% chance you won’t need to change this value

    Trent wrote:

    [For bbPress and WP to be integrated you have to configure your config.php before install to have your WP specific data in it (there is a portion near bottom) and then install bbPress in the same MySQL database regardless of where the physical files actually reside (your case /blog/ and /forum/).}

    // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress.

    // If you’re not, just leave it as it is.

    $bb->wp_table_prefix = ‘wp_’; // WordPress table prefix. Example: ‘wp_’;

    $bb->wp_home = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: Blog address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    $bb->wp_siteurl = ‘;; // WordPress – Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // Example: ‘;

    /* Stop editing */

    I already have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog.

    Above, I put in examples of how to fill-in ‘examples’

    Apparently it would be wp_home =

    and wp_siteurl =

    Apparently, only the WordPress has to have the bottom portion filled-in?

    If this is correct then I would have to fill-in bottom portion of the WordPress config.php and FTP it before I reinstalled bbPress.

    [regardless of where the physical files actually reside]

    I was thinking of the physical storage of the files.

    [Does that make sense?]

    I think so.


    I have read through phpAdmin Quick Install at

    It reads Extract files

    Untar or unzip the distribution (be sure to unzip the subdirectories):

    tar -xzvf phpMyAdmin-2.*.*.*.tar.gz

    in your web server’s document root.

    When I login to my server using WinSCP to connect my server via SSH, there is a button with / to connect to the root directory. When I click the button it displays / <root>

    The documentation recommends phpMyAdmin should be installed in the root directory (document root).

    I already have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog, which isn’t a database nor is it my root directory (document root).

    WordPress is up and running.

    [Then just install your bbPRess in the same database as WP.]

    Where on my web server is the database you are referring?

    Are you referring to the database files portion of the bbPress and WordPress installation?

    [You can have the forum installed wherever, I was talking about having bbPress and WP in the same database.]

    I can have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named blog.

    I can have bbPress installed in my public_html directory in a folder named forum.

    I apologize for my confusion.


    [If you plan on integrating WP and bbPress, it is best to have a running copy of WP up and going.]

    I already have WordPress up and running.

    [Then just install your bbPRess in the same database as WP. WordPress will have the database prefix of wp_ and bbPress with bb_]

    I have WordPress installed in my public_html directory in a directory named blog

    Do you mean install bbPress in the blog directory?

    In other words, don’t create a separate directory forum to install bbPress?

    I think I want mywebsitedomainname/blog and mywebsitedomainname/forum to be separate urls

    But to integrate WordPress with bbPRess do they have to have the same url?


    On a separate note

    I should be able to use WinSCP to login to my server via SSH, then access my database with a MySQL login, then drop the bb_ tables from the failed bbPress install.

    I imagine this could be done through the WinSCP Console

    I realize the phpAdmin is a more user friendly interface than the WinSCP Console.

    I sent an e-mail to my web hosting support, but they haven’t responded.


    Topic: Punbb -> BBPress

    in forum Plugins

    I took Bruno Torres’ converter script as a foundation, and re-wrote it to work with the Punbb database architecture. Also, added in a tiny bit of string clean up, since Punbb allows foreign characters in the username field, and BBPress does not.

    Here’s the code to look at:

    And in a handy .zip for download:

    A few important notes, since this is NOT at all pretty –

    1) It uses a lot of memory, so make sure PHP has access to at least 16mb in php.ini. If I had more than 20 minutes to devote to this, I’d look into that and try to improve it, but hey.

    2) If you’re importing a lot of data, you may need to split up the resultant sql file into smaller files less than 2mb in size. Add this to the list of things I would automate if I needed to use this script more than once.

    3) I am using BBPress integrated with WPMU and included lines for importing into the WordPress user tables. After I noted and fixed the problem converting Punbb’s lax, apostrophe-laden usernames to nice and sanitary WP-friendly ones, the script ran like a charm. Seriously, if I’d known it would be this easy I would have done this six months ago.

    4) The forum-parent to forum relationship imported correctly into the database, but displayed a little funny, so I manually re-ordered the forum items in the database and massaged the template a little bit to recognize forum parents a little bit differently, more PunBB style.

    5) A clean WPMU and BBPress install is ideal, but I already had ten existing WP users, half of whom had a user account in the PunBB data I was merging. For such a small data set, it was very easy to manually correct this by deleting the PunBB users and making sure that the imported topics and posts for those users pointed to their current id.

    Hopefully this will be a good start for those of us looking to move existing PunBB forums to BBPress & WordPress. Good luck, and let me know if you use it!

    Trent Adams

    You will be able to find a link to the plugin off this page:

    It is really easy to install. Just read the readme.txt that is included for directions. If you plan on integrating WP and bbPress, it is best to have a running copy of WP up and going. Then just install your bbPRess in the same database as WP. WordPress will have the database prefix of wp_ and bbPress with bb_

    If you have WP running, just install bbPress in the same database.



    Hi Trent:

    [You don’t have WP installed somewhere do you?]

    Actually, I installed WordPress blog 2.2 first. It installed on the first try.

    I have WordPress 2.2 installed in my public_html directory.

    I haven’t customized or begun blogging with WordPress blog 2.2 yet.

    I decided to use bbPress for my forum Discussion software, but the install failed.

    I want to set it up and implement it first.

    [There is a plugin that adds the newest phpMyAdmin as an admin page for WP. Lifesaver for me since I don’t like logging into my host admin and then phpMyAdmin and then working. I just login to WP and do what I want.]

    What is the plugin?

    Where is the plugin download?

    Is it tricky installing the phpMyAdmin plugin?

    If I go this route do I have to or should I integrate WordPress 2.2 with bbPress?



    Topic: Attchment Uploader

    in forum Plugins

    Hey guys,

    wordpress already has an attchment uploader, doesn’t it? is there a chance to build a plug-in for bbpress using that code?




    Prototype is being phased out in both wp and bb I think, in favour for jQuery (18 kB).

    I really like Ajax. o/ Where in bb is it being used where it’s not needed? If you’ve got a better implementation, make it and submit on trac (or just propose on trac).


    Apparently WordPress allows dots (periods) in usernames as well?! (it did at some point, not sure if it still does but I have users with nicknames like that)

    So I had to modify this plugin with a dot

    return preg_replace('/[^ ta-z0-9_.-]/i', '', str_replace("%20"," ",$raw));

    apparently php is very sensitive as to what order the pattern is in, that dot has to be right there in the sequence or it throws a shedload of errors.

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