it could be a theme or plugin issue
As a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwenty, and see if this fixes.
If that doesn’t work, also deactivate all plugins apart from bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.
If you cannot do this to your site (say because it is live) then use the ‘troubleshooting’ features of this plugin to let you test without affecting other users
Health Check & Troubleshooting
Then come back
Hi @carlviggo,
I’ve been using this on
WP QuickLaTeX
It’s not perfect and it’s not clear how well it’s being maintained. But it’s still working for us, so far. Let me know if you find anything better. It also might be possible just to include MathJax directly on your site, although I haven’t figured out how to do that myself.
WP Mail SMTP doesn’t chnage how bbress sends – ie it will still be
from the noreply@
to the noreply@
and then bcc in the users
but it can improve the delivery by making the emails better authenticated.
BUT if your email system doesn’t have an email set up in it of noreply@ then emails may still be rejected.
so there are lots of stages (email is a right pain)
leaving your WordPress site
arriving and leaving your email server (some email servers will not allow multiple BCCs or BCC’s above a number eg say more than 20 )
leaving your email server in DNS settings (you might need things like DMARC set to prevent spoofing)
even after all that, your recipients email systems may reject or mark as spam. so emails to say gmail users may get rejected as they don’t like something, whilst say hotmail might be fine with them.
You could write a degree course in understanding email systems !!
This is related to your wordpress theme (template file). Select a full-width theme template file in your forum settings. If you are displaying your forums via shortcode, the shorcode can be placed on full-width page.
Hi there.
This is about my login page here:
I’m using WordPress 6.1.1, Elementor Pro 3.11.3 with Hello Elementor theme,
BBPress version 2.6.9, bbp style pack 5.3.6,
I’m using LoginPress but that was installed after the issue described below was already present.
Underneath the captcha and above the blue Login button is an extra button I want to remove. It says “Log in or sign up” but the button just redirects to the login page itself.
When I inspect the page in Chrome it tells me the element might be div.bbp-button-wrapper or button.bsp-register.
Do you know how I can find out where this button is being invoked so I can remove it from the code? I am not an expert web developer and I cannot solve this issue on my own.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
No. because you tested also Asyncronous plugin and it does not use bcc.
You can try to use another method to send emails. For example, You can try sending emails via this plugin:
WP Mail SMTP by WPForms – The Most Popular SMTP and Email Log Plugin
in effect they are one and the same thing.
bbpress just uses the wordpress user with an additional role.
If you want to prevent users from accessing the forum but still have site access you can use the ‘blocked’ role or set ‘no role’ and/or not set a default role in dashboard>settings>forums
If you delete a user in bbPress, does the WordPress user get deleted as well?
If you install this additional plugin, the fix is automatically applied
bbp style pack
It’s a bug since bbpress version 2.6.8. And it’s not fixed in 2.6.9
if you are seeing emails, I suspect the problem is downstream from your site, and that spam detectors in the various mail providers are seeing emails with lots of bcc’s as spam.
I would first see that emails are being sent by using
Check & Log Email
and setting it up to log emails
You can then see what is being sent.
If emails are going, then you might need to change the ‘from’ email address that bbpress uses to a real one on your domain, or by setting up the ‘noreply@’ email as a real one on your domain, you hoster will help you here if you don’t know how to do that.
Finally you could use this plugin :
AsynCRONous bbPress Subscriptions
to send the emails one at a time. Whilst old it still works fine.
I am customizing my bbPress installation and I have encountered an issue where there are two rectangles to the left and under-neath a user’s avatar on a post that appear to be misaligned. When I inspect element they appear to be bbp-reply-author or bbp-author-link, I can’t find where to edit this in css or in the bbpress functions. Does anyone know where I can look to fix this?
My theme is a modified version of Seedlet and I am using the latest bbPress and WordPress versions.
Here is a screen grab highlighting the issue:
View post on
Hi, new to BBpress.
I’ve noticed that there aren’t a lot of options regrading the customization of the forum, at least on the front end and you need to install additional plugins if you want to get more functionality or make things simpler to customize.
My question is, are there any plugins that allow me to have features that are commonplace in other forum software, like who is online at the bottom, different icons for new/unread forums/posts.
Essentially, I want to know what plugins are pretty much must haves for BBpress, I already have the BB style pack plugin which has helped immensely, but it’s still not enough. If there’s a tutorial out there to get all of the customization I’m after than I’d highly appreciate the help as well.
I am using the latest version of wordpress and BBpress.
The forum in question:
Thanks in advance
Sidebar is related to your wordpress theme (template file). Select a full-width theme template file in your forum settings. If you are displaying your forums via shortcode, the shorcode can be placed on full-with pages.
Diana, maybe this link helps you.
In bbpress, topics and replies are kept in wp_posts table, so the above SQL statement lists all users with no replies and no topics. The second part of the statement checks the wp_comments table. Since if a user has no replies & topics in the forum but has a wordpress comment, the user will not be listed, and vice versa.
Please first also check your table prefix, the SQL statement is for: wp_
If you still have problems, you can contact me via
the ability to report posts is in this additional plugin
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation
the ability to report posts is in this additional plugin
bbp style pack
once activated go to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack>Moderation
Hi sorry, need to clarify a bit….
bbpress.php does render sidebar for forum/topic pages. However the widgets (eg, forums/topics information) that I initially put on the sidebar no longer be visualized.
For WordPress normal page setting, if I change template from default template (page.php) to Magbook Template (magbook-template.php), the targeted page becomes full width, that is why I thought that magbook-template.php is a full width template. Maybe I am wrong.
Hope this would help.
Twenty Twenty-Three theme is one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
bbp style pack
once activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display
Hi there! I’m trying to set up a bbPress forum on my WordPress staging site (not live yet, still currently hosted on the WordPress server). I installed bbPress version Version 2.6.9, not sure what WordPress version I’m using but I just set up the site in the past two months. I’m using the Twenty Twenty-Three theme.
I’ve done the initial bbPress setup steps (install and then create a forum and a topic), but I keep getting a blank page when I go to my /forums/ page or or my /jelp/ page (that’s the name of the forum). I’ve deactivated as many plugins as I can, and also cleared my cache, but still getting the same issue. I also went into WP-CONFIG and changed the memory limit to 256M.
I’ve started a WP DEBUG log, and I see this message: “PHP Deprecated: A deprecated web fonts array structure passed to wp_register_webfonts(). Variations must be grouped and keyed by their font family. in /wordpress/plugins/gutenberg/15.0.1/lib/experimental/class-wp-webfonts.php on line 160” — but I’m not sure what to do about it. I did deactivate Gutenberg just to see if it helps, but still nothing.
If it’s worth mentioning, I was also trying the ForumWP plugin previously and getting the same blank screen issue. I’ve since deactivated and deleted ForumWP.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you!
Is it the default WordPress registration, or do you have a plugin for user registration?
Inline image WordPress plugin has a free version.
Inline Image Upload for BBPress
I’d suspect That you are using one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
Install this additional plugin
bbp style pack
once activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display